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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene


    That is fantastic!!! Keep up the excellent work!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 NSVs today!

    Hi Heather Those are great! There is so much more in store too, that's the best part.
  3. I love your new avatar!! Rock it! :-D

  4. Wow look at you! You do look thin already like coops said. Love the red hair on black, very chic.
  5. OMW!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new avatar!!!!! xx

  6. Awww darn! Well, maybe tomorrow. :-)

  7. Hey lady, you need some updated pics!!! :-)

  8. I can't even believe it myself!!!!! :-D Heehee!!

  9. And with that, I'm off to do my Spinner. :-) TTFN...

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Oh my goodness!! I forgot to post my update... Coops, luv you girl - you just keep hanging in there. I'm always rooting for you no matter what. And yes, a pound is a pound!!! They all deserve recognition. ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8..............201.6...........199.8.........1.8
  11. Hip, this surgery is amazing. I have no doubt you could get yourself to any weight you'd like. If you wanted to lose more than 235, I'm willing to bet you would. I'm a revision and yes, I gained with my band. I'm far below my lowest with my band weight now - and really I don't feel like I'm bottoming out at all. Like Denise said, as long as you're following the sleever rules of eating, it will eventually come off. I stall here and there but over time I think I've grown very confident that it will come off down the line when it's time. I just dropped 8 Lbs in 3 days right now. Then I also just had a 3 week stall right before this too. Just hang tight, and give it some time.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    WHOOHOOOOOO!!!! Welcome to sleeve land!!! Everything you mentioned is very classic and normal. I pretty much had every single one of those issues you are going through right now. Just try to Rest Sip and Walk as much as you can. It gets easier and less painful every single day... hugs and if you need any support let me know. I'M SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!
  13. I think my stall has officially broken. I've lost 7.4 Lbs in the last 3 days, I have 1.8 Lbs to reach Onederland and best of all ONLY 36.6 LBS TO REACH MY ULTIMATE GOAL!!!! :-D Whoooooo!!!

  14. I have been doing my Onederland countdown since I had surgery... LOL!! I started with 72 Lbs. Now I have about 3 and a half. It has been 20 years since I've weighed in the Ones. It will be a good day!!!!!!! I hope we all get there FAST!!!!!!
  15. W W!!!!! Major differences Becca, I'm so happy for you.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    One month difference

    CONGRATS!! I can def tell a difference already!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    July 4th sounds good, thanks for the suggestions! Keep em coming, but so far it's sounding like US Day.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fat forever...what happens

    Hi Treequeen I'll try to answer your questions as best I can! I'm going to have to with yes, in the mirror. I'm still gyour personality will most likely change when you get close to goal and maybe even more when you get there. For me, this is a no. I feel like I was much more weak as an super morbidly obese person. Now I'm much different. I have no problem with getting into conversations, sticking up for myself and expressing to others what I like and don't like. It comes with time and getting to know who I really am, and not the big person surrounded by the coccoon I had wrapped around me for so long. That person wasn't the real me, that was the "safe" me. That was my protection from the outside world, not having to deal with reality. It kept others away from my inside and was always the best excuse not to go out and do anything. As I'm losing I'm finding that I'm having to take double takes of myself etting used to how I look now! My shadow, my reflection and even the new person I've become on the inside. It's all for the better though! I hope not, confidence does not have to mean becoming an ego maniac. Lacking self esteem I would sometimes see others who were okay with being more aggressive and in the lime light as being an ego maniac. However now that I'm more like that, I just realize I was wrong. Maybe that's because that's how I really wanted to be from the onset. There is nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself!!! Enjoy your journey and Celebrate all you are doing for yourself!! When I was much heavier I was more of a people pleaser. I think this had a lot to do with me trying to stay out of everyone's line of fire. I had zero confidence, and you need some in order to express YOUR wants and needs. Again, every ONE of us deserves to be happy, and you cannot do this by pleasing everyone else and forgetting about yourself. I'm not saying to become totally selfish, but you have to be happy to live the life you always wanted. There will be a lot of changes once you start losing weight. People WILL notice. At first this was a little uncomfortable for me because I never wanted to be the center of attention. I get complimented all the time now, get called skinny, etc... and I think I've finally become ok with this. I actually enjoy it a great deal now, and someday I am in hopes of giving back. I have no problems with speaking up in meetings, talking amongst others and finally being able to feel good about who I am! Pretty much everything is a surprise for me! It's like Christmas all year long. Well, honestly I didn't know what to expect. I'd never lost this amount of weight in my life. I was thin as a young lady and once I got out of High School and got married young I pretty much gained a lot of weight. I was able to lose at most 50 Lbs but would quickly gain it all back and then some. So all of this is new to me. It's a good new though!!! I wish I would've known how awesome it is to be thin and healthy. It's the best feeling in the world!!!! The thing that freaks me out the most is how I will deal with being thin.. I have absolutely NO experience in the area. Will my peronality change? Will I become a weakling? Will I recognize myself when I look in the mirror? Will I become an ego-maniac? Will I still be a people pleaser? What will change besides my size? Where there any suprises for you when you lost the weight? Are things different than you thought they'd be? If there was one thing you wish ppl would have told you about ahead of time, what would it be?
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    ***CALLING ALL CHALLENGERS*** It's about that time to choose a new challenge date! I'm so excited for a new one already, especially knowing I'm well within reach to actually making or passing this last one I set for myself!! Whooohoooo!! Anyway, I also really liked the fact we gave ourselves a little extra time to make it. So, I'm thinking either Father's Day which is Sunday June 19th - or the first day of Summer which is Tuesday June 21st. Open to suggestions as well!
  20. Down another 2.6!!! Whoooohooooooo!!! That light at the end of the tunnel is blinding *ouch*

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Down 5.8 in 2 days... Wow, I really gotta keep rockin this plan! I won't stop til I hit my Easter goal!!! The only thing is though it's not bad, it's just the same thing every day so it could get a little tiring - but I must press on!!! ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8..............203.2...........199.8.........3.4
  22. Thank you so much, I was thinking like the old me you know, always assuming folks are secretly being mean to me. Hopefully someday I can leave all that behind for good!!! xx Thanks for bringing me back to Earth... LOL!!

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fun with my old jeans :)

    Keep rocking your sleeve girlie!!!! Whoooottt!!! What an awesome NSV!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Support Group

    Hi Kelli, I don't know of any sleeve only support groups out here. I keep thinking of trying to get one started in hopes of meeting somewhere at least 1x per month. I would actually personally prefer sleeve only. So many RnY and others really don't go through the same issues as you or I.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
