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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. To be able to cross my legs - DONE! To get less than my lowest Lap Band weight - DONE! To weigh less than my Husband - DONE! To fit into clothes I've saved from 20 years ago - DONE! To Run an entire 5K (A real event) - DONE! To make Onederland - DONE! To wear a size Small top - DONE! To fit in my Size 8 Goal pants - DONE! To see a real woman's figure in the mirror - DONE! To fit Size 6 Panties (not sure why this was a goal... LOL) - DONE! To not be the biggest girl in my office - DONE and then some! To not have to fit sideways in the turnstiles at the baseball games - DONE! To fit comfortably in the seats at all sporting events, with extra room - DONE! To make my final goal - Still working on it.
  2. Yep, sure wouldn't hurt to find out. I bet that's it and you'll be feeling better soon. It usually takes about 2 weeks for whatever you take to make full effect. Feel well!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    Wow incredible everyone!!! Love it!! I see the clothing thing is a big one here. I think that would be somewhere on everyone's list, it sure would be mine if I did a top 10! I looove shopping... almost too much...
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Great question! I'm tired of Lindsey Lohan, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey Jr., ... Hmmm I sense a trend here. Really though... do they have to be so danged annoying all the time?
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Rudeness in the other forums

    Ah, but then there's this nice feature called "Reply" and you can see whatever they say in the quotes. To the OP, I'm very sorry you encountered negativity. Like Dave said, some people use the anonymity to their advantage and becomes everyone else's disadvantage. Sometimes the best response is no response at all. When chatting with tens of thousands of other people, you have to learn to pick out the weeds and keep the roses, so to speak.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Samantha: Some options I've found helpful are Fage Greek Yogurt, small half serving of nuts (low sodium - don't want the Water weight), Tb of chunky Peanut Butter (this really curbs snackies), fresh fruit smoothies make with splenda (berries are great with low sugar and AOX), a piece of fresh fruit. HTH
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    Awesome!!! You've done so amazing, you have so much to be positive about!! I hear you on #2 - in fact just yesterday in a meeting it dawned on me that I'm not the biggest chick in my office group anymore. In fact I'm not even second... I'm even running a close third and the other gal is normal sized. Whoootttt!! KEEP EM COMING!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    WHOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this announcement!!! You worked your tail of girlie, literally!!! Enjoy the skinny life... you DO DESERVE IT!!!! :cheer2: :dance: :humble: :bananahuge: :bananalama: :party4:
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Scale Victory!!

    Sweet!!! Congrats girlie!!!
  10. You know it very well could... I think I simply just don't feel good at all if I'm not taking my supplements. I think it slows me down in many ways. It keeps me from giving my all or even doing my workouts, eating properly, sleeping well, and just overall good health. The big ones for me with the energy are the B-12 sublinguals and the Vitamin D. Those are huge for the energy.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bedding Hotties.

    Congrats on your impending sleeve surgery!! In response to this thread, and being a female who I consider myself pretty good looking (guess that makes me conceited?) - I've never been with an obese guy when I was still single. My husband now is considered obese but does not reflect in his looks. He's hot and relatively fit looking. He started to gain some weight and I'm glad he's deciding to work on it. I do really prefer him more fit than fat. Guess that kinda makes me a little bit of a hypocrite too. Just being honest here... Ok, I'll move on - sorry to eavesdrop on the male bonding stuff...
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Climbed MT RUBIDOUX in Riverside CA

    CONGRATS you!!! So amazing!!! I'm still gonna do this myself someday... lol
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    ugh surgery postponed

    Hi Joan, I'm so sorry to hear this! But you are right, very good they caught it. Hugs to you and I hope you can be rescheduled ASAP!!!
  14. Hey, just seen your ticker... WELL DONE!!!! Sixty down now!! :-D

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    In Mexicali!

    YB, wishing you well on your surgery!!! You are soon to be on this side of the fence, and I can tell ya - the grass IS greener here!! Hang in there, and please check in when you can!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Hey Alex, nice workout today!! Doing a ton of crunches has never been my strong suit, so kudos to ya! I need to though, I know my stomach could use a little definition. LOL Patrice! Nice to see you here! Any committment is great!! Start small and build from there. Baby steps. I always say do most of what you like most of. For me running and walking really keep me motivated so I make sure I'm doing my full 5 days with either. I have a spinner and elliptical at home too, so I also add those in during the week - but not nearly as much. I love to swim too! I just wish the weather would cooperate so I can get in the pool. Living in CA, by now since it's almost June you'd think I would have been able to by now, but no luck. Today I woke up and got a late start. I was supposed to do 30 on my elliptical but I only did 25, which I was still 10 minutes late for work... oops!!! LOL Oh well I'm always the first one in and no one ever says anything to me anyway. NO biggie, I'm just glad I did something on it. 5 mintues loss is better than not doing it at all. I also did a morning walk here at work of about 2.5 miles around the State Capitol. It's always a pleasant trip with my headphones and sunglasses. Very refreshing and stress relieving. Tonight I am going to get on my stationary bike for 30 minutes... but I'll need to put a cushion on it. I did a set 2 days ago and I tried last night but my bum was sore... LOL!! Don't have much natural padding back there anymore...
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Week Three done...Hello, Week Four!

    Awesome Barb!!! Do not worry, you are at the 3 weeks stall. Your weight will pick up soon Relax and let the magic happen!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Today is the big day Mrs. Positive!! Wishing you well today, and a quick and effortless recovery!! I'm sure you will do excellent with your sleeve, you've done all the right things. Most specifically you took your time with your decision and did all your homework. Your new life STARTS NOW!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm In Mexico!

    Yayyyy!!!! I'm very excited for you! Sending you positive thoughts and well wishes for a speedy recovery. You are in excellent hands, do not worry. Definitely let us know how you do!!!
  20. I was started out with Nexium post op. It didn't work all that well for me so I ventured out and tried Prilosec and it works pretty darned well for me. I've also had to be put on Prevacid to clear my H. Pylori and I noticed a difference immediately. It left me hungry all the time. I went back on Prilosec and all is back to normal. However even with my daily dose I still get acidy from time to time. Not bad and not often, but it is making me consider telling my PCP at our next visit which should be in a few weeks. I am over 8 months out, and really have no end in sight at this time.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Band to Sleeve Revision in Mexico

    Hi Keke, welcome to VST!! Dr. Aceves did my revision in Sept of 2010. He is excellent, professional, his hospital and staff are top notch and very attentive, and his technique is absolutely amazing!!! I've had nothing but success with my sleeve where I had none with my band. I was very nervous and even skeptical going in, but I didn't have a choice. I needed to do something. My first choice was Dr. Cirangle w/ LapSF. Unfortunately I couldn't gather enough funds to use his services and my insurance was not helpful with my revision what so ever. So, I chose the next best option in my area. Just so happened he is in Mexicali!! I was going to go to a very reputable Dr. for what I could afford. I don't regret my decision AT ALL! Good luck to you in your decision.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    cleaning out the closet!!!

    Hi Mina, Wow excellent job on your pre-op diet!! That's much to be proud of!! I love to hear it when folks work hard to lose weight and get healthier before surgery. It's only going to amount to great things, like less weight to goal post op, hopefully an easier surgery and transition back to health and going in with a positive mindset. Can't get any better than that!! You will do really well in your journey. Keep us posted!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    LOL - PS love the profile picture... that's great!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Well dang! I guess that's why I always take real care when I'm running. I know I have issues with my knees and if I injure them I will be OOC for weeks... months... that would be heartbreaking for me. It would also mean me starting all over again. I hope your wrist heals up sooner than expected. Feel better soon!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
