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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    First day back to work

    Get used to it!!! It will just continue as time goes on and as more weight drops. I'm getting stopped several times per day at work. I've slowly gotten more open to letting some know I had surgery - usually if I think the surgery might spark an interest in some folks. I mostly keep it to myself though, as really it's not anyone's business unless I make it their business. If the word gets around, oh well. Not sure I really care... LOL Anyway, people are just genuinely interested because everyone knows how hard it is to lose weight - so they will be asking for ideas. I at least can tell them its from all my running... haaa!!! It's not a lie though!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why does yogurt make me hungry?

    If it's regular or even light yogurt, like the Yoplait type, I mostly consider that a slider food. It's pert near liquid and it has lots of carbs and sugars in it. Try switching to Greek Yogurt. I have tried the Chobani and the fruit on the bottom, its filling and lasts much longer. It's pretty tasty too. Good luck!!
  3. @ Jennet, HELLO!! I always love to talk to revisioners because we can all truly understand each other. The truth is no, I didn't really get a lot of negativity from LBT - however I was treated very harshly at OH. To this day I don't really spend any time over there at all. They were so rude and demeaning, however this is how I see it. No one likes to feel like they went to all the trouble with surgery just to find out that the chances of them needing a revision down the line is extremely high. For that would mean they made a wrong choice... who ever wants to admit that? It took me a few years to finally admit that *I* had made the wrong choice. It wasn't a good feeling. To date my feelings are exactly the same, I am totally head over heels for my sleeve! I have been stalled for a few weeks but to be honest I've not been giving it my all either. I've been doing good but not as good as I could do. I think I crashed from a few months of going insane with my routines, however I'm now slowly getting back in to them. So I anticipate things will start moving on the scale again soon. I have decided to make a conscious effort to not abuse myself anymore, for that is how I got to over 300 Lbs!! I know as long as I'm doing the right things the weight will come off. It still is, for I know my face right now is thinning even more and my clothes are fitting looser again. Just need for it to show up on the scale. I also need to find a better balance on all aspects of my life too, and that has been a challenge for me so far. I'll get it down eventually... Good luck to you! You will love your sleeve NO DOUBT!! @ Daisy, I would like to personally thank you DAILY for your guidance. You were what finally got me to take that final step to have my band removed and get something that actually is helping me! I will always appreciate your help. Believe me, I am MORE than glad I'm over here!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    Yeahhh!! Congrats!!
  5. I'm so sorry to hear you're still on a feeding tube, and I hope all goes well for you on your appointment! :-) Big Hugs to you, and WOW you look fantastic!!! I just hope you can get to a point where you can love your sleeve without limits.

  6. Taking some me time for awhile. I'll be back when I'm feeling better, but right now I just need to concentrate on me.

  7. Taking some me time for awhile. I'll be back when I'm feeling better, but right now I just need to concentrate on me

  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    W W!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!
  9. Work is so crazy today, haven't even had much time to post. Oh well, I guess real life does come to play sometimes too. :-)

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I know stalls are normal....but....

    I have heard other theories like this. Some do say that during weight loss, our bodies will crest on long stalls where our bodies normally felt comfortable on the way up. Like to say I started at 330 Lbs. On the way down I stalled good in the 280's. I think because on my way up my body crested there for awhile too. I think it's a good point... not proven in any way of course - but at least it's a thought! I have noticed going up and down by a lot of lbs many times, I do notice a crest at the same certain amount of weights. So... who knows?
  11. LilMissDiva Irene


    Great news!!! Hang in there! Just get prepared and with doing so the time will really fly by - you'll be so busy.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Decision has been made!!!

    Hello KP!! Welcome to VST - and especially welcome to the rest of your life! You have made a very wise decision. We all come from many different backgrounds, and our reasons to for coming up to the same conclusion are just as many. Whatever your reasons and motivators are, just never forget them! You will need them along the way, because majority will ask themselves "why did I do this"? It's good to try to have reminders here and there. My moment didn't last too long, and now I'm so far past it I don't even remember how it felt to ask myself that question. I'm all about the sleeve and the wonderful life and power and freedom from over eating it has given me!!! Hang out here, read up and ask many many questions. I'm glad to have you!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    leg cramps on liquid diet

    Muscle cramps are a huge indicator of low electrolytes (Calcium/Potassium/Magnesium/Sodium). Drink more Gatorade, preferrably the regular, not G2. It should help. If all else fails, contact your doctor!
  14. Yeah Julia!!!!! You're so inspiring!!!! You're really doing such an amazing job, I'm soooo happy for you!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unjury protein

    I've only ever known them to sell online at unjury.com ...
  16. Did my run, now it's time to take on the world. :-)

  17. Did my run, now it's time to take on the world. :-)

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is it too fast?

    I do not believe in "too fast"... In my world there is no such thing. BIG CONGRATS TO YOU!!! Keep up the good work, and take your weight loss and be very proud.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will I look OLD?

    I think the consensus here is that losing weight makes you look younger. I haven't really seen any photos that makes anyone look older, it's always *years* younger. I think having wrinkles is a natural part of life though too. I have to say that like Tiff I'm very vain, and if I think I need some work done in any way you better believe I'm getting it done. It's true too, I sure like myself a lot better thinner than bigger!! I'll never go back!!
  20. In the change signature page, There is a little icon that looks like a chain link. Click on that and it will have two write boxes. On the top one you put the full link of your profile page. On the second line you will write what you want others to see (not the long link)... I Put "Click Here"... you can put whatever you like. Good luck!

  21. Anytime sister!!! I think you're very inspirational here! For one thing, I really love the trait in others who keep plugging along. You will make your goal one day, and I'm gonna be right next to ya cheering you one!!! Xx Irene

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question for post sleevers!!

    I've had several surgeries and it was only on my very first one did I wake up with the tube still in my throat. I wasn't even warned about it. I didn't freak out either, I figured it were normal since I'd never had any other surgeries at that time. I was too drugged up to really care anyway. Don't worry, its really not as scary as it sounds.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will I look OLD?

    Ohhh *whew*... I was already planning my face lift along with all my other lifts! And yes, if you're young I really say you don't have anything to worry about. :-)
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Has anyone here ever tried calorie cycling?

    I workout minimum 5 days per week. Sometimes I'll sneak in a little extra for 6 days of workouts. Never 7 though, I have to let my body rest or I'll gain weight. Yes, its true! I gain weight if I workout too much. So, then sometimes I need to take 2 days off in a row, then I notice my eating habits start getting bad. It's crazy - but either way I get back on track quickly.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will I look OLD?

    Oh wow... I hope those aren't my pictures you're looking at!!!!

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