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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just broke into 10's!!!!!!

    :D Thanks my peeps!!! Just enjoying the losing weight, and for once I feel like I can keep it off too. I'm lovin it!!! I told my hubby I want to get the girls done as soon as I hit goal. Everything else can wait awhile. I guess that's why I haven't even thought about getting any smaller shirts than mediums now. I doubt with the size I want I will be able to fit into smalls. Aaaanyway, here's another NSV... it's my TOM and I haven't really gained any weight (haven't lost either but oh well!!!). I'm keeping myself under control as much as I can. I blew it last time and didn't want to do that again. I'm almost out of it, so hopefully I can race to get to my Easter goal with time to spare!!! :D
  3. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Century Club

    :youcandothis: :youcandothis: :youcandothis: CONGRATULATIONS!!! WHOOHOOOO!!! WELCOME TO THE CENTURY CLUB!!! :waytogo: :waytogo: :waytogo:
  5. Whoohooo!!! That is a great NSV!!! I looove to run so I know how amazing this feels. May you continue on the right path and run run RUN!!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    NSV Jeans....

    Wow!!!! WTG Kim!!!! Hey I hope you took a picture of yourself in those $168 jeans because you will be too small for them in no time.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    8 MOS/5 LBS AWAY

    Wow fantastic!!!! You've come a long way - rock that sleeve!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    Well sounds like its normal, I wouldn't know this is the first I've heard of this. Thanks for posting, I'm sure it will help a lot of folks out there. I hope your cousin gets over her fever quick.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do sleever's celebrate success

    I Celebrate every little thing... nothing major or specific - but I'm constantly buying new clothes and getting myself little congratulatory gifts. I chalk it up as... cool I'm down 120 Lbs so I deserve this, LOL!!! I'm trying *not* to become a shopping addict though. Doing my best anyway! I am also going to go on a major shopping spree once I do hit goal. I have been putting away money here and there and got a lot of gift cards to clothing stores for anniversary, birthday, christmas. They are waiting for the big one.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    uh oh ...

    Awww hugs Mini!!! You know what though, you caught yourself. So many times in my life I've ignored the scale and just did what I wanted. No more, and when/if it were to go over my topping point when I hit goal, I'll have to get right too. So, thank you for posting this because since Im not in maintenance mode this isn't something I've really considered happening. Hang in there!! It already sounds like you are back on track. A few days of super low carbs and you will be back to where you started. Never forget, YOU ROCK!!! @Becca, excellent suggestion, thanks!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi myown, Congrats on a good successful surgery. You will come to love your stomach soon, it does it's job if you do yours!! Welcome to the posting side of the forum. Its so nice to have you along on your new journey. Keep us updated on how you're doing.... but you are right, for right now - rest, sip and walk. The 3 main ingredients to getting through the first week.
  12. I just signed up with twitter... not sure exactly why.

