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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    No longer M.O!!!

    Great job you!! Also, I agree - all the pounds coming off deserve to be celebrated!! Kudos and cheers and here's to many more!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello! My name is Shanna . . . I'm a newbie!

    Not trying to derail the thread but I just wanted to highlight this point. I do agree that the pre op diets do help. I had to do a six month dietician meeting (once a month) before I got my band, and at first I thought it was ridiculous. Afterward I realized how much information I received and was grateful for it. All the tools we are given are good in their own way, its how we use those tools to our advantage that makes the difference!! Ok, back to the regular thread topic!!
  3. Hi GoofySpice, thanks for checking in though it's not all good news. However, it sounds like you are getting the medical attention you need - so glad to hear that. I'm also glad to know you acted once you felt something wasn't right. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery sooner rather than later. Blessing & Hugs!!
  4. Oh wow, well I can see your point! Well here are a few suggestions I have in case they don't have the Myoplex when you go. I do like the Atkins shakes, the vanilla is very good and wonderful to mix flavors with. Try picking up some SF syrups if you can, Torani is a good brand. Raspberry is my favorite. Even the Slim Fast Hi Protein is pretty good. Other than that I don't really venture out too much. I know what I like and I've been doing the Protein Shakes for years now. These are pretty much what I stick with, besides the Myoplex Carb Advantage. I do use unjury too but I've only ever seen them Online, which you already mentioned is hard for you. Good luck!!!
  5. costco and Sams Club also sell the Myoplex Carb Advantage RTD. If not you can always order online. Don't let your store not selling it keep you from having the only Protein drink you enjoy! Myoplex is very common too, even Walmart has it. I hope you can find it somewhere else!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I fell off the wagon. Hard.

    Hi Amanda, Kudos to you for realizing your mistakes. Especially for coming here and opening yourself up. I think this is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Admitting it. If anyone is watching the television show Ruby, you will see something in her personality that is keeping her at her current state (and gaining massive right now). She is having a very hard time realizing she is sabotaging herself and is basically unable to admit it. She is not seeing herself as she's eating some of this and some of that, not doing her workouts and basically just doing whatever she wants. So now, she's gone from 303 (so close to the 2's!!!) and now back up to nearly 360 Lbs. I really sympathize with her because I've been there before, much more than I'd have liked. It's really hard!! We are here because we have an unhealthy relationship with food. It calls to us, especially when we need that extra comfort. It calls to us when we really don't need it to. What makes us strong enough to ignore it? I don't know the answer to that. Sometimes I win the battle and sometimes I don't. I do know though that I'm much more inclined to be good when times are smooth and steady. When it's not you will find me making not the greatest of choices. Here's the difference now though, I have a sleeve so it's not as easy to over do it. I actually have been able to keep my portions under control for years now thanks to having been banded prior to my sleeve. I know my full symptoms. However, neither of these surgeries are going to stop me from eating white carbs. In fact none will! The RnY may (not always even) stop you for awhile but the dumping does eventually go away or lessen. Anyway, knowing that I went through so much to get my life in order I do MOSTLY do good. I Celebrate all the happy times, and when I don't do so good I don't beat myself up. I just pull up my bootstraps and tell myself to "get with it!!". I didn't do this second surgery to see myself fail, no way. Just doing this surgery is being a success for having the guts to even under go it. I know this post is drawing out so I'll close now. I just wanted you to know you are not alone in this at all. Now, pull up them bootstraps lady and make today a new day. Stay away from most carbs for a few days and you'll be back on track, no problem. Hugs!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Sleeve Chat Room Is Always Open!

    LOL!! I know I haven't been in there in a few days, I'm always super busy during the weekends. I'll drop by tonight. Hopefully we'll see a good crowd!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello! My name is Shanna . . . I'm a newbie!

    Hello Shanna, welcome to VST Thank you for sharing your story with us. I think you would be a great candidate for this procedure. You sound like a very stable person and are considering this for all the right reasons. Of course there is nothing wrong with the outward reasons too! I'm loving my new figure that's emerging as I continue on to my goal. My self esteem just keeps getting better and better. I hope you'll stick around here and join in on the conversations. The support here is the best you'll find for the sleeve. Blessings!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Sleeve Chat Room Is Always Open!

