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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I threw away my scale

    This was becoming a reality for me. I WAS anorexic AND bulimic as a youngster. I remember how I felt back then and I started to feel some of those feelings to an extent. It scared me, I'm won't lie. I did have to put my scale away (no I didn't throw it away... lol ) - and no I do not fear doing this will make me any less successful with losing nor will it hinder me at keeping it off. I truly don't see how weighing daily would be any more helpful than weighing once a week. If I was going up I would still catch it early enough weighing weekly. It was when I *never* weighed that became a problem. Like savedbythesleeve said, everyone just has to do what works for them.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Constiaption and weight stalls

    I don't drink this very often. You have to be really cautious with it, no more than 6 oz in one setting - def only use one bag of tea. I had some last night and the last time I used some was almost 3 weeks ago I believe. It works!! Also, only use it in the evenings after dinner. It's good that way and it will work by the time you wake up in the morning. For me to use this I'll have to be constipated for more than a few days.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    My first "baby step"

    That is great!! Baby steps, you will be taking leaps and bounds very soon. I might suggest starting to keep some things for you at work, it will help you in a pinch so you won't have to make poor food choices. Having Hi Fiber or regular oatmeal packets at work has worked wonderfully for me. Good luck in your journey!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Constiaption and weight stalls

    Hmmm... didn't think of that - I do take these as well. Might be another reason I'm more on the regular side.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Constiaption and weight stalls

    Yes it is, really to me the very best solution has and will always be ensuring I'm getting my Fiber in daily. Minimum is 18g soluble fiber per day. For the most part I don't really get many issues, but they do pop up sometimes. Like someone mentioned I do have to take Iron daily and with a relatively lower carb diet - it just happens. I never let myself go more than 3 days without going though, it has to be remedied at that point. It is rare for me, so I'm thankful for that. Now, in regards to being lactose intolerant - I am that too. I will never forget though the one time I had some post sleeve and it felt like I was going to pass out, it was really scary. I've been too scared to drink regular milk anymore!! :oLet alone any ice cream! Not a bad thing I guess...
  6. Good morning! So, it’s been over 2 weeks since I’ve actually stepped on the scale. Bad? Good? Neither, more like a huge sigh of relief. My scale has been living my life for me for the last 6 years. It has defined who I was, and it was the precursor on how I would feel that day. I go up a few pounds? Bad day and everyone around me look out! I go down a few pounds? The world is a beautiful place and everyone and everything are super duper!! Why is this? In the very beginning of my Sleeve journey (not my pre-band and not my band journey) I was only weighing in once a week. Every Wednesday I would jump on the scale and see how my week went. Pretty much every single time I stepped on I was down at least a few pounds. Awesome! Some weeks it would drop huge numbers, sometimes only one pound. They were all fine with me – if you only knew what I went through with my band, you’d know that for ME EVERY SINGLE POUND lost WAS A BLESSING!! For the record that has not changed. I’ll tell you what has changed. How often I was stepping on that scale. Over time my weigh-ins would increase. From a few times per week, then up to a few times per day. For me, this really started to mess with my mind! In the beginning it was no big deal. But the closer I started to get to some very huge weight milestones I started to really let it affect my mood. NOT GOOD!! I did always promise that if it did affect me negatively then I would take a step back and not do it anymore. …and that leads me to today. Today I have not weighed in two weeks! I think this is for sure the longest I’ve gone since my sleeve surgery. I think I’m almost ready to get back on. *Almost*. Wednesdays have always been my weigh day – but I may change that. Before my sleeve I always liked to weigh in on Fridays. I think I may go back to that. The reason for this is during my workweek I am excellent!! I do my workouts, I eat perfect – I’m just really on point during these days. It’s always nice to see the fruits of my labors at pretty much the end of this. The weekends are a lot harder to manage. Hubby and I are always really busy and whatnot, it’s just not as structured. I’d rather not see the bounces if at all possible. Is this avoiding the truth? Who cares??? My sanity is at stake here!! LOL!! IMO as long as the scale is going down, I’m happy. Even if it’s one little pound – ya know that’s still ONE POUND closer to GOAL!! Gotta love that. Especially since I’ve only got about 30 or so to go. Most folks tell me that I don’t look like what I weigh. Awesome! I wish I did though. I would most likely at this point just try to wiggle myself into maintenance mode at this point. However, the fact is I DO still weigh what I do (199.6 at last check) so I still have a little bit to go. I was going to go for the maximum weight according to the ridiculous BMI charts. For me that would be 154 Lbs being that I’m 5’6”. Knowing this I’d still have 45.6 Lbs to lose. Ummm… no. I’m already fitting in some 10’s and mostly all 12’s now. My 14’s are pretty much ready for donation but I’m wearing them until they fall off me… LOL… which is not too far from now. Who knows what size I’ll be in 30-35 more Lbs. I will surely be done by then. Anyway like my title said, My Scale Does Not Define ME!!! I do. Blessings to all on your journeys. I know this is long winded – but that’s how I do things...
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    My scale does not define me.