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Afraid and need advice

    Hello LilMissDiva Thank u so much!! for the reply and words of encouragement, Best of luck on ur 5k!! it is the best feeling in the whole world! you must already be so proud of urself for taking this huge step but let me tell u, as soon u cross the finish line that day "no matter when and how fast" you will be totally a new different person with new attitude! even better than the one u already have now! just keep going and keep visualizing ur dream:) Oh man I remember when I ran those 5k I kept cheering at myself alone and going "YES YES I DID IT!" for so long lol I fell down on that marathon, it took place by the pyramids where I live in Egypt and the road there isnt a good running one! and I dragged my friends along and I kept looking back to check on them, and then bammm! I fell!! but I got up and kept going and then after I was done I discovered how bruised my knees were and that I already bent my ankle! but the pain was not felt during the marathon!! adrenaline rush! LOL BEST OF LUCK SWEETY!!! WOWWW!! Thanks for the story and the encouragement. I can only imagine the sense of completion and exhilaration one must feel when getting accross that finish line. I just keep thinking that its tough doing it on the treadmill, but once you get that gleam of the FINISH line ahead I can see me sprinting as fast as I can for it!! :D Sorry your knees got bruised up tho... You have such a journey with your band and then now the sleeve! you sound like u are truly in love with the sleeve and all of the good vibe I keep getting out of this board about the sleeve is just breath taking!! Kudos for keeping ur back there to remind u lol ... I seem to be worried if I took off my band I will gain all the weight! It is just the fear of becoming that old girl again!! I think I will need mental therapy lol Absolutely yes, I'm mad over my sleeve!! Best thing I've ever done for myself, without a doubt. I do understand your reservations though, it's a scary thought gaining all your weight back, let alone even a few. It is absolutely your choice on what to do with your own body... but my personal opinion is that you really won't need it. It is a miracle in the way they cut our stomachs, it does not stretch back much, if at all. I have few questions for you, u seem to be hooked on exercise just like I love it too, so how is your energy levels? Yes, I do love to work out. I have always been that way since I was a young teen though, and it's something that I've always been able to stick with. That said, when one is obese such as myself it goes so much deeper than working out every day. It's always what we fuel our bodies with that makes us fat or fit. Something I had to learn the hard way over the years. My energy levels are really good. I have my lazy moments though, but honestly its no more than I think what a normal person goes through. There will be moments where I just don't want to do any workout or do anything really, but then I'll wake up one day and I'll be back at it full steam ahead. I just think that is my body's way of telling me it's time for a break. LOL!! If it didn't do this, I'd workout 7/365... I pull in hours worth of workout time too, it's nothing to me. I really REALLY love it. I get in about 12-1300 calories a day when I'm doing this. I get in much less though if I don't workout. I seem to supplement with higher calorie and high Protein shakes, so even two right there will bump it up enough to sustain my workout schedule. Cause honestly I feel like I eat soooo little now and fighting with my levels! so what if I got the sleeve and ate fewer than now as some of you are reporting on the board that you can go for only 800 calories a day! .. do u still feel active and ready for ur run? This last week I have not felt like training. I'd been training hard for the last two months steady and my body was telling me its time for rest... so that's what I did. But I was back at it as of early this morning. My only fear now is that I will do the surgery and I will still eat the same small amound and never lose the weight!! but ofcourse I will just gain the benfit of not feeling hungry all the time! #1 believe me, you WILL lose weight!! Trust me... #2 yes most of us get rid of the hunger pangs. It's pretty nice, not gonna lie. Sure don't miss that. I really would feel physical hunger ALL THE TIME!! I do not anymore. Sometimes I even have to remember to eat. I try to never skip a meal though because the best way to keep a fire burning (your metabolism) is to feed that fire (healthy of course!) how much time did ur surgery took? My total surgery revision time was about 90 minutes. How much time did u need to recover and go down and then also be able to run? I am six months out and I so far have lost about 65 Lbs. I still need to lose about 45 lbs to hit goal. However I was even heavier pre-band weight and from my highest I've lost 121 Lbs. I was able to start running again about 2 months ago. I think I was about 20 Lbs heaver than I am now. So 230 Lbs there abouts, and I'm 5'6". Do u have any pain? like on my band I always have a shoulder pain after I eat especially if I had too much!? If I understand your question correctly, then yes I did have band pain. My port pain was so chronic and terrible, my surgeon (at that time, not the same surgeon I have now TG) never wanted to do anything about it. Also eating was so tough and painful for me, even after one single of the tiniest bite chewed to mush anyone can do... so naturally I opted for softer (also known as slider) foods. Not good, defeats the purpose of the band!!! However now, no I do not have any pain. I do feel discomfort sometimes if I take too big a bite, don't chew good enough or eat too fast or even too much. But it takes awhile to get there, its not after one swallow, if you know what I mean. does the Water rule apply to the sleeve as the band? Yes, you should not drink at least 30 minutes after your meals. However, I do drink water all the way up to meal time. I will wait about 10 minutes then eat. It has not affected my fullness factor nor my satiety at all. I hope this helps!!!
  14. I tried some liquid NyQuil with my last head cold and my stomach burned like lava!! It scared the bejewels out of me. It also hit me so fast I felt like I smoked something funny rather than take an OTC cold medicine. After I started using the gel pills and all was ok using those.
  15. Tylenol Rapid Blast is a liquid and adult strength. I always found mine at WalMart and it was cheaper there than I've found anywhere else. It still goes fast though, so once I went through two bottles I just started crusing the tylenol pills and used Water to dilute. It tastes terrible but its a lot cheaper and I don't even use Tylenol that much. I just wasn't able to use my NSAIDS until 1 mo out so I had to take something.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    The first few weeks SUCK!

    Believe me it IS temporary. No way do I feel amazing and super duper every single day, but I think that is just a normal part of life. I can tell you this, being 6 months out my world has taken on a different shape entirely! Even literally... LOL I can now eat more than a couple bites. I can fortably eat about 3 oz of solid Protein, a few bites of veggies and a few bites of good carbs. I pretty much never eat white carbs though... and about the Water, the answer is no you will never be able to guzzle water again (at least I've never seen anyone that could yet) like you did pre surgery. I can guzzle more now than first out (could only take tiny sips!) but still I doubt I'll ever get to suck down a 16 oz bottle in 5 minutes like before... Right now I can do 16 oz in about 20 minutes, so really its not that bad. Also, it never hurts to take your time with moving from step to step food wise. Even at two months out I was still acclimating myself to solids. I don't think I got the hang of all solids until about 3 months out. This surgery is to be taken in baby steps. It's going to change your life, and you will never know exactly what it's like until you are on the other side. Take your time, be patient with yourself. Everything will fall into place, promise!
  17. !!! AWESOME !!! AMAZING !!! FANTASTIC !!! You've really rocked your sleeve so far, you've lost a lot and FAST!! Congrats and cheers on the second half of your journey! Thanks also for being such a good member of this board, your posts are always on point and very valuable. :behindsofa: ...and no more hiding behind anything!! :Banane05: :Banane09: :Banane08::Banane06: :Banane10:
  18. #4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sour Stomach

