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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is Exercising Making You Want to Eat More?

    Actually for me it's the exact opposite. When I'm keeping up with my schedule, I actually want to eat less. I can be a perfect little angel as far as eating when I'm doing really good with my exercise. I'm satisfied with super health nut food and Protein drinks. Now, it's when I skip a workout day (non scheduled) that I notice my eating habits take a backward dive. I know... weird... I never claimed to be normal though!!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Has anyone here ever tried calorie cycling?

    Though I do not obsessively count calories, unless I'm stalled for more than 3 weeks or more I can guage how many calories I'm consuming per day. On days that I workout, I do add for sure one and sometimes 2 extra Protein shakes to bump up my protein and calories. Other than that, my typical eating day is Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack. The end. Thank goodness I have only encountered one lenghty stall post op and I did have to seriously go over my eating routine for a few weeks and I got things back in order. I have not needed to do this again since. There is a big learning curve with this here sleeve and I needed to learn a few things. I usually end up getting anywhere from 800 calories on non-workout days and up to even 1400 calories on days that I do... depending on what I do. I do not feel any type of guilt over this what so ever. I'm losing quite well and I'm very happy with my progress. That said, my workouts - now that's another story all together! I can be very obsessive about those!! Can't stop, won't stop!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    A Different NSV

    Please let us know how it turns out, when you're up to it Hugs to you!!!
  4. I could NOT agree one single bit more!!!!!
  5. I really rocked n rolled on my treadmill today!!! Feeling soooo FLYYYYY!!!!! I cannot tell you what this does for me. Smiles and and gettin skinny... what I work for every single day. ;-)

  6. I really rocked n rolled on my treadmill today!!! Feeling soooo FLYYYYY!!!!! I cannot tell you what this does for me. Smiles and and gettin skinny... what I work for every single day. ;-)

  7. Hey S, the answer is YES!!! This does happen to me sometimes. I do suspect it is Water retention because it is always around TOM that this happens. I'm sure it's not the same for everyone, but is something I have noticed for myself. Flush it out! I bet you see a drop tomorrow morning. Ohhh and don't compare yourself to your Hubby. Men are a different breed and they can lose weight super easy. My hubby decided not to eat any junk food for a whole week and lost 5 Lbs. Didn't do anything else different, no workout, nothing. 5 Lbs just for that???? You have got to be freakin kidding me. I have to do that and WAYYYY more... it kinda is really unfair!!! Of course he decides to do this when I'm breathing down his neck scale wise!!! Haaa!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Wishing you well on your surgery in a few days, and kudos for losing some weight pre - op!!! You're going to rock your sleeve for sure!!!
  9. Wow look at you!! Looking all thin... great job lady! I bet you feel sooo good huh? :-D

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    My intro. story and some questions. :+)

    Hello Miss Nina!! Welcome to the rest of your life! Wow, you know I wish your Nut wouldn't have said it quite the way she did. We all already feel like failures enough without feeling worse at every turn. I personally think *any* loss in your first week is good. Some folks actually gain some weight, because of the surgery, healing and IV fluids... so that is just incredible she felt the need to tell you that. That makes me a bit upset actually. The speed you should be looking for is any kind of loss. Everyone is different as far as rates of loss. Some are all over the map like me. I'll go a few weeks with little to nothing, then bam I'll lose 5-6 Lbs a week for a few more weeks. I really don't stress on it too much. The only way I'll open my eyes to what's going on is if I go more than 3 weeks with no loss... then I'm on it. Otherwise I continue on with my plan and keep rolling along. I cherish every pound I lose, because I know those are Lbs gone FOREVER!!! I'll never weigh what I weigh right now again. I just would not find it possible, because I've changed too much from where I started and I know better in a lot of ways. So far from what I've seen is absolutely yes, the sleeve *always* works. I'm not the fastes loser here by any stretch, but there are some who lose slower than me too. But, ya know what...??? They *are* losing, and they also admit they wouldn't be able to do it without the sleeve too. So, yes the sleeve is that one little miracle you were looking for. I know it's too late to go back now, your stomach is gone - but I wouldn't even dream of having any regrets simply because of what you Nut told you. Hang in there, give it some time and believe in yourself and in the program. My advice would be if she continues to be mentally debilitating to your progress you would be better off finding another. I would have to just sit her down and start with "we need to talk...". There's no way I'll let anyone dictate to me how I'm doing with my journey *but ME*!!! Anyone else can go kick rocks, for real! As for me and my sleeve, we are doing fine. Now for your last question, on what to expect. Just expect to continue to lose at your own pace, as long as you follow the regimen. What I do is make sure I get all my protein in which is usually 2-3 oz of lean meat, and a little bit of veggies and maybe a bite or 2 of good carbs. That's a typical meal for me, and one I'm very comfortable with. I'm losing with it, along with my workout routine and my positive outlook... nothings gonna stop me ever again from being the best I can be. Wishing you the best, and as always, if you need anything let me know or simply start a new thread. There's always tons of experienced folks here who go out of their way to spend a little time to help the newly sleeved out. I love this place!!!
  11. PS: I moved this thread to the General area so more people will be able to find it. I also pinned it, I think we needed something like this here. Also, I wouldn't say the Gallery "sux" but it could be better. I know it's supposed to be being worked on so hopefully in the near future it will be more user friendly. Until then, we'll have this. Cheers everyone!
  12. Here's my currents: And my Befores: Highes Ever / Around 300 Lbs / and just Pre Sleeve
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Packing for a Trip

    Hey Mini that is a great NSV!! I hadn't even considered one like that - that's pretty cool! Have fun in Nashville... take some piccies!!
  14. I just wanted to stop by here, I seen your ticker and signature. You are a true success story - even if you didn't lose a single more pound! Congrats on your weight loss, AWESOME!!!

