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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Guess my Occupation

    Executive (No I love doing my make-up but wouldn't have the patience to do anyone else's ha! I am a State Analyst and half-time student)
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    my one year pictures

    Fabulous transformation! It's amazing what one year looks like.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Not losing

    @@emiadams enjoy your spoils! No Lb lost is greater than an any other! As far as clothes don't worry that will come and like an avalanche you will need a whole new wardrobe. I too shopped at Goodwill during the weight loss phase. I don't know about your area but on certain holidays they would have everything 50% Off so I went crazy and bought some "goal clothes" too.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    42 grams of protein in 3.8 oz

    unjury is one of my favorites, I just ordered a bunch yesterday for my upcoming surgery. It does mix really well, and the chicken Soup flavor is great too (tho a bit salty so I dilute it more). The trick is to pour slowly, almost like you would make cream of wheat, and make sure your food is not hotter than 140°. Otherwise it will clump up and not be too appealing! lol www.unjury.com
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    questions i need answers too

    Yes lots of Water and getting your daily Protein in for the day do help with weight loss, at least it did for me. When I was on point with those my weight melted off. I also agree with BGP, www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com has amazing post op WLS recipes. Good luck! Congrats on your losses thus far~
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    New guy saying hi + Question....

    @@Firefly2000 Hello and welcome! My concern with Slim Fast brand is that it is pretty high in sugar and the Protein IMO is not great in comparison to some other brands you can use instead. That very well could be the reason you've not lost to your maximum potential. Good luck!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    What fruits?

    Until your six weeks out avoid anything with seeds or small pieces that might get stuck in your incision. Also, anything too acidic such as citrus is not good either. Bananas (maybe one half piece or less <sugar content>) would be okay. Apple sauce either home made or no sugar added should be okay too. Basically anything you can mush up. Of course if you're not sure, always contact your dietician or surgeons office for clarification.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    42 grams of protein in 3.8 oz

    @@MFoster9812 Don't worry too much, like I said some Protein is better than none. It's really difficult for some folks immediately post op to get down the shakes. I know I struggled with nausea pretty bad for the first month. Just don't buy any more and look for better options of protein. Good luck!
  9. Hi! It's Transformation Tuesday. Share your progress photos with us! Cheers and enjoy your spoils. Here's mine...
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    42 grams of protein in 3.8 oz

    I get my Isopure from GNC. They are clear and in glass RTD. Yes they are a better form of protein. I have to water them down because the flavor is very over powering and ever since my sleeve surgery which is going on 4 years ago now my taste buds can't take so much flavoring in drinks.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oscar mayer p3 protein pack

    I think there are two different types. One is a wrap type thing and the other is a snack box of sorts. I wouldn't eat the wrap, I'm sure it's got tons of sodium and I don't know what kind of bread the tortilla is made out of. I just Go to costco and buy a big thing of nuts and beef Jerky (or Walmart) and keep one serving around in my purse in a pinch.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    What fruits?

    How far out from surgery are you?
  13. @@shmily - Here's a thread that lists step by step process on adding photos. Hth http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/309703-how-to-add-photos-to-your-posts-in-5-easy-steps/
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    42 grams of protein in 3.8 oz

    Have you tried Isopure? Watered down it is high in all protein families and tho it is a bit chalky it doesn't taste too bad.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    42 grams of protein in 3.8 oz

    Some people can't take anything else, lots of proteins make them sick. If this is all you can stand then go for it, something is better than nothing. It's probably a good idea to search for whole proteins however in the mean time.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    42 grams of protein in 3.8 oz

    Collagen Protein Isolate is not a "whole" form of protein. It lacks I believe 3 measures of the protein family (amino acids), which is lacking in tryptophan, isoleucine, threonine and methionine.
  17. Wow!! So much progress going on here!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    JULY 2014 Post Op Rny / Bypass Support Group

    Right on! Yeah me too, lots of pre-ops on the schedule in the next few weeks. I see my PCP on the 19th for one last thing and then on the 20th I have my pre-op labs scheduled. The 27th is my final Pre-Op with my surgeon. The time is flying by!
  19. What can you do today to make yourself feel beautiful?

    1. Teachamy


      I am wearing my skinny jeans and I will re-apply my makeup at least once today! :)

    2. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      I totally agree Jane. It's hard to explain what it's like to be extremely obese and the lies filled in my head for so long that it was okay and pretending that I thought I was attractive. My husband never made me feel any different but inside I was miserable.

