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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Merry Christmas to you too my friend!!! Yes! I'm already wanting to start a new challenge thread now, but nah... I'll wait. LOL!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    OMG I'm just...

    Awesome!!!! Just seeing that 2 in front of the BMI... has to be the BEST feeling!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Average weight loss

    I am a very streaky loser. TOM week is always a 0 Loss. The week after is usually about 1-2 Lbs Loss. 2 Weeks after is about 4-5 Lbs. Loss. Week 3 is about the same as week 2. Just something I've noticed as I've just gone through my 3rd month sleeved. Of course this can always change over time. Everyone's journey is going to be different than anyone else. One thing I notice in your reply is that you are curious if this is no different than regular diet and exercise. That's both a yes and a no. My weight loss is *always* optimal if I eat low carb and making sure I'm getting my workouts in. Especially walking... However, I'll tell you - without the sleeve I could eat 4 or 5 times more than I do now. Probably even more... so really that's its only function. To help me eat less and keep my hunger controlled - it will not do my treadmill for me nor will it keep certain foods from making my menu. Everything else is up to me alone. All the best to you. Everyday is a learning curve. We are all in this together! Keep reading up here and asking questions. I personally think you'll come to love your sleeve!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Almost TWO hours LATE...

    Congrats on your new sleeve and your new life!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Paul Wall (rapper) got the sleeve! . . .

    Oh yeah, I've seen those billboards down there. I mean they seriously are EVERYWHERE.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Good Afternoon to all!!! I bet you thought I'd just let this thread die... ha!! NO way no how... I still have a goal to meet and there is no way I'm going to do this if I'm putting my wheels in motion! So, here is my January 2011 weekly workout schedule. I will do it!!! I will check in every day to, to let you all know its been done. So, is anyone still around? Mary? GG? It would be nice for you all to check in. We also need some folks to join in too. Working out will become a very big part of your new life of health!! Wishing everyone success and health! SATURDAY: Morning – 30 Minutes on Spinner Afternoon – 2.25 Miles on Treadmill Evening – Calisthenics, 30 Minutes SUNDAY: Morning – 30 Minutes on Elliptical Afternoon – 2.25 Miles on Treadmill Evening – Wii Fit, 30 Minutes Upper body strength training, 15 Minutes MONDAY: ~*~ OFF DAY, NO WORKOUTS ~*~ TUESDAY: Morning – 30 Minutes on Elliptical 7:00 am – Running Up Stairs 2 Flights (Work) 2:00 pm – Running Up Stairs 2 Flights (Work) Afternoon – Walking at work, TWO laps around Capitol Park – OR – Treadmill 2.25 miles Evening – Wii Fit, 30 Minutes Upper body strength training, 15 Minutes WEDNESDAY: Morning – 30 Minutes on Spinner 7:00 am – Running Up Stairs 2 Flights (Work) 2:00 pm – Running Up Stairs 2 Flights (Work) Afternoon – Walking at work, TWO laps around Capitol Park – OR – Treadmill 2.25 miles Evening – Calisthenics, 30 Minutes THURSDAY: Morning – 30 Minutes on Elliptical 7:00 am – Running Up Stairs 2 Flights (Work) 2:00 pm – Running Up Stairs 2 Flights (Work) Afternoon – Walking at work, TWO laps around Capitol Park – OR – Treadmill 2.25 miles Evening – Wii Fit, 30 Minutes Upper body strength training, 15 Minutes FRIDAY: ~*~ OFF DAY, NO WORKOUTS ~*~
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Yep, losing that pound really gave me a boost! It posted on Sunday, but wanted to wait until my Wednesday weigh in to record it. I've also noticed I'm stepping on the scale way too much! I know I stress more when I do that - and stress is not good for me when trying to lose. So... off the scale I stay until my Sunday weigh in with my Wii, and my official Wednesday weigh day! Hugs my friend!! :grouphug:
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    No kidding... Great job folks!!! I'm going to start a new goal thread when this one is complete... however I think I'll be a little more realistic with my goal!!! LOL I'm glad to see you're doing well too Mini!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    CONGRATS PATTIMOM!!! Sleeve, you are SO CLOSE!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Avilda .................270.............196..............184............12 (12-9-10 191 down 5) Back on track!!! BlackBerryJuice...........208...........155...........155..............0 (Dec. 19th goal - reached a week early!!!!) Brendasgonnalose 335......244.............235............4 ( 12-20-10 239 down 3) Chilo1.............216...................169..............154................15 (down to 160- so back to original goal of 154!!!)) Dansha...........220..................220...............195................25;) DJackson........246.................230...............220................10 Filosophia Scandinavia...205...205.............187...............17 (Will be sleeved on the 30th November) Fit ..................290.................250.8..............235.8............15 GayleSBennett ....232.................201................189...............11 Good Luck everyone! =) Juliarh............303.6.................236.6..............225................11.6 Kgremmy........225..................221..............199................22 (being sleeved 12/14/10) Labrys............238..................208.................193...............15 Laylasmojo......242.................200.6.............185.............15.6 LilMissDiva........247...............236.............226.8..........9.2 Lisalu..............210..................137..............130.................7 livelovelaugh....236..................216................196...............20 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................130.4..............125.............5.4 (Decided to be "real" and put the real number for today. Still discouraged, but not giving up!) Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........168.1............170...............-1.9 BELOW GOAL!!! Pumpkin97....220...................150...............143...............7 (this is my goal for Jan 1 2011) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................167..............164..............3 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13( made goal 8 days post op) NEW GOAL 185
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Awesome Julie!!!! Congrats girlie, you are truly inspiring!! Myself, I lost 1 Lb... not bad either, but I definitely know I can do much better. I know I might be eating too many calories, so I now have to start logging my intake. I really REALLY hate doing that!!! So, I'll get back on track quick. I also need to get on that treadmill more!! I hate walking outside in winter, it's either way too cold or it's raining. I only did the treadmill 2x last week. That is NOT okay. I should be on it at LEAST 5x per week. I swear, I DO NOT lose unless I'm walking. I can do the elliptical, spinner, calisthenics, toning etc every day - but it won't come off faster unless I'm walking. Why? Who the heck knows!! What I DO know though is that is a fact. I'm also coming up on the 2 weeks where I can lose big if I put my best face forward. That's me!! Christmas who? This girl is gonna celebrate the Holiday for what it is, not for all the strings attached!!!
  12. I am seriously in a very annoyed state right now. I'm going to go burn it off on my elliptical and cool down with some calisthenics. I hope I'll feel better after!!!

