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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am gaining weight????

    Hey bigmike that is awesome!! That will be great you two will go through a lot of this together and you being first you can help her to adjust. You should have her read this website and post too Best wishes and speedy recovery to your Wife!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Everyone seems to weigh so often.

    Normally I would only weigh once a day, first thing in the morning - nearly no clothes on and after potty time. But for some reason in the last few months I've been doing extreme weighing and doing it nearly all day long. It became a very unhealthy habit and as my husband put it an addiction. I always look to him to be my "safe voice". So when he tells me something like that I take it and really analyze it. I know he only wants what's best for me. He has been absolutely my greatest supporter as my weight issues has been concerned and I thank GOD daily for him!! (I'm more the irrational one... ) So I need to break the habit for now and leave the scale alone. It was really starting to get my moods affected and that is NOT okay. I totally agree with the others that mention ignoring the scale is what got ME obese... absolutely. I'm not going to totally avoid the scale, but I just want to step back for awhile until I feel I can get back to a more peaceful relationship with it. I also agree that, measuring your inches is a good measure on your losses too. I'm relying on that right now myself since the weight scale is hidden at this time. I must be doing good because I recently noticed my 14's are just about ready for the Goodwill or clothes swap and my 12's are starting to get loose too. I think I need to go through more of my clothes that were too small before and do some try-ons. Also, keeping one set of your largest clothes is a really great motivator at times. When you're feeling down, pull them out and put them on... you will be amazed!! I'm just saying there are so many many ways to feel accomplished that things are going in the right direction rather than the scale alone. So really it's all up to you. Whatever works for you and doesn't make you feel like you want to take the scale and burn it... LOL Good luck!!!
  3. Happy Cinco de Mayo!! I think to celebrate I might make a stop at the Y and think about signing up. :)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Sleeve Chat Room Is Always Open!

    come by and say hello!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    unflavored or chicken soup flavored protein?

    I have some of the unjury chicken Soup Protein and I really like it. I have the tub, and I still have some left. I actually will drink some from time to time because I want it. It definitely is best though to go through the samples first and try it after surgery. What you like or tolerate now most likely will change post-op.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awww LOL Well from my dealings with Alex he's not what his picture portrays. He's a cool, cheerful guy!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Negative WLS peers

    I couldn't agree more! What an excellent opportunity to show that your surgery will be a success, because you will follow the rules. I do believe we are on certain paths for a reason, knowing this there is likely a reason why this situation was posed to you. Make it a positive outcome. Blessings and well wishes on your surgery.
  8. GOOD MORNING!! Had to come to terms with a few things last night thanks to my loving husband... <3 Feeling re-energized today. Already ran 2.5 miles and going to walk another 3.5 later. :)

  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! You have done simply amazing!!
  10. Picked up all kinds of fresh veggies to cook with my ckn breasts tonight. Mmm mmm good!

  11. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hehee you all know how to party!!! I haven't weighed myself in about 5 days now. I'm glad because I think I needed a break, it was becoming way too insane. I always said that if it started to become an issue and would affect my daily self I would stop. So... I'm stopping. I absolutely know I'm losing inches big time right now because my 14's all of a sudden are baggy on me. It wasn't but a month ago they were fitting good and even snug. My plan was to get back on Wednesday but we'll see. Maybe I'll wait until Friday... maybe longer. In the mean time I'll just continue to rock my plan. Blessings to all!!!
  12. Whoaaaa my 14's are getting way too baggy! Funny but a month ago they were snug! I guess the inches are still falling off fast :)

  13. Never take anything so lightly, please check in with your surgeon. A simple call is all is necessary and I'm sure if they feel it's best for you to go to the hospital they will let you know. Otherwise you just underwent very major surgery, and in time you will adjust and begin to feel better every day. You have to take it easy as well. Get plenty of rest, it could be you're pushing yourself too much - if you are you need to take a step back. Wishing you well!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    It could be that you were given a slightly larger stomach than some others. Maybe you can ask your surgeon and express your concerns. I have heard a lot of ranges of capacity, so your 4 oz doesn't sound too bad. Good idea on just sticking with the 4 oz. Very likely you will feel more restriction once you start getting into solids.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Jogged in public

    !!!!!COOPS!!!!!! Awesome!!!! I'm soooo proud of you!!! :D :D Isn't it just the best feeling? Like as the cars go by you say to yourself with a swagger "ya y'all look what I can do!! Haha, betcha can't do it... " Keep up your spirit - it's such an admirable thing.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    What to do with nasty protein powders

    LOL!!! That's genius!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 years ago today

    Hey Miss D, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're doing sooo great!! I'm so proud of all you have accomplished. You know that you had a huge part in my decision to remove my band and revise to the sleeve. Hugs to you for that, I'll always have a debt of gratitude to owe to you. I'm also one that won't let that 20 Lbs creep back up on me. Once I hit goal I will never ignore the scale, I think that is the first step in losing control. !!!HUGSSSS!!! :D :D
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    One year anniversary with photos

    Swiftflow, HAPPY SLEEVERSARY!!! Congratulations on all your success!! You're content and that is the best thing about this decision all of us have made - especially those of us who had to pay for it out of pocket. I certainly don't regret my decision at all, and if I can lose 120 Lbs by my sleeversary I'll have blown past my goal. THANK YOU for the encouragement and hope!!! Side note since you mentioned ensuring you're keeping up with your Protein... I seen on the news where some fitness guru said it's good to start your day with 30g within 30 minutes of waking up. I'm trying that this morning and I can already feel it's working. I'm always a bit sluggish upon first waking up, but I'm feeling more energetic!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy Dance!!!

    WHOOHOOOOO WAY TO GO!!!!!! Doing good there lady!!
  20. Oh yes, fortunately I've only gone through this one time. It will never happen again as long as I'm able to help it. It does sneak up on you quick... so once you get that "Uh Oh, I think I'm full" you better stop. It is so ingrained our brains to keep going, if anyone knows this it's me. Why I needed the sleeve... it will smack you into next Tuesday if you don't watch it. Quite literally it is BY FAR the worst feeling of nausea you can ever imagine... lots of slimy saliva... retching... feeling of wanting to pass out (faint)... heart beating out of your throat... IT'S JUST AWFUL!!!! So, this is what it takes for me to stay in a nice small portion? Gah! Oh well, I'm smaller than I have been since being a teeny bopper so I'll take it any day!
  21. 4.5m in 1hr. WHOOTTT!!! Dam* this feels good!!!!!!!!!

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tiny addiction

    LOL!! You and me both!
  23. Going to hit the pavement in about an hour. :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
