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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Net carbs vs total carbs....confused

    I am in the minority as I do watch my carbs, however if something is healthy AND high in fiber, you better believe I'll eat it. Fiber is as essential as anything else we eat every single day. Our bodies need it to keep things running smoothly in the waste department. I don't know about anyone else, but I do prefer to go daily, and the extra 5 Lbs of waste in my colon is not worth eating 5g less carbs. This added with plenty of Water and I won't be coming here asking why I can't "go"... Just my opinion. Not only that, anything high in fiber is also a very good healthy way to stay satiated. It does take your body longer to digest and keeps you from feeling hunger as if you ate a carb without a lot of fiber.
  2. Hi Fiber Oatmeal w/ blueberries. It's what's for breakfast.

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tommow is the day!

    Hey Cathy!!! Big hugs for your surgery tomorrow. Everything will turn out excellent and you absolutely *will* have as good an experience as others (such as me) who have had the revision. Let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm 51 pounds lighter!

    Heya Shanny!!! Looking great there lady!!! Whooottt!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just broke into 10's!!!!!!

    Thankie y'all!!!!!! Love ya lots!!! Hey Leslie, didn't I mention, it *was* a beach towel...??? Nah, just kiddin'.... LMAO!!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just broke into 10's!!!!!!

    WHOOOTTTT!!!! I'm on cloud 9!!!! Thanks so much ladies, you all ROCK!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Now... time to get my head outta the clouds and keep it moving... I still have 9 Lbs to get out of the 2's and 40 something to get to my ultimate goal... ROCK IT!!!!!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    BMI Calculator

    I really didn't know where else to put this, so I figured this could be classified in the "Fitness" section. I found a website that measures a great deal many things, more than just the classic BMI. It measures fat percent, Waist/Hip ratios, differences for men and women, and much much more. Here is how I measured up. My current BMI is 34.12 - which falls into the Obese 1 Category.. yay!! Ready to move into just the Overweight soon. My BMR measured at 1,710.89 - however since I've been on very low cals for at least 6 months now, this maybe true or I would guess it's less than that. My Body Fat% came out to 31.18. I was really shocked to see this!!!! It makes me fall under borderline NORMAL and obese!!! I knew I was thinner than my weight let on. My physical fitness really REALLY helps with this. Here's the best one: My Waist to Hip Ratio is 0.74 - this is absolutely without a doubt the most awesome result!!! For a Female, 0.8 or less is considered Low Risk!!! Yay me!!! LOL Anyway if you'd like to take a look at it, here's the website: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/ :D
  8. WOWWWW!!!! I just broke into my first pair of 10's!!!!! Doing the happy dance... yeahhh!!!!

  9. Things of note: I am losing weight really good right now. I have less than 10 Lbs to reach Onederland. I have 2.2 Lbs to be less than my husband. Some of my size 14's are starting to fit loose on me. I bought a cute new bathing suit, size M top and L bottoms and it fits perfect. Can't wait for summer!!!

  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi there... yes this is *the* place!! Many of us do understand how the reckless the band can be and getting revised has been one true blessing. I was able to gain all my weight back WITH the band!! It's gone now and I'm on my way down every single day. Loving it!! Come here to vent anytime. Especially with that story it is so justified! Hugs, and here's to hoping you will get your sleeve very soon. You are going to be so amazed!!
  11. Things of note: I am losing weight really good right now. I have less than 10 Lbs to reach Onederland. I have 2.2 Lbs to be less than my husband. Some of my size 14's are starting to fit loose on me. I bought a cute new bathing suit, size M top and L bottoms and it fits perfect. Can't wait for summer!!!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    re sleeve

    I'll always recommend my surgeon, Dr. Aceves. He does do revisions and has done a great deal of them. However, your particular case I'm not sure... Good luck!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    best way to break a stall?

