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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Wow fabulous post!! It definitely brought back many GREAT memories of my experience with Dr. Aceves, Dr. Campos and the rest of his fabulous team! I will also go with Dr. A's suggestion for plastics in Mexico. Besides have you seen those great looking ladies on the TV? They're really good about surgery there... LOL Just to clarify, I did have a spinal block with Dr. Aceves. Not sure why I would and others not... but I did. Would be a good question to ask Dr. A or Yolanda - or perhaps the Anesthesiologist, whoever here that might have that question, prior to being having surgery. Anyway, you will love you sleeve. Dr. A makes a great one, and it WILL do it's job. All the best as you continue to recover!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene


    When I reach little milestones or reach my mini goals, I just feel happy - I don't really have any kind of reward system in place I guess. I mean it's a really good idea, I just don't have anything really mapped out. I only have one major one when I reach goal, my plan is go on a crazy shopping spree... LOL That is much reward enough for me!! I'm already saving up for it here and there and have gotten a lot of gift cards for my birthday, christmas, anniversary... I'm ready and set for goal.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Average Weight???

    Wow that is a great website!!! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Ok so when I get home it's on the treadmill for me! Leslie Sansone, show me what u got... ;-)

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I made it to ONEDERLAND!!!!

    Send the request to lilmiss_sleeve_diva@yahoo.com - that should work.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Whoohoooo!!!! Way to go!!! Keep it up - wow, I so look forward to being able to do this myself. And you know it's working because you're feeling it! Are you taking before's and after's? You gotta do that, like those folks on the infomercial. The differences are so incredible!! Thank you for posting this, please keep checking in!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    Whoa I was just thinking about this too. Some of us DO do better with a more balanced diet. I have been known to be able to drop a lot of weight very fast. For some reason I'm just not doing it this time. I'm starting to wonder if I need to go back and start adding more healthy carbs back into the mix. I'm just not eating ANY really. I don't know why I've got it in my brain that I can't eat any carbs. I'm basically just eating my Hi Fiber oatmeal, veggies and cheese and that seems to be all the carbs I'm eating all day. So, I've decided to go back and add those good for you healthy carbs back in. Whole grain breads, Red Potatoes, Corn and Peas, good stuff like that. I know it will add to my energy and I'll be able to maintain my higher intensity workouts!! I guess I'm just one of those kinds that need this sort of stuff. There's no way I can over do it, there is only so much room in my stomach!! More like a couple bites... With that, today I need to flush. LOL!!!
  8. Today after work I stopped at Target and bought some new instructional workout DVD's. Leslie Sansone 3 Mile Walk and Jillians Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Getting ready to bump up the intensity!!!

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    What to eat before early morning workout???

    I do early morning workouts as well, and I actually do not eat anything prior to. I take my Omeprazole, drink some hot coffee for awhile and take my B-12 sublingual - then I start my workout. During my 30 minute session, I'll drink 20oz of Water. I actually CAN'T eat before working out. It makes me feel tired, so I'll workout first and then eat - or drink my Protein shake. I don't wait more than 30 minutes after though because it's optimal to get in hi-protein 30 minutes before or after a workout. After my evening workout I'll go straight to eating dinner, protein first, then veggies. I am seriously considering adding back in healthy Carbs. I always lose much faster when I do eat at least some carbs. I don't think I'm getting in enough seriously. That's another subject matter though!! Once I'm finish though I'll drink a Hi Protein Shake, take my Vitamins and Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. Yeah!! It makes me feel great.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    100 pounds lost

