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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    SN................Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.....Lbs to Goal Avilda......................275.................187..............177..............10 BlackBerryJuice.........208..........149..............145..............4 Brendasgonnalose...335............233..............225..............8 bugwitch......................291...........291...............283..........8 Cherice95405.......248............... 177............ 164..............13 Chilo1.....................216................160...............154..............6 Cludgie................235................220...............209..............11 Coops ...................238................191...............177...............14 Cwalker.................250.................180..............170...............10 Daisy......................237.................138.............130...............8 DJackson..............229.................222..............215.............7 HollyW...................259..................233............215..............18 Ibejjo.....................249..................249............229................20 Juliarh...................230..................219..............215...........4 Kimmes................239..................222..............200............22 Kgremmy.............225.................210..............199..............11 Laylasmojo.........242.................180...............170..............10 LeslieH..................212..................212.............199..............13 LilMissDiva...........235................224.5.............220...............4.5 livelovelaugh.. ...236............ ....207........ .....189..............18 Mellifrits...............210.................132..............125..............07 Meriteri................240...................187.............170...............17 MichelleLee..........252..................222................199..............23 MINI-Me...............203..................124.6............125..............0 & holding! mlr777...........200.8...........174.6............160.............14.6 Mommy2Girls.......275.................240..............228..............12 Moniluv.................190.................190..............178..............12 MRSKOUBIK........317..................266.............255..............10 pattimomof3nj......203.4..............160.9..........155...........5.9 PlannerGirl………..…327…..……..…..266……..……..255…………..11 Sailorgirl.................240.................220..............200..........20 Secret Surgery34..........205.........174...........165...........9 Seniorsleever........290.................279.............260............19 Sleeve 4 me.........166..................162.............156...............6 Sweatinitout..........245................170..............160...............10 tlang262 - Texas.....240..............240..............230..............10 Yolanda240...........236.................203..............170..............33
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    ATTN: POST-OP PEEPS! list needed

    You're quite welcome. All the best!!! You'll do fantastic!
  4. Why can't I stay off the scale??? LOL!!! Oh well it was nice to me today anyhow. Down another 1.2 Lbs. I have to admit - it's keeping me super motivated right now. :-)

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 days post-op

    Yes if you didn't wean yourself off coffee pre surgery its most likely caffeine withdrawals - and/or anesthesia, medications wearing off. It could also be your going through sugar withdrawals too, if you didn't do much of a Pre-Op diet. Just a guess... I'm sure it will go away soon.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    One Year Out

    Heyyy Mini-YOU!!!!! Wow, thank you SO MUCH for writing that wonderful inspiring post!!!! You have really outshone lady - and I give my hats off to ya!!! I have no doubts whatsoever that you will maintain your itty bitty girlie figure - you're doing all the right things. Especially thank you for sticking around and cheering all of us on that are still on our journeys to a new, better, thinner and healthier us. :-) :cheer2: :drum: :grouphug: :target: :whoo: :bananahuge: :bananahuge: :bananahuge:
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I give up

    VSGirl, I am so deeply sorry and very troubled to see this. I do feel for you, for I endured a very similar experience with the surgeon who placed my lap band. Everything had to be my fault on why I stopped losing and especially when I'd gained my weight back. It's really hard having someone who is supposed to help you and guide you not do what they can to help you achieve your goals. That frankly is his job, not yours. You should never have to tell him what needs to be done, and I can see with you doing that it didn't work anyway. I agree with everyone else here, it's probably time to find someone else - if you can. I realize it's not always that easy... One thing I have to tell you is that you should never EVER give up!!! You ARE worth it always to give it another shot. You were brought into this world to make a difference somehow, and giving up is not going to achieve that. I never gave up, even though I went through years of torture - I found a way to make it work out for me - simply because I am worth it. We all are!!! We are here for you anytime, share with us your struggles, and if we are what you need to lean on, let us be it. Sometimes Dr.s are just that - scientists performing their duty. A lot will lack the bedside manner that is so necessary to help their patients succeed, especially in something like this. Let us know how you're doing, and please tell me you have decided against giving up. I really never like to hear anyone say that. It's not your fault, don't make it your fault. You deserve so much better.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I can see my belt!