    The best way to break any stall is to shake things up. Whether it be caloric intake, types of foods you're eating (more Proteins, less carbs), drinking more Water (I get in about 100 oz per day - pure water) and shaking up your workout routine. The workouts, you don't necessarily need to do more - just change them up. Your body gets used to doing the same things day in and day out. However if none of these things work you might have to try something more involved, like checking your daily fat content (too much is bad, but on low carb too little is bad too), food logging to find little culprits you weren't noticing before, or you will just have to "ride it out". Sometimes we just stall. The only thing we can do is wait for the Lbs to start dropping again. Most of us lose in "stair steps". It is what it is. Good luck!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    And here I didn't think I was going to lose anything from yesterday. I lost .8 Lbs... I LOOOVEE MY SLEEEVEEE!!!!! I agree with plumptious this is the greatest WL tool ever!! I've gone back to my old ways of weighing daily, first thing in the morning, w/o clothes (I've tested those things and can weigh up to an extra 5 Lbs!!) I love being able to see the daily drops and having the every day scale victories. It also makes me work harder when I don't lose. ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8...............209...........199.8.........9.2
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 mos w/ pics

    Those *are* great!!! Congrats you and hubby for keepin it going!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    BMI Calculator

    Once I hit goal I'm going to go get one of those "Bod Pod" tests too. I have no idea either where to find one. I guess a fitness club might know but since I don't belong to any I haven't thought about asking. I do plan to sign up for one and get a personal trainer once I get to within 25 lbs of goal, because I know I'll have to start working a lot harder to get there. I will be interested to know my exact Body Fat %, so I'll then consider losing more or just maintaining.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unrealistic Expectations

    Ahhhhaaaa!!! THIS is exactly why chose not to tell *everyone*. BTDT... with my Lap Band. Guess what, it's *more* mortifying when they see the weight go back up too. The questions get really annoying, and if that is being crabby so be it. Since I've lost going on 70# since surgery, if someone asks I'll tell them. I just wanted my initial weight loss to be about my focus and me. It's been 6 months now, so I'm not really as guarded about the ordeal as I once was. The newness has worn off for the most part and I really only have 45 Lbs to lose. It's not that much when I've already lost 120 lbs from my highest. I didn't want to have to be under the watchful eye of others, because in all thats real, it's noneya business. I had a lot of work to do and didn't want any unnecessary distractions and feelings of inadequacy because I needed a *second* WLS. It is what it is now though, you'll just have to make the best of it. It will pass in time, once everyone knows they end up leaving you alone after awhile. Usually once you get very small and they're used to seeing you like that.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    I know stalls are normal....but....

    Hi Breanna, nope what you are experiencing is what majority of the others of us do. I'd say that anyone who doesn't stall ever is quite rare. Your down 29 Lbs!!!! Celebrate them. When they collect more, celebrate those too... until then relax and enjoy the ride.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    help!!! would like your input...

    Great choice!!! All the best on April 11th!!! Keep us updated...
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    BMI Calculator

    I can't really disagree with my results. My classic BMI is in the obese category nearly midway. According to my measurements I'm on borderline Obese and Acceptable. I am also classifed at anywhere from 20-30 Lbs heavier than others who are my height and wear my size. Everyone's different that's for sure! The only way to get the most accurate rating is to go get one of those body density tests... but it's fun to see anyway! I think mine is spot on.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Inching closer and closer!! I can hardly believe how far I've come. I used to weigh 330 Lbs at one time in my life... man... Life's Good!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeved on March 7th, 2011

    Helloooo Butterfly! What you are experiencing is normal. Some of us (such as myself) end up totally turned off by food for the first few months, but many others never lose the cravings at all. Just stay strong and focused!! Excuse yourself from all situations where the cravings can get to you. Like maybe for a few weeks while you are doing liquids only, go up to your room and skip the commercials! I've had a DVR for years now and rarely do I watch anything at its scheduled time, unless its the 5 O'Clock News. Congrats on your sleeve!!! I'm sure you do already love your sleeve but you will see as time goes on, you will absolutely positively LOVE IT!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene


    WHOOOT CONGRATS!!! I got excited too when I was classified obese... LOL I also used to be Super Obese!! Good luck and cheers on the rest of your journey and your first 100 Lbs lost.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Loss of appetite

    No worries, this is *very* common. I went through it too, and it was like this for the first 3 months post op. Once my stomach started to get used to solid foods again, my appetite began to work its way back. I also have times when I couldn't care less about food still to this day... then in a few weeks my appetite will increase again. I'm six months post op now.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I love the weight loss weeks!!! ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8...............209.8.........199.8.........10

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
