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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cats Vs Dogs (Share your pet pics)

    @@SnowDaisy she is precious
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    How to Manage Food Addictions Over the Holidays

    @@Mary Jo Rapini very well said! As a food addict myself I actually now fear family functions because I know that everyone works hard to provide the delicious foods served and even home made from scratch sugary delicacies. I am 41 days sugar free (yes I count them like an alcoholic does, it works for me) but I will have something tomorrow which is when the family is doing the get-together. But I have already planned ahead and told my husband that all I'm allowed to have is anything I want but only about 1" x 1" which equates to probably 3 or so bites. NO MORE! I will also make sure my meal consists of very high Protein so the sugar won't spike in my blood causing the addictive chain reaction. I love this article, I completely understand.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    06/25/2014 HERE I COME...

    Oh yeah only a little over a month! Wishing you well! Prepare and plan during this time and envision yourself melting away those pounds.
  4. The VSG is a fabulous tool if you don't have any pre-operative issues such as diabetes or gastric reflux disease. It in my opinion works just as good as the bypass (and I'm revising to bypass soon due to GERD) as long as you stick to the post op plan. Take a list of all of the pros and cons of both and whichever ones mean the most to you place more emphasis on. Good luck with your decision.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    No NSV's?

    There will be NSV's you never even knew would be an NSV someday. Clothes fitting is only one of the probably hundreds in a list! Try also side by side photos at least monthly but I used to do weekly. Also, use a measuring tape and measure everything. I used to even measure my neck and wrists which sounds strange but as they went down even a quarter inch it gave me a reason to be happy and feel good about my efforts. Not only that but is there anything you notice physically you can do now that you once couldn't when you first started? Stay strong and above all stay positive!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    @@Bigmommatojacob You should only fear failure if you already plan to quit.
  7. It is a holiday weekend, so that's means we should be even more diligent with our choices! Have a great 3 day weekend everyone. :)

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Another huge step and couldn't be happier!

    Wonderful!! Here's to the finish line in sight now
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    This shi...stuff just got real!

    This is a very exciting time! Sounds like your surgeons office has it down pat.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    How hard do you sweat during workouts?

    This definitely falls under the "everyone is different" category. Some people sweat buckets, like my husband. I don't and I used to really push the workouts for hours and in a hot room even. Yes, of course I sweated but just usually less than others. If you have DOMS today due to your workout, then you did good! Don't worry about it, just be proud.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Scale issues

    Always go by the scale at your Dr's office, that's the scale that matters for all official matters. That said it wouldn't be a bad idea to sample other scales immediately after going to your Dr's office to one that is as close as possible. That way you feel more confident with it. I have a Taylor scale and I got it from Target for about 25 bucks I think. It's always pretty close to what I weigh in at my surgeons office.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cats Vs Dogs (Share your pet pics)

    Everyone's furbabies are so adorable! They're the best! I especially love the painted paws, I have thought about that too lol
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Letter Of Medical Necessity And Sample Letter.

    Yes do whatever you have to, even if it's longer than 5 years. All the best!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    What size to sew?

    @ this is a really fabulous idea! We all need something for us that will motivate us to make it to the end. I will always tell anyone they can get as small as they want so long as their willing to work harder for it the smaller you get. My original goal size was to be an 8. I doubted myself all the time but I worked really hard toward my goal and YES I did make it!!! I also blew right past my goal all the way down to a size 4, and even some Zero's depending on who made them. It was awesome! Don't doubt yourself! I would start with the 12's, I totally believe you can make that your goal. Then once you hit that goal and if you so choose to lose more then make yourself some smaller goal clothes.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Letter Of Medical Necessity And Sample Letter.

    Insurance is really picky when it comes to stuff like this. Is there anywhere you weighed in that was officially recorded? How about places like Urgent Care or Emergency rooms? Maybe Weight Watchers meetings? Get anything you can to gather as much information as you can. Make a long list of all of the diets or medications you might have ever taken that might help your cause. You have some homework to do but it's our job as the patient to put in as much of an effort to get what we want. This is only one of the many reasons why you will never hear any of us say that weight loss surgery is not the easy way out! It's a lot of dedication, time and even more patience. Good luck ladies!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    SUGAR is my ENEMY

    @@lisacaron when that happens to me I will eat a half piece of medium fruit and make sure I also eat something with it that has some Protein in it. It helps curb those awful sugar cravings but the protein helps keep my sugar spike from going too high. Yes, our bodies do need sugar! It's so much fun trying to balance all this stuff isn't it? Ha!
  17. Today I am sugar free 40 days! It will end on Saturday tho because we are having a special occasion. But I can only sample one treat 1" by 1". ;o) Then it's back on plan!

    1. DarbiMolly


      That's great. Takes a lot of positive self talk to make 40 days. Good luck on your special occassion. you can do it! And we all know, that 1 minute of satisfaction isn't really worth it in the end!

    2. Chimera


      That is so awesome Irene - I am starting the weaning off sugar process and it is really challenging. One forgets how nice it is to not feel hungry all the time when the carbs and sugar are very low ;)


  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cats Vs Dogs (Share your pet pics)

    @@KayleeC14 beautiful photos
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    SUGAR is my ENEMY

    Today is my Day #40 without sugar. I'm so proud of myself! I am crazy addicted to sugar... it's insane. We are traveling to Visalia this weekend though to visit my hubby's sister and she always cooks such wonderful sweet treats. I tell myself that I can have a very tiny piece of the one goodie that appeals to me the most and enjoy it, but I will also make sure I eat tons of Protein during dinner so that it won't cause too much of a sugar spike. I do this even eating a serving of fruit and actually works wonders. No sugar coma here! I'm going to be a good girl.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    has anyone else had....

    @@xtina965 definitely yes please contact your surgeon ASAP. Let us know how you're doing! Hoping everything turns out A-OK,
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just got home today!

    @@Cupcake welcome home and especially welcome to the rest of your life! As for the gas well in time it will work itself out. I know it's uncomfortable but the time will pass so will the gas.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    3-Month Follow-Up Results

    @@cangudz congratulations on your success! It sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the great progress and as time comes you will reach your goal and surpass it. Your body will settle when it's ready. Just remember that all of the decisions you are making to be where you are now will have to continue on forever to stay at goal. I suggest once you do make it to your final plateau just keep weighing in often and if you fluctuate back up a few pounds work to get it back off ASAP. Don't ever feel bad, it's all very normal. Best,
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cats Vs Dogs (Share your pet pics)

    @@Travelmego wow it is true what @@Ginger Snaps said so you have a one in a million kitty! That's so precious.
  24. Keep your brain in harmony with your heart and your body will always shadow with positive results.

    1. BellaHugz


      well said missy!!

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    My weight will not be my prison ANYMORE!

    Welcome Heather!! Thanks for sharing this with us. Looking forward to watching you progress!

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