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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 weeks post op down 14 pounds

    You look amazing!! Congrats, I bet you feel so awesome!!
  2. Huge NSV today!!! I fit comfortably into my FIRST pair of 12's!!! Soooo loving this sleeve thing!! Never NEVER let anyone bring you down. There are always going to be people out there who seriously hate seeing you succeed... The only person that can dictate to you what your personal success are is YOU!! Never never forget that. Blessings everyone! <3

  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hope that is a really wonderful NSV!! Congrats lady you are doing so great!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    :bananahuge: WHOOT!!! That is Fab-U-Less!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    What is your target BMI?

    My highest BMI ever was an amazing 53. It's hard for me to even think it. Right now I'm just breaking into 34.9 which will get me to be only obese and not the dreaded MORBIDLY obese. I would like to get down to a "normal" BMI which is 24.9 - and from there I really don't know. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I suppose.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I have a neck again!

    LOL Shanny!! That is GREAT!! It's always the little things... keep up the good work~
  7. Good day! I?m posting this in the ?success? forum because that?s exactly what I intend to do. BE A SUCCESS! There are many stops along the way of success and for me; my biggest successful dream is to finally be back in onederland. Yes, even more than hitting my target weight. I have not seen a one in front of my weight since June of 1992. *WOW* ?that is such a long time ago! I?m just going to give a brief history here. I used to be thin all through my high-school days, and I maintained my weight in an unhealthy manner of almost near starvation and incredible lengthy workouts. I got married right at 21 years old and the weight piled on as I laxed a lot on my physical upkeep. One day at the Dr.?s office I was informed that my blood pressure has been too high too many times, and was officially diagnosed with hypertension. I was given many medications and was required to see my PCP monthly until it was controlled. She also forced me on the scale, because I was always able to talk myself out of it before. I weight? 315 LBS!!! OMG!!! Here?s the kicker. I?d been on a diet for about a month and lost a whole clothing size, which were size 28W bottoms and 3X tops. I was in 26W and still 3X tops at the time of my first official weigh-in. So I usually guesstimate my top weight at about 330 Lbs. Well the whole hypertension thing scared me enough to trek on to diet harder. I ended up getting less than 300 Lbs to about 290. However I kept bouncing up and down from that ten pounds. It had been a year doing this when I finally decided I needed more help as I still had quite a bit to lose. Long story short, I had WLS ? specifically the Lap-Band and was able to get myself down to 227. I was so close to onederland, I could see it from the distance! I could smell it, it was so near! Then problems arised and here I am today. Back up to the 280?s. I?m back to around the same weight I was at surgery. No worries though, I?m going to get a second chance and I absolutely will make this work! So? ONEDERLAND HERE I COME!! Anyone want to go along for the ride??? :confused1:
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    WOWWWW!!! When I first started this thread, I had such a long journey ahead. I needed to lose a massive 78 Lbs to Onederland. Today I have 17.6!!!!!!!! I SOOOOOO CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Are you still on the fence about this surgery? Jump off NOW and make all your dreams come true!!!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Wow my body is dropping that fat right now! I am .2 Lbs shy from losing 3 Lbs overnight!! Funny how it works huh? LOL I'll take it though, who knows once a stall hits how long it will last... Whooootttt!!!! ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8...............217.4...........199.8........17.6
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 Weeks Out!

    Hello there Cindy!! The one bit of advice I can give you right now is to stay sane!! You're going to feel highs and lows and you being all over the map is VERY common, normal, to be expected... Have patience with yourself, your day will be here before you know it. Concentrate on what you need, and come visit here for support and information and it will help the time fly by. Just get prepared for what you will need during your hospital stay and sample many Protein drinks. Don't buy the big tubs, what you like now is going to be a far cry from what you will post op. Many of us experience funny tastebuds post op... not sure why but it's a big difference. Here is the hospital stay list, hope this helps!! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/10081-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-surgery-thread/
  11. No problem, I'm always happy to help! Well if this helps you, I WAS banded - and the sleeve WAY ROCKS!!! The sleeve runs circles around the band... I just don't have any confidence in the band at all. There just is way too much negative with the band, and even with folks who were successful with it. Keep in mind that IMPO the band should never be thought of as a permanent solution. Many chances are you will have to have it removed someday. If it helps you at all, check out the Band to Sleeve Revisions Subforum here. Maybe it will help you with making a decision. All the best to you and your journey. Hugs!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    how many calories do you get a day?