    Congratulations doeboy - for losing 100 lbs and especially for taking your life back!!! You look really great, healthy and most of all HAPPY!!! I'm only but a couple pounds away from hitting the Century Club and I can't wait! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!
  11. This deserves a Congratulations!! It's sooo difficult to see the differences in the mirror. However it worked in my favor as I was going up. I still saw that cute skinny girl. I never seen how truly fat I was. I guess that's why it was so easy to lie to myself and continue to get bigger and bigger. The pictures are another story though. I saw the fat there and I see the differences now. I like pictures a lot better that's for sure!!! Regarding the view of other obese people. I regrettably notice I do this too. I don't mean it in a bad way. I just want to reach out to them and shake them and say... hey... there IS hope for you!!! Especially when I see them eating so much food... Of course I would never, that would be terribly rude of me. But best be darned tootin I am thinking it...
  12. Hello Kya, welcome to your new journey! Ambien: I do not know - as I've never had to take it before. Hopefully someone will be able to chime in with that. I did have some regrets straight out of surgery, then decreasing wonderings up to a month out. However, now I'm absolutely over the MOON FOR MY SLEEVE!!! I have not a single solitary regret (anymore ) and I'm ever thankful the stars were aligned just right for me to have this done for myself. Yeah!!! My personal favorite chocolate flavored Protein supplement is definitely unjury. vanilla is pretty darned wonderful too. It's hardER to find a great tasting Vanilla supplement... In my world, they are by far the better tasting choice. I really love them and if it weren't for them I'd never have made it past the first month Post Op. My tastebuds acted up a lot post op and they were the only ones besides Bariatric fusion (Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - very good!!!) that I could get past my tastebuds. My Husband said all this before my band surgery - just being a guy. Guys can be a little insecure sometimes, and of course he loves me so he's going to feel this way. We worked through it and we are millions of times stronger today than we ever have been. I say just have a heart to heart with him and assure him that he's the man for you, no matter who you are on the outside. Your core will stay the same on the inside. I wish you the very best!! Keep us updated on how you're progressing!!
  13. I completely agree with you Tiffy, 100%!! I've never spent so much time reading and purchasing all the best types and forms of supplements in my life. However, with the time left over from not eating and money left over from less food and less prescriptions - I can do this for myself. I hope everyone takes this information and really does this for themselves. Also, I wanted to touch on our Surgeons not knowing everything. How true this is!! My band surgeon was the worst on this. He called the sleeve "Total Bullsh!t"!! Just like that, well I'm here to tell him he was "Oh so wrong". Anyway, that is why there are Surgeons and there are also Registered Dieticians and Nutritionists. Good luck everyone!
  14. Hi Sunflower, welcome to the forums!!

    The definitive answer to your question is there is no definitive answer. Most will have a few weeks of good loss, then stall out for a few more weeks. It sounds like you are perfectly normal and fall within those guidelines.

    Have patience with yourself and your sleeve. You will have to accept that most won't lose at a st...

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Staying Positive

    Positivity and Patience. Everyone needs this in the WLS world - both pre and post op! Good for you on taking it the right way. You will go far and you will be successful!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    8-1/2 mths postop from Sleeve

    Hi Dawn!! Welcome to VST!! I remember seeing your befores and afters at OH... you are really very inspirational, and I needed to see that at the very moment you posted them. I was having a bad moment - but you brought me out - and I'm sure you didn't even realize it. I hope you like it here!! To post pictures on this thread go to the "Use Full Editor" button and it will take you to a page where you can upload photos to your thread. At least until you can to to upload them to your profile... I know a lot of folks will be very inspired by your progress. Hugs!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I made it to ONEDERLAND!!!!