  15. I actually found a negative to being much lighter! Being whisked away by heavy winds *no* fun... :-(

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    six months post op

    That is true, it *does* help a great deal. It just so happens that portion control has a greater impact in our lives than anything else... but it really does help. Luna, congrats girlie you are nearly there and *much* to be proud of!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    how much taco bell

    Very true! I think the best gift we can give ourselves is TRUE freedom from food. That being if I decided I wanted a Taco Bell Taco for dinner, by golly I'll have one and move on. One taco does fill me up and I have to take off any excess tortilla. I usually get the chicken and they put a good amount of meat in it. It holds me all night long too. To me, that makes me *happy* not *guilty*!!! Besides, I don't even think I've had Taco bell in a very long time. Maybe even only once post op. My only suggestion would be if you can feel satisfied on one taco, then let that be it. No reason to eat more if you don't really need it. Try not to push the limits if it's possible. Also, Stacy - you are at a very good weight for yourself. You have done very well, and if it takes you awhile to hit your desired weight then it does. You *are* a success story here, but you have to believe that in yourself for it to be so!!! Just my opinion of course, and you know what they say about opinions!!!...
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Out of control

    Many fantastic answers already! I really don't have much to add at all - only that, you *are* human. You *will* have days where nothing ever seems like it's enough. I have days like this as well. Are you near TOM? This could be a big reason for it. Take it in stride, know it's a part of life and remember these feelings won't last forever. It's true the more carbs you eat, the more you will crave them. Especially the type of carbs you are eating. I have to kind of stay away from processed Peanut Butter, so I learned not too long ago. I'll take the advice from a response and find some without all the added sugar. The best thing for you to do now is... Relax, Cut the Sugar, Protein First, Veggies second and a few bites left for *good* carbs. In a few days of this you will curb the hunger and be back on track. I also want to add that working out is for me been a saving grace. It really pumps me up and my confidence skyrockets. Weight loss is 80% mental - and anything that helps keep me on track I'll take it. I urge anyone to start with some kind of routine. Make it a part of your life, like an eating routine. No need to go to the ends of Earth with it, but start somewhere. You will get to know when your body can handle more, then push it. I think you would do extremely well with it, and I hope that you will take it on. All the best to you... looking back I'd say you have done pretty darned amazing - don't let this past few days make you cancel all of that out. Every day is brand new day to do the right thing!
  19. I actually found a negative to being much lighter! Being whisked away by heavy winds *no* fun... :-(

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    its my turn

    Party time!!! Welcome to your new life!!! Please let us know how you came through when you're up to it.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    severe reflux

    With this surgery, chances are if you had reflux pre surgery you will likely have it after. I'm not a Doctor though so I'm only guessing, but it just makes sense to me. Anyway, I do take Omeprazole every morning. I was only told by my surgeon to take it for the first 6 month post op, however I have no real intention of ever stopping taking it. The studies show too much evidence that reflux is a big issue with the sleeve. I'd rather keep my acid under control rather than "chance it" and end up damaging my esophagus so much I have to revise to RNY or DS. I honestly do not think my body can handle either of those surgeries and need to practice some preventative medicine here. To combat the Calcium deficiency, I take 1500 mg of calcium citrate a day making sure not to take it with Iron, and taking Vitamin D and Magnesium for super potency and absorption. All of this to me is a small price to pay for my health and fitness. If I didn't do all this I'd end up with a stroke, Type 2 diabetes or heart disease, even cancer. All of these run in my family, and I was already diagnosed with hypertension at 31 years old. I was headed no where and fast. I was placed on 4 maximum dosage pills per day to bring my BP down. Today I'm down to only ONE!!! It's the minimum dose and to date my BP has been excellent. It's only a matter of time before my PCP takes me off of that too. You really have to consider your choices when you do this. Think about your future, look at your relatives when making this decision too. If they have something, chances are you will too if you continue with very bad habits. Hang in there, don't sweat the small stuff.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I eat when I'm not hungry

    Sometimes yes and sometimes no. There are times when I don't even think about food and I can get by through the day on the bare minimums. However, there are times where I get a lot of head hunger (not physically hungry but craving lots of food) and those times are pretty hard. Fighting the cravings is just as hard post op as it was pre op for me. That said, the days where I'm not fighting cravings far outweigh those where I do. I'd say usually its one week out of a full month that I'm like this (usually TOM). The sleeve has been my best friend sometimes! I thank my lucky stars every day that I was able to get it done!
  23. Thank you so much!!! Hugs, hope you're feeling well! Let me know if you need anything. :)

  24. "When you *know* better, you *do* better." ~Maya Angelou

  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hello Myrtle, welcome to VST!! I am also formerly banded and now sleeved. Let's just say I don't miss my band at all. I got started at LapBandTalk.com and many of my friends at that time revised to the sleeve. Eventually as they watched me struggle for years, convinced me to make the switch. All of those friends will forever be on my "I owe" list!! My surgeon is Dr. Alberto Aceves, in Mexicali, MX. My full revision costed a bit over 11K, and I believe the sleeve alone costs about 9k for him. He is one of the most skilled sleeve surgeons around. Of course being he is in Mexico, he is not covered by American Insurance. Good luck in your journey and research! You surely came to the right place.

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