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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Hi gsleeve!! Welcome to VST!! :-) Please click this link for instructions on how to add a ticker. Please PM me if you need help. Help topics: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=core&module=help Fixing your Setting (including signatures): http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=core&module=help&do=01&HID=2 tickerfactory website (use bbCode): http://tickerfactory.com/ezticker/ticker_designer.php
  2. Those are soft Proteins, but since you are only 5 weeks out I say it's fair you are still eating those. It's good to be careful around this timeframe. You may not yet be ready for dense proteins. You might do better with measuring your portions. Maybe measure out half cup portion instead of eating the whole cup if you feel you are eating too much. OUr tummies are very small and you will feel satisfied with that. Also, adding in the veggies will help a lot! They are packed with nutrients and the calories are very low. I think your hunger does stem from not taking PPI's. I would definitely ask about that. All the best!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Woohooo one more pound Mini!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    A few more issues

    I'm very sorry this free website is not to your liking. I personally have been posting at another website with the exact same functionality and have not had much issue with it. I'll be very happy to help anyone more if they have any further questions, via PM.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    A few more issues

    It shows both. I'm only trying to help...
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    A few more issues

    You have to wait for it to appear. It isn't there off the bat. When doing this look toward the right of the subject line. If you move your mouse off it will disappear.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    A few more issues

    If you click the tiny box right in front of the link that gets you to the thread, it will take you to the last viewed post, since you were in the thread. Much like it was in the old format. That has not changed. If it is not doing this, it will need to be fixed by Admin. It should work this way.
  8. vickie, you must not compare yourself to others. This will lead you nowhere except down a negative path. There will *ALWAYS* be someone who will lose faster than you. There are stallers out there who aren't that crazy to post it too. So mostly you will see everyone's great successes. Do not worry, it will work itself out. Besides if you are 3 weeks out, that is the most notorious week for stalls and gains. It will come back off and then some, promise!!! Eureka, the whole TOM thing was something I was going to look out for too. I've been through 3 now since surgery, and each time I just go through a weeklong stall. I do not gain, if any no more than a pound. It's pretty nice!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I being too sensitve?

    Well, its true they were being ridiculous... people usually feel they can make arses of themselves when they have the shield of anonymity. However, no I don't think you should cancel your trip at all. Why would you let those numbskulls affect your fun?? Don't let them...
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    1st goal reached!

    HOORAYYY!!!!!!! Welcome to Twoterville!!!! :waytogo:
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    How much do you eat 17 weeks post surgery?

    IMO, you should not be able to eat that much at all. I think you need to seek a second opinion and get a barium to see the size of your stomach. Sooner rather than later too. Believe I, I KNOW what it's like to have WLS and it not to work like advertised. Hugs to you!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    I didn't feel you were being argumentative in any way. Your question is a valid one. However, I've been here before, and I know that I need to be especially careful with snack type foods. When I'm only supposed to be eating around 40-50 and 60 max grams of carbs per day, even the smallest amount adds up fast. However, nuts, seeds and Beans or worth the trade. Thanks for the websites!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Ok, I LOVE nuts, seeds and Beans. However, I do know they can pack a bit of a punch whereas carbs are concerned. I have decided that from until New Year's Day I'm going to go SUPER LOW carbs. I'm only allowing myself the Hi Fiber Quaker oatmeal, Fiber One Bars (Once a Day only - and Only one choice.) and cheese & green veggies. These will be my only carbohydrate exceptions. NOTHING ELSE!!! I'm doing this because I am super scared of Thanksgiving and Christmas and every single day in between. This is the time of year where people actually create songs about sugar and plums dancing in our heads... it's just the way it is. I can't do this though, I'm really trying as hard as I can to make sure I stay away from this stuff until I reach goal. I'm not going to deprive myself forever, just until I get to a size/weight where I'm happy with myself and comfortable... and most of all healthy. I am notorious for if I give myself an inch... (oh one bite of pie won't hurt!!!) I will take 15 miles... (oh well it's Christmas... I'll get back on track later...) Anyway, on to the subject at hand. I'm wondering if I should allow myself Nuts Seeds and Beans. These can be a bit higher on the carbohydrate scale... however, they have their benefits too. They are higher in fiber (a huge plus for me), are full of Vitamins and healthy fats. I'm just looking for some feedback here. Should I open my shelf back up to these? What do you think?
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Blarg up 3 lbs?

