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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Food question

    How much Water are you getting in between that? The main concern right now is getting in as much fluids as you possibly can. Your minimum should be 64 oz total, which those fluids you mentioned above do count toward that total. Per the weight, right now your only concern should be following your post op diet. This diet is not for losing weight it is to heal. The weight will follow, so yes that right now is normal for YOU as long as you are doing what your surgeon advised. Try not do anything that causes discomfort, if taking larger sips causes this then take smaller sips. You'll just have to sip sip sip, walk walk walk, rest rest rest all day for right now.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Maybe as I get closer I get more nervous

    Well that is really good news, I'm glad it worked out. I personally have never heard much bad about Dr. Rod - though I don't go around looking for it either so I really wouldn't know. Wishing you a quick and speedy recovery!!! Cheers!
  3. GOOD MORNING!! I'm home sick today, with I guess laryngitis. Yuck I sound like a crotchety old man right now... LOL But... I'm still gonna get my big booty up on that treadmill and do my run! NO STOPPING ME!!! :-D

  4. It will be much harder to do pre-op as you still have a large stomach and you still get the hunger hormone. Yes, you can exercise, it's never a bad idea to get used to doing this now. But, keep it lighter because you will def get hungry very easy. Post op you can deal with the lower calories, you won't be hungry probably ever if anything. That is a blessing from the surgery you have chosen! Good luck to you!! You can do anything you really put your mind to. PS I workout a lot - and I get in anywhere from 1,000 to 1,400 per day on these days. I only eat less on days I don't workout.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    alterations after WL

    Thats some great ideas, I really like the back riveting to accentuate the waist line. However... now to find time to actually do this??? I bought a really cheap sewing machine from Target. Costed less than $30 and it wasn't even on sale back in November. I have not used it yet...
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I met a 4-year sleever today

    You guys are absolutely correct. You MUST change your eating habits, and work our entire lives to fight them. I think as time goes on it does get easier. Honestly before my first WLS my main problem was eating too much - of anything and everything. Good foods and not good foods. I'd never ever had a problem with sweets. Cookies, candy, cakes, etc... were never a problem. My main junk food trigger were the salty crunchy variety. It wasn't until I was banded that sweet carbs became an addiction because frankly they were the only things I could get down. I couldn't get the healthy food down at all. Now with my sleeve, it seems like all I CAN tolerate is healthy food. I know I'm in the great minority here, I'm not fooling myself. I also realize that it can change in a heartbeat too, so I'm taking full advantage of THIS advantage now while I have it. I've noticed that as time is going on most of my cravings and bad habits have gone away. THANK YOU SO MUCH SLEEVE!!! I also know that my healthy habits have pretty much taken over now, so I really have no doubt in my ability to make goal and stay there. I think it's mostly whats between the ears that makes things happen. Without that one probably will stay fat... Just my opinion.
  7. GOOD MORNING!! I'm home sick today, with I guess laryngitis. Yuck I sound like a crotchety old man right now... LOL But... I'm still gonna get my big booty up on that treadmill and do my run! NO STOPPING ME!!! :-D

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Whoohooo!!! I'm loving all the aggressive go-getters out there!! We CAN do this, ya gotta believe!!!
  9. I didn't personally experience any but yes, I've seen many others mention a bit of a gain post surgery. From what I understand its from your body healing and retaining Water. Some may even be from the IV fluids. Do not worry, the weight WILL come off promise, as long as you follow your post op diet as your Surgeon instructed.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Maybe as I get closer I get more nervous

    Hi wareagle, well first and foremost you need to have the utmost trust in your surgeon. You are going to Mexico as well, this is not a small deal. It is normal to have cold feet of sorts pre-surgery - I did, but believe me when I say I never had any doubt I was in good hands. You shouldn't either. The decision is completely up to you, and you definitely should have a Dr. who answers ALL of your questions. Here is Dr. Aceves Website: http://www.mexicalibariatriccenter.com/ I have nothing but good praises to him, his hospital and his staff. I would recommend him to anyone, even my own Mother. In fact if my Mom ever did get this surgery I'd want him to do it for her! PM me if you have any questions!! I'm glad to answer any you might have.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Seven Months and 115 Pounds Later!

