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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    The discourse/converstion on this forum

    I loved your post. This is a very good thread. It's nice to see folks can have an intelligent conversation without flaming. I think the major problem is this website has an incredible amount of posters, from all over the Globe. There are bound to be issues pop up daily. There is sure to be some people who do not use their language and demeanor wisely. I've been posting on very busy forums with many different personalities for at least 10 years now. I'd say the biggest reward I've received from this experience is that, you aren't always going to agree with what everyone says. If you don't like it, it's probably best not even to respond, if you cannot respond in a diplomatic and intelligent tone. Things can and will spin out of control quickly. All the best to everyone here.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve stretch?

    In a seminar hosted by Dr. Cirangle, he said the sleeve will stretch from about 3 oz to 6 oz at its max. He said its like a leather wallet. At first its flat and tight, after years of being filled with this and that it tends to stretch out some, but not a whole lot. He said it's because the part of the stomach that is not excised is the more muscular part - not the stretchy part. I thought that was an interesting way of looking at it. Whether it's from fluids or food, I do believe it will stretch - just not a lot.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    You don't need to lose weight...

  4. Trying to find helpful hints on boosting my metabolism...

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    the epiphany

    I'm glad you found the sleeve before jumping into the other two! I had the band -- needless to say I've had it removed and now am a sleever. NEVER BEEN HAPPIER!!! Good luck to you!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve and PMS.

    Same exact results for me too. My cramping isn't as bad though either. I cannot complain at all. I've never been able to maintain during this time. I'd usually go up 3-5 Lbs - sometimes even more during my PMS/Pd. So, LG!!! I do truly love my sleeve. Too bad I'm already married.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery in Mexico

    Heya Rootman, I had surgery in MX as well - Dr. Aceves in Sept. I was supposed to have a 3 month check in but I never made it. The weather was worse and more dangerous than I like to I decided to put it off. I am going though at the top of March. Then I will still go back again for my one year check in, in Sept. My PCP however has agreed to keep up with my panels and weigh ins. I've been her patient for many years and she really likes to look out for me, so she does this for me. Is this something you can mention to yours? Would he/she be willing to keep an eye on your panels until you can have your sleeve checked by your surgeon? Just a thought - it's working out for me pretty well. Either way, I'm wishing it all works out for you!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Super sleeve poster child

    Hey Melli that is pretty fantastic!!!! You really ARE a poster gal for your surgery!!! Congrats on all your success - you deserve to lead the pack!!!
  9. Hello CBL, I am so sorry to hear about this!! Wow, I've actually never seen this before - and I'm a little bit dismayed to hear it. However, all I can suggest is that you begin to follow their recommendations to the "T" so they can move you along faster. I can tell you, you don't need sodas in any way shape or form. They are filled with awful things and give our bodies nothing we need. It will only serve you in a positive way to not drink them. I agree with Tij, you should get in contact with them and ask them to spell out exactly what they are looking for, so that way there is no mistaking what they want from you. Let us know how you're going, this is a bumpy road but I know anyone can overcome!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve and Loose Skin

    Hey Elyse, Wow!!!!! You are doing extremely well for being pre-Op!!! Definitely keep up the pace, it just gets you closer to goal and then less to lose after you have surgery. You will be happy you did this because you will lose fast for the first week or two post op. Anything you lose now is just icing!! The loose skin issue is going to be different for everyone. However you do have some good factors in your corner. You are very young firstly - and you are toning up which should really help out too. I personally think you will do fine. I do have a little bit of skin, but honestly I can't say it's so much that it bothers me a whole lot. I know I will wait 2 years post goal weight to see how much the skin snaps back before making any major decisions. I will get the augmentation though! That I won't wait for! But that's just me being vain... which is fine too... LOL!! All the best to you on your new journey!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Operation New Leaf

    The what if's have always been an issue for me, you certainly aren't alone in those feelings. I'm losing pretty good, and I still get those what if feelings. I hate it!! What if... this is all the weight I lose and I *still* don't get below even my lowest lap band weight? Crazy stuff... I mean, I have to get lower - as long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do!! The sodium thing is a big one. Having too much will have you holding your fluids and make your scale say ugly things to you. Doing low sodium can't hurt... Good luck to you!! I think you're on the right track.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Months Post Op -- So far so good!!!