    Great! No doubt it will help, Lactaid really works for me. Best of luck!!
  20. One month left to make my Easter goal... CAN I DO IT??? I need to lose 9.2 Lbs... :o)

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Afraid and need advice

    OMG you are adorable and you've already done so much for yourself. I see you ran in the Susan G Komen in your area, that is AWESOME!!!! I'm running the 5k here in my area on May 7th... Firstly, welcome to VST Secondly, I am a revised lap band to sleeve person. I can tell you, regaining with the lap band is *extremely* easy once you figure it out. I could eat just as much as I ever could, thereby making my band pretty useless. I initially lost about 55 Lbs with the band, and gained it all back up to within pounds of where I started. That included with needing to go BACK on my HBP tmedications and severe joint pain (couldn't run anymore ) I decided enough was enough and I needed something PERMANENT AND REAL. Not something that I could just think that it's reversible so I chose not to take it as seriously. Besides I never ever found good restriction with it... like I was always chasing that dream that everyone else seemed to get. I felt like a total and complete failure, and thought it was me. It wasn't!!! I know this now because since I've been sleeved the weight is just melting off. I'm off ALL HBP medications and I CAN RUN AGAIN!!!!! :D I'm also the furthest from perfection, and yet I'm still losing really well. I know this will work for you. If you were able to make your band work so well, this is going to blow your mind. Can you imagine having perfect restriction every single day AND NEVER, NOT EVER NEEDING A BLASTED FILL???? Yeah it's as incredible as it sounds. I don't miss my band what so ever. I have it in my hat box at the top of my closet even. It's in a ziploc bag so at least its not collecting dust... lmao!! Once it was out, there was no need for it again. Believe me when I tell you, I now have a restored faith in the WLS world all due to my sleeve. I was skeptical even though I took over a year to finally take the plunge to revision. I wondered, well if I couldn't make my band work, what makes me think I can make this work? It's so easy though, it's working amazingly. Yes, it's not all the sleeve either, it is but a TOOL... but if you do what you're supposed to you are going to lose, and lose fast. I have total faith in it. I also have no more worries on whether I'll make goal. I'm more concerned I'll lose too much!!! Can you imagine??? I set my goal higher in case it takes me awhile to get used to maintenance mode, as I just don't think my body structure was meant to be on the thinner side. I'm also not worried I'll be able to hang on to my weight loss, because since the beginning of the newer smaller and thinner sleeve, the weight gain AND the making it to goal stats are pretty outstanding. Again, I'm no angel, but I'd say on any given month I'm at about a 95%. That alone will keep me losing and maintaining when I get there. Blessings to you, and keep in touch. We all love to support, and there are a lot of us revisioners just waiting to tell the GOOD NEWS!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Well I ain't given up thats for sure!!! Let's get to it!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Finding ENERGY after surgery

    I have my ups and downs *still* and I'm working on my 7th month post op. I can tell you in the last week I have really had to push myself to do anything! I feel so incredibly lazy and haven't even did any workouts. That to me is terrible, as before surgery I'd workout like a banshee. I get motivated for awhile and will do it, but it fades away again. Maybe I'm just getting tired of the same routine, who knows... I'm just finding it a bit difficult to stay focused. I don't want to make excuses either, so this is so difficult for me to deal with. I'm sure it will pass and I'll be back up and running again. I can't fall off now, I have my 5k to think about and it's only 6 weeks away. I think I'm holding up really well and I'm resigned to this being my first event so I'll take whatever time and just be proud I actually did it. Then from there I can work on beating my previous times. I guess with all that, I'm just trying to say that the energy level for me has ebbed and flowed. There really has been no rhyme or reason for it. I do hope I can get back to the point where this terrible laziness (and that is exactly what it is... LAZINESS) will pack up and move on. Sorry, not sure if this helps at all or not - just wanted to say you're not alone in this.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Heya ladies, JOB WELL DONE!!! You are all rocking it right now!! I'm still the same right now, needing 9.2 Lbs to goal. Gonna have to push it up a notch... been being kinda lazy lately. Yep, bad me!! LOL We have as of today one month to finish this thing out - for April 24th (Easter). GOOD LUCK!!!!
  25. #3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
