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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Discouraged

    (((((mini))))) Don't worry at all... it is only Water retention. Perhaps you ate something with more sodium than you realized. Flush it out, you will be back to normal for sure. You are an incredible inspiration here!! I know I always look to see your progress and how you're doing. Well, your scale is wearing the pants this week. Show him who's boss though!! Put him away for a week, flush flush flush - go low carbs for a few days and *bam* You will be wearing the pants again!! Hang in there lady! We still have 15 days to hit goal.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Smoothie... ok for full liquids, or more mushies?

    I think you might want to get your Surgeon's advice on this one. The only thing that concerns me is that bananas do have tiny little seeds in it. If you can hold off on this until you hit your mushies stage, you might be better off. It does sound delicious though!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Three months Post-Op

    chilo, I have to tell you lady - that of many here I really do appreciate your always positive outlook! You always stay the course and though (to some - not me!!) you might be considered a slow loser... but you're losing, darn-it!! Your ticker still moves and still gets a bit closer all the time. I have much to gain from you, so thank you sooo much! coops, my dear I think you are rockin and rollin! Don't feel down at all, you are doing fabulously. There are going to be some weeks that our scale is gonna be a stubborn guy, but I have a lot of experience with stubborn guys -- so bring it on!! From my Dear old Dad to my Hubby, and now the scale. NBD!! There are so many hidden treasure in our journey, we only need to be keen to notice! I get way more jazzed about the little things... though I hate considering them "little" because to me they are monumental. For instance, last night I actually ran (well, jogged anyway) on my treadmill for 20 minutes!! No way could I do that even last month! My knees are shot from all the damage and wear and tear from being morbidly obese for so long, but here I am taking that treadmill for a ride! S4M, yes stalls are the pitts!! But, IMO I only consider a true stall as staying at the same weight for 3 weeks or more. I have yet to do that since being sleeved. I know many here have, but only thing I can suggest is perhaps not weighing so much. Our bodies are going to go through it. I don't doubt I may have a bit of a stall like that sometime down the road. It may even be right now - but I do know that as long as I'm being honest with myself and doing all the right things, it really shouldn't happen. I have always lost like this in the past. I'm on a cycle and some times of the month I won't lose, some weeks will have big drops and some will be but a pound or two. That's fine too!! If one is enduring a true stall, go back and try on your largest pants... wow!! I'm sure that's what you'll be saying after... or perhaps list all the things you CAN do now versus what you couldn't pre-surgery. We have SO MUCH TO CELEBRATE!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    from lap band to sleeve

    Hi lara, welcome to the site!! I am a revision from band to sleeve. Best thing I've ever done for myself!! I had trouble with the whole insurance thing, and since I had gained back all of the weight I'd lost post band I didn't want to waste anymore time fighting it. I did self pay with Dr. Aceves on Sept. 15th. Again, BEST THING EVER! I didn't have much issue - my recovery wasn't that bad. I think I struggled more with fatigue than anything else. I think I still deal with that to an extent, but it's nothing as bad as it was for the first month. However, the results of the sleeve are pretty darn amazing. It has been for me everything that the band was promised, but never was. Good luck with your revision! Let us know how you're doing.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do you get get your Daily Fluids in?

    It is really hard to keep up with the Water, that's no lie. I had a great deal of difficulty with this for the first month. I think I still do, to this very day - and I'm 3 months out now. During the phase you are in I actually had to come up with new habits to remember to drink. Like, I'm sure there is a split second in between the calls - so when the new call is ringing, take a quick sip. That is how I do it here at work. I'm actually better now about getting all and more of my fluids in at work than anywhere else. Now I just have certain water bottles, that I must finish at certain times. Every morning while I'm getting ready for work, I drink up 20oz of water. It's like a part of my wardrobe. I really am not into flavored drinks, but I did find water extremely unappealing for the first few weeks after surgery. I really liked propel, it had a very light, sweet taste for me and was easier to get it down. HTH.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awww I somehow missed this post, so sorry about that! You look so awesome!!! Congratulations on the great boots - and new figure!! Also congrats on making the halfway mark! You are doing a super job lady!!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need advice

    ((((Sarah)))) I've battled eating disorders in the past too. Even bingeing is an eating disorder, so I've pretty much been on both sides of the spectrum. Vomiting is very dangerous for the sleeve, so I beg you to seek help ASAP. We are all here for you regardless, so please let us know how it goes when you tell her. Yes, getting professional help for eating disorders is a great idea too. I'm sure everything will turn out fine. You know there is a problem, that is the first step to recovery.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Hey great job 2b!! Congrats!! Chilo - it can be done, good luck!!! Myself, I'm going to work extremely hard to make my goal. I know I can do it if I'm super duper good - and that's exactly what the plan is. Super low carbs and doing my treadmill/elliptical mostly will knock it out. I can do this!!! Or I'll at least give it 100% and get close!! ;o)
  9. Sorry for the late thank you for saying happy birthday :) Ive been crazy busy!!! Hope your day is going good! :)

