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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Sleeve Works

    Hi Nirguna, thanks for checking in! Wow that is amazing!!! Keep up the great job and you will be at goal in a blink of an eye!!! Happy Boxing Day!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ok here I go...me at 168

    I think pretty much most of my family know I had the surgery, however not everyone does. It does get a little weird not to say I had surgery, because I'm not really the type to do that. I just don't really tell anyone at work. They can be so judgemental and annoying!!! They hold no credence in my real day to day life, so if they don't know I don't care. It's ok though - when that time comes just be honest and tell them why you didn't say anything either. No worries, I'm sure they will all be happy for you regardless - BIG HUGS!!!
  3. My Christmas was GREAT!!! It was spent with all the people I love the most! :)) However, the only protein I had yesterday was a slice of ham and one BBQ meatball. So glad that's over now it's time to hit the elliptical and it's all super low carbs for a few days!! :)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Wow s4m you are really dropping right now!! You have a really good shot at PASSING your goal!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    18 more pounds to onederland!!!!

    It's ok y'all... I'm going to start up a new challenge for Valentines Day once our NYD challenge is up. I won't make my goal either, but I'm ok and I feel great and know I did really REALLY well. I'm actually feeling I'll end up closer than I ever imagined. I will however set a goal I know is VERY acheivable for VD.
  6. Amen and TOTALLY agree with Tiffy. Find another surgeon and ASAP!! Regarding your friend, well - to each his or her own, ya know? You don't have to listen to negativity either - so IMO just lay it on the line. If she is a true friend, she will support you no matter what...
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Introduction/Thank you

    Welcome Jessi!!! All the very best to you as you begin your journey. Keep reading around and just know that we will be here with the click of a mouse.
  8. Actually its funny you mention this, because for the last week or so I've been feeling sharp pains in my EX-port area too. It's a little scary because that is how it would be painful when my port was still there. I hated it, and it was one of the many reasons I hated my band and couldn't wait to have the darn thing taken out. However with the band it was constant and super annoying. This is only very random, few and far between - so it's livable. I hope it goes away, for both our sakes!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pain Pain Go Away!!

    ((((Hugs)))) You will feel better soon, promise. Vent here anytime, that's what we are all here for. Hang in there, and get as much rest as you can. Stay comfortable - this time is for your healing as well as well mental state. This surgery really can take a lot out of you, just continue to get well.
  10. Hey Lady!! Your new avatar is beautiful!!!! Congrats to you on being so successful!! :)

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    My 3 Months Post Pics

    THANK YOU EVERYONE!! XOXO Carrie, you know it girl! Soon, and I'm REALLY looking forward to it!!!! Lila, I draw inspiration from ALL of you!! We are all needing a little TLC sometimes, and I'm so thankful for this place - and all the wonderful folks who post here! NotFat - Sorry I know its a little confusing... I was 272 on Sleeve day and I'm 235 now so since sleeving I've lost 37. However at my very highest I've lost 94!! I'm very close to the Century club now...
  12. It's the *most* wonderful time of the year!!!! Merry Christmas to ALL and to your families!! Blessings :)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    What PPI are you taking?

    I take generic omeprazole (Prilosec). I've found works excellent for me. I'm always finding them on sale at Rite Aid, Walgreens or CVS. I got some the other day 42 pills for about 15 bucks plus a 5 dollars off coupon.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need New Boobies

    I think that since it's the breasts only it's probably ok to get them larger and not have to wait the year long period. I believe that rule mostly applies to tummy tucks, arm lifts - that sort of thing. I say make your appointment. You can always change your mind up to the point of surgery. Cheers on the new boobs!!! I'm going DD status too when I get mine.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    8 months post op

    Glad to hear you are doing well cwalker!! Congrats on your success so far!! thin, love the outlook - I totally agree with the goal thing. I just have one to keep me working toward something, but if I feel comfy at a higher weight and I'm good and healthy I may just take a low key approach then.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I love Christmas

