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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Where my girls at???

    I bought the Lily of France bras that was suggested by Mini from Kohl's. They are great!! I also wear a 36D now... Fits perfect!!! From my larges a 44 to a 36... Wow!!! I never thought I'd fit this again... and I'm still a D!!! Whooo!!! Though they do still need some filler though, LOL! I guess I'm just not used to seeing them being smaller, but still a D!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    Yay!!! I started at needing to lose just under 72 Lbs - now I'm only Less than 36 to go!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm in the 60's whoo hoo!!!

    WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :bananahuge:
  4. It is very normal to see strange fluctuations in the first few weeks. Some of the broths or other things you are consuming could be a bit high in sodium, which will make you retain water.

    Also, your body is healing so it could come from swelling, or even from the IV fluids. It's not fat so no worries. The fluids will come off very fast too.

  5. Hellooo!!! Happy Monday everybody! My early morning workouts continue, still doing them!! I just did 30 on my spinner and later today I'll do a few miles on my treadmill and some strength training. :-)) I'm sooo happy I finally feel like I got my workout mojo back!!! Yeah!!!!!

  6. It's working, ITS WORKING!!!!! I just might might goal after all if I keep working hard!!! :-D

  7. Copied & Pasted from my other page: Whooott!! Did the elliptical!! I feel amayyyyyzing!! Later now I have a date with the Coach Factory. ;o) Oh and a date with the treadmill and some calisthenics :)

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Three months Post-Op

    Hello Friends! Today I am exactly 3 months out from surgery. I thought I’d write a little blurb (or maybe more… lol) to update how I’m doing. The numbers are, I am down 35 Lbs since surgery and I’m down 44 since starting my pre-operative diet. I am averaging 2.92 Lbs per week right now. Not nearly as fast as most here, but guess what? I am absolutely happy where I am today, and I haven’t felt this thin and energetic in many years!! I just want to get into a few things at this time, because it is something that means a great deal to me. That is the inner peace I feel for myself, and I want everyone to feel this way about themselves as well. This past week has been a big struggle for me. My husband and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary on the 9th and my 37th Birthday was on the 12th. I had some confections during this time and as a result (along with it being TOM) I did not lose any weight this whole week. However, this is nothing different that what I’ve experienced every TOM since having surgery. I find that I’m much weaker to giving in to temptations during this particular week, and of course I wasn’t able to again. How do I feel about this? Well, considering I have been excellent all day so far today, I still feel really good about myself. I CANNOT nor will I beat myself up over this. What I will do though, is do what I can. That being, I will do 5 days of super low carb to fight that demon and work myself back to weight loss form. The ONLY thing beating myself up over it will do is put me down a spiral of self hatred, and once again on the path to being the old FAT me. I never want to be there again, EVER!!! I refuse to allow myself to dredge over living my life! So I had some cake on my birthday and enjoyed some sweet treats during my favorite week. So the heck what? So I didn’t lose a single ounce last week… oh well. I’ll tell you WHY I will not let that make me feel like a failure. Simply because the very week before, I lost 6 POUNDS!!! Because, the few months before this I lost almost 30 Lbs too!! I will now and ALWAYS Celebrate every single pound that I lose. I don’t care how long it takes me, so long as I’m doing it. I am not in a race with anyone here, and as far as I know we are all jogging along side one another and patting each other on the back for all our accomplishments. Time will pass and the weight will drop. So long as I’m doing the right thing majority of the time. Especially recognizing when I am allowing too many bad foods in my diet and correcting it, the weight WILL COME OFF!! Besides, I do find that I lose much more quickly when I break up the monotony. If I eat the same exact amount of calories day in and day out, my body WILL start burning those calories accordingly. I’m absolutely positive that I will have an amazing drop this week. My body has no clue what’s coming. *wink* Anyway, call me “Pollyanna” or whatever you want. But, you will NEVER hear me say I “ONLY” lost this much or I STILL need to lose that much. My glass is ever half full, and one day it will runneth over (though I consider it to already!!). You will never hear me ask someone what I’m doing wrong, because as long as the scale is going down, I’m NOT doing a darn thing wrong. I won’t let my self worth be associated to what my scale says (or rather what it doesn’t say, IMO). I started at 330 Lbs for crying out loud!! Granted this was many years ago, but so what? I was STILL 330 Lbs, Size 28W and 3X tops, and I did lose every single one of those pounds. I’m also down to size 16M and Size L tops. Some pounds and sizes were gained and lost over and over again, but now – thanks to my sleeve and my new found love for myself, it will be down FOREVER!!! Onward and forward I go. I will get to goal… someday. When? I have not a clue, but now that I know WHAT I know, it will surely be sooner rather than later. I do enjoy a challenge however, so I will definitely still work with them. But… whether I make them or not is no matter. What DOES matter is that I continue to celebrate EVERY SINGLE POUND LOST as a pure success. I will never discount any of them or treat them poorly because they didn’t fall away as quickly as I thought would or should – or because someone else lost theirs faster than I did. That is THEIR journey, not mine.
  9. Copied & Pasted from my other page: Whooott!! Did the elliptical!! I feel amayyyyyzing!! Later now I have a date with the Coach Factory. ;o) Oh and a date with the treadmill and some calisthenics :)

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    When does the stitch line completely Heal?

