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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 mos out, with pics!

    Awesome!!! Keep rocking your sleeves!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene


    Coops!! So... this whole time wondering what the problem was and it was your scale... LOL!! Hey I say it's time to get a new one. Regarding your goal, I do like the idea of having several. It keeps me motivated really and the shorter goal gets here much faster. I think you look great NOW, I can imagine how smashin' you'll be in 20 or so more pounds!! Rock it!!!! Congrats on your excellent Dr. Appt. Wow, I'm sooo happy for you! You deserve it, you work really hard and your patience is just out of this world. Hugs!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    6months out down 75lbs

    Wow I never realized how similar in stats you and I are. Same height, same BMI - I only have one pound to Onederland, you tiny less than. I was 272 on surgery day, you were 271... and our surgeries are about 3 weeks apart. Though I was 281 at the start of my pre op diet. So funny because when I see how well you've done I don't even put it into perspective that we are so similar. It just always seems like everyone's far above me. I don't compare for the most part, but it's just funny that I don't give myself the credit... ya know? That's crazy!! Anyway, just thought I'd mentione this.
  4. Awesome Sophie, as they say the longest journey begins with a single step.
  5. Thank you so much Renee! <3 Wishing you the very best on your journey!!

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biotin?? How many mgs??

    I take Biotin 2500 mcg daily or as often as I remember. I've been taking it for 4 months now. I get mine from Rite Aid. It doesn't prevent hair loss at all. The only thing it does is help with the regrowth of hair. My hair is growing super fast (always has grown fast before but now... wow!!) I have millions of little sprouting hairs all over my head too, its pretty funny. Not only that, but my finger and toe nails are growing really fast and very strong now too. So, it helps with more than just the hair. I can shape and cut my own finger nails now and put a clear laquer over them and it looks lovely. I don't even need to get my nails done ever. So there's more plusses to taking it than just the hair. Good luck!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    How could i have gained 4 lbs?

    I agree with Julia, pills aren't necessary. It will be hard right now because most of everything you can have right now is going to have a lot of sodium. Try to up the H2O and everything else will work itself out. I know it's so tough because its easy to look at others who did drop a lot during that time. Everyone's journey is their own though, and trust me as long as you are doing all the right things, the weight will come off. Hugs!!!
  8. Half pound in the right direction!! Ohhhhh pleaeaeaessseee!!! So close!!!

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    How could i have gained 4 lbs?

    Ok first of all, why do you need to make yourself feel worse by moving your ticker back? I never do when I bounce around on the scale. I give myself a set amount of time (three weeks) to get it to moving again. This way I work toward getting that weight scale to move in the right direction. It always has to, and only once did I ever come really close to having to change my ticker. It was just recently then boom, in a matter of 3 days I lost 8 Lbs. The fact is yes, Soup bases and broths have a ton of salt in it. Your gain has to be water retention, plus the stress your body went through having surgery. Right now you are lucky to get in 400 calories, there's no way that 4 Lbs is fat. Rest and relaxation, getting all your fluids in are your main concerns right now. The weight is going to drop, eventually. There's no way it can't. Believe me!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Mine has gone down considerably but I still fill out the seat of my pants. I have been very small before, before I gained massive amounts of weight. This was back in the late 80's early 90's when big butts weren't cool. I think that's why I always tried so hard to lose weight because I'd always have this round butt - not flat like was "in" back then. I hope I'm making sense. Now I have no intention of ever getting back there, I was 135 back then and way too thin for my build. Once I get to 165 which I am finding is not so easy to lose weight anymore right now I'll be done. I'm just cut from a different cloth so to speak, and I'm sooo ok with that!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene


