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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am gaining weight????

    You are on your 3rd week stall. I'd say about 90% of us endure this... you are one of the lucky ones. It would be wise for you to hide your scale for the next few weeks - keep yourself from the negative feelings that come with it. Hang in there, this is a long journey and you have only just begun.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 pounds per week lost for 4 months now

    Whooottt!! Congrats you are super successful so far!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Joining-So Many Questions!!!

    This is where YOU come in. If you were about to go through with a Sleeve Gastrectomy again, what things do you wish that someone would have told you? I definitely wished someone would have told me the fatigue I felt for the first two months. I felt like I was in a cloud of funk. No kidding. I'm usually very vibrant and full of energy so this was really strange for me, and I hated it. It felt like that cloud would never lift!!! I also wish someone would have told me that once it lifts I would feel better than I have ever felt in my life!!! Because now I'm doing things I have never been able to do before. Remember this when you are post op. Of course not *everyone* goes through this, but if you are one of them - keep in mind it is only temporary and once it's over you won't regret having this done. Is the fear and pain of the surgery far outweighed by the fabulous new you that you found AFTER surgery? Absolutely yes. This surgery quite literally saved my life. I'm healthier now than I have ever been!! I had high blood pressure, glucose issues (almost pre-diabetic) and was just starting to get cholesterol issues. Now they are but a distant memory! What things do you wish you would have known to ask someone before the surgery? I did ask a ton of questions and tried to prepare myself as much as possible. I think you're doing right by asking anything that comes to mind. Keep asking away! Keep reading as much as possible too. I encourage you to see all viewpoints, and even check out the complications threads. You will not want to go into this blindly, this is a very major surgery and will want to stay safe and know about complication symptoms. All the very best to you in your journey!!
  4. Thats the thing with this surgery and weighing daily. I got caught up in that for the last few months but I had to stop. Our bodies will fluctuate up and down due to Water and nothing else. I'm going back to weekly weigh ins and if I'm still not happy I might just go to monthly. Especially as I edge nearer to my goal it's much more prevalent.
  5. I had my first few bites (1/2 slice) at about 3 months out. Gonna be honest I didn't really even like it. All the grease in it gave me the worst stomach ache I felt miserable. I haven't had pizza since and tho once in a blue moon I'll think about it - but that's the extent of it. This pretty much goes for all over fat/greasy food. I'm not into it anymore. I'll get something very rarely just because my mind wants it but once I have it my stomach is like... YUCK!!! No Way!!! Good luck!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    @Becca - oh it will! Good luck.
  7. Im sure you're doing just fine. If you would like to go over a few things let me know - send me a PM. :)

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Has anyone tried Slim Fast Low Carb Shakes

    Agreed, I'm one of the few who actually enjoy Protein Shakes and have liked the whole shakes for weight loss for years even before my band. I've always loved Slim Fast and if I hadn't had one in awhile I'd buy them because I missed them. Crazy, I know!! Let me know how you like the Syntrax, I want to get some samples of that too. Also, great idea on the poll... who's up for a little debate? LOL (of all the things to debate about!!)
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    If you're going to MX just don't forget your Passport! Other than that here is a list you might find useful: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/10081-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-surgery-thread/page__p__87801__fromsearch__1#entry87801
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Has anyone tried Slim Fast Low Carb Shakes

    That is true! Why it's always good to read the Nutrition Facts and compare.
  11. That is excellent!!! There are a few plusses to getting sleeved...
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ut Oh

    Ugghhh!!! This can happen no matter what you're eating if you eat too fast and too much. I was eating some healthy baked fish a few weeks ago and it was pretty dense. Well I guess I ate too fast and I got the worst pain of my life. NO warning either! I didn't even have the chance to stop - so I was retching next to the trash can and then became dizzy like I wanted to faint. It was pretty scary... but it reminded me that just because I'm months out I still need to take it slow while eating. I also notice that since I'm withing sights of goal (yes, I still have a good chunk to go as well) I'm becoming a little more lax than I should too. Gotta keep it straight though or I'll never make it. It happens, and I truly think this is a lesson every single one of us sleevers will eventually go through. Lesson learned.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Drum Roll PLEASE

  14. Yes you will want to cough up any stuff in your lungs if you have it, and do your breathing machine. It's very important. I also needed a catheter but only once, though not every one does.
  15. Awesome!!! May 9th is going to get here before you know it. Get everything you need now if you haven't already started. All you see the rest of us going through and our successes will be you soon too... just have patience with yourself and the program. Remember: Sip, Walk, Rest, Repeat.
  16. is going back to her original weigh in days. No more daily weigh ins... it had started to drive me nuts. You all know I'm nutty enough!!

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Sleeve Chat Room Is Always Open!

    Not sure are you getting an error?
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    B4 and after photos at 6 months

    FANTASTIC!! Congrats girlie on an EXCELLENT job well done!! Sooo close to goal now... run as fast as you can! :D :D
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    pre op

    Nothing wrong with that! It's very common to feel nervous and scared pre surgery. It's a big deal!! Just know that we are all here to support one another. Ask away, I'm sure you'll get more answers than expected. Hang in there!!
  20. Why thank you! Whooottt!! Can't wait!!
  21. A do run run a do run run...

  22. True Rev... I am getting really close to my goal I can tell. My body is making me really fight for everything where in the beginning it would just come off effortless. I'm starting to consider maybe only weighing weekly now. My weigh day used to be Wednesdays until I started weighing every day. I do like keeping an eye though - but I'm also starting to feel more comfortable with the program knowing it's working. We'll see...
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Psych evaluation time frame?

    I was required to take the psychiatric evaluation as a pre op for my lap band. I'm sure it's going to be the same type I had. The first part was spent talking with a psychiatrist where he asked many situational questions so it was pretty drawn out. It took about an hours time. Then straight after I took some type of true false type bubble in questions exam. There were well over 500 questions involved and that really did take up to an hour and a half... so yeah 2.5 to 3 hours is pretty spot on.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Does anyone else not take calcium citrate?

    Remember also if you are taking calcium while eating something else make sure the food does not have iron in it. It will add to the block of the absorption of the calcium. I try to take my calcium on an empty stomach or no sooner than 2 hours after eating anything, then do not eat anything for at least one hour after.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
