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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Best wishes on your surgery tomorrow!! Get plenty of rest, walk and fluids - you will be fine. Check in when you can so we all know you are ok.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    changing sizes......

    Right now as I'm going down in sizes, I have been going to Goodwill. I save a bag for them, and I buy more. I tend to try on clothes in my closet all the time so I don't miss out on being able to wear anything. You can really find some good jeans at Goodwill, and even some khaki's or slacks. You do need to have some time on your hands to do it though, there are millions of items of clothes to choose from! You can even find some that still have the tags on them, so you know they've never even been worn by the person who dropped them off. I recently bought a gamut of sizes from 14's going all the way down to 6's. I may or may not ever get that small, who knows but they were only a couple bucks a piece as I went there during the Presiden'ts day Sale and everything in the store was half off. For me I went through the larger sizes super fast. I literally went from a 22/24 - 2X to a 16/18 XL in about 6 Weeks. It has slowed down a lot since then but I think the main reason is the difference in sizing when you get into smaller clothes. Right now I can fit into anything from 12's even up to still some 16's depending on the make. I can pretty much fit all M tops though now. It's amazing as I look at those tiny shirts and can't even imagine I fit them... yet I do. It's nice!! Good luck!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Breaking up with food

    I too have considered going to OA. I do have an addiction to food, there is no doubt. True enough the sleeve has helped *tremendously* with me being able to keep my portions under control. However I do still get cravings, and most especially during that TOM. I have used that as an excuse to "do what I want" this past one and it was unacceptable!!! I cannot do that. I'm ok now, but am I going to do the same thing in a few weeks? No way, I've already made a pact with myself that those little demon voices in my head are going to be screaming at me, but I must ignore them. OA would be great to find out what the "underlying factors" are. Why did I allow myself to eat so much that I gained up to 330 Lbs? Why have I pretty much *always* had a really bad relationship with food? I used to be bulimic. Then I stopped and went crazy with food. Why is that? I think I need to find out less I never get over my demons. Best of luck to you... it's not easy.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hello Sasicas!! Congrats on your new tiny stomach. You two over time will become very acquainted with each other. In time... It's going to take a little bit of time and effort before you're able to figure out exactly what your stomach can tolerate and what it can't. Also, in the very beginning you will have trials and errors. Those errors will eventually turn into nothing more than a blip on the radar down the line. What I mean is that, you may not be able to tolerate something today, but maybe in a few weeks it will go down fine. Do not worry!! We are here for you and wish you well. The first month is absolutely hands down the toughest you will do. But, that being a trade in for a lifetime of being free from over eating is well worth it. Hang in there and time passes, pounds drop, and you will get to feeling better and better every day. Hugs!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why Mexico?

    Good afternoon all, I would like to remind everyone of the rules and regulations of this board. Should the banter continue I will be forced to close this thread indefinitely. I would rather not however as there are many here who could benefit from this conversation. If you have not read our board rules, I have copied/pasted them for your convenience: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules </H2>
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 Months Post Op - Pictures & Comments

    WOW!!!! You all nearly made me cry with your lovely comments!!! Thank you all so much! It IS hard work, just not AS hard as it would be without my sleeve... I just want to say to anyone who is on the fence about the sleeve, I was on that same fence for over a year. Now I'm sitting here wondering why I took so flippin long to just jump right in... regardless I'm here now and I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!! Again thank you each and every one for making this girl feel so special!!!!! (((((((HUGS))))))) ***Side note: I've noticed since my running my belly has flattened out a great deal. My legs too are shrinking away, and for me that has *always* been my hardest and toughest spot to lose. I have no doubt that my last 50 Lbs will all come off my thighs!!! 25 Lbs a piece... lmao!!! Anyway, I owe my body shaping all to my running. You really have to hold your whole body in while doing it, it's like a total body workout. I CANNOT say enough good things about it... that is if you enjoy doing it.
  7. Thank you!!! :-D You're so awesome, luv you girlie!!! <3

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Torn between LB and Gastric bypass

    This is absolutely the truth. Remember you are on a Lap Band support website so you probably will get a whole lot one sided replies here. My advice, talk with your Doctor. Only YOU can make that final decision on what's best for you and your health. Weigh (no pun intended) all your options. Good luck to you! The ultimate destination is health and fitness. However you get there, be blessed.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    800 Pound Gorilla in the Room

