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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Aretha Franklin

    Well my mistake. I saw on NBC news that she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer a few months ago and just assumed that they were a credible news source.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Aretha Franklin

    Oh wow, I have no idea... she does have cancer too so it could be from that. I didn't even know she'd lost some weight and by the looks, she's lost a LOT!!! I do probably more side with a surgery of some sort.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    7 months, 67 pounds down....what's next?

    Hey BBJ, you look amazing!!!!!!!! Great job girlie, and you are so lucky you never even looked like you had extra weight. Your skin really snapped back exact. Also, I want to say that, that would be fantastic to sign up for some competitions. Keep us in the loop! I for one would like to hear all about it. I love stuff like that - physical fitness is where its at!!! RE: The guy... I always believe in Kharma. Sooner or later he will repay his debt in his insensitive remarks about that lady.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    LOL!! Yeah that's going to happen, your family I suppose needs to eat even though you aren't able to right now. I would suggest running up to your room and burying yourself in a book or a good TV show. I have to tell you, watching TV shows that showcase Super or Morbidly Obese folks and Weight Loss really keeps me focused on the task at hand, and that is getting to goal!! Hang in there, and by all means excuse yourself for I know the smell is really good. Someone at my office was eating fried potatoes of some sort this morning, likely hash browns... I about nearly fainted it smelled so delicious...
  5. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Crosswind! I personally have not once seen a negative feedback on Dr. Aceves. I didn't see the post on the mystery man who claimed he nearly died. I won't say if it is true or not. I'm no one to judge, but I would like you to keep in mind that there is a lot of responsibility on the patient just as much as the surgeon. You have to wonder why he is such an anomaly that he nearly died. Did he follow the post op plan as directed? Did he maybe eat something he shouldn't have and too early out? Was he getting all of his fluids and supplements? Who knows... We have to remember that no one is perfect. It stands to reason that even Dr. Aceves could have a few complications here and there, I just personally have never seen any. Doesn't mean they aren't there. I certainly didn't have any complications out of norm. I did have nausea in the hospital and I also needed a catheter at one point. I also had a hard time swallowing from the pain, which as it was explained to me was, since I was a revision from the Lap Band it was pretty common. I absolutely and highly recommend Dr. A. His compassion, bedside manner and his technique saved my life. I'm going for a post op next weekend and I will be very happy to see him and his team!!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Most Wonderous NSV

  7. Awwwweee thanks!!! :-D

  8. Thanks !!! Less than 50 to go :-D

  9. Thank you !!!! :-D

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Flood of "Whatcha eating"

    I have a suggestion in to the powers that be... stay tuned.
  11. Awwww thank you!!! Less than 50 to go! :-D

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    April 4th GOT MY DATE TODAY!!

    :)Congrats!!! You have 3 weeks to prepare...
  13. For the most part I feel really good! I've been doing my PrevPac to get rid of the H.Pylori in my stomach and since I've been taking it I've been feeling better. I used to be on Omeprazole since 1 mo out of surgery and it kept my hunger in check. The Prevacid is NOT!! I'm hoping it's gonna help soon... it just might take time.

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    3.5 Months Post-Op=-72lbs

    AMAZING!!! congrats on all your success!
  15. Uggghhhh!!! Dr. has me on Prevacid right now, 2x per day even. I've noticed I've been feeling hungrier. It's upsetting me!!!

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Flood of "Whatcha eating"

    It's a valid question. I'll see how many responses we get here and if enough agree with this, I'll clean up the threads so it's not so overpowering.
  17. Uggghhhh!!! Dr. has me on Prevacid right now, 2x per day even. I've noticed I've been feeling hungrier. It's upsetting me!!!

