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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I feel fat today

    It is strange, as I mean... when I was much larger I guess I just ignored it I don't know. Now I'm just having a pity party. Not every day, not even all the time but I'll get in this weird mood where my self esteem is just all shot! I'm hoping tomorrow I'll feel a little better. If the scale is mean to me tomorrow morning I can already tell you I'm gonna flip!!! LOL Thanks y'all, I guess I don't feel so alone. Like Monica sings, "It's just one a them days!!!" I really didn't even want to post this thread, but just needed to vent it out a little bit I guess. @Kelly, it's gonna be a good time I'll be on my best behavior!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Sure! We should plan on having a meeting at least every other month. Keep an eye on this forum!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    LOL!! Well congrats!! That is a really great NSV
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    HELP...I don't know when to eat!

    Hi decamom, glad you came out and played wtih us! In the very beginning it is really difficult to get all you should in. Right now just relax and keep getting in your fluids as you have been. IMO, it sounds like you are really doing quite well. No need to fix it up unless its broken. In time and in the coming weeks, eating and drinking will get much easier. It actually took me the first 2 whole months before I was able to eat some and drink some on a regular basis. It's ok to take your time, in fact it is preferred. Also, click this link, it is the ticker tutorial: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/13516-ticker-tutorial-for-vst-lbt-with-pictures/page__pid__153616#entry153616 HTH!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Hey everyone! I wasn't even supposed to do any workout today but I felt in a real funk. I decided to go for a walk outside in the sunshine. It was about 2.5 miles, moderate paced. I felt much better after. I hope I feel back to my normal self tomorrow. Just not feelin it today I guess... Anyway, Patrice and I were discussing the 5K program in her 7th month Sleeversary thread (CONGRATS GIRL!!!) and figured I'd post the program I used here too. It's an easy one, just copy and paste it and print it out... And get it done! http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/ See you all soon!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    7 Month Surgiversary!! :)

    Here's the Couch to 5K program I used to get started (there's tons out there). It's a really good one. Also, you can take your time with it if needed. Do each week twice or whatever - you make up your own rules. The most important thing is to finally get it done I'm rooting for you!!! http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/
  7. LilMissDiva Irene


  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I feel fat today

    Thanks ladies! Really it is all in my head I know this. It's just weird, I was feeling good yesterday and now for some reason I'm picking myself apart today. I do feel so gloomy. I wasn't even supposed to workout today, but I just felt the need to go outside and get some sunshine. I walked 2.5 Miles, not super fast but at a good pace. I feel somewhat better but my brain is just in a funk today. I mean, I was looking at my thighs as I'm sitting here and thinking, gosh they are so huge!!! It's not anything more than that. I'm just feeling the weight I'm still carrying I guess... It's also not because my scale, I weigh on Fridays. Sometimes it feels manic! One day I'm super overjoyed, the next I'm feeling defeated. Not all the time, ok I don't want to exaggerate here, but I do have my days... Julia, I DO talk to my poor husband all the time. I actually feel really bad about it, though he always responds like a champ. He's so patient... if the tables were turned I think I'd have told him off by now... hehe! I know that's kinda messed up - but sheesh!! LOL I'm feeling that grumpy girl coming out!! Leslie, that is SO me today... blahhh!! Coops and Kelly, THANK YOU! You both made me smile just now. Coops you reminded me of those huge pants! OMG I can't believe I used to fit those. Kelly, you totally made me laugh with the big toe...
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    7 Month Surgiversary!! :)

    Hey Patrice - wow girl you're looking great!!! Happy 7th Month Sleeversary too! I really think you're doing outstanding! I hear you on the workouts. Right after I finished my 5K I really started slacking big time on my workouts. It showed because I've only lost 3+ Lbs since then. I guess it still comes out to 1 Lb per week, but I'm used to averaging 2-3 so it really did slow me down. Well I've been back at it again, and I hope the scale will cooperate! Thanks for joining in the Gym Rats conversation! Please stick around, I need all the motivation I can get right now especially... LOL AGAIN CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    2 PM
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh Dear, Oh My

    Wow.. very true, with all our limited eating we really have to be mindful of what we're eating. I find the very best thing to do is to always balance out any carbs I'm eating. If I have something that's on the higher end of the carbs, I will also be sure to have some Protein with it. It usually does work to keep me from getting weird glucose spikes or drops. xoxo
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Location: Market Square food court @Arden Fair Mall. Street: 1689 Arden Way City/State/Zip: Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone: 916-529-1830 If you have any Protein Drinks, please bring them! It's a Protein flavor try-out. Also, if you have a pile of clothes ready for donation, bring those too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please RSVP, thanks!! Hope you all can make it!!!
  13. SWEET!! Someone left an entire unopened box of my Quaker Hi Fiber Oatmeal!! Sign attached: up for grabs... u better believe it buddy! LOL now if u know me, u know how awesome this is right now!