    I realize I have a problem when it comes to my weight, and I can tend to get a little obsessive with it. I really have to maintain my composure in all ways I can. For lots weighing daily is not a big deal - and those are the folks that deserve the credit!! Me, I just can't seem to do it with fluidity. It comes off being irrational where I'm weighing even more than twice a day and it was starting to affect my moods and that was when I was forced to look at this habit and realize it was not a healthy one. I too had to hide my scale while I am not looking at it. If it's anywhere remotely visible and with easy access, I will try to look at it. So, now it's in the garage and I really don't like going in there in the early morning, it's really cold. Now, who's to say how I'll feel once it warms up in the morning? LOL I might have to get my hubby to hide it from me at that point. We shall see!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Constiaption and weight stalls

    Yep, if I ain't goin' I ain't losin'. Poo weighs a lot. I use fiber chews (which I am going to switch to benefiber once I run out) and I also use Dieter's Tea. It has a natural effect called Senna. It works! You don't wanna abuse this stuff. Speaking of oatmeal, Quaker makes a Hi Fiber type and it works wonderfully. I love the stuff and it will hold me 6 hours!! It's very satisfying. Lots here also suggest Miralax - though I haven't tried it myself. It might be worth the try. Good luck!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Mini-Goals, anyone????

    You're right! Health O Meter always would be crazy for me. I'd step on and it would give me a weight, then right after step on again it would be +/- 5 Lbs!! I use Taylor and it works excellent. It's always right on with my Drs office. I've also heard a lot of good things about the Weight Watchers scales. Of course you can never go wrong with the Detecto scales too.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    How will my legs look?

    Welcome to the Pear Family!! LOL Yes I'm a pear. Yes I lost top down first. Yes I look super skinny on top now and normal on the bottom!! I'll tell you how, I workout the bottom half of my body WAY more than the top. I do the elliptical without using the handles, I run and walk, I do the spinner - all bottom workouts. I think it's helping! Check out my photo album, it will give you an idea on how my pear shape melted away. Good luck!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Exercising before WLS

    Absolutely yes, it is a good idea to start working out again. The healthier you are going into surgery, the healthier you will be coming out. It sounds like you are already doing quite well with them when you do them. That sounds pretty much like what I do. Yes you will *eventually* get back to having enough energy to sustain workouts again. It took me awhile though. The first few months were really tough where energy was concerned. The super low calories, not enough fluids and Protein really took a toll on my stamina. However in time it got better and of course my energy did return. Patience is really key when it comes to the first few months. HTH!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    All are welcome here! We have about 8 weeks until final weigh in day! I'll be checking my scale soon, but it's been a real relief not having to rely on it the last few weeks - I can't lie. I think I'll be ok with it once I do get back on (no more scale whore here because the scale doesn't match how I feel!!!). Congrats on everyone's success so far! You are all doing amazing!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Finally.... Before and After pic!!!!!!

    Wow Firefly!!! Looking fabulous there lady! Congrats to you
  14. Think I'll get in a nice 3.5 mile walk this morning. Need to relieve the stress before it even starts!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey What A Nightmare

    Dear Gabriella, you are in my thoughts and I'm wishing you well. Please get well soon, and STAY STRONG! You have so many reasons to get through this. Just know that all of us here are pulling for you. Please also update us on your condition whenever you feel up to it. Big hugs!!!
  16. Running out of room to type so PS, wishing you well on Friday!! Please check in when you can! :-) You're going to do fantastic!!

  17. I seen your pic comment... LOL! I know it, I really wish I was at goal already. But, I weigh 199 and I need to get to 165. :-( I'm going to be very small I know it. I like the way I look now, but my scale still says I weigh too much. According to the BMI charts the most I should weigh is 154 - which is worse!!

  18. Hey lady!! Wow thanks!!!! OMGoodness I hate that I weigh so much, if I didn't weigh 199 I'd actually not care to lose anymore weight tbh... :-( That's why I put it up to 165 instead of 154... otherwise I'd still need to lose 45 Lbs! I'd be WAY too skinny to lose another 45 or so Lbs.

    I hope you had a good Mother's Day!! <3

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Sleeve Chat Room Is Always Open!

    Hellooooo!! Is anyone out there? Come in and chat
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Mini-Goals, anyone????

    I see most of you have already found it! In case anyone else wants to join, here's the link: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/16638-4th-of-july-what-will-you-weigh/ Good luck!! Cheers to the mini goals!!
  21. Someone here put it into words once so perfectly, and for the life of me I can't remember who it was. I'd def give them the credit if I remembered who it was. Anyway thy said it's like the Movie Alien - the Alien baby in your chest. That's EXACTLY what you could imagine it feels like. If you haven't seen the movie, do yourself a favor and rent it. Can you still push through it? If I could I would, and believe me - my answer is NOOOO!!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Mini-Goals, anyone????

    I really love mini-goals, which is why I like to do the "What will you weigh" threads! My husbands family is having a family reunion Labor Day weekend and my hope is to be at my ultimate goal by then... but first things first, right now I want to get to 180 Lbs which will put me at 150 Lbs total lost. This really makes it so much easire to do IMO - sepecially when you're like me and needed to lose well over 100 lbs (borderline 200) Work it!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    OMG!!! I'm running out of clothes!!!

    @cludgie, that is AWESOME!! The best part for me in all of this is being able to shop in normal stores and buy CUTE CLOTHES!! @coops, someday when you keep going down and she's on her way back up you will have the pleasure of giving her back all of her "bigger" clothes.
  24. LOL thanks lady!! :-) Not used to all this "skinny-mini" comments... not complaining either! :-P

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