    @oops - thanks darlin'!! I LOVE YOUR NEW PIC BTW!!! @Susanne - you crack me up!!! :lol: You are right though, I need to relax a little bit and just let the magic happen - for it IS happening!! Yay!!! @ALily - thank youuuuu!!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    going in this morning

    Yay glad to hear it!!! Rest up and get well soon - hugs!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    @iegal - wow!!! You have done pretty amazing for being a lightweight!! Awesome congrats to you! It will be a good day when you can post you've hit your goal Also, I do like how you mentioned you enjoy looking in the mirror - and absolutely, there IS nothing wrong with that! We have to celebrate our hard work and our awesome results!! @Julie, great week for you as always!! Keep it up - you are getting small!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I haven't lost any weight since the last time I got on the scale two days ago, so my weight lost for this week was 5 Lbs.. but heck!!! 5 Lbs is AWESOME!!! I do get some good weeks in there from time to time. I think my plan is working. I do think it needs some minor tweaking - not that I think I need to lose faster - just that I need something that I know I can maintain for the duration. I need to re-do my workout schedule to include at least 2 weeks where I'm having 2 days rest off in a row. My body type is one that I build muscle very easily. I really don't want to be muscle bound (LOL!!) so I have to do little things that prevent too much muscle gain. So week 1 will be 6 days workout with my off day being Friday, then week 2 will be 5 days workout, with my days off being Thursday, Friday. I have done this in the past and has worked extremely well for me. I bought this program that provides healthy eating to certain body types as well. I do know my body type and it appears that eating red meats, beef or pork provide too much bulky protein to my muscles and assist them in getting bigger too. This has always been something I needed to watch out for. I'm just a bigger girl when it comes to muscular frame. No problem, I actually like my frame - it just needs to be handled in a certain way or I'll start looking like those crazy buff body builder chicks!! Anyway the program I believe can work as long as I'm working it. It does say though that I should really limit my fruit intake for my body type, but whole grains are essential for my metabolism. I knew this could be true but never could put two and two together - so I know they are on to something. We'll see how it goes!! I'll just be happy from here on out to be losing 2-3 Lbs per week constantly (like Cherise!!) but I guess I'll just have to take what I can get and keep doing the right things. Ok, I'm glad I was able to post this week... haaa!!! See you all again soon!
  15. Aww thank you for the sweet comment!!! :-)

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    It's strange...

    Hey coops!! Great thread lady!! I can feel your beams of sunshine way over here in Cali!! Keep em coming because I love the warmth. I love how you can jog for 40 minutes straight!! So are you working on the 5k?? Yeahhhhh!!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    More NSV's!!!

    Yayyyy Sarah!!!!!! You are doing such an amazing job - when I see how much you've lost in such a short time, my eyes just bug out... LOL Keep it up, and thank you so much for sharing all of your successes with us. I love it!!!! Your journey is going well, here's to the other half!!! WORK IT!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    O... M... W... WOWWWW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You really seriously have lost pretty fast there lady! You may not think so but I do!! You look so great - I bet you feel amazing!! Cheers!! And here's to your finish line!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Honestly thinking this through

    Short Answer: Yes I could lose the weight on my own, then bank those M's. Long Answer: Then I would take those M's and get me a VSG so I can KEEP IT OFF!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Scale Recommendation

    I think ThatDudesMom and I must have the same exact scale. It's pretty accurate too because it lines up well with my Wii and what I weigh at my Dr's office. My Dr's office has the same kind of scale that Sr. Sleever mentioned. It doesn't have any of that fancy stuff like weighted fat % or that kinda stuff. Just weighs me, which is fine. I got mine at Target. I don't remember what I paid but I know it wasn't more than $30 -- good luck!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve date 4/26/11

    Yay it will go really fast! Make sure you are all ready and you have everything you need. See this thread - its a list of things you might consider for your surgery and after. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/10081-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-surgery-thread/ Wishing you all the best!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    going in this morning

    Hey Kim and Sandy, it's the first day of the rest of your lives!! I hope everything went smooth and that you will be back up and at em sooner than expected. Check in and let us know how you're doing!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Could use a little encouragement

    Hi PlannerGirl, I'm so sorry to hear your going through a rough time with your fibroid. Just trust in your Dr's that they know what needs to be done for you. Regardless you are really doing a great job with your weight loss. 36 Lbs in two months is really really very good!! Just try as best you can to stay positive and all other things will fall into place. I have you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us in the loop on how you're doing!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    I'm adding to my list. I'm going to go back to school to study to be a Bariatric Nutritionist or for those who are Super / Morbidly Obese. I will also have a side job as a Personal Trainer. Can't wait!!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    18 year old sleeve surgery

    You're right there aren't too many your age who post here. Try this forum: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/31-teens/ Maybe make a post and see if anyone replies... hopefully some will! It's nice to find people who are similar in what we are going through, it makes the journey more fulfilling. To change your profile, click your drop down which is located at the top right of the screen (near your profile picture or where it's supposed to be). On the drop down click on "Settings". There will be many options for you to go through and change to your liking. I hope this helps.

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