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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Changed Goal

    Great!!!! I'm glad to hear your Appt went good. Hugs!!! Cheers to the new you.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sour Stomach

    You know, I never really needed to ask Dr, A about this because I didn't even realize I was lactose intolerant until I was well into my solids phase. I was released to eat anything so I just switched to the Lactaid Milk instead of regular milk. I do not take the pills, because its really milk I have the issue with. I have not had any issues with yogurts/cheeses/etc. I of course haven't even attempted ice cream, way too scared too!!! Sorry I couldn't be more help... I'm sure they will answer your email quickly. I believe Gaby is the one to ask, she is the post op patient coordinator (not sure if you knew that). Let me know if you need her info... Good luck!!!
  3. LOL I just seen your reply below... you're too cute. :) I feel better now though, thanks sooo much for your uplifting messages. Luv u girl!!!

  4. Thank you darlin' you're a sweetie pie. Let me know if you ever need support!!!! :)

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    1200 Calorie Diet- OMG! TORTURE!

    HANG IN THERE LADIES!!! It is sooo difficult to do this without the help of the sleeve. I struggled a great deal too... it was super hard for me!!! I white knuckled it for 2 weeks... but I have to tell you I'm so glad that I did it. I had a good surgery that only lasted about 90 minutes. Not bad for the Dr. needing to remove a Lap Band AND do a sleeve too... Bonus: I also lost 9 lbs pre surgery too. Good luck!!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sour Stomach

    It could also be lactose intolerance as well. I know it went beserk for me post op. Try using Lactaid instead for your dairies and see if that helps. Our stomach get really super sensitive after surgery, and what worked before may not work now. Good luck!!
  7. Wondering wth to do for dinner. Think I'll just make me a super thick pb & choc protein shake. Everyone else is on their own... lol :)

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    First “mini” goal reached!!!!

    Great NSV!! Whoohooo!! That's always a really good one.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 months out

    WOW!!! Amazing results already!!! Congrats to you, the sleeve is working its magic and so are you.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am home 2 days post op

    Great news, and CONGRATS on your new sleeved stomach!! The nausea got me too, and I dealt with it for the first 3 days. It went away gradually but not before tossing what fluids I could get down there... Its ok though, it gets better - and TG for that. Hugs and Prayers you continue to get better every single day!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Water Intake

    How much Water do you actually get in per day? I personally get in anywhere from 80 oz to 100 oz per day. I fill up 32 oz bottles at least 3x per day. The more water you drink the more weight you will lose. When I was only getting in about 64 oz I lost ok, but since I've gone up I've been losing quite well. How do you get your water? (Tea, Gatorade, popsicles, etc) I just drink plain ole water. I was never a big fan of Crystal Light type drinks, they taste way too sweet/flavored for me. The after taste is awful in my mouth too. That said, for some reason I had a distaste for water straight out of surgery. I drank a lot of G2 or Powerade Zero. Vitamin Water, etc has a lot of sugar added and not worth it to me, when I can get my fluids in better ways. I also like Propel, though its more of a treat for me as it also has carbs added. I water it down for a very light fruity flavor. Do Gatorade, tea, coffee, IsoPure, broth, crystal light drinks count toward my total water intake? - Can I freeze Protein added to flavored water to make protein heavy popsicles? All Fluid oz. count when you are adding up your fluids, yes even SF popsicles, Jello, broth, anything water based, etc. I do not count coffees and teas though as they have caffeine and are counter active to fluid intake. Is anyone using Smart Water* brand? It is bottled water with added electrolytes. I am wondering if this is a good option post surgery to ward off dehydration. I do drink Smart Water. I like the taste, its very soft and has a great flavor to me. Of course it's just water with minerals added, but I can taste the difference between that and filtered water. I am worried about not being able to get adequate water post op and I am a big water drinker / gulper LOL. You will not be able to gulp water anymore really. I used to LOVE to chug down some water pre sleeve. Now I can take a few gulps before I get pain, so I always take it easy when drinking. Straight out of surgery take tiny sips and be careful not to get too much in at one time. The feeling is oh so NOT good... lol Thanks!! Anytime.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    The first few weeks SUCK!

    Awww I'm sorry to hear your still feeling a bit upset. Let me tell you though, it was no picnic for me either. You aren't alone for sure, I'll be the first to tell you. The first whole 4-6 weeks for me was tough, nauseating and miserable. I was so bad with fatigue I couldn't get myself to do hardly anything. As a matter of fact I still get that way from time to time. Not often but sometimes yes, I feel lazy and beat down. I also do my best to keep up with my Vitamins, and especially my Iron and B-12. My panels are coming back good, but regardless that tired feeling can really get to you. Right now I'd say your main concern should be to stay hydrated. Do your best to get all your Water in. If you aren't doing this then likely that might be hindering your progression to getting better. Dehydration can make you feel *less* thirsty and even more nauseated and fatigued. Regarding your Protein, take the unflavored unjury packets and add it as much of it as you can to anything you're eating. Even if its a teaspoon at a time, it's still *something*. Hang in there, and keep us updated.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgerverssary With Pics!!