    3. enjoythetime


      I woke up thinking today is a new day and I have so much to be thankful for. I put on a cute new dress paired with some cute blingy shoes and my accessories and headed out the door. I feel so free everyday now. It's amazing. I find myself almost in tears everyday at how great life is.


    4. Show next comments  54 more
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Spouse not on board with WLS

    @@eyemama5 The main reason spouses or loved ones are not usually on board with WLS is because they probably only hear the horror stories about them. They are ignorant to what it is really all about. I always tell people to educate their naysayers by bringing them to appointments or dietician classes or WLS seminars. If possible bring them to a support group so they can see the positives AND struggles of people WLS. Good luck
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Recommitment Ceremony: Is It Time For Yours?

    @@1Day1Life4Now Congrats to you too! Have fun doing nothing
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Recommitment Ceremony: Is It Time For Yours?

    We are going to take our Vows again and freshen up on our agreement we took to one another two decades ago. Sometimes a “fresh start” rekindles those words spoken when they first occurred can remind us exactly what they meant to us. But what about the Vows we took when we first took the plunge to seriously consider Weight Loss Surgery? Do you remember what you told yourself you would do way back when? Be truthful with yourself, are you still bound to these vows? I remember mine, and the most distinct one for me was that I would NEVER go back to the old me. The obese me, the one who had no hope, who was miserable and feeling lost and scared of my own future. There were several others such as, I promise to work out and become fit for a stronger body. Even telling myself that no matter what, I would not let the scale dictate to me how amazing or awful a person I am. For the most part the scale often told me I was quite amazing (Ha!). I suppose maybe I did listen to the scale back then because it was fun to watch the weight melt away. During those times when the scale didn’t cooperate I used other means of measuring how well I was doing. I checked to see how my clothes were fitting; I kept a running measurement of every part of my body – even my neck and my wrist! Even a quarter inch loss in those areas made me feel better. Then there are the awesome side-by-side photos. Pictures don’t lie! They never did, and that’s probably why a lot of us hid from the cameras Pre-Op. As the years go by Post-Op it really does become easier and easier to forget how we got to our goals and how we have maintained. It becomes easier to tell ourselves that indulging more and more is acceptable and before you know it the pounds creep back up. You will blink your eye and all of a sudden your clothes become tight and you notice a little comfortableness about yourself. I personally have made a Re-commitment to myself not so long ago. I am 50 (and 1) Days into a No Sugar eating plan and I am back to regular routine workouts. Another agreement that I am re-committing to myself is that I will never again ignore the scale. Yes, it’s true I don’t allow the scale to make me feel bad about myself but it is a necessary tool to remind me that I need to make sure I don’t keep going up, or I will be like the mountain climber on The Price Is Right and yodel my way right off the chart cliff. Let’s just say my Re-commitment has done me well and I am more than on my way back to the champion I was a year or so ago. It feels good to take back the control and be reminded that my life depends on me keeping my promises. I needed this in order to take my future health serious. Every day is Day 1, until you successfully make it to Day 2. What were your most outstanding Vows that you recall? Are you still following them, or can you Re-commit to them? If you find yourself needing to Re-Commit, don’t wait! Take this moment to truly reflect on just how well you really are doing. Can you make some new commitments even? This time write them all out on a piece of paper and make a contract with yourself to uphold the Vows of health and fitness with yourself, and sign it and date it. Read it aloud and if necessary show someone that you trust. Read it out to them and be upfront to them about what you are doing. Of course only you can ensure that you are upholding your end of the bargain to the healthy person inside.
  23. I know I do all the time. My family loves to eat. Every side of the family too - but I just tell them that I don't eat sugar or something like that. Mind you, I've been eating the same for a long time so no one mentions it anymore. They already know. Eventually they will get used to the new you and the comments should for the most part start to dwindle.
  24. Post op Lap Band I lost hair. Post op Sleeve I lost hair. I imagine I will again Post op Bypass. I know for a fact that Biotin has helped my hair growth by a lot! My hair was taking a long time to grow back but several weeks after taking it I started getting baby growth all over my head, and my nails became stronger too. I take it several times per week, and my hair is back to full strength and I have a ton of it. Oh and it never made my hair grow anymore than normal in other areas of my body, but then again I'm Asian. Ha! I only have to shave once a week but that's only because I want to, not because I have to.
  25. Biotin does not help with losing your hair, it only helps with hair and nail re-growth.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