    Hey Brielle, For me, keeping my body guessing keeps my body losing at really good rates. I will fluctuate from 800 calories on days that I do not workout, and from 1200 to 1400 calories on days that I do workout. Keep in mind I'm 5 months out. Eating that many calories is pretty difficult straight out of surgery. If I eat the same amount of calories constantly day in day out, my weight will stall because my metabolism gets accustomed to what I'm feeding it. Anyway, you'll just have to get a feel on what works best for your body. Some lose better with less calories, some lose better eating more calories. I fall toward the higher calorie content. A lot has to do with WHAT your eating as well. Good luck!!
  13. Hi OilSooner, My previous banding experience was with an inexperienced surgeon. He was young, and I believe I was his 22nd band placement. I don't think he did it right to be honest. My whole experience was miserable and it failed big time. So, when I decided to get revised I went out of my way to choose a Dr. who was very experienced, especially with my revision circumstances. My personal opinion based on my experiences is that I preferred to have an experienced surgeon this time around. My sleeve is perfect and my choice turned out in my best interest. That being said, just because a Surgeon is new doesn't mean they are not worthy. Everyone starts somewhere, that including my Surgeon. Someone was his first patient... know what I mean? Just have 110% confidence in your choice and decision. Good luck!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    No Post-Op Special Diet!

    There is also a surgery where the surgeon folds the stomach into itself and sews it into place. It is very new and to my knowledge has only been being performed for the last 2 years or so. It's still in the trial stages... It's called the Gastric Plication, which doesn't sound like what you had done. Much success on your journey!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ummm insult or compliment

    Um insult? Noooo!!! Wow, that is an incredible, great, fantastic and hugely ego boosting COMPLIMENT!! Have you seriously considered doing this before? You're right it will take a huge chunk of your time. Some body builders do workout 5-6 hours per day... I say if you are truly interested, give it a shot. What's to lose? If you don't like it, just stop - but at least you won't be wondering "what if" ya know? Let us know!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Chickening out

    Hi Sasi, Well what can I add that others haven't already sounded off? I just want to tell you that the feelings you are having right now are nothing different than majority of us had pre-surgery. I even had them, especially since this was going to be my SECOND WLS!! I was so scared of failing AGAIN and didn't want to go through the disappointment and agony that goes along with it. I was extremely depressed and felt so hopeless. But you know what? I pulled up my bootstraps and jumped with both feet in!! I figured, it really couldn't get any worse. I knew I had to do something and the time had come to turn my whole life around. All the stories here filled me with such hope that I could make my goals and finally be free from food AND OBESITY!! Today it holds more truth because I AM LIVING IT!!! I know your reasons for feeling the way you do go way deeper than silly protein shakes. There are so many factors that go into our daily lives, and some I'm sure you haven't even shared with us. Just know that things will never change for you unless you take that step for a better you. What are the chances you become critically ill by staying obese and unhealthy? I'm sure they are a great deal higher than if you went through with this surgery and nipped it in the bud now. In a year you will be fit, full of health and your children will have a Mom who can keep up with them and enhance their lives as well. Everything you are considering and doing right now for YOU will be worth every second of misery that goes along with this surgery. However only YOU can make that final choice on how you are going to handle your obesity. Keep us updated. Just remember YOU ARE WORTH A BETTER, HAPPIER, HEALTHIER AND MORE FIT YOU. The rest will follow. Blessings!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Problems converting from band to sleeve?

    I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. Big hugs to you, and wishing you all the best on your new journey. You have to do what you have to for your health, and if that's getting the GBP, then that's what you should do. I've seen a great deal many success stories with the BP too, so I'm rooting for you. Thinnertimes.com is a great message board for RNY patients. They have a lot there, and I'm sure they will be a great resource tool for you. You are always welcome here too, regardless! Good luck!!!
  18. Yayyyy you all were right!!! It was 217.4 this morning... OMW I guess allthe treadmill work is making things happen right now. YEAHHHH!!!!

  19. Yayyyy you all were right!!! It was 217.4 this morning... OMW I guess allthe treadmill work is making things happen right now. YEAHHHH!!!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ten days out and wow

    Here is the ticker tutorial, hope it helps. http://www.verticals...-with-pictures/ Congrats on your impressive weight loss, you are doing excellent!!!
  21. YEEEHAWWW!!! My scale just said 219.4!!!! Could it be??? I think I'll wait until my morning weigh in to see... fingers and toes crossed!!! :-D

  22. YEEEHAWWW!!! My scale just said 219.4!!!! Could it be??? I think I'll wait until my morning weigh in to see... fingers and toes crossed!!! :-D

  23. OMG... are those my legs?? Gawd I hope so!!! :-D

  24. I'll tell ya what... I have arthritis in BOTH my knees. I only started really running about 20 Lbs ago, and not even that much. I take my time with it, and not sure if you know but I'm training for a 5K. It's just thrilling!!! I believe you will be able to get back to it, and probably sooner than you think!

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    My First NSV

    CONGRATS TO YOU!! You will find that you will be flying through the sizes. Better to pick new goal clothes that are more than just 1 size too small. You'll be fitting the next size down in weeks.

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