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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Aren't you sweet - you said I look skinny!! Yay!! ;-) Have a wonderful day Lila!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Hi!! Let’s play a new game. I’ll post a picture of someone’s eyes (a Celebrity) and the first person to get it right wins. I will keep a tally of winners. When the the game is over… (tbd) I will announce the big Winner!! Have fun! The first one will be super easy. They won’t all be easy! I will throw out hints here and there if it takes a long time for someone to figure it out.
  3. Hey coops, you're a fab sleeve buddy too!! It's been such a pleasure getting to know you and everyone here. You all keep me motivated!!! That's right about the goals - I'm 67 Lbs to my finish line!! That's so cool! I always liked watching the progress of others that match my stats. Once I get to 154 I'll see if I want to keep losing or maybe just hover around there. I really do like being a little on the heavier side. I don't think it looks bad on me. We'll see!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    Well today I weighed in at 221.8 - so we'll see if I can get a little closer tomorrow morning. If not.. I can't complain. I'm sooo proud of how well I've done in the last month!!! My big computer crashed so I'm stuck with the laptop for now. I can't change my big ticker - will change my other one tomorrow. Yayyyy!!!! CONGRATS EVERYONE!!! I THINK WE ALL DID FABULOUS!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    It has been 3 months.....

    Fabulous journey so far Melissa! I love your weight training, you're doing really really amazing! BTW I looked up Melissa Rausch and it came up with numerous choices. You may add me, my link is in my signature line. Continue with the good work!!
  6. Hello there Floppie! Welcome to VST!! YES the sleeve ABSOLUTELY works!! It will be the best £10K you likely will ever spend. If given the choice knowing what I know now I'd say it's better money spent than on a brand new car. Why? Because I'm a brand new ME!! Wishing you much success and a swift and easy surgery and recovery this coming Tuesday. Blessings!!
  7. That is very sweet of you to still offer to cook the Holiday meals. By the time we all hit the next Holiday season you will probably be able to eat more than I was. The wonderful thing about the sleeve though is you *still* won't be able to eat nearly as much as pre-sleeve. Wishing you all the best. You will be so happy
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 Weeks post op and down 24 LBS!

    WOOOOWWW!!!! Fabulous job already!!!! The sleeve soooo ROCKS!!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cant Stop Crying

    Hello Zuby (((((hugs))))) to you... Do not stress so much, so many things can contribute to hair loss. Best to avoid all those factors and stress is a big one. I'm taking Biotin 2500mcg. My hair does fall out as well. It's been falling out since the third month post op. I'm going on 5 months out in a few days, and it's still falling out pretty good. My hair is very long too and thankfully extremely thick. My husband can't even tell the difference, only that I'm always cleaning out my brushes now and the bathroom drains. Here's some hope though, since I've been taking Biotin (from the first onset of hair loss) I've noticed I have a ZILLION little baby hairs growing back already. They are little spiky creatures that peer out of my slicked back hair. It's pretty funny when you see me up close. Anyway, that is hope in itself, IT DOES GROW BACK!! So, do not worry... yours will grow back too someday. You might want to try the Biotin and see if after a month or so if you get the little baby hairs growing back. Also, I take Alive! Multi Vitamins and Minerals. I like the way it makes me feel. However, I really don't agree with the belief our hair is falling out due to low vitamins, etc. From what I understand this happens to a lot of folks who under go many types of surgeries, not just Bariatric. It is a shock and stress to our bodies and the result is hair loss. That's what I've read up on it and is what I tend to believe. Really though, who knows. What I do know though is that my hair is making a great comeback!! It may even come back thicker than ever, which, in the summer time can be a bear. Wishing you the best, and I really hope you can cheer up. You're doing so fabulous, it's a shame to spend it down... Chin up!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Constipation? How come?

    On the liquid stage it can be a bit tricky. You definitely need fiber. Try adding some liquid fiber supplement to some of your Water and over time it will help. In the mean time, seeing as it's been 6 days you may want to try something more fast acting. I won't suggest anything because I'm not sure what your Dr. may approve of or not. For me personally it was more liquids in and liquids out. However this is not true for everyone. I'm well into my solids, but as it is now majority of my carbohydrates do contain fiber. I get at least 16-18g per day. I also "go" every day too... if I notice I miss a day I bump up my fiber immediately. I don't joke around with that, and won't worry about losing two more pounds to avoid fiber. Believe me, pooping weighs pounds too... LOL Good luck!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    I drew the line...

    Hello Kitten, it sounds like you are well on your way. I take a great deal many supplements and Vitamins. My mulit Vitamin and mineral that I take is called Alive! Multivitamins and Minerals. It is made from whole foods and I really love it. It's much better than any others I've ever taken. Good luck!!
  12. Hi gen!! Congrats to you on your surgery! Thanks so much, you are very sweet. Hello there Nina! It's so true, the band had me feeling like I was a complete failure. It had me wondering, well, if I couldn't succeed with it - what made me think I could succeed with the sleeve? Well thank goodness there are such wonderful folks around here who helped me to see that the sleeve really runs circles around the band. Every single month I am just melting melting melting away as long as I'm sticking to the guidelines. Maybe not as fast as others, but I'm very content with my rate of loss. It's not incredibly slow either as was with my band!!! TG!!! All the best to you on your new journey. It already sounds like you are rocking it girlie!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    Yayy Brenda CONGRATS!!!!
  14. Making the most of my day today. I've got my treadmill to do in about 45 minutes... and starting to figure a few things out to make the most of the weight loss. Have a great day everyone!!

