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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am officially REVISED to a SLEEVE!

    Yay Congrats Barb on your revision!!! I'm glad to see you are doing good Get plenty of rest, walk and sip the water. Wishing you well!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Boob question

    I totally agree with this. I think it makes a big difference when the tummy shrinks, it makes the boobs look bigger. I'm not hating my look - but I do still want to fill them out more someday!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    My First NSV

    Fantastic!!! I hope you didn't have your window coverings open when that happened! May you continue to have equally embarrassing yet inspiring NSV's
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Well meaning people

    First of all, CONGRATS ON 100 POUNDS LOST!!! Second, what you are eating is a NORMAL serving. Most don't even know what that looks like, and yes even thin skinny folks. They are lucky they can eat more and not gain. However, it's not for them to tell you, you are starving yourself because you aren't. I wouldn't even respond to be honest, how do you respond to that? You can simply say that you are eating a single serving - nothing more nothing less, and it is working for you. They can take it or they can leave it. Wishing you well on the rest of your journey!
  5. Awww thank you sooo much!!! Hugs!!!

  6. Wishing all the Mom's and Mom's to be a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Weekend :) <3

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Suggestions for breaking a stall????

    Hi Candace, The best way I find to break a stall is to make an adjustment somewhere. I know my body can become complacent sometimes. Now, I'm only talking if I stall for more than 3 weeks and I'm really doing all the right things too. Upping Protein, getting more Water in (flushing), doing super low carbs for about 3-5 days, upping exercise, changing exercise routine or type... all of these things help me break a stall. Now, you can also keep a food journal to find any little culprits might be hanging around. I once found out I was "grazing" more than I should. So, I stopped and started losing again. Good luck! I'm sure there will be lots more to chime in...
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Went through with it!

    That is awesome, congrats on your sleeve!! I wish your days ahead and uneventful one.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Day 1 post op

    Congrats on your new sleeve!!! It's nice to hear you're doing so well For what it's worth, you sound like you're doing might excellent - when I'm on morphine I'm as worthless as... *hmmm* well maybe I should finish that.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lap Band vs Gastric sleeve decision?

    Well, seeing as I've had both the lap band and now I'm sleeved I can tell you I truly love being sleeved far more. I won't get into details out in the open simply because this is a Lap Band support website and I must respect that, and I absolutely do. I just wanted to say that elfiepoo and biriniak both had excellent responses and are very spot on. I always just like to say, the lap band IS NOT reversible. It is removable... then again there have been some where that is not entirely true either. Questions: PM me. All the best in your decision... and know that it is YOUR decision.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy Being Fat

    Actually no I don't consider that fat at all. I'm just under 200 Lbs and I'm really seriously comfortable with my weight now. I can move easily, I can run, I have more energy than I ever have in my life, I'm very healthy, I can dress cute and I feel amazing. I personally was not talking about folks at this size at all. I'm talking significantly overweight, about 80-100 Lbs. at least depending on height. But again, that's me and my personal opinion. I guess some would still consider me fat too.
  12. Ok now I know... :-)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy Being Fat

    I don't believe much of anyone is actually happy to be fat. Content either. I personally think it's an auto defense mechanism to convince others they are glad to be the way they are. Much like the person who always jokes about their weight to prevent others to do it to them first. Being overweight is not something most folks would aspire to be given the choice. Guaranteed.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't get the "don't eat bread"

    I do eat bread. I eat the multi grain breads, some 9 grain or 10 grain or more. They are super packed with awesome nutrients and fiber. My body loves this stuff! I agree that lots of folks are sensitive to any type of carbs, so in that case it's best to stay away from them. I can eat them so I do, but give me any kind of processed white carbs or sweets and I lose it. I absolutely have to stay away from that stuff. Whatever works for you is good, stay the course! Sometimes we have to find out what works for us as individuals. :decision:
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Started walking today

    My treadmill has a pulse reader. If yours doesn't you can check your pulse by beats in your wrist. Do this for ten seconds and multiply that number by 6. So, I just checked my pulse and it beat 10 times in 10 seconds. So I multiply the 10 x 6 so my pulse is 60 bpm. Some go by 15 seconds, then you multiply by 4 - or some do 20 seconds then you multiply by 3. Going by 10 would probably be easiest if you are concentrating on trying to stay on a moving treadmill... It's best by taking your index and middle finger put together and place it on your wrist on the under side. Search around until you feel the "pulse". HTH
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Shift work and carb cravings