    Great job CONGRATS!! here's to the last 10... WAY TO GO!!
  12. Hi Shaundra, congrats on your new tummy!!! Well, I think your first lesson on your LONG journey will have to be to avoid comparing yourself to others. You're not going to lose at the same rate as anyone else. We are like snowflakes, one of a kind. Be proud of your accomplishments, never undermine what you have gone through to change your life. Stay positive always! You're brand new at this, give your stomach a chance to heal and your mind a chance to catch up to your new way of life. Good luck to you!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I met a 4-year sleever today

    Wow all I can wonder is what on earth IS she eating to have gained ALL of her weight back??? That's so extreme for this surgery - I honestly don't think I'd ever be able to pull that off... ever. She has to be eating nothing but slider junk food and high calorie drinks all day long, so of course she would gain all her weight back. I think her only resolve from obesity now is some serious therapy sessions... for real. She has some other really major stuff going on.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day

    That is so wonderful and sweet!!! I say... just take it and run girlie!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    I say if anyone came within a very few pounds of goal then we get honorable mention ribbons!! Good job everyone!!!
  16. Thank you so much!!! I'm just feeling so high lately - I can actually see a difference now (I think it's weird that I really couldn't before) and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel... :-)

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Choices and happy endings

    Fantastic!! I know I love my sleeve!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    I'll tell you what kept me sane, coming here and reading as many success stories as I possibly could. Looking through the numerous before/during/after pictures were huge for me! Good luck! You will be just fine, and when you're 5 months post op like me you will be wondering why you didn't do it sooner.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Butt Hurts!

    LOL! Myrori, you shouldn't compare your rate of loss to anyone else. Stay positive!! Your journey is your own, and I think you're doing really good. I've lost 50 Lbs in 5 months. Lots have lost WAY more than me, but trust me - I'm proud and happy of every single pound!!! @Rootman, I totally agree with you! I was sitting outside last week on the stone benches and my booty sure doesn't have the padding it used to at one time... It was really uncomfortable!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Gayle! All the best on your upcoming surgery. Get prepared, you won't want to need anything while you're trying to heal. Excellent choice by the way...
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    *7* Truths Post-Op

    I love eggs. I loved them before but now they just make my mouth Water thinking about them. I like to eat several every single week. 2 Eggs and 1 Pc of turkey sausage or lean turkey bacon is my favorite Breakfast.
  22. Hey lady! I seen your Easter Goal.. WOW!! You can do it!! :-)

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Month Sleeversary and 50 Lbs gone FOREVER!!!

    Thank you!!! Likewise! Awww thank you so much! You're such an amazing inspiration here, so that means a GREAT DEAL! Yes, I would love to be sponsored by you. I have the link in my siggy line. Let me know if you have any problems getting there.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Coffee coffee coffee

    From what I know, the reason you are asked to wean yourself off coffee is because you will not be able to drink it for a few weeks post op. You will get really bad headaches and caffeine withdrawals if you don't, which will just make your healing process that much more miserable. I drink coffee again. I don't drink it to full strength, I'm more half-caff and have been since I picked it back up. It still wakes me up just as good as it ever did.
  25. Hahaa!! I loved your responses BBJ, so true. In fact that is EXACTLY how I would've answered all those comments. I don't really get to many silly ones like that... especially the "you don't need to exercise" one. That is total crap and completely untrue. I guess that's just because I love it so much and I know it makes me feel so strong and healthy. It's not only about being skinny for me what so ever. It's for my health, and I sure like the way my clothes fit on me now!! OP, it just sounds like your friends are getting bit by the big green monster. If they are truly your friends they would hang out with you no matter what. Yes, the responses need to be toned down a little more too... But the one who won't hang out with you until she loses 10 more pounds? Well, I'm sure you probably realize REAL friends to not react like that.

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