  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    What brand scale is that? I'd really like to get a scale like this. Thanks!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow thanks! Where in the grocery store do you find this? Or do you make it yourself?
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Yayyy!!! Welcome new challengers!!! You CAN do it!!! As for me... we'll see. Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and boy I've really been being a good good girl. I know I'm losing inches right now. But one thing I've learned in the almost 9 months out now is while I'm losing inches my scale wants to be stubborn. We'll see! But... the positive side to this is I'm coming up on the weeks where I lose really well. So... onward and downward!! I'm really gonna bust my booty to make this goal!!! xoxo
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    Very interesting, and I didn't even think about it really until Coops, you mentioned the whole being asked into more meetings. My first thought was, "well not really because I received all my promotions while I was still very large". But... in thinking more about it I have recently begun to be asked in much more meetings, especially ones where our Director is present and I'm the one dishing out answers and suggestions to him personally. That's actually really huge where I work! I was never asked to do this before. I'm also really given free range to run my desk how I see fit and my Manager really asks a lot from me. You know how managers are, they really just look to their best workers to make themselves look good and know what their doing, aside from it being true or not... Anyway, I think maybe there is a little bit of truth to this. I think maybe its a little bit of both, in that we are feeling more confident AND we "look" the part too. Exactly stated as Coops put it "the lazy fat one". ETA: Just to give a little history, really I haven't changed anything in how I perform my job. I've been doing what I do for almost 4 years now. I know what I'm doing, I just feel like all of a sudden I'm being taken much more seriously. Sad, but true.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Yep we have our own spot to make new threads and everything. It's pretty nice. I like this group idea.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Great Alex and Patrice!! Whoohooo!! Someday I might join up at a gym. I'd like to take some classes - that would be interesting.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Reward for 50 lbs lost?

    Rewarding ourselves for mini goals is tops. It's so hard to lose 10 lbs, 20 lbs... etc... so when we hit some great milestones it's nice to pat ourselves on the back. Nothing wrong with that! When I hit Onederland I hit up Ulta big time! Beauty supplies never expire or get too big. It is true, buying expensive clothes right now is not a good choice. As you get smaller the sizes seem to go through much faster. M2G has an excellent point though, I also ask for clothing store gift cards now. I have a bunch saved up for that one special moment when I say I'm done losing weight. It will be a great day! But not until then. If you are eyeing a certain piece of jewelry, don't hesitate... go get it. You really do deserve it. You worked really hard for it.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    I just got sleeved Monday the 23rd!

    Hi Becky, CONGRATS TO YOU!!! Don't worry about the no hunger. For some sleevers it just takes a little longer for the hunger to go away, so you may still be one of the "lucky" ones in time. Also, great job on the weight you have already lost!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    My semi-triumphant return to the forums!

    Oh and where are my manners... WELCOME BACK!! It is nice to see you
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    My semi-triumphant return to the forums!

    It doesn't really sound to me like you're fallen off the wagon, just maybe letting your focus go other places. Why don't you join our weight loss challenge... maybe that will help with the motivation and get your focus back to that last pesky 10 lbs! You can do it!! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/16638-4th-of-july-what-will-you-weigh/page__p__140700__fromsearch__1#entry140700
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Hey Patrice, how did you do today with your walk? I did *almost* everything I was supposed to do... I ran 3.8 miles today, but the last half mile was my slow down. My 5K (3.1 miles) I finished in less than 37 minutes. That's really good for me! Like I said, I have to go easy on my knees, so yeah, I'll never be able to pull a 17.5 minute 5K... Yes people really can do this... it's pretty incredible to say the least. I do acknowledge however, that will never be me! I was supposed to walk another 2.5 miles at my break at work today but it ended up raining... BOO!! Oh well, next time. I've done well this week. I'll still pull out a 30 set of calisthenics tonight. It's all good! Hey new members, why so quiet? What are your goals for the next week? Take care everyone!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Low carb diet questions

    Pretty much if you're eating healthy your tiny sleeve is going to force you to do a low carb diet. When you get to solid foods you have to eat your Proteins first because that is the nutrient your body needs the most. I have added up my totals here and there and I get anywhere from 50-75g carbs per day. This is a bit more than many here do. However, I lose pretty good, and I don't really have many complaints. It has slowed some recently but I don't blame the carbs. I blame my laziness for not working out like I should or rather I say, like my body is used to. I feel good though and I believe for me I have found a good balance. That's the most important thing, in the beginning is a learning curve. You just will have to find what works the best for you and what keeps you at 100% top speed. I've picked up my normal routine for workouts again and I can already see a major difference in the last 4-5 days. I know a good sized weight drop is coming soon. I weigh on Fridays, so we'll see then or even maybe the Friday after. Good luck to you! This will likely be the ride of your life!

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