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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Hey Cherise, wow you just amaze me!! You're very constant which is great lucky you. Congrats on another fine week. Myself, I've lost 3.6 Lbs from last week. I'm THIS close to breaking into the teens!! Yay!!! :-) Well, see you all next week.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Day 1 of a 2 week liquid pre-op diet

    Good luck! The first few days are the toughest. When you get through them, you will be good to go.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bingeing and the sleeve

    No worries, I now anyone is fallible. If not, I would NOT be here today on this sleeve website for support! I'd be off living a happy skinny life without the need for surgical intervention. It is a daily struggle though. Anyway, I guess I'm abnormal (which I already knew I was) in that I DO get full off what is considered slider foods. Not only that it actually makes me feel physically ill. Don't take it that it will be the same for you because it probably won't. I'm like, very one of a kind in that. Good luck to you!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    need support for 4 day post op

    Nexium is a Proton Pump Inhibitor medication. It helps to prevent our acid pumps in our stomachs to produce. Our stomach still makes the same amount of output after surgery and the acid can build up pretty bad. From what I understand this can cause false hunger pangs. Also, the Water - as long as you are not feeling much discomfort or pain while sipping I wouldn't say you are harming yourself. Keeping hydrated is very important post op since you are not getting any H2O from any food at this time.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    need support for 4 day post op

    I'm so sorry you're struggling! I really don't know what to tell you, I honestly didn't even like the sight or smell of food for the first few weeks. I know I have seen around here that this can happen, so know you are not alone. Hopefully someone who has experienced this can chime in and lend a helping thought. It could be acid in your stomach too. I was put on Nexium immediately post op and I think this was a huge reason on why I never felt hunger. Now I'm taking Omeprazole and the hunger pretty much is rare still, and I'm 5 months out. Hope it gets better for you!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unjury protein

    Yes I have lots of packets of the unflavored. It really does mix very well with just about anything. I do also love the vanilla! You can mix all the Torani SF syrups you can think of with it and it's delish!!! Also its so true that it mixes great with Water. I never had to mix it with my milk yet, ever. It's great, low calorie, low fat, low carb, great tasting... can't say enough...
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    What kind of Protein drinks?

    Hi Optasia, It is true as Daisy said, your tastebuds will probably change post op. I personally loved unjury after surgery and really couldn't tolerate much else at that time. Most everything made me want to gag. Unjury does have single pouches for samples, so that way you're not spending a ton on giant tubs. Good news is though my tastebuds have returned and I can again drink most of my other favorite Protein drinks.
  8. I love love LOVE your profile pic!!!! :-) Cute kittie!!

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    clear liquids AUGH! any suggestions

    This is where I buy mine. I've only ever known them to sell online. http://www.unjury.com/store/protein/unjury-protein/protein-containers/chickensoup-protein-container.html
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    How much to drink?

    I really don't think you could drink too much. If you feel like you can get more clear fluids in, by all means...
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Any foods that you can NOT have after surgery?

    Hello Melissa, I do not eat red meat, but it is by choice only. I could have red meat if I want, and I've had it a few times since surgery. I never had any negative reaction from it, other than I notice I gain a little when I eat it (so I don't eat it anymore ) I'm 5 months out. So no, red meat (per my surgeons instructions) is not off limits. That being said, you should definitely follow your surgeons guidelines. However, if you are wondering why this is, there is nothing wrong whatsoever with asking the reasons behind his advice. Good luck!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    New to the site

    Hello Shanny!! Congrats on your new sleeve!! Thank you for sharing your story with us. We all come from all walks of life, and I think it's so important to understand the underlying factors that caused us to eat and over eat. I don't think there will ever be any healing until this happens. In answer to your questions... I'm 5 months post op and I still have to sip my Water. I can certainly take much larger sips and don't have to wait as long to take the next one, but yeah, I'm still sipping. My stomach also still makes the gurgly sounds - I really don't think that ever stops... I could be wrong though! The bowel thing only lasted until I was able to start doing mushies. You know, it was like liquids in liquids out. Yuck!! I actually didn't start feeling normal until I was able to eat solid Proteins again. Today I feel better than I ever have in my life!!! Just know you have a lot of great things to look forward to. No, you will not be feeling like you are now for the rest of your life. Enjoy your journey! You just barely begun, it does get better promise. Sip, Walk, Rest, repeat.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Day 1 of a 2 week liquid pre-op diet

    Here is a pretty amazing thread, I think you might find interesting: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/5906-a-huge-list-of-protein-drink-recipes/
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    clear liquids AUGH! any suggestions

    I cannot say this enough, but unjury chicken Soup was such a godsend for me during my clear phase. It tastes good, is packed with the best Protein our bodies metabolize, is very filling and the warmth just makes you feel so good. The clears phase is pretty tough and any little bit of sanity you can get from it is worth it!!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    really, cupcake? REALLY?

