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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. WTF... I was able to put my prom dress on and *almost* zip it all the way up??? You've got to be feakin kidding me! O.O

  2. WTF... I was able to put my prom dress on and *almost* zip it all the way up??? You've got to be feakin kidding me! O.O

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    Hey Brandy that is VERY doable!!! I was barely sleeved four months ago and I'm down from 22/24, 2x to now a 14/16, L Good luck!!
  4. To further avoid hijacking the thread, thought I'd come here and say thank you sweet lady!!!! LOL :-)

    Hows it going for you?

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm in the CENTURY CLUB!!!

    Thank you so much ladies!!! You all rock!!! :-) This sleeve thing is pretty darned amazing! It keeps me in line big time - and I'm sorta a wild one sometimes...
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    The good thing about being a slow loser

    You'll get em coops, no worries!! Saturday is still 2 days away. Your issue sounds almost like what I went through when I drank milk awhile back. I think us sleevers tummies are a little bit more sensitive than pre-sleeve. As far as it being full on dumping syndrome I don't know. Some say it is not because RNY pts get it from the rerouting of the intestine which we do not have. All I know is that one episode scared me from ever drinking milk again, and this includes ice cream. Can't be mad about not having ice cream ever again!! I haven't craved any in so long now...
  7. Soooo... I didn't really know what to wear today so I was going through all my tops this morning. I pulled out a cute peach shirt I bought and didnt try on before buying. When I tried to put it on at home it was way too tight in the arms. Well I tried it on again today, and I'm wearing it!! It's actually almost too big n baggy... LOL

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Months Post Op -- So far so good!!!

    Thank you!! I think my biggest accomplishment is figuring this thing out...
  9. Good Evening sleevers!!! Today I am exactly 4 months post op. I was sleeved by Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali Mexico and he took my lap band out at the same time. (Yeahhh!!!) Well my averages are slowing down but ya know... I'm still losing. I went through a pretty long stall, and maybe partially it was my own fault. I was grazing too much now I realize, as I've taken back up to logging my intake 100% of the time. I even log my supplements. Yes, I do. Maybe that is a little neurotic - but I had to do something. I needed to find out where I was missing and I'm glad to know where I was going wrong. I'm now eating anywhere from 900-1200 calories per day and doing 50% Protein, 25% Fats and 25% GOOD Carbs. NO MORE SNACKING BETWEEN MEALS, and everything that hits my lips is completely healthy and good for my body. I will continue with this regimen until I hit goal. It's so easy to fall off the right track, BUT the main thing is to realize it, pick back up and keep it moving!! On my workout days I add in one extra EAS CarbAdvantage Protein shake, and I'll allow one handfull of peanuts in the evening but that's it. I tried the sunflower seeds but I was blown away to find out it's got a lot of calories... LOL!! Good thing I was low on calories for that day. I won't do that again though. I love peanuts and I might try some pistachios too - however I'm at my limit for today, so maybe tomorrow. Also, I've taken on a new eating plan which gets me more veggies, fruits and whole grain power foods. I feel so wholesome right now. I have more energy right now than I think I've felt in my entire life!!! That is NO JOKE!!! I've been able to rock out my workouts like no one's business and I feel so incredible when they are over. :D I can tell my stamina in increasing every single day. I'M A HAPPY GIRL!!!! Anyway, my stall I do believe is over now that I've gotten myself back on track and revving like a sports car. My metabolism is through the roof - and I can tell this because I just feel it all over my body. My clothes suddenly feel like they are swimming on me. Soon I will not have any clothes left to wear... LOL And THAT is not a bad thing!!! Ok so, to finish as this is long enough I want to type out some NSV's that I've noticed up to this point. Pre-surgery - these were not even Considered!!! When I wake up in the morning and I flip my legs over the side of my bed I'm startled every time that these are actually my legs!!! They look like someone else's... haaa!! When I'm on my Spinner I can actually see parts of the bike seat as I'm riding it. Now that one was pretty cool. It's funny how you don't even realize how much room you take up until you don't take up much anymore. My Wedding Rings can literally fall off my hand without my help! My Size 6 is starting to get a little too loose for my liking even. I have bones in my hands and on my collar. Who knew? I do not wake up sore in the morning anymore from being so heavy it's hard to maneuver in my sleep. When I'm getting dressed in the morning and I'm picking out my clothes, I can hardly even believe I can fit the smaller sizes that I'm wearing now. Some are even getting baggy! Speaking of this, I'm wearing a pair of pajama pants that I couldn't even fit before surgery. I think they are ready to hit the Goodwill bag now because I can't even keep them on anymore. I can jog on my treadmill and NOT have sore knees during or after!!! I can jog a 5K now. I can move around in areas that are tight and I fit quite easily. Before I'd be afraid of bumping into people or furniture! I see a woman's shape when I look in the mirror getting dressed. I love this one!!! Here's a really big one: I have not needed to take any Aleve daily as I used to. I probably have used it once a day for a total of 5 days in the LAST MONTH!!! Whoohooo!!! Pain is going away!! My shoes are feeling really loose too. Hopefully I can even go down a size one day! People at work are already telling me I'm looking "thin"!! Wow, I feel so jazzed!! I still have a bit to go, but THAT is a huge motivator... I am feeling more like being social. For a minute I just was feeling really introverted. Not anymore!! I think that's enough for now. I'm sure I could go on all day with so many things. Life's Good!!! (LG!!!) Sorry for the no body shots, didn't have time - but I did try to get one of them where you can see to my middle. The Blue dress is me right before pre-op diet, the pink shirt is around 300 Lbs and the brown sweater is me at my heaviest. It's the only known photo of me at that size.
  10. Soooo... I didn't really know what to wear today so I was going through all my tops this morning. I pulled out a cute peach shirt I bought and didnt try on before buying. When I tried to put it on at home it was way too tight in the arms. Well I tried it on again today, and I'm wearing it!! It's actually almost too big n baggy... LOL