    Whoohoooo CONGRATS!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    @Daisy, hey girl - congrats on losing 4 Lbs!!! I'm very happy for you!! I hear you on the size and weight thing. To be honest a million lightyears ago when I was able to fit smaller normal clothes I weighed about 160-170. I thought I looked good - and even to this day when I look at those pictures I still think this is true. I may stick with the 154 though so that way if I do gain during the Holidays I won't get too fat for all my clothes. I really don't know though, because weight shifts, I'm older and sizes have changed over the years. I'll just take it one day and one pound and one size at a time. Good thing? It's coming off!!! @TexasT - I have seen those sizes at the larger size stores. I was a bit mystified by them. All I wanted to know was - what does 1 mean? What does 2 translate to? I mean no way I know that Size 2 at Lane Bryant is nowhere near Size 2 at any normal store. LOL I bought a size 3 by just picking it out figuring it might fit. I have no idea what size it really is - but I took them home and they fell off me. I guess I need to start trying clothes on or find a relevant size chart!! I like your stance on feeling good and being healthy. That's what I'm talking about! What size I am (Size etc.) or weight 150-160-170 etc... should it matter so much that I'm making myself stress so much? Or should I just lose weight - and when I think I'm done (regardless of size or weight) and simply go by how I feel and how healthy I am and then find that stopping point? Because my ULTIMATE goal is just that - to feel good about my size and health - and with that, I'll feel good about my weight.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    Love it (especially the hi-lited)!! These are the exact reason why I NEVER compare myself to anyone else. I know for a danged FACT that I will make goal - I don't need to feel like I'm in competition with anyone. I'm a winner in my world and nothing/nobody can take that away from me. Welcome to the slow losers club. It's just nice to know that there are others out there that are like each other. It does make the ride a little bit more comfy!! @coops, I'm glad you enjoyed your PB/toast. I've been loving PB lately - and even the chunky!! I have never in my entire life even thought about PB before. I do think they operate on the brain too with the sleeve...hee hee!! Also, I did lose .2 Lbs over the weekend. It's my TOM too (well it's almost done now TG!!!) so for me I was absolutely just ecstatic!!! I shrilled and my hubby was happy for me too. My pants I'm wearing right now (16W BTW) are super baggy on me... LOL He said I should wear some sweats underneath to keep warm bc I'm constantly complaining how cold I am. Now who'd have ever thought I could fit sweats underneath a pair of 16's??? It's been a long time coming, that's all I know!!! Oh, happy day.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    SN................Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.....Lbs to Goal Avilda...................275.................187..............177..............10 Cherice95405.......248...............177............164...............13 Coops ...............238................191.............177................14 Cwalker...............250.................180..............170..............10 Daisy....................237...................138.............130...............8 DJackson.............229.................229..............215.............14 HollyW.................259..................233............215..............18 Ibejjo...................249..................249............229................20 Juliarh...................230..................226..............215...........11 Kimmes................239..................222..............200............22 Kgremmy.............225.................210..............199..............11 Laylasmojo.........242.................180...............170..............10 LeslieH..................212..................212.............199..............13 LilMissDiva...........235..............233.8.............220.............13.8 Meriteri................240...................187.............170...............17 MichelleLee..........252..................225................199..............26 MINI-Me...............203..................124.6............125..............0 & holding! Mommy2Girls.......275.................240..............228..............12 Moniluv.................190.................190..............178..............12 MRSKOUBIK........317..................283.............267..............16 pattimomof3nj......203.4..............167.1..........155...........12.1 Sailorgirl.................240.................220..............200..........20 Secret Surgery34..........205.........179............165...........14 Sleeve 4 me.........166..................165.............156..............9 Sweatinitout..........245................170..............160...............10 Yolanda240...........236.................203..............170..............33 PlannerGirl………..…327…..……..…..275……..……..255…………..20 mlr777...........200.8...........174.6............160.............14.6 tlang262 - Texas.....240.......240..............230...............10 ------------------------------------------------------ I lost .2 Lbs over the weekend, and I'm taking it!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    oK i don't think you're giving yourself enough credit here Miss Coops!! You LOST A POUND during TOM... that is really amazing. Seriously. You will be down in a couple of days for sure.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    Woohooooo!!!!! Isn't that like an 8 or 10 here in US??? CONGRATS LADY!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    Good job!! Sorry but I wasn't perfect - but that's ok. It's so hard for me around this time. Like I said earlier though, it IS happening You're doing fabulous and you WILL have a drop soon!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    Firstly, CONGRATS to you on your 50 gone FOREVER!!! Next - I don't know, I'm always drinking my 64 oz and most of the time its up to 80 oz or more of water per day. I really am not sure if drinking more helps ME or not (besides just plain feeling good)... Maybe I'm just a weirdo!! I'm only ASSuming that tho...
  25. I posted this in a thread on VST - just wanted to share with everyone!! :-) "I haven't lost weight in a few weeks now - and I'm not lying, my body feels like it has shrunk A LOT!!! Sometimes I'll look at myself (like my butt or whatever) and I don't even recognize it's me in the mirror (nice NSV!!) My pants (sizes 16M now) are getting saggy bottom, fitting very loose in the waist and my XL shirts are TOO BIG...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