  15. Making the most of my day today. I've got my treadmill to do in about 45 minutes... and starting to figure a few things out to make the most of the weight loss. Have a great day everyone!!

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    I'm still fighting to make it!!! 2.8 to go and 2 more weigh ins... ughh!! SN................Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.....Lbs to Goal Avilda......................275..........187..............177..............10 BlackBerryJuice.........208..........149..............145................4 Brendasgonnalose...335............226..............225................1 Yay only 1 more to goal!!!!!!!!!! bugwitch....................291..............286.4...........283..............3.4 Cherice95405..........248...........177............ 164...............13 Chilo1.....................216...........158.............154................4 Cludgie................235..............210...............209..............1 Coops ...................238...........185...............177..............8 Cwalker.................250...........180...............170...............10 Daisy......................237..........138...............130................8 DJackson..............229.............219..............215................4 HollyW...................259............214..............215..............0 Ibejjo.....................249...........249...............229.............20 Juliarh...................230............213.6..............215............-1.4 Kimmes................239.............197.8.............200..............-2.2 Kgremmy.............225.............210..............199...............11 Laylasmojo...........242............180...............170...............10 LeslieH.................212...........204................199..............4 LilMissDiva...........235............222.8.............220.............2.8 livelovelaugh.. ...236............ ..207........ .....189..............18 Mellifrits...............210............132..............125................07 Meriteri................240............187..............170...............17 MichelleLee..........252...........222................199...............23 MINI-Me...............203.............124.6...........125...............0 & holding! mlr777................200.8...........174.6...........160.............14.6 Mommy2Girls.......275...............240............228..............12 Moniluv.................190.............190...........178...............12 updated current 181 three lbs to go!!! MRSKOUBIK...........317............266.............255..............10 pattimomof3nj......203.4...........160............155................5 PlannerGirl………..…327…..……..275…….........255………….....20 Sailorgirl................240............220.............200..............20
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    Do not feel bad coops! I probably won't either - again said some miracle occurs. It's ok - I think I did really good. I think you have too. It does keep me trying hard! The inches are flying off right now so some big losses have got to be on their ways...
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    Hey feed! This challenge is over on Monday. I'm also probably going to make some changes on how we record our weight along the way - so look out for a new thread sometime this weekend.
  19. Hi Melissa! Wow, sounds like you really struggled to get qualified! Don't worry about that on the serious side. I was sleeved in September and I was very restricted during the holidays - so I couldn't eat but a bite of this or a taste of that. I kinda felt I missed out on a lot. I'm happy you were able to enjoy one last Holidays with a normal stomach. You're also quite lucky you got your date so quickly! Get ready because it will get here VERY fast. Enjoy the ride!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Questions, Questions, Questions

    Welcome Melissa!! Nice to have you join us. I was able to lift moderately heavy things at about 3 weeks out. I wasn't given any ultimate guideline on this, so that would be something to ask your personal surgeon. Like Julia said about the psych eval, their main concern is that you are understanding of the great difference the sleeve will make in your life - and that you are mentally capable of going through with it. I'm sure you will be fine. Just open up and be honest in your answers. Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY!!! I would do it again in the blink of an eye - and I had even a little rough recovery for the first few days. I wouldn't change a thing either, because I learnt something in those first few days. Anything WORTH doing is NEVER easy. I wouldn't change a thing either. I am over the moon with my sleeve. I've never been so successful with weight loss in my entire life. I've been able to get very skinny, but it was through sheer starvation (amongst other things) that I did it. Now I'm rarely hungry!! It's such a miracle, this thing they call the sleeve... Wishing you all goodness, and that you come out as amazingly happy as I am right now!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is it possible?

    It sure is much better to fear being the only one to not succeed rather than to fear being one of the millions every day who DO fail with diet/exercise alone. At least with the sleeve there is great hope!! Good deal for staying positive. This WILL work. Never ever doubt that. How fast will it work is anyone's guess and each own's personal journey - but as far as me, fact that it does is quite enough. Especially with what I went through with the lap band. Cheers!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 Month Post-op Doc Visit

    What a great feeling!!! Keep up the great progress - you will be at goal in a flash!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene


    I think I have all of that in mine... and then some!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today is my SURGIVERSARY!!!

    Yay Congrats!!! You've done so well - and so inspiring. If only... 10 Lbs to goal - that is just a dream to me right now... LOL
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    At Almater in Mexicali with Aceves

    Oh wow!! Isn't that something? That was my room too!! :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