    Yep I vote younger too!! Amazing!! You look great, and really fit too - even though you said you don't exercise, I honestly never would have guessed it. Lucky you!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Changed Goal

    Chilo my dear!!! You look 1. Happy, 2. Healthy, 3. Normal... and you are totally adorable to boot. Now I tell you this out of my own personal experience. Yes the scale has *some* say but not *all*. It is quite possible you body is very happy where you are now. The blasted BMI thing is really only a guideline. It does not factor into it many things... like being a bigger build or having more muscles than a normal person. I also agree with NotFat, you will get even closer to your goal once you have your PS. That's probably the end of it right there. I also decided to change my goal by 11 Lbs even. I remember being 165 a long time ago and I really felt at my best, most healthy and best looking at that weight. I may not even get there, without some PS too. Who knows... but for me right now - I'm off all HBP medicines and I can shop in normal size clothes. I feel successful already and I still have 45 Lbs to lose. Two of the best results of my surgery. I hope you feel the same too, because you ARE A SUCCESS!!! Now, no more stress, only happy thoughts - for you deserve it so much.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Disapointed and venting...

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Disapointed and venting...

    Hi Ladies, Whats done is done... no sense in crying over spilled milk. You admitted that you could've done better and *that* is the first step to recovery. *I* am a food addict, I know!!! They did surgery to remove our stomach - they didn't do anything to keep the head hunger from happening. Only ourselves will be able to over come that. I don't think you gained 5 Lbs of fat, you'd have had to eaten 17,500 calories above what you burned on those two days... I say it's just not possible. Not with the sleeve. Some of us are just much more sensitive than others to carbohydrates of all types. You are probably one of them. The only thing to do now is to get back on track and start over. Don't let this hiccup keep you feeling down and low, instead feel empowered that you realized your mistake and are willing to correct it. You can still do the 5 day pouch test, you don't have to wait until you're six months post op. For us, it would mostly be to curb the carb demon right now. I personally just eat super low carbs for a few days to get over it. I've never been good at sticking to liquids unless there is the threat of physical harm to me... like my staples busting open. Good wishes on your journeys!!!
  17. Ok... which Grocers do you find this Fage? I've never seen it before, and I'd like to try it. I'm out of Greek Yogurt and I'd really like the 2% plain so that I can add my flavors myself next time.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Rock Bottom

    I completely agree that your Surgeon really did/does have your best interest in mind. He wants to make sure you have as safe a surgery as he can help you with. He sounds like a real class act, and sticks to what he believes in. Some surgeons can just be "whichever way the wind blows" and do the surgery regardless. I don't think that is someone I would want operating on me... With that, I do believe 100% that you are going to do excellent. I am also extremely proud that you were honest. Everything does happen for a reason, so now you can nurse your cold and prepare even more for your surgery. Hang in there, April 4th is right around the corner. With sticking to your dietary guidelines, and adding doing some painting on top (that's tough work!!!) of that you will definitely get your surgery wish. Hugs to you... Thank you so much for bringing your story to light, it really is going to help so many!! That's what this forum is so wonderful for.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Shocking NSV

    That IS a really great NSV!!! Congrats!!! They are going to come fast & furious... I hope you're ready!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    portion plate?

    I went and bought a bunch of very small plates from IKEA for about a buck a piece or some ridiculous small price. They are very pretty, I bought 5 of all different colors... I just keep in mind to eat a portion of Protein the size of a deck of cards. I get a very small amount on non white carbs and a good size portion of veggies. It gets me to near full, and I never really finish the carbs portion either. Not only that I bought some serving utensils that measure out 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup and 1 full cup. It's really helpful.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Months Out and Loving my Sleeve

    WOWWWW!!!!!!! Yolanda, GREAT JOB!!!!!! :D
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    my secret.... 8(

    Hello LUV, Guess what? Your story sounds exactly like mine, and so many others here. You are not alone in your journey nor your struggles. Stick here and read all you can, get acclimated to what will be your new lifestyle. Wishing you all the best, and in good hopes of a speedy recovery. Keep us updated!!
  23. 12 Steps of OA: 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Rock Bottom

    I don't think telling others to lie to medical staff is in anyone's best interest. If it's that awful, then seek a second opinion.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
