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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Changing your life for health is not as simple as waking up and saying - today I'll do the right thing. It's waking up EVERY DAY and saying I'll do the right thing.

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    My 3 Months Post Pics

    Hey Everyone!! Well, it's been over three months since I revised from band to sleeve. I just thought it is time for a new set of pictures. I think it's a really good idea to keep record of how things are going and I prefer to do it about every month. I would say 10 Lbs, but ya know - with the sleeve that could be every 10 days! LOL So, the Brown sweater is me at my heaviest 330 The Pink Shirt is me at about 300 The Blue Dress is me gained all my weight back after being banded at 280 And The black shirts is me today at 235... Yippeeee!!! I feel AWESOME!! I'm rolling right along and I can't say that I've ever had more fun losing weight. This surgery was plain and simply a miracle for me in which I'm thankful DAILY that it was created. Also, thank you to everyone here for providing such an awesome place to share the good times and the not so good times. You all have been amazing to me, and watching you all melt away keeps me fighting to do the same. Hugs!!!!
  3. This new year will see so much from me. I WILL hit goal this year. I will stop being so distant from most of my family. I will start putting my good girl forward and being the best I can be!! That is NOT a New Year's Resolution, it is what WILL BE!!

  4. This new year will see so much from me. I WILL hit goal this year. I will stop being so distant from most of my family. I will start putting my good girl forward and being the best I can be!! That is NOT a New Year's Resolution, it is what WILL BE!!

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Waiting on Onederland!

    Aha!!! LOL -- Hey Pam, Dieters Tea tonight... you will get to onederland, promise!!! Haaaa!!
  6. Hi Firefly - congrats on your new sleeve!! Right now, just do the very best you can. It is going to be extremely difficult to get in all your targets. It will get much better and much easier in time, and soon you will see that you can get all of that and then some. I'm almost four months out and I can get in about 80g Protein and 80 oz Water. It does get better, hang in there!! Stay hydrated though, that is your #1 concern right now.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    64 oz water, really?

    I can only say that when I don't drink a minimum of 64 oz of water a day I am very sluggish and don't feel right. In fact I drink closer to 70-80 oz per day. My body will retain more water the less I drink. Not to mention water does carry out all the nasty toxins floating around in our bodies, and helps you stay "regular" too. There are only more benefits to drinking plenty of water that far outweigh the negatives of not doing it. I won't stop because of that article, however - I did like this one quote in it: Keep that in mind folks, simply because you are eating maybe a fourth of what you used to. It is best to keep up with drinking as much water as you possibly can. If you are wondering at all if this is the amount you should be drinking, please talk to your surgeon... I'm sure they know what's best for you.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    Yes I'm all for the summer as well Centrally located would be best I think... so not everyone will have to travel twice as far... if that makes sense. Texas sounds great Of course it gets hot in summer there too... Never been there though and have always wanted to go!!!
  9. LOL Tiffy!! You cracked me up with the "that's not supportive, apparently". Sometimes I feel like that too, but oh well! It is what it is. The truth shall set them free! Here's how I sum up the Ex bandsters... kinda like an ex smoker. The smell of cigarette smokes make them gag, and they can be really uber "Stop Smoking!!!" advocates. Well, for me - even the mention of lap-band gives me the creeps, and when someone here asks what should they get... you better believe I tell them NOT THE BAND!! I had some physical problems, not to mention I was able to gain all my weight back with it. I just don't see how that's even remotely possible with the sleeve. Not unless I've given a feeding tube with milkshake on permanent supply. Anyhow that would never work with me because I'm severly lactose intolerant since being sleeved... haaa!!! The VSG is EVERYTHING to me my band was promised to be but never was. Losing with the sleeve is FAR GREATER with ease than the band too. I would even go so far as to say, it is easier for me to lose weight alone than with the band. What kind of WLS is that? Why even get one if that's the case. I just don't get the whole "its safer because its totally reversible". Well yeah, but that's only half right. Any bandster is STILL altering their body and WHEN it's removed (because it will be removed eventually - I hardly believe anyone will still have the same one band 30 years down the line) it WILL leave some scarring or damage. I wish they'd just say it's totally removable. Then again sometimes thats not even true! I seen a story where some gal had her and removed but they could never completely remove the port because it had molded itself into her stomach wall so badly... so folks seriously need to think of these things with ANY surgery they get. There is NOT ONE WLS that is totally and completely reversible. None. Anyway, good question Becca!! And welcome to the revision world!! You WILL be MUCH happier.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    Thats actually not a bad idea. I live way in Cali though... it can be done however!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    My life changing year

    fabUlous!!!! Wow so amazing, and you have such a lovely face too!! You are smashing!! Oh for me to have tiny thighs like that... someday... LOL
  12. Myrori, congratulations!! I think the biggest hurdle we have to face is the new us. You will get there in time... as will I. It's not easy!! Be kind to yourself - and VERY proud of how far you have come!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 weeks.jpg

