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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Scale -- Uh Oh!

    You're a lot like me. Except that I don't change it immediately. I give myself a chance to get back down to the original weight so I don't have to feel bad about changing my tickers. It's actually a really good motivational tool for me, and I need all the tools I can get. I do keep accurate records in my spreadsheet just so I can keep an eye on historical data though. Regarding my ticker however, if I stay up at all for more than several weeks though I do change my ticker. Thank goodness for the sleeve, for I've never had to do this one time since my surgery!!! Before my sleeve was another story entirely!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    How does my full liquid diet look?

    Yep it's probably the potatoes. Those things will keep me from losing weight, even a few bites per day. That being russett potatoes, for some reason baby red potatoes don't do that to me. Corn also does this to me. It doesn't matter how few calories I take in, nor how many calories I burn off during my workouts. If I eat russett potatoes or corn, it halts it completely. Also, once upon a time someone here mentioned some type of low carb milk. I can't remember the name nor who mentioned it either. I never really searched it out because I'm severely lactose intolerant since being sleeved and couldn't have any anyway. I'm stuck with Lactaid, and don't really drink so much it's a problem for me. Maybe you can do some kind of search to find out about it? Hope this helps!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you still get hungry?

    I am on PPI - Omeprazole 20mg 1x per day (Generic Prilosec). I take it first thing in the morning and wait 20-30 minutes before even drinking coffee. I was originally prescribed with Nexium but that did absolutely nothing for me so I did some trials of others and have found that Omeprazole works excellently for me. The key is I think you have to give each trial *at least* 2 weeks to see how it will work for you. I do feel hunger pangs once in awhile, but they are very slight and not ever single time I know it's around feeding time. I've never gone a whole day without eating, but I have skipped meals before. Never breakfast - ever. I begin the day with a warmup then run on the treadmill, then I'll have half piece of fruit and a Protein shake while I'm getting ready for work. Then I'll eat a solid meal about 4 hours later which is around 8:30 am. Depending on what I eat for breakfast I usually forget to eat lunch. Sometimes not. If I eat all protein for breakfast I'll usually not really even think about lunch until it's too late. Then I just open a RTD Protein Shake and I'm usually ok until dinner time. But, if I eat more carby type foods for breakfast then I'm left feeling hungry around lunch hour. I've also noticed the more fiber I eat the less hungry I am as well. So these 2 food types help me feel less hungry: Proteins and Fiber. One other thing I've noticed is sometimes I'll feel hunger right around bed time. I take a few fiber choice chews, and recently from someone mentioning this here, I take an acid reducer. It's helped a lot. Good luck!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you still get hungry?

    Wow thanks for the fiber tip! I'm always looking for good alternatives. The fiber choice chews can get a bit boring sometimes, and the other fiber choices can usually carry too many calories.
  5. 4.2 Lbs to make my Valentines Day goal... 4 more weigh ins to get there. Can I make it? I'm sure gonna give it all I got!!! Whooohooo!!

  6. Wow!! You're doing amazing :) Keep up the good work.

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    That is so great congrats!!! I'm inching in on my hubby too - but he's trying to lose weight all of a sudden. I might just change my next mini goal to just be Onederland. Now all of a sudden since he hasn't eaten any junk food in a week he's lost 5 Lbs. Gahhh!!! If only it were that easy for me...
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Any regrets?

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Crazy Head Hunger

    That is great! Heck its got me wanting to try some anise seeds, and I don't even eat licorice hardly ever... LOL Someone should start a thread called: The many ways to spice up your Greek Yogurt. To date I've just neve been able to get into it - and sadly it would be so beneficial to me to eat it.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Any regrets?

    Months Sleeved: 5 Sizes I've lost: 4 Miles I can run now: 3 WLS I've had: 2 WLS I've hated: 1 Regrets: 0
  11. Hey Jess!! Welcome to VST!! :-)