    Your menu sounds exactly like mine DJ! LOL :-) I do add in some Protein shake though. I have a half one while taking my morning Vitamins, which is around 6am. Then I have Breakfast at 8am. Its usually either one packet of hi Fiber oatmeal or 2 scrambled eggs and one piece of sausage (usually 1x per week). Then at 11am its the hi fiber oatmeal if I had the eggs for breakfast, or I'll have about 2-3 oz of lean meat and a cheese stick, or something similar. Then at 2 pm I'll have my lo carb hi Protein Drink (110 cals), then dinner at home is usually 2-3 oz of lean meat and a serving of veggies. Snack is about 7pm and its a handful of nuts or 1-2 oz of Jerky. I've added these up before and its around 1000-1200 cals per day, depending on which order I eat this stuff.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Proud of myself

    Well done you!!! I go through this every time I hit the grocery store too. Though, I have to tell you... I get a small Wendy's chili for dinner every Tuesday. It just works out perfectly that way, and I've been losing fine. I order the small and just eat until I'm full, which has NEVER been a whole order. I even eat 4 crackers with it. It's a nice treat for me.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lowest weight in 8 years!

    Congrats to you!!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Disappointed but I live!

    Hugs your way!!! The road to surgery is always full of ups and downs. Just know that you are not alone in that. Make sure you call Monday to get on her and make sure "Vickie" does her job!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    None of your business

    This is a very touchy subject for many, and has been hashed over many times. It really boils down to several things. How your home life or social life is, and how sensitive you can be. I never considered myself to be the sensitive type of girl. I've always been tough, matter of fact kind of person... and have been able to withstand being bullied and ridiculed by certain adults as a child. This still holds true today - and it always will. I'm more of the type that if you try to P*** on my parade, I'll just smile and wish you a fine day. But, when I had the Lap-Band installed it was just a horse of a different color all together. I lost quickly in the beginning, and I told EVERYONE I had WLS. Well about 6-7 months in after losing nearly 60 Lbs post op, I started to gain all the weight back. I lost that 60 Lbs on willpower alone. Finally after trying so hard with no help whatsoever from my band I think I just gave up. I would try and try again to start losing again, but I think once I got to the point where I was already mentally jacked and upset, it just never happened. I'd gain 10, lose 8 then gain 15 back. This went on for several years!!! Then I could see all the eyes on me, questions... like "are you still trying to lose weight"??? Ha!!! This became a huge problem for me. It made me feel worse! It had nothing to do with the other person, it was all me. My confidence was pretty much non-existent. Gone!! So, when I finally decided to revise to a sleeve I pretty much just told everyone I'm having my band removed and left it at that. I tell everyone I'm on the Atkins diet - which is very true. I've always been active, and go for my daily walks during lunch. No one is thinking the wiser. If they suspect anything more than that, I haven't noticed. Everyone just tells me they notice my weight loss big time, I look great and to keep it up. They are genuinely happy for me. I simply don't think for one second I'll start gaining my weight back. My sleeve is doing EVERYTHING for me that my band was SUPPOSED to do. I'm doing great, and my confidence is sky high. I'm absolutely NOT doing this all on my own like I did with my band. I'm getting tremendous help from my tool. So that is NOT the reason I've decided not to tell most folks this time. I just want to do this for ME this time. I want to do this without feeling like I'm on display. I felt more judged with everyone knowing about my WLS than this time around without it (per the person who doesn't know I have a sleeve). I have told only my very closest friends or co-workers whom I know won't divulge my personal information - and of course most of my family. I will eventually tell all of them. I have a great family and all are always supportive and loving. However, whether or not I'll tell any joe schmoe who doesn't know me from Adam? I'll ponder that as time goes on. Frankly, it's none of their business.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Blarg up 3 lbs?