  10. So I hit my treadmill for 2.25 miles and jogged for about 20 minutes on it. It's been a VERY long time since I've done that. I'm only a bit sore in my lower thigh area so, not too bad. I'll do it again tonight. :)

  11. I've had some really good news that not so much "news" anymore. Been super busy and haven't had time to mention it - but here it is: At my last Dr's Appt, my PCP was beside herself with my new self. She also told me to STOP TAKING MY HBP MEDS!!! Granted, I didn't stop my HCTZ but I am now allowed to no longer take my Norvasc. She did just say Norvasc so that's why I'm still taking my water pills. GOOOO MEE!! :)) Haaa!!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Three months Post-Op

    a.walker - I used to get in the self doubt mode too many times for me to hash over. It did nothing for me except swallow me up in a deep dark hole. Once I crawled my way back out, I was already back up so much it just felt impossible to lose it again. I do not want to go there anymore!! I'm so thankful for my sleeve that it's like a little safety net. So when I do go through a week of not being in weight loss mode, I'm not stuck with having to lose 10 Lbs all over again. I can now just pick back up where I left off. It's fabulous!!! Thanks for the kind words!! Eureka, I'm glad that I was able to reach out. I really wrote that because I've been there SO MANY TIMES!! This time is different, and only because I choose for it to be so. Hugs. -----------------------------------
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Story of me! long...

    Hi determined, thanks for sharing your story with us!! It's always interesting to know where we have all been in our individual lives. You however, have come a very long way and I am super proud of you!! Keep up the good work and enjoy your successes so far!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Introducing me...

    Welcome Mona! I have no doubt at all that you will make your goal! The sleeve has worked some kind of miracle for me. I just keep losing and losing... I'm absolutely jazzed about it!!! All the best in the coming month!! Ask lots of questions and read read read! You will learn a great deal here.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    That is a GREAT compliment!!! You may not think that is a lot, but whatever the case it must be working great for you -- CONGRATS!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Coffee, anyone?

    I was only told to stop coffee before surgery because I would be without it for a few days - and the headaches are no fun. I didn't drink it again for a month I think. Not because I was told not to, but just because I didn't have the desire for it. I started back up again, but I only drink half-caff and not even the whole cup either. It wakes me up fine and then I'mdone. I do not get my stomach upset or anything.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Crazy Dreams??/

    LOL drys, that sounds like a pretty neat dream!! Actually I did have some really strange dreams too right after surgery. I think it's a mixture of anesthesia and all the other drugs you're taking straight out of the hospital. Mine lasted a few weeks, along with bouts of insomnia and too much sleep. It's worked out though and I sleep perfectly fine.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Awesome BBJ!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    WELCOME Cinderella!!! This boat moves FAST, so fasten your seatbelts!!!
  20. Kelli, thank you for checking in! I was thinking about you. I'm glad to hear the condition hasn't gotten worse, and if your Dr. says that's a good thing - then I'm sure that's the case. Being in a hospital bed all the time is no fun, so I'm sure it's making you feel sad and ready to get back to your normal life. I hope that will be very soon! Hang in there and know everyone here is rooting for you!!! Please let us know how you're doing! I know I'll be looking out for any updates. Hugs!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    strange tingling

    Hi Patti, this is the first time I've heard of this type of side effect. I agree with Tiff, it's probably best to seek medical advice. I hope someone can chime in and offer some help! Let us know how it turns out, and that you are O.K.
  22. It's back to life and back to reality! I sooo don't feel this Monday... LOL :) Oh well, ready or not - here it is!! All I can do is take it by the horns and bring it down!!

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Where my girls at???

    Hey Jilly, thanks for sharing your story! Also, I had no idea they had breast augmentation discussion boards. That is a fab idea, thanks again!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy birthday Irene!

    OMW I just saw this!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! You all are so sweet, a million thanks!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do you know if you're intolerant to milk, etc?

    Well, I certainly did not make up my story - and I've never had reactions to milk like that before. Also, I do not believe my stomach was thrown in the trash. I think that would be hazardous waste? There is enough room on this board for support of all surgeries listed as support here. I don't think it's necessary to vilify one to pump up another. I have not done so, and would appreciate none others do as well. Thank you.

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