  12. @ Chicadee, thank you so much I am even more happy today than I was when I posted this. I'm now almost 3 Lbs below my lowest band weight and I'm entering into my best 2 weeks of weight loss (historically speaking) that I usually have. Yay!!! @ Becca, that is so true!! I do thank so many here for keeping me on track. We have a really great group here and we not always agree (generally speaking, not you and I) our sleeves will always bind us!! Cheers!! @TexasT - Thank you so much!! It's such hard work, but no lie it's a LOT easier with the sleeve...
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow yes!! I see major differences. Congrats so far - you both are already doing so well.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Hey everyone, congrats on your losses! That is really great, as always! I lost .6 Lbs this week, so it's something. I'm coming on the better weeks of loss for me historically speaking so hopefully I can drop em big time. I've been working on my 5K, 5 times per week and eating really good so the weight has no where to go but *away*. See you all next time...
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    Okay so it looks like the majority who replied agree with the Easter challenge. I'll work on it soon. We still have a few days left on this one! Congrats to everyone who have already made their goals!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    That is awesome congrats Julia! SN................Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.....Lbs to Goal Avilda......................275..........187..............177..............10 BlackBerryJuice.........208..........149..............145................4 Brendasgonnalose...335............233..............225................8 bugwitch....................291..............286.4...........283..............3.4 Cherice95405..........248...........177............ 164...............13 Chilo1.....................216...........158.............154................4 Cludgie................235..............210...............209..............1 Coops ...................238...........185...............177..............8 Cwalker.................250...........180...............170...............10 Daisy......................237..........138...............130................8 DJackson..............229.............219..............215................4 HollyW...................259............214..............215..............0 Ibejjo.....................249...........249...............229.............20 Juliarh...................230............213.6..............215............-1.4 Kimmes................239.............197.8.............200..............-2.2 Kgremmy.............225.............210..............199...............11 Laylasmojo...........242............180...............170...............10 LeslieH.................212...........212................199..............13 LilMissDiva...........235............224.2.............220..............4.2 livelovelaugh.. ...236............ ..207........ .....189..............18 Mellifrits...............210............132..............125................07 Meriteri................240............187..............170...............17 MichelleLee..........252...........222................199...............23 MINI-Me...............203.............124.6...........125...............0 & holding! mlr777................200.8...........174.6...........160.............14.6 Mommy2Girls.......275...............240............228..............12 Moniluv.................190.............190...........178...............12 MRSKOUBIK...........317............266.............255..............10 pattimomof3nj......203.4...........160............155................5 PlannerGirl………..…327…..……..275…….........255………….....20 Sailorgirl................240............220.............200..............20 Secret Surgery34....205............174...........165................9 Seniorsleever........290.............279.............260..............19 Sleeve 4 me.........166...........161..........159....................2 Sweatinitout..........245............170.............160..............10 tlang262 - Texas.....240..........240..............230..............10 Yolanda240.....236.................191..............170..............21
  17. I'm just going to go through the motions today.

  18. Hey kim! Thanks for the add - message me if you need anything. :)

  19. Hey Getting Sleeved! Thanks for the add - message me if you need anything. :)

  20. Hey Chicadee! Thanks for the add - message me if you need anything. :)

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve X-ray after several years

    IMO that really isn't all that bad, especially compared to the picture posted by Tiffy. To me it just looks like a sausage rather than an earthworm. That I can live with. I can't eat very much right now and when I get to my personal goal - I'll want to be able to eat more to maintain. I think I'll do fine myself, even though I know I'm far from perfect where the food types I tend to eat is concerned. I do mostly eat healthy, good foods but there are times I do like to stray a bit. I think that is pretty much normal even on folks who are able to maintain a good healthy weight.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fast track to sleeve

    Great news!! Hold on to your hat because you're gonna fly thru the process!!
  23. Hey Filosophia, haven't seen you around in awhile. I hope all is well with you! Check in and say hello :)

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Step by step guide to the VSG experience!

    What a great thread! My story was similar in a lot of ways. In fact most of my surgeries go pretty much along these lines. There are some minor differences but not enough to go line by line, ya know? This was much needed around here. The only thing I'll point out is that, yes the morphine can have a negative effect on some folks. I'm one of them. In fact I never use mine and even tell my nurses to remove it completely once I'm coherent enough to. I have a high tolerance for pain in my favor so I'm able to do this. It makes me ill, nauseous and getting up with it for me is impossible, I always get faint. Thanks Doug! I might even sticky this thread.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hyperspeed Process

    Fantastic!! You will love your sleeve, I know I sure do!! I was banded before too, and really - not missing it much. Anyway, welcome to VST. This is the place to come for support regarding the sleeve. All the best to you and your new journey!

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