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    Hi Kaycol, glad you posted! For me, I've noticed that when I was much heavier, into the 24's and above - I would go up and down a size based on about 15-20 Lbs. Now in the smaller sizes I can go up and down based on 10-15 Lbs. I am 5'6 and I do believe height can play a role into this. I hope someone more closely matching your height can chime in.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    LMAO!!! Are you serious? That is so funny!! :lol:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 weeks, doc dissapointed in weight loss

    Only two things I'm wondering about your daily routine, what is your fat content on all that food you're eating? Also, is there any way you can change up your routine a little bit? I know our bodies get used to eating the same amount of calories day in and day out. You have to shake things up sometimes. Also, if it's recommended you might need to start pushing yourself more on your workouts. It's only when I do this that my weight starts dropping again. I personally don't think you are doing all that bad. It could be better - but then again it could ALWAYS be better!!! All the best to you. This is a lifetime journey and you will figure it out. Take your NUT appts to heart - especially if they are trained in bariatrics. They can be extremely helpful. They've always helped me a great deal in the past.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    So, how much can you eat??

    Sounds like DJackson and I both eat similarly and about the same amounts. My meals last anywhere from 20-30 minutes. It's usually enough to fill me and keep me for 3-4 hours.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    I do feel where you're coming from! I've been all kinds of sizes but I really loved how I looked in a 10/12 as well. This was back in the late 80's and early 90's though, so I just imagined its probably an 8 today. I'm just going to keep losing and when I feel comfy I'm going to stop. I really don't care what the scale says. I'm not even hating how I look right now!! I do want to work it down more though... But to be honest I know I'm much closer than what my ultimate ticker goal says. Are you sure we aren't related??? LOL
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    No more CPAP!

    That is excellent!!! I'm sure your test results will come back positive. Congrats on such a huge milestone.
  17. Ok, I have some big milestones I'm VERY close to - 2 Lbs to be less than my lowest band weight, 17 Lbs to weigh less than Hubby (yeah!!), and 30 Lbs to Onederland. I really would like some book, DVD, Articles that have some boosting your metabolism ideas... thanks!!!

  18. Hey girlie, thanks for the book suggestion!!! I'm going to look it up. :-)

  19. Thanks for the pix comment!!!! See you soon buddy!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today is the first day of my journey

    Welcome to VST and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!! March 14th will be here fast, so you will want to make sure you have everything you need for your surgery and shortly after. You will likely not feel like doing any shopping or pretty much a whole lot of anything while you're recuperating and tired/weak from surgery and doing only liquids. The Psych eval is helpful in determining whether or not your have a good foundation, good understanding of what you will be taking on, and good relationships as you will need support during and after your surgery. Most do fine, I wouldn't worry too much about this. Most of us are here due to an addiction to food. I am addicted to food. I am a recovering addict, and you can and will be as well. Our stomachs will only be able to hold so much. You will really need to dig deep inside to overcome this. The sleeve is only a tool, and used properly you will shed your weight like you never thought possible. If you abuse the tool, it will backfire. Just do the best you can, you are here for a reason and I know exactly what goes along with having eating issues. I work on mine every single day, and I will for the rest of my life. My experience was that I wasn't hungry at all after surgery. In fact I didn't even want to eat. I couldn't stand the sight or smell of food. I didn't miss it and thank goodness for this, I didn't have any awful head hunger while I was doing my post op diet. This isn't true for everyone though, so just know that there are many different possibilities post op. You can only find out when you get there. If you are one of the ones who experiences hunger post op, you must remember that you will be allowing your stomach to heal. Your staple line will not have scarred over and you CAN get food particles stuck in the staple line. You can seriously injure yourself, and you could possibly need surgery again to fix any damage you might have caused. You possibly could even cause a leak in your stomach. So, just be careful and follow your post op diet - not even to the best you can, you just have to do it for your health and safety. Once you are over your healing period and you are back to life as normal, you will sometimes even forget you had surgery. The weight will be flying off and life will just seemed brighter, more awesome, and things will be going well. No this isn't going to fix all your problems, but it will fix your obesity (as long as you stick to the plan) so IMO that fixed a lot of my anxieties. All the best to you. I'm sure you will do fine... stick around and read as much as you can here. Ask a million questions, for you are going to go through a huge change - you will want to be ready.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My first NSV

    A new shoe wardrobe? I think if anything would cause a lady to get the sleeve this would be at least top 5!! Congrats - that is a really good NSV!!! I haven't gone down in size per se. I used to need WW but that was before banding. But, I have noticed I have to tie my laces tighter these days. Getting smaller does work out well!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    The discourse/converstion on this forum

    Awww!! *blush* Thanks doll!! I guess I'm not doing too bad - it's working - or I'm working it - or both... ETA: And I'm working on my jogging again. I'm super happy!!! Thank you Humming
  23. Trying to find helpful hints on boosting my metabolism...

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    Uhmmm... you can't just come here, and say someone is a sex god without proof. I need pictures!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