    Ya know, one never realizes how much these things mean until it happens. Congratulations!!! Keep celebrating all the big wonders that go along with shedding the layers!!!
  9. Hey Lady!!! Happy Sleeversary tomorrow!!! Thanks for being such an inspiration! xx

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    New to site - Intro

    Hello Doucer, welcome to VST!!! Well let me be the first to tell you, you have definitely made the right choice in the sleeve! I truly love mine, and I don't regret it once single bit!! As far as the 6 month dietician appointments, I had to do them before my insurance approved my lap band. I lost a couple pounds at the most, and believe me I really did try to lose weight. It's not that easy without the help. The fact is though you do have to keep yourself from losing too much to get you in the unqualified area. Good luck!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting ready to go to the Hospital

    I hope all is well!!! Check in when you feel up to it - and Welcome to Sleeve land!!!
  12. Hi Heather, welcome to VST!!! Well, I have to tell you I'm one of the folk who was once Lap Banded and I had to have a second WLS to have it removed and start over again as I gained all my weight back. I was very disappointed in everything the Lap Band gave me as I got none of what was promised. So do... don't get me wrong - I was not one of them. I'm not sorry I went through with it though, because it gave me the courage to get what I really needed, and built a foundation to be successful with my sleeve. I was 283 Lbs when I was first banded. I got down to 227 Lbs 5 months later, but that only lasted a few days. So many things were going wrong I think I just didn't want to try much anymore. I lost majority of that weight in SPITE OF the Lap Band. Over time, I learned ways to get my calories in without having to vomit and slime everything back up. Of course this comes with a price - I ate all calorie dense type foods and of course this made me slowly gain all my weight back. Two years later I found myself back up to 281 Lbs. Only a tiny shift away from being back to my original surgery weight. My highest ever was 330 Lbs, and I swore to myself years ago that I'd never see a 3 in front of my weight again as long as I lived. I was getting very close to that again, so I knew it was time to swallow my pride. I kept my promise and did everything I had to, to revise to a surgery I'd been reading and researching about for well over a year at that point. Best. Thing. Ever. My Surgeon Dr. Aceves in Mexicali, Mx put me on a pre-op diet. I lost 9 Lbs pretty quickly. I went from 281 down to 272 on surgery day. I was actually pretty surprised to see this!! It was nice. Well, me today - I am 226 Lbs. I just surpassed my lowest ever Lap Band weight!!! I did it in a little over 4 months. Faster than my Lap Band!! The good thing is, it wasn't all me either. I've gotten such great help from my sleeve - I can't even begin to tell you how many times it has saved me from myself. I've never been happier or more sure the sleeve was the right decision for me. I don't want to keep this post going on forever, but I just get so passionate when it comes to Lap Band vs. Sleeve. There really is no comparison and the Sleeve rocks it big time!! I'd like to invite you to our Valentines Day Weight loss challenge. It's a few days before your deadline to schedule surgery. Maybe it will help to motivate you to lose those few pounds so you can get what you want!!! Good luck!!! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/11895-valentines-day-what-will-you-weigh/page__st__120
  13. Congratulations on your new tiny tummy!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    ATTN: POST-OP PEEPS! list needed

    Here is a link to a list: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/10081-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-surgery-thread/
  15. 9 lbs GONE FOREVER in 2 Weeks y'all!!! :-) I was feeling so sluggish yesterday and had baaaad cravings for sugar. More than I had in a very long time. Then I realized I ran out of my Dry Vit D, 5,000 IU over the weekend. I have some on order, but I think I'm going to run over to Rite Aid for my morning break... need it!!!

