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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need serious help!

    Yes I did! It didn't last too long though, only a week but in comparison to others this was short lived. Most 3rd week stalls last 2-3 weeks. However now that I'm closer to goal I'm noticing I'm hitting more stalls and they are lasting longer. Good idea on hiding the scale!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are these things Normal??

    Hi first of all, congrats on your new surgery!!! Lots of folks go through turbulent times in the very beginning. Though I don't hear about as violent nausea as you had, I am thankful to know you were in the hospital at the time. Also, it sounds like as Rev suggested, you're having some acid issues. You might want to ask your surgeon about this. You can find lots of choices over the counter to help with this. The acid will mask itself into hunger. I believe once this is corrected your hunger will subside for the most part. But first, please consult your Dr. first!! One last thing, I'm 8 months out and my sleeve still gurgles. It was doing it yesterday while talking to some co-workers. I just had to point it out because I knew they could hear it... it was actually pretty funny. :-D
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need serious help!

    Hey Stacy, sounds like the classic 3 weeks stall to me. Most of us will lose really well for the first and second week combined. Majority of the weight lost is Water however. From the 3rd week on, our bodies start adjusting to what we are feeding it (in this case, what we aren't). It also starts to hold on to everything we put in, including water. It makes perfect sense that we stall out for a few weeks at this time. You will probably just have to wait it out. You seem to be doing really well from what I've read. I'd only add maybe an extra 16 oz water bottle to your day to help start things flushing out again. Also, are you doing any type of physical activity? You're still fresh out of surgery so I wouldn't suggest anything demanding at all, but a light walking routine daily might help. Perhaps a few sessions of 15 minutes per day (you might tire easily this early out, I did!!!). Walking and now running are my #1 workouts because when I'm doing this and pushing myself, I'm losing! You also have to keep positive as you can! Look at the glass half full... and I know everyone's heard this a million times. Weight loss is such a roller coaster ride, but just as we're taking care of our outside, we have to take care of the inside too. How much have you lost? Are you down any sizes yet? Try to find little gems to keep you on the bright side... I know personally it's not always easy. Wishing you the very best! Hang in there. Your stall will pass!!!
  4. Know this: GOD'S plan for you is PERFECT. HE will always provide. Never doubt that.

  5. Hi Nancy!! There was a time I didn't think I could either... now I can attest that it IS POSSIBLE!! Hugs!! Keep me updated on how you're doing. :)

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Red Velvets- May Sleevers- How is today?

    Reminder: Monthly Sleevers have support group sections. Thank you!
  7. Hey there!! It was a looong time coming for me, but I *never* gave up or gave in... it IS possible and your dream will come true - never doubt that. :-) (((hugs)))

  8. I seen this subject brought up somewhere else and I thought it was pretty interesting! For those of you whose weight loss is noticeable and others are commenting on it: Have you been called something referencing your weight loss? If so, which one was your favorite? Mine was: Twiggy... LOL this one cracked me up!! I was walking through the halls at work and one of my GUY co-workers (they usually never comment on weight loss really) said "hey Twiggy!" LOL I said hey, then I realized he called me Twiggy. I said, "Did you just call me Twiggy? and laughed" He said "Yup!!" Hahaaa!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Officially unbanded and sleeved

    Hey Gloucester!! I'm very glad to hear you're feeling better today!! Congratulations on your new sleeved stomach and for having your band removed. Those will be the first 3 Lbs of many more quickly to pass. Hugs!!!!!!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    has losing weight made you look older?

    Same as Shanny here, as a bigger girl I still looked younger but folks would guess about -5 to -7 years younger. Now folks are thinking I'm in my mid Twenties and I'm 37 (and a half... lol) It's just luck of the draw really, no way of knowing how each individual will turn up until you get there.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    When I was at my heaviest I used to say . . .

    LOL Hmm... I used to say, "I'm going on a diet starting (Monday, New Year's Day, whatever day)... I'm really gonna do it this time" Now, I really DID it this time!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hit a huge milestone!

    Yayyyyy Sarah!!!!! You just keep rocking that sleeve!!! :bathbaby:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pain VS.Nausea

    For me it was definitely the nausea... which sux because I hate feeling like that and I especially hate vomiting. The pain for me wasn't too bad. I was able to get away with just pain pills here and there, non narcotic.
  14. My fingers are getting really boney. My size 6 wedding rings I just got a few months ago are now jingling and rolling around. They don't even fit on my Hubbys pinkie... wonder just how tiny they will end up... ???

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 Month Update

    Great job so far Dawn!! Ok I take that back... SPECTACULAR JOB!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    12lbs more and I will be out of the 400's

    CONGRATS on your milestone!!!!! WHoohoooHOOOo!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    That's right Bugwitch 6 weeks to go!!! I think this is definitely the place to hold each other accountable. Let us know how your slim in 6 is going! I think my personal plan works really good, so I really don't want to change it up - but I hope you can find someone to do it with you. Candace, looking good there missy!!! Dawn, I seriously think I might change my goal too. My losses are really slowing down a lot. The think is I know I'm doing the right things, and I'm not totally upset about losing slower either. On weigh day Friday I'll judge then to see if I might want to tinker with my goal. Hey there S4M, you're sooo close!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Whoohooooo JULIA!!!!!!!!!!! :whoo:
  19. Your body is the home to your soul. You have the clean the inside of the house before you can clean the outside.

  20. You made me SMILE!!!! :))

  21. Totally agree! Only one thing, I tried to make the switch to natural and I just couldn't get used to the taste. I switched back to my other PB - but it's still not a bad choice. That's something I really enjoy post op. 1 TBSP of PB snack will get me the rest of the evening which is usually my danger time. Here's the weird thing, I totally HATED PB pre op... If anyone likes the Natural that is definitely the best way to go though.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Has someone commented on your weight loss?

    Leslie, I have to agree, total haters right there. I don't get a lot of that, but I have gotten that a few times already. I'm like, whatever... Re the Hubby - that is sooo cool, my hubby said something like that a few days ago, he referred to me as "my skinny wife"... Loved it!!!
  23. Gotta get on the treadmill!!! I was gonna pound the pavement but it's looking gray, cold n windy out there. Don't wanna kick up those nasty allergies so it's an indoor session for me today. Enjoy your weekend y'all!!!

  24. My first few days were by far the very worst out of any days there after. I did not feel good at all (however, know that I was a revision surgery so mine would naturally be worse than others here). I was in a little pain, but the worse thing for me was the nausea. I did vomit one time. I had a little issue going potty too so they had to give me a catheter. The drain was a pest too... ugghhh... The first few weeks were tough, little food and calories getting in and it was hard getting enough fluids/water too. I felt very sluggish and tired, and almost in a cloud like state. This cloud didn't really lift until about 6 weeks out when I started to get more solid foods in, as well as being able to get my 64 oz minimum in. Today I feel perfectly normal and I'm happier than I've ever been in my life!!! I just wanted to keep it real on my first few weeks. It was NOT easy and I did go through it, but here I am now. I made it, and the rewards of the few awful weeks was worth it by far. HTH

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