    DJackson, I wouldn't worry all that much. I was up a half pound the few days after Thanksgiving. It definitely was the Water retention from the Carbs in your side dishes and the Sodium from the Turkey. It's only one day, the main thing is to get back on track now. I agree that super low calories is not the way to go, at least not for myself. I'm eating around 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day - and I won't change that. I've lost 3 Lbs in the last 2 days, so I'm doing absolutely ok. My main problem right now is getting my workouts in, which so far this week I've been great. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think you'll be fine. Wait a week to hit the scale again, and in that time workout and eat right - and drink A LOT of water. You're scale will be nicer next time. Hugs!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    A successful journey so far!

    Thank you hope!!! I was modeling for my camera... I won't lie!! m2g, thank you so much! I don't mind you saying that at all. I really don't know why but I've ALWAYS been about 20-30 Lbs heavier than others that wear my size. I HATE it!!! I really can't say why that's the case. I guess I could lie about my weight and get away with it... I actually won one of those "guess your weight" things at an amusement park once. Haha A long time ago though when I didn't mind getting on a giant scale in front a massive crowd!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cross addiction post op?

    Jenn I know it!! I've got my savings up over 500 right now! I'm only barely over halfway to goal... and I CANT WAIT to get there and hit up Nordy's for some super cute designer jeans!!! Though my favorites have always been and always will be Levi's. They have always fit my shape the best. But I can get those from Kohl's and for super cheap. ;o)
  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    robo, I've pretty much been able to eat nuts since I was ok'd for solids at 6 weeks out. I could only eat a very tiny amount at first - but I can eat a full serving now. However that serving does get me full and I'm actually good to go for hours after. It's like a meal now. Susanne, nuts are a little high in carbs. However I do like that they are packed with other nutrients, so I think the benefits outweigh the negative hi carb. I am doing low carb while I'm in my losing phase. In essence, if I don't have the diet mentality I simply won't lose weight. Even though I have a sleeve doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want. The weight will stall or will not fall as fast as I'd like. Once I'm at goal I will let loose and eat more normally. Until then, yes I'm going to "diet".
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    It's ok ladies, we all need a day to re-coup. Our bodies need that too. My day off is this upcoming Friday - and I'm really looking forward to it. My muscles have been SCREAMING!! LOL It's ok though, because like I said - when I'm doing my walks... I will lose - and fast. I'm down 3 Lbs in 2 days!! I'm back in the 230's!! Who'd ever think that would be a good thing? Well I haven't seen those since 2008. Im very happy!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    I'm in the 230's now!!!! YEAH!!! This is working! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Chilo1.............216...................169..............154................15 Dansha...........220..................220...............195................25;) DJackson........246.................246...............220................26 Filosophia Scandinavia...205...205.............187...............17 (Will be sleeved on the 30th November) Fit ..................290.................250.8..............235.8............15 GayleSBennett ....232.................201................189...............11 Good Luck everyone! =) Juliarh............303.6.................247..............225................22 Kgremmy........225..................221..............199................22 (being sleeved 12/14/10) Labrys............238..................208.................193...............15 Laylasmojo......242.................200.6.............185.............15.6 LilMissDiva........247...............239.8.............226.8..........13 Lisalu..............210..................137..............130.................7 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................128.4..............125.............3.4 (Down 4.6 - This challenge is working!) Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........183.4............170...............13.4 (start NY on an even number!) Pumpkin97....220...................150...............143...............7 (this is my goal for Jan 1 2011) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................174..............164...............10 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13(being sleeved 12/6) livelovelaugh....236..................216................196...............20 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................131.4..............125.................6.4 (Down 1.6 - This challenge is working!) Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........183.4............170...............13.4 (start NY on an even number!) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................174..............164...............10 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13(being sleeved 12/6)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