    Hey y'all! I've moved this thread to the support section and pinned it. The evenings is usually the time when other folks have time to chat, so check it out! If you want to chat, you can give this thread a little bump and it will show up on the "new threads" search and more people can see it. You get real time answers, HTH!! :grouphug: :help: :Banane48:
  10. Good morning everyone, CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL for the last challenge!!! Most made their goal and passed it and many others like myself made it very close... WE ARE ROCKING OUR SLEEVES FOR SURE!!! So, here's the new challenge folks, what will you weigh on Easter Sunday?? That is on April 24th - 10 weeks from yesterday, and 70 days from today. Everyone's welcome to join in, even if you are just trying to maintain your weight loss. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! But with the sleeve, who needs luck?? Me personally am going to go aggressive this time. I really need to work hard to get as light as possible in preparation for my 5k run on May 7th... whoottt!!! Also, instead of carrying over EVERYONE else on the challenge, we will just be responsible for ourselves. I have started the "ticker" of sorts, I hope everyone will still use it so everyone can easily see everyone's progress. ____________________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....221.8...............221.8...........199.8..........22
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Hey folks, I'm taking down the pin so you'll have to do a search from here. CONGRATULATIONS to all of you who participated. In my opinion everyone did extremely well. :grouphug:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Good morning SUNSHINES!!! Ok Challengers, the race to your goal is on. FACTS: Beginning today you have 70 days and exactly 10 weeks. GET A MOVE ON!! @Shanny, haaa!!! No rest til Brooklyn dear! Brooklyn of course being the ultimate goal... ok, so I should keep my day job, comedienne is not in my sights. @Mommy2Girls, you got this!! I suspect you may even do better! @Juliarh, whooohooooo!!!! I'm rooting for you!!! Ok... go git um y'all!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    WHOOHOOOO!!!! THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!! Again, for all those wishing for this day to come, it is going to get here... so get ready!!! The weight just melts off I'm not kidding (as long as you follow the sleever rules!). I did have to work really hard for the few pounds leading to the awesome Onederland but that was because of that time, you know (for all the ladies). But now I'm not at that so I should be able to get as far away from the 2's quickly. *Whew!!* @Mommy2Girls, yes I know! I started that I think just before my surgery or right around there and I had over 70 Lbs to get here. And now here I am... sooooo freakin awesome!! LOL!! I didn't feel like searching for it so didn't. This is way better. @Feedyoureye, I know right??? This place is the absolute best. I'll always come here to give back for sure, for all that has been given to me.
  14. One step at a time, one goal at a time. A long journey is best completed with a few stop overs in between. Your engine is your self esteem, you have to love YOU enoungh to crank that starter!!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Back home and sooo happy!

    Wow thanks for sharing!! I'm glad you're doing good. I bet it was nice to recover at home rather than somewhere else.
  16. Not sure why that's happening. Maybe try using a different type of ticker, like from lilyslim.com or another type you might like. That is really strange!! :) If that doesn't help let me know.

  17. Still in Onederland today. *Whew* Now I'm in a race to get as far away from those 2's as I possibly can!

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! I agree with S, just joining these challenges and using that as motivation to lose is awesome! This is actually the very first challenge I have ever made my goal - and just barely. By .2 Lbs and the very day before it was finished. However, with each other goal I have come very close, within Lbs of reaching the goal and I have been VERY happy with that to say the least!! Even again if I didn't come close I'd still be happy because I'd be losing and not GAINING like before my bestie the sleeve. So... onward and downward challengers!! Start your engines... ready... set... GO!!! A new challenge is underway. GOOD LUCK!!! @cludgie, I saw your question in the July thread. I think your goal is spot on, you don't have a lot to lose, and the others who made higher goals are just beginning their journey. @Shanny, the Dr. scales always say higher because usually you have all your clothes on, maybe even shoes and your probably weighing at a different time of day. Maybe weigh yourself just before your appointment exactly wearing what you will on the scale and compare. I had to do that and come to find out my scale is within ounces of my Dr.'s scale. HUGS ALL AROUND!!! :grouphug:
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    Whoohoooo thank you ALL OF YOU so much!! If those of you who are wishing to be here... believe me you will be sooner than you think!! Another bonus for today... I'm STILL 199.6 - I was so scared it was going to bounce back up today because I wasn't as strict or bezerk about losing as I've been in the last whole month. Especially since I was doing all this during my TOM, so you can imagine how seriously difficult this was for me to accomplish. Anyway... thank goodness!! Now, to get as far away from the 2's as possible so I never see them again... LOL!! Plus TOM is almost done so losing won't be as hard for the next few weeks. @Sarah - HILARIOUS!!!! Thank goodness I didn't have coffee in my mouth when I seen that! @S - I know lots do pics of the scale. This is really in all the years of my struggles have been the first time I've ever done it. Was saving my "virginity" for a very special occassion.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    What sort of issues are you having? You should be able to have 2 tickers at once.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene


    WOW!!!! Thank you all sooo much!!! I feel so overwhelmed right now... it's an amazing awesome fantastic out of this world and everything else that's good feeling. This board simply is the best, the support here is OUTSTANDING!!!!!! I just know I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, all the give and take. You all make me keep trying!!! I do my own toes and I was telling someone earlier that I planned to do my toes for this occassion. I guess my announcement came before I got around to it. It's been 2 weeks since I've done my toes... The polish is OPI Flashbulb Fuscia. I looove nail colors!! Ulta here I come!! Ohhh I've had this down for awhile... heehee!! Well I'm cheering for you!!! Waiting anxiously!! Sooo true!! I'm sure you did hear me... LOL!! Yep, next stop is GOALSVILLE!!! Hi samantha!! No worries, you WILL!! I started at arond he same weight you did, though it was before I was sleeved. It does't really matter though because I *was* still there. I know hard super hard it is, BELIEVE ME!! I've struggled with this weight for such a long time. Then comes along this miracle, this awesome thing we lovingly call the sleever. Now all my live long dreams are becoming reality. We truly have been BLESSED!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    THANK YOU THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! I'm still on cloud nine!!! Leslie, love the cheerleaders!!!
  23. Awesome you look adorable!!! I'm glad to hear the lil sprout is doing super! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. Sorry to hear about the acids. I learned that too, eating too close to bed time = not fun waking up with acid. Just one more week and you're done with T1!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awww really??? I know you're super busy with your lil bun too MUCHO GUSTO!!!! :wub:

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