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pics - 2 Months Sleeved and Doing Well = X post

    Congratulations on your success so far!! You look really great, and most of all HAPPY!!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Resolutions!

    Well, I do admit I wrote that at work! I also like coops idea too... so be patient with others and be patient with myself too. Tadaa!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Resolutions!

    Wow, I just really haven't thought of one really... of course mine WAS always to lose weight. That's happening now, and even when I'm not trying - it's happening. Anyway, I'll say I will try not to become so hot headed all the time. I know that will be good for my health and blood pressure!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Should I call the Doc?

    Hello Mama, do not worry - things will get much better. Right now though your main focus really should be getting all your fluids in. Protein will come later when you can make sure you can get all your oz of Water in. You didn't make a mistake doing this, you did this to save yourself. It takes a very brave person to go through with something like this. I think you only need to give yourself some time, and be patient. I didn't start feeling normal again until about a month out. That probably seems worlds away at this point, however - it does go by very fast. I'm already working into my 3rd month being sleeved. It's best not to go down the negative road, it's hard to climb out of. Hang in there and just know, you are not alone!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    Sounds like you are doing relatively well! Keep up the good work, and I'm sure the other numbers will work themselves out in time.
  18. I'm feeling fabulous!! I didn't do my early morning workout today. My calendar said I get Monday mornings off and forgot. :) It's all good because I needed some extra sleep today. :)

  19. Hellooo!!! Happy Monday everybody! My early morning workouts continue, still doing them!! I just did 30 on my spinner and later today I'll do a few miles on my treadmill and some strength training. :-)) I'm sooo happy I finally feel like I got my workout mojo back!!! Yeah!!!!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ok here I go...me at 168

    You look GREAT!!!! You are totally adorable, and that sweater is nice too!!! Congratulations lady - you have done really REALLY well with your sleeve!! Keep rockin your tool, and keep smiling!!! Hugs
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ghrelin and sleep and heat regulation

    Wow, what a great interesting study... it is true that I am always *freezing*!!! Now. Prior to this surgery I was always warmer than anyone else around and I really hated long sleeve anything. Now I'm finding that I'm buying super thick sweaters and even wearing a long sleeve under shirts too. I'm always pulling them down as far to my hands as I can. I wear double socks now too and buy the boots with thick fur. I also must sleep with flannel sheets, the heater on AND an electric blanket. I just can't beat this cold!! I do also notice that I dream a lot too. I didn't used to dream as much as I do now. Though it does take me a bit more effort to actually wake up, but once I do I feel fine and my mind is sharp. It will be worth the read to see if more of us are like this. I've only lost about 40 lbs since surgery so I can't say the cold is really due to it to the extent I am cold - comparing to how I was before. I still also need to lose 80 Lbs so I have a fair amount of "insulation"... LOL
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am sleeved and alive!

    It really really does get better in time, promise!! Your main concern right now should be getting as much Water in as you can. If it helps, water down the Isopure. Isopure does count as a Fluid too, so that will help you when figuring out how much you're getting in. I'm only saying this because for me, the flavor of Isopure was a bit much for me right after surgery. I had to water down pretty much anything I was drinking. I liked it before surgery but straight after it was horrid. It's okay once again and I do drink it from time to time. It's all different now, and though I do have some instances where this is still true, for the most part I'm pretty much back to normal as in flavors. However, I have found that some things I've hated pre surgery I now love - and things I loved I really can't stomach them anymore. The things I've found I can't stomach are lots of Carbohydrates as they make my stomach feel yucky and nauseated, same with anything really oily. Anyway, that is something you will deal with down the road - you're still doing your clears. Just something to look forward to when you get there. Take it one day at a time. I pretty much struggled the entire first month. Some have shorter recoveries, some even longer - just know you aren't alone in this I think you're doing great!! Hugs to you, if you need anything let me know! I'm super happy for you and welcome to Sleevetown!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    loosing too much weight??

    Hi Dawn, wow!!! Isn't this a great problem to have? Who'd have imagined you'd need medications to raise your blood pressure??? I know my blood pressure has been EXCELLENT since being sleeved. I hear you on the cardio workouts. I lose big time when I'm doing them, and working hard to make a goal right now. When I'm not doing them at all though I notice my weight loss will slow or stop. I'm the type that will need to do them always during the weight loss phase. I'll just do more or less depending how fast I want to go. I just wanted to tell you, you are doing an amazing job!!!! Congrats so far and all the best as we all continue on our journey through the end!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 stone down pics!

    Wow 2Steps - CONGRATS TO YOU!!! You look great! I must also say how much happier you look too. I think the transformation us sleevers go through on the inside is even better than that on the outside. I wouldn't trade it for anything!! Well, maybe one thing - but that's about it!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Mexico or Bust!

    That is fabulous!!! Congrats to you on your success!! I can't see any photos - but I bet you look great Thank you for sharing your story, it is incredibly inpiring!!!

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