    I'm so with you on this CandyGirl!! OMW we had a Nacho bar at work today... everything looked so amazing and smelled fantastic!! I had some meat, refried Beans, a tiny bit of nacho sauce and sour cream, green onions, tomatoes and olives. NO CHIPS!!! Ughhhh!!! Everyone had heaping huge plates full and I felt like such a ditz... but everyone knows I'm doing Protein only ( ) so I got away with it. LOL I really felt left out though, but I figure it will all be worth it when summer comes around and I'll be wearing tiny clothes and dressing to the 9's!!! It will be better I agree when everyone else is doing their little diets to get off the Holiday pounds. Can't wait.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Good News About Chat!

    Yayyy!!! I just saw it, THANK YOU!!!!
  18. Yay!! VST Chat is back!!! :-D

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Have a very Happy Holidays to ALL!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Happy Hanukkah!! Happy Kwanzaa!! Happy Boxing Day!! Happy Winter Solstice!! Whatever you are Celebrating, make the most of it! I personally intend to enjoy every second - and that being without junk food. I will have a great time being in the company of my loved ones. Nothing is better.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Yellow Brick Road to Weight Loss

    Welcome!!! I always love to see some new posters around, as our family grows we get ever tighter and tighter here I am also a revision from band to sleeve. If I had to go over it again, I never would have even given the band a second thought to be perfectly honest. It is much too easy to cheat and way to hard to lose with it. I never found the elusive "sweet spot" that so many rave about and ended up feeling defeated and like a total failure. Ever since being sleeved, and going in this with a whole different view than when I was banded, I know I'll be successful in the end! I'm not losing as fast as many here, but I Celebrate every pound and am enjoying the differences already! I'm fitting clothes I haven't fitted in since I was first banded, and now those same clothes are starting to fit a little loose!!! Yeah!!! Very soon I will be wearing clothes even smaller and I'm very close to my "Less than my lowest band weight" goal!! Enjoy your time here. Everyone is always very helpful and supportive. You will likely learn more here from those of us who are already sleeved, and many others here who are at goal, than you will from your own Doctor! That is because we are the ones going through the real experience. However, it is always best to follow your Surgeons advice if you are ever conflicted. All the best to you, and I believe you will do excellent!! I love my sleeve!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Have a very Happy Holidays to ALL!!!

    Yes, I'm a Christmas celebrater (is that even a word? LOL) as well! My brother and his Wife are hosting our Family dinner, so that's what we'll be doing this year. It will be great! On New Year we're cooking up our annual Black Eye Peas (yum!!) and some crab... (double yum!!) I've had all my shopping done since Black Friday pretty much, with the exception of a few extra gifts bought here and there, so I'm ready to party! We're going to have a wonderful time!!! My favorite times are just enjoying family time and being together. Mini, wow - that sounds delicious!! I just might have to make some and try a bite... hehe
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Hi Rizz! Yes, I *must* have it all mapped out. I notice that when I just leave it up to chance, I'll usually just not do it, or won't work as hard when I do. This keeps me motivated and doing what I'm supposed to. I also tweak it monthly so if I can do more, or longer I'm adding it. I post in on my wall in my workout room, and now I've decided to place a wall calendar next to it. I'm going to write on my calendar that I have done all my workouts - so I can look back and see my progress!! I also take all Holidays off, so I'll know if I have a free day coming up. Good luck!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene


    WOW!!!! You look amazing!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I sooo can't wait until I can take my AT GOAL pictures
  24. I am totally beside myself!! I logged all my food yesterday -- everything! I kept it pretty much the same as I eat every day and I was shocked to find out it came out to barely 1,000 calories. I guess I really don't eat as much as it seemed... I had to add in some food to bump it up just a bit since I workout a lot. It came out to 1,100... LOL

  25. Off to the treadmill I go!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