    LOL!! When I first started reading this I was wondering where it was gonna go... glad I finished reading it!! As far as the advertising, I'm sure it has a lot to do with catch phrases the little ad popups notice. Like if we were talking about a specific something, the little ads would pick up catch phrases and show an ad that thinks we might like. If that makes sense... Anyway, yes I really love this site and I truly do believe we all have a common interest and that is support of each other. It's hard to get that from our family members because the fact is unless they are sleeved they really have no idea what we go through day in and day out. Say can sympathize but they cannot empathize.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Orange Juice after surgery

    Orange juice is frowned upon as others have already mentioned is because of the acid mostly, next because it is one of your higher glycemic type fruits. Then to top it off, packaged orange juice has added sugar on top of it. I had a swallow of OJ about a month out and it actually made my stomach burn a little bit. Scared the whoooop outta me, so I haven't drank any since. But, recently I'd say within the last month or so I have been enjoying half a medium sized orange from time to time. So now the acid hasn't bothered my stomach at all.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Coffee coffee coffee

    Wow that IS really great!! Good for you!!! I have had a burger since but it's always home made and used lean ground turkey... so I guess it's not so bad either. LOL!! Especially since I can't even finish a half one - I usually end up taking all the bun off and just chewing the meat.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    March 16!

    You should be!! It's such a fabulous thing, you will soon see... hang in there and get prepared with everything you'll need post op. Best wishes!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Month Sleeversary and 50 Lbs gone FOREVER!!!

    You're too sweet, thank you!!! Rock on girlie!!! Planning my run for the 5k is so inspirational for me, it's keeping my head on straight and feeling FIERCE!!! The high I get from doing my treadmill when I do... there is absolutely nothing like it. I feel so confident and when I'm pushing my body to go a little bit faster and a little bit further, it's just like winning a gold medal!! I'm a tough girl, and I'm absolutely doing things I never thought I'd ever do... yet here I am today, saying I'M DOING IT!!! My knees are bad too, so I know you do have to be really careful with it. Pushing yourself is ok, but pushing yourself too much is not. Let me know how you do!!! I'm rooting for you!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Month Sleeversary and 50 Lbs gone FOREVER!!!

    I'm sure there were many factors on why my band didn't work. Yes, I do think my band was faulty and either it just wasn't meant to be or it wasn't done right... I'll never know. It wasn't until it was too late that I realized the band would never be forever. It took me at least a year for me to just forget it and move on. It got me to the point which I first started and I woke up from my night mare and fixed the situation. Best thing ever!!! MY SLEEVE HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!! It WILL change yours too! Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing. PS, it's never too early to start with challenges.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Month Sleeversary and 50 Lbs gone FOREVER!!!

    THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH!!! You all are really really the best!!! Keep on rocking Superstars!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    biotin question

    Great info Julia! Thats helpful info too Amy, thank you. I did not know it could not be absorbed through the skin. I haven't tried the shampoo/conditioners but I do use the pills. I use 2,500 mcg which seems to work fine for me too. I've noticed a great deal of regrowth - so yes it doesn't stop the hair from falling out, but I believe it is helping with the regrowth. I've never had regrowth like this before and I've had moments in life where my hair fell out pretty good too.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I leave for Mexico Today

    Love it!!! Hey Johnny, you'll do just fine, and in a few months you'll look back and KNOW you did the best thing you could have ever done for your health. CONGRATS!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Coffee coffee coffee

    Lots of sleevers experience lactose intolerance post op. I sure did, and let me tell you I had a really bad episode so that I never drink regular milk or ever eat ice cream. Never! I don't think I've had any ice cream now in 6 months. It's a good thing! Lactaid works really well though, I've been using that in lieu of milk since and never had any issues with it. Good luck!!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    three days out

    That is great! Glad to hear you're doing well, and you are doing exactly what all sleevers should during the first few weeks... Sip, Walk, Rest. Amen.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