    I haven't tried soda, which no big deal because I stopped drinking it over 6 years ago. Just something I decided to stop drinking. As for steak, I just finally decided to give it a try only 2 days ago. It was about 1.5 oz of London broil. It took me 30 minutes to eat that plus 2 stalks of asparagus. It's super filling and I had to eat it really slow. It was good though! I'm not big on steak however, so I don't see that it will be something I eat a lot, as I never did in the past. I have been eating ground beef though since about 7-8 weeks out. It has not given me much issue.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Three months Post-Op

    @Pam, you rock too sistah! This whole house rocks!!! @DJackson, thank you - I'm glad I found this place!! Everyone here is amazing and super supportive!! @Tiffy, thank you too amazing woman! You're blazing the trails here and are so helpful to those of us just starting out!! (((hugs)))
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 month post op pictures

    Congratulations lady!!! You look happy and very lovely!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Discouraged

    Hugs Mini! That plain stinks right there! I honestly have no clue why that's happening to you. Are you stressing over something? Stress can do crazy stuff to us. I honestly think you need to not weigh for at least a week. Try a new workout that includes some kind of meditation. Have you tried Yoga? I do a little of this on my Wii, but when I get to goal that is going to be my new workout of choice, going to real Yoga classes. Other than that, what Tiff mentioned is probably the case. When you're at goal you tend to fluctuate up and down depending on the week. It will be a good idea to not weigh every day anymore. It just adds more stress. :'( Anyway I wouldn't know a darn thing about that... I'm nowhere NEAR goal! I hope this helps!! Don't be upset - it's probably nothing.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    Lookin great lady!!!
  15. Today is my workout off day. TG because my muscles are aching (again...) but tomorrow its back to the grind!! I'm going to start adding in my early morning workouts. It usually always gets me started on the right foot. Yipeee!!!

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Hey SS'ers!! Hang in there y'all!! It was a very slow week for me - but I'm just going to have to kick it up a notch. No big thing!! M2, that sounded like you had a great time!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yay great job!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    When I hit goal, I'm going to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming... Then, I'll go on a super huge shopping spree!!! I'm literally going to shop till I drop. I'm already saving $$$ in my mad money account, and collecting lots of gift cards, and they will wait right along with me. Good luck with the Latino man. They are very special... I know that for a fact. Haaa!!!
  19. I felt the gas pains mostly in my upper back. That lasted from day 2 through about a weeks time. It really didn't last too long. I didn't really feel "bloated" from what I can remember for more than a few days. Walking as much as you can helps with most of that, so anytime you can - get up and move about. It will help a lot. I didn't really take any type of heavy medication. It was more like a sublingual ibuprofen. That seemed to help a good deal. Then, when I got home I took Rapid Blast Tylenol and that seemed to do the trick. I did pretty much need the pain medications up to about week 2 constantly, because I can be a big baby when I'm in pain or sore... LOL
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Eve of My Sleeve

    CONGRATULATIONS LILA!! Wow, you're already up and bouncing around - posting!! That is fabulous, I'm so glad to hear everything went well. Get some rest lady, take care of yourself and be sure to sip sip sip!!! Post here when you're tired of laying in bed. Hugs!!! WELCOME TO THE LOSERS BENCH!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Three months Post-Op

    Heya Sleeve!! You are absolutely right! And you know, I did feel some guilt for enjoying that cake. Not to mention my stomach felt sick to my stomach... LOL, though that's another story! Still, I had to sit with myself, take a time out and realize that hey -- if I'm in this for the rest of my life, I've got to lighten up! I decided then and there, no guilt - just take it good and bad. The important thing is that I not allow that to derail me and flush me down that black hole. I just have to wake up the next day, own it and get right. Anyway, so far so good. It's been 2 days since I've been doing my get back on track regimen and It's going great! Thanks lady!! I needed that.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hmmm... I think then maybe your problem is that you're allowing yourself to eat with too much time. Maybe you should set a timer or clock watch while you're eating. Say, if whatever you haven't finished in 30 minutes gets tossed. I do understand that is a really hard habit to break. We get to thinking about wasting food or the millions of kids starving in China. But, you have to overcome that. I know I sure can eat a lot more if I didn't stop at my pre-measured tiny portions. I do follow the 30 minute rule too. I learned this while being banded so I really don't even think about it anymore, but should be a standard for anyone with WLS. Also, set mini goals for yourself. Sometimes its easier to see the forest for the trees, know what I mean? I do about 20-25 Lbs goals and watching my little shark swim quickly accross the Water really helps to keep me motivated. Also once I get into Onederland I'll shorten up those goals into 10-15 Lbs. All the best to you, and I *know* you can pull it together and start up the weight loss again.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Discouraged

    Anytime Sister!! We'll get through this all together! *blush*
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need movie ideas

    Get Him to the Greek is a good one Step Brothers The Hangover Those types are my favorites. I'm a Comedy type person, and those are really good.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Nicki, Well, firstly if you discover how to lose 20 Lbs in 2 weeks, please definitely share it here!! I just want to lose 10... LOL Don't worry too much though, seriously. So, you're a slow loser... nothing wrong with that. You lost 40 LBS WOW!!! That's really great!! Only thing I can suggest to you is perhaps, start over. Go super low carbs for a few days and flush that Fluid out. You will lose fast that way. It will also curb that awful head hunger and urge to snack all the time. Hang in there, and definitely remain positive and appreciative to the pounds you have lost. The weight loss will return once you do those things. Include the workouts to add to the losses!! Good luck!

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