    LOL that is so funny! You know, I never liked peanuts, let alone peanut butter pre surgery. Seriously, I'd pass it up even if I were starving. Anyhow, post surgery I absolutely LOVE peanuts and peanut butter, esp. the crunchy type. I don't know but this seems to become some kind of weird staple for sleevers... As for almonds, pre sleeve I could eat these like there is no tomorrow. Now though I just feel kinda sick when I eat them so I don't anymore. To answer the question, the only thing I can suggest is analyze your daily routine and fit in healthy options when you can. For example, what time do you wake up? What is the first thing you do? Well, make that second thing you do to drink a Protein shake (just an example, I don't even know if you like Protein shakes...) Make the 3rd thing you do a walk around your neighborhood. Make the fourth thing you do a good healthy snack... etc... Make your workday fit in with other habits. It will take time but I think you'll be able to do it. Write it down if you have to and post it up somewhere you will likely see it all the time. Good luck!
  17. Whereas working out is concerned there is no wrong answer when just doing it is the right one.

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Started walking today

    Set yourself up a schedule. Say start with 15 minutes, which you pulled 14 so I know you can do 15... At what speed does it take for your pulse to get from 110 to 120 bpm? That's what you should aim for in the beginning. Once you notice you can handle that pretty easily, then tack on 5 minutes and bump up that speed by .2-.5 miles per hour. Also the best set up is to do about a 2 minute warm up and increase your speed in intervals by .2-.3 mph until you reach your max. Since you're starting with 15 minutes staying at each speed for about 1-2 minutes each should be good. Start your cool down at about 3-5 minutes before stopping by dropping your speed by the same .2-.3 mph until your 15 minutes is up. Once you can get yourself walking up to 30 minutes pretty easily you might want to start jogging just a little (as long as your joints can take it). Pushing yourself even a little at a time is the only way to increase your endurance first - then speed second. *Also* very important - doing a few stretches before your treadmill and a good set after will help keep you limber. It's especially helpful after as your muscles are warmed up and optimal for stretching... feels excellent! Good luck, and congrats on what you have already accomplished!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Negative WLS peers

    That is a really great outcome. I commend you for holding it together, you really have a lot to be proud of. I do believe she only meant the best for you and cares about you. Lots of relationships will change for you in your journey, some for the better some for the worse. My hope is that this one will be for the better. Both of you have a lot to lose, and a lot to gain in return by remaining friends. Blessings!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Pre-op Hell

    Lilu, wow I'm so very saddened to hear of your struggles... I am wishing you a good outcome to all of this. Keep and stay strong, hugs!!!
  21. Hello LadyVelvet, IMO it could actually be that the sodium is more the culprit than anything else. Asian inspired foods are super high in sodium. You're probably retaining Water. You might try to flush by upping your water intake and that extra few pounds likely will drop right off. The same is true supposing it was the noodles particles you drank. Flushing with water will help with that too. Best of luck!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeved on April 8th and had complications

    Hi Jen, well I just read this entire thread, and not something I do normally. I'm so very glad to hear you are doing much better than you were a few weeks ago!! I pray you continue to get healthier and this scare can be behind you soon. I also pray that someday you can still come to truly love your sleeve, regardless of your setbacks. You surely are a very strong lady!! Big hugs to you!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Please all that can, answer this question for me

    Hi Michelle, I did get very nauseous after this surgery. I even vomitted and had some dried blood in it. Sorry to be so graphic but it is what it is. The awful thing about it was that I've always been deathly afraid of vomiting. But... it happened, and I lived through it. I think I was so drugged up it really didn't seem that terrible to me. Don't get me wrong I kinda freaked out and yelled at the nurse for help, but he said I was OK and it was normal. Then he gave me some more meds and I was out like a light for the rest of the day into the next... lol!!! This is also the first surgery I've had that made me feel like that. All my others I didn't have nausea issues, so I know it was this particular one. Don't worry though, as much as I hate being nauseous and vomiting I'd do it again in a heartbeat - it really was worth EVEN THAT!! Good luck, and I do hope you are lucky enough to not get it.
  24. Once I got past the liquids stage I was able to start taking the pills whole. I was on Nexium at first and the dissolvable kind. Now I take Prilosec and it's not that large to where it was bothersome even 6-8 weeks out. I take my OTC and according to the directions it says to take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and wait to eat about an hour. Good luck!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    8 months Post op -- 122 lbs gone!

    Congratulations my dear friend!!!! You're so inspiring and doing so darned amazing!! Big hugs to you! I know you'll be at your goal sooner than you think, for you've already blown through most of it and you're barely 8 months out. Whooohoooo!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

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