    Wow look at you!! Great job so far -- so pretty!!
  14. Whoaaa!!! I got a little overly hungry just now so I started inhaling my chili beans... ughh!! LOL Sometimes I have to be brought back into reality. :-D

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Looking forward to 2011

    You are starting out a new DECADE in the right mindset and the right track!! Good luck to you, and most of all - take good care of yourself Welcome to the VST Family - and I look forward to hearing how you progress!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Waiting on Onederland!

    Well, we're already here... so I would say don't stress because that will keep your weight crazy. Other than that I usually bump up my calories a bit and drink plenty of Water. However I don't know how much help that would be in less than a day. So... just don't think about it for the rest of the day, go about it normally and see what tomorrow brings. Be proud of how far you've come already. Don't let the scale determine your success, especially if it's only one day. Happy New Year!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    And I am very glad to hear that. Soon, when you get to solids, enjoy your pizza. I do from time to time!
  18. Yay my body let go of some more weight to treat me this New Year's Eve!!! The extra calories, protein and workouts are making it happen :)

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    That's right!! We are all WILL DO's now. Happy New Year to you!
  20. Yay my body let go of some more weight to treat me this New Year's Eve!!! The extra calories, protein and workouts are making it happen :)

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Got Poop?

    I've never tried Miralax but I have heard it works well as kinda the Johnny on the Spot thing. However yes, start up on your daily fiber intake as best you can and you shouldn't experience this anymore. Hopefully anyway, as I'm not foolish enough to think this won't happen to anyone who really is still doing their daily fiber!!!
  22. I became extremely lactose intolerant after surgery too. I now use Lactaid Milk, which I just started using. I'm making my own home made Protein shakes with it. It takes even BETTER than the pre-made ones. Buy some hi protein powders made with Egg Proteins, such as unjury and use Lactaid as the liquid. It also adds more protein to the total. Right now your sleeve is still considered new. You just have to do the best you can and be patient with yourself. Try drinking your PPI with a warm liquid first thing apon waking up, which is what I do. I am extremely tight when I first wake up - and this helps to loosen things and it doesn't hurt as much after. It takes about an hour, but once that's up I'm fine. Also keep in mind, you will never again to be able to even touch apon the amount of food you once ate. You probably are able to eat what any normal human really should eat per serving now, but just aren't used to seeing it that way yet. I'm just lucky in that I had a Lap-Band before and I'm more use to seeing my portions smaller. I've been seeing small portions now for years and really is no big deal to me. I even eat MUCH less than now than when I was banded. Anyhow, my mind is easily wrapped around my tiny portions than someone coming into this right off the bat. You have to really keep up with your vitamins and nutrition. It is very important. Once you get some lab work from your Dr's and they tell you what you are lacking (because I'm sure you're lacking something), go to any drug store and start taking your supplements ASAP. Healthier options for Protein drinks also add lots of nutrients as well will the Lactaid milk. This is something that needs to be worked on from the inside out. I've dealt with some pretty serious eating disorders pretty much my entire life. You may need to go seek some professional mental help for this. 300 Calories per day on purpose because you're afraid of "getting fat" is very classic sign of anorexia. You may not even be getting that many calories even. It doesn't get any better unless you tackle it head on. I feel for you and know what that's like, please trust me. Hang in there, and I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Listen to your Dr's and take their advice very seriously. You didn't have this surgery to just go from one eating disorder to another. Neither are good for your body or your mental health!! Hugs to you!
  23. Until you purposefully and SUCCESSFULLY get through the tough times, you cannot truly appreciate the good times. :) Blessings to all - and be safe this New Years Day!!

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    NSV x2, hopefully not TMI

    Wow what a great story!! Also... what a way to be forced to buy some scrubs that fit you. Good for you, you have come an incredibly long way!!! The second NSV is great too!! It's nice to NOT be recognized!! (At least I guess so... LOL )
  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    What a great NSV!!! I bet you are just in heaven right now!!!

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