    It's ok, and sorry I over reacted myself. Yep, gotta have the DD's!! I'm going to make over my entire body and I'm gonna get everything tightened up. After all this, I'm gonna be SMOKIN'!!! Pin up girl is in my sights.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Ok, since we didn't get any disagreements about 4th of July from anyone outside the US I think I'll create the new challenge for that date. Only because it allows us a few more weeks to hit our goals, and I like that. I really liked this Easter goal because it gave us more time and I think I might make it!!! I'm down .6 Lbs and on TOM!!! WOWWW!!!! I gotta keep the hope afloat!! ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8..............201...........199.8.........1.2
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Whooott Congrats Tiffany!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    I was telling the truth... for me. Are they as filled with fat as they were pre surgery? No, but I'm still a nice sized D cup and I am not unhappy with them at all. My husband doesn't complain either. He likes them just as much as he always has. I do want an augmentation, but not because I hate my boobies but because I've always wanted really big boobs. I'm going to go from a D to DD. Anyway, I'm just saying that everyone's going to report something different here. We are all individuals and because some say they still have nice boobs doesn't mean it's simply not true.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    LOL Kelly! Well let's just say I started the same size as you. Right now I'm a 34D... so there ya go. Of course, I can't finish this post without the "everyone's different" disclaimer.
  16. First of all: Great photos!! Second: Don't worry, you're just barely out of surgery. The first month is by far the toughest. I dealt with some fatigue for awhile, but now I've got so much energy I don't even know how its possible. You're going to be back in the swing really soon. I hear you, it stinks to have to ask for so much help. I know as far as being a man, my husband always wants to pretend like he's got everything under control - so it goes more the the guys. Anyway, just keep getting healed and soon you will be back to Beekeeping and surfing.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    My first NSVs!-updated with pictures

    Hey Sasi, great NSV's!!! Congrats I bet you're feeling amazing! As far as the pictures, you will have to resize them on your program or whatever you're using to edit your photos on your computer. I just use simple ole MS Paint, it does everything I need it to. I usually Stretch/Skew to 25% and that seems to work perfectly. I hope to see some updated photos soon!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    only 20 pounds lost since surgery!!!!!

    mbridge, don't worry too much. You were already a light weight when you were sleeved so naturally being closer to your ideal weight it's going to come off much slower than say someone who needs to lose hundreds of pounds. You're down 20 Lbs FOREVER!! Would this be the case should you have not had the sleeve? Something tells me the answer to that is "no". Stress can also help you hold onto weight, consider that as well as you continue your weight loss journey. Stay positive and keep doing all the right things. Some folks just are slower at losing weight. I personally don't see a bad side to this. As long as you have changed your habits to health then you are doing fine. The chips (no pun intended) will fall where they may. Blessings!!
  19. Hi Jennifer, thanks for the add. :)

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy bday to me!

    Happy Birthday and Congrats on your success so far!!!
  21. Well looks like I'm gonna have to wait this out... Mother Nature is blocking my view. Oh well! Just gotta keep on pushing and hope for a miracle. :-D

  22. So, I've been sleeved for 7 months now. I have been in a stall for a few weeks, but I'm in the process of changing things up a bit and I am hopeful my scale will be a little bit nicer to me in the weeks to come. However, there is SO much more to getting smaller than just looking at what my scale says!! I went back and made a bunch of face screen shots of how much my face has shrunk in the last 7 months, and even going back to when I used to weight well over 300 Lbs. I'd say at the end of the day, I'm a VERY happy and VERY successful person!! And here's to my last 40 or so pounds. They say the last of it comes off slowly, well I think I'm set in my ways now and that to me is no big deal. I can already find all kinds of cute clothes anywhere. Not only that, I'm healthier today than I ever have been. My panels are excellent, no signs of any type of blood sugar issues, cholesterol is outstanding and my High Blood Pressure is GONNNNEEEEE!!!! I've come so far, simply because I used to wear a size 28W / and 3X tops. Today I'm fitting nicely in 14's and Medium tops. I even have some 14's that are getting a little loose and I'm constantly having to pull them up. Not only that, a few weeks ago I actually was able to put on a pair of TENS!!!!!!! I was sooo stoked, I think I may have even shed a little tear... heee!!! My Ring Size has gone from an 8 1/2 down to a 5 1/2 now. My fingers are so skinny, that I do recognize - and always COOOOOLD!!! LOL Anyway, I'm just so happy to be able to share this with all of you. I'm on top of the world, I feel super amazing and most of all CONTENT. Until next time...
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Support Group

    Ok everyone, the Yahoo! Group has been established. If you are in the Sacramento Area and are interested in monthly meet ups, please send me or any of the other ladies an email.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    12lbs more and I will be out of the 400's

    That is awesome - CONGRATS!!! Here's to the next milestone

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