  18. On Tuesday the 15th I will be 6 Months post op... I can't believe how time flies!!! I guess as they say, it happens like that when you're having fun. I feel incredible (aside from my stomach bugs, which I'm taking care of right now) and my panels all came back amazing. My PCP is very impressed and when I told her I'll be running a 5K her eyes went big and shocked like. LOL!!! She is really beside herself and she told me I got it right this time... (surgery ) Not only that, she told me to stop all of my high blood pressure medications. So... NO LONGER HYPERTENSIVE!!! Thank you sleeve, thank you Dr. Aceves for believing I could do it, and thank you to all of YOU for your support and motivation. :wub: Here are my six month progress pictures. I changed my goal simply because I really don't think I still need to love 60+ Lbs. If I do end up losing that much, I just don't think I'll have the shape I really want. I'm very close - so here's to the next 49 - YEAHHH!! Six Months Post Op Pics (ETA) I'm wearing the pink sweat jacket I bought from Target, Size M: 281 Pounds, just before my VSG surgery: 330 Lbs, My highest weight ever... Then me at about 300 Lbs...
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 Months Post Op - Pictures & Comments

    Thank you !!! Trust me, all of you will be where I am right now - in time. All you have to do is follow the plan and trust in it. You'll likely have your stalls and slow downs, but no matter what YOU WILL GET THERE!!! I just started running about 2 months ago now. I signed up for the 5k and that really motivated me to work harder and harder. However, I was up and walking the same day as surgery. I would also like to point out that it wasn't but a few months before surgery that my PCP sent me to an orthopedist for my knees. They are really jacked up. The orthopedist recommended surgery on both to clean them out due to arthritis and all the damage I did to them from being so heavy for so long. I put that on hold though so I could have a chance to lose weight and get rid of any unnecessary weight and pressure on them. I at least wanted to be able to have *some* mobility during my knee surgeries. But... here I am today and my knees are really holding up excellently!!! I take good care to keep them on my mind at all times during my running (very important). They do still have their moments, as arthritis is a dibilitating disorder and will never get better, rather will get worse over time. I just wanted to say that losing weight has been the very best thing I have ever done for them. Hang in there y'all!!! It's GOING to happen. NO DOUBT!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Hey everyone! I've noticed a lot of us are stalling right now. PLEASE don't let that be reason to get down on yourselves. It IS going to happen to the best of us here and there. Stay strong and most of all stay focused!!! We've got this! Just so you all know I went on a nearly 3 weeks stall. This is the second time this has happened to me. I seem to go through a warp speed period with weight loss then the scale will maintain for a few weeks. I just have to keep my chin up and believe in the program!! If I don't believe in me that I can do it with my sleeve, then how can anyone else believe in me? Stay strong folks! I've even only lost .6 Lbs since my last post but ya know what? That's .6 Lbs gone forever!!! Blessed be!! Also, keep in mind Easter is on APRIL 24th!! We all still have 6 weeks to hit our goals, and that translates to 42 entire days. ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8...............214.2.........199.8.........14.4
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    my journey from 612 to 200

    Oh me too! Its been so long and I even have dreams about going to them and having fun! For me, it's going to be my Onederland goal prize... so once I break out of the 2's I'm taking a trip to Great America in Santa Clara!!!
  22. Hi dreams, thanks for the add! ;-)

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    my journey from 612 to 200

    Hello and welcome the big guy to VST!!! You sound like you have quite the road ahead but rest assured, your sleeve is going to help you so very much!!! You will be able to do all those wonderful things that normal folks do someday. That you can count on! This place is so great for support, and I do hope you'll keep coming back to share your successes with us. All the best in your journey!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Maybe I shouldn't have the surgery!!

    Hello Lisa, Well... I had a 2 week pre-op diet and you know what? I did pretty much stick to it really good. I'll tell you why. The reason you are put on a pre-op diet is so that the Doctors are in the hopes you will shrink your liver some. They have to work around it laporascopically and they want to minimize any accidents such as nicking or scraping it. That's a really big deal. Also, it *never* hurts to be as prepared as you can be before you go under the knife. Good health usually gets good recoveries. All that being said, what's done is done. Just try to, for the last few days stick to your plan 100%. Remember it's for your health immediately post op more than losing weight. Good luck to you!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 week update photos

    Definitely a difference already! Great job and keep up the good work!!!

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