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Good morning fellow Septembarians... LOL Um yeah... @ Cherice, Rock ON!!!! Wow you are losing amazing stats every single week, especially for you being so close to goal!!! I hope that as time goes on and I'm getting better at doing what I know is best for my BOD I can keep up with ya!!! You're going to hit goal very soon - and we'll all be here to help you CELEBRATE!!! @ Meri, Welcome!!! I love to check in with all the folks who were sleeved around the same time as me. It really keeps me motivated, and hopefully it will do the same for you. Good luck!!! @ Julia, please don't worry about the scale. I'm very positive it's only Water. If you're doing the right things it can't be anything else. Maybe try bumping up your water intake? I've gone up to 100 oz per day on the days I do my workouts. I also drink lots of water during my workouts too. I want all those poofed out fat cells to go right down the tubes!!! LOL!!! Hugs - I know you'll post a very good week next week - you are amazing at what you do!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well for myself - I seem to lose really good right after weigh day but stall out for a few days until Wednesday. What kind of justice is that??? LOL No matter I'll take it. I'm also going to make sure I'm not weighing in more than twice per week again. I really try to follow this rule - but as I was approaching some really huge milestones I found myself getting a little bit obsessive with it. So, back under the bed the scale goes. Tataaa!! This week I am down to 226 Lbs - and officially official, I weigh less than I ever did with my Lap Band. LG!!! That's 9 Lbs in 2 weeks... yay!!! Last Week: 229.8 Lost from Last Week: -3.8 Lost from Surgery Day: -46 Lost from Pre Op Diet: -55 Lost from Highest Ever: -104 Pounds until my BIG GOAL: 72 I have a new Mini Goal in place!! That will be a fun one. My husband said he's going to let me pass him up (Yayyy!!!) then he's gonna get on the ball. He said he has to keep up with his young, fit Wife... Heee!! Good luck for next week all!!! I'm going to work hard and do my best to continue seeing a worthy loss every week.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    I think you're doing good, and shaking things up a bit to hopefully break a stall is the best thing (it's always worked for me). I hope it works out for you! You're very close to goal too, so I guess as they say it gets harder as you get closer. You'll get it!!! It's almost getting to be the warmer sunnier weather too, that always wakes me up from the long winters nap!!! Whoooottt!!
  18. Hi Lynn, welcome to VST!! Glad you could join in! I'm not sure I can answer your particular question regarding your Insurance, but I do hope someone out there on the boards can. We have many folks who have had their surgeries funded in many different ways. All the best to you on your journey! The sleeve is so worth the wait!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    New to this!!

    Hi Golfbuddy, Welcome to VST!!! Though I'm not sure about your particular Insurance Provider - and I do hope someone with CIGNA will chime in to help out, I just wanted to say I do hope it all works out. One thing I wanted to point out is you mentioned your Dr. had you on Meridia. Is there any way your PCP can pull up records with that? I would think that would be considered Medical proof for some amount of time you had tried to lose weight. Just a thought. Let us know how everything works out!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    So close I can smell it

    Yay Sarah!!! I don't think doing the 5 day pouch test will hurt your sleeve at all. It's actually just the Post Op diet crunched into 5 days instead of 4 weeks. You can do it!!! Let us know how it goes, and definitely let us know when you hit your halfway to goal, goal!!!
  21. So tomorrow is what supposed to be my official weigh day. I've been weighing daily for a few weeks now. It can get to be a bit of an addiction. After tomorrow, it's back to regular weigh ins!!! :-P

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Co worker 3 yrs out and looking great!

    What an excellent story!! Congrats to both of you, and thank you so much for sharing. It's nice to hear how folks futher on the line out are doing. Yay!!!! Two more for the success camp!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene


    Good luck! I've been working on my 5K as well. Like coops, I hope by the time the weather gets nice again I'll be fully able to do my jogs outside.
  24. So tomorrow is what supposed to be my official weigh day. I've been weighing daily for a few weeks now. It can get to be a bit of an addiction. After tomorrow, it's back to regular weigh ins!!! :-P

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Inspiration or Agitation

    @ natalie, that was a very good post! Thank you for opening this up to us, because I think there may be a lot more like us out there. The initial desire to want to help, but aggravation toward those that scoffed the surgery and then to make an about face simply because they don't want to be "fatter". Namaste!! @ thin - I too am going through this. I'm losing weight very rapidly and I don't think there is one person that knows me now that hasn't commented. They've all been kind, but they also seem to pat their bellies and say - "yeah I need to lose a few myself". I know of a few gals here who are taking action, but I just encourage them. I of course know what the outcome will be, but I don't say anything. Only 3 people here know I'm even sleeved.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