    Agreed, it was very well written. I love your style Tom, I hope you'll stick around and entertain us with your amazing ability to express yourself. As for myself, I'm not a drinker - never have been and I doubt I ever will be. But, nothing wrong with having a drink here and there if you so wish. I would wait until you are close to goal though as alcohol carries a lot of calories. Other than that, enjoy your life, that's what this is really all about. Cheers!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hello Victorious Valentines!!! Wow it's been 3 years now... amazing. I never made my 3 year Bandiversary but I just thought I'd check in to see how everyone's doing. Angie, that is so fantastic!! You're very fit and running a marathon?? I can't even imagine that at this time. I'm just getting started with the running and I am going to do the Susan G Komen, Race for the Cure on May 7th. It will be my first timed event ever. I'm pretty excited and it's keeping me juiced to getting on that treadmill. I'm not going to beat myself up on worrying too much about "times" right now because I don't have anything to beat. I will continue with this and do a 5k every few months to keep me doing my thing. I was revised to the VSG on Sept. 15th, 2010. I ended up gaining all my weight back after being banded. Nearly 60 Lbs even and true enough I had some complications with my band. I just don't want to go into detail, that is not the spirit of this support board. I just wanted to say that I'm doing really well and I'm the lowest weight I've been since being in High School. I'm even fitting some of my HS outfits I've saved over the years!!! I'm beside myself and very happy!!! I'm very close to Onederland and it's been alluding me... so I think I need to work a little harder to get there. I am also about 50 Lbs to goal. Good luck to all!! I sometimes cruise by here to see how the Valentines gals are doing. It's quieted down a lot, but would be nice to see if anyone more can chime in and say how they're doing. All the best to all of you!!! Congrats to you Angie and Cocoa for you did AWESOME with your bands!!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Current before and after pics

    Wow great job!!! You've come a long way - lovin' it!!!
  12. I think I'm already starting to feel better! I'm not naive to think that 2 days of the medicine is really going to do the trick, but it's a start. I think I've found out what my problem was the whole time. :-)

  13. I think I'm already starting to feel better! I'm not naive to think that 2 days of the medicine is really going to do the trick, but it's a start. I think I've found out what my problem was the whole time. :-)

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    "Watching" threads - how to get rid of this

    Go to your drop down menu at the top left of your page and go to "My Settings" Go to your "Settings" tab on the page it opens up to Go to "Notification Options" on the left side of the screen On that entire page, check and un-check any options you choose. Don't forget to click SAVE!! I only have e-mails set as a very few options really. I think for some reason recently the options have re-set and had to re-do mine. Once I re-did them tho the barrage of emails and notifications has stopped. Good luck!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 month post op pictures

    Now THAT's what I'm talkin bout lady!!!
  16. Hey there - you're shrinking away!!! Looking good lady, keep up the good work!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 month post op pictures

    Hey Sarah, you're looking really great!!! Love the smiles :) Now to work on the "Only" part... it should be more like, WOW!!! I love 11 freakin Lbs in one month!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Chewing Gum

    I chew gum for all those reason you mentioned, I would also like to add something... I MUST have a piece of gum or a mint after having a Protein shake. It curbs the need to "chew" and the after taste on those things are hideous!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    My thoughts, outloud

    Haaa!!! Taking me back is what you're doing! No worries though, believe me when I say it does get so much better. I'm six months out and my thoughts now are "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU... infinity to all the powers that be..."
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Goodbye 50lbs (photos!)

    For me Biotin has been working incredibly. No it doesn't help with it falling out, but I have so many regrowths on my head it looks like a porcupine! My nails are growing fast and strong too, so it has lots of good effects. I've been taking 2500 mcg since I noticed my hair falling out which was about 3 months ago now. Also I'm 6 months out now and I've noticed in the last few hair washings that my hair is falling out much less than say 1-2 months ago. I've heard others say that around 7 months it pretty much stops, and I'm running toward that so I'm hopeful that I will be one of those folks too.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Goodbye 50lbs (photos!)

    WOW LOOK AT YOU!!!!!!!!!! You are sooo cute!!!! Great job so far, I think you're doing super good!!! Big hugs to you

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