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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. I just did an hour on the treadmill and it was tough. My legs are still sore from my run on Saturday!! Going to do 30 minutes on my stationary bike later too and dinner is a nice tuna tossed green salad!!! :-)

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Well as long as your Surgeon agrees you are ok'd to do this then there shouldn't be a problem. That's awesome and admirable!!! I just looove to see the enthusiasm for moving our bodies! It's such a great feeling, and something I enjoy doing. Today my plan is to run a 5K on my treadmill and get some Spinner time later today. How's everyone else doing??
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I was feeling down so I needed to do this...

    I cannot say enough how important it is to remember where we've been. Without remembering the past you cannot appreciate your future, and I do!!! We're also doomed to repeat it, and I'm here to tell you I NEVER EVER WILL!! I'm not quite at 150 Lbs gone forever yet, that is my next mini goal. I'm working on it though!!! I'm working really hard for it too. The pounds sure aren't as cooperative now as they were in the beginning. It's ok though, I think that will just make me appreciate them all the more.
  4. Last night for some reason I was feeling a bit down... I've said this many times to many folks - when this happens dig deep in your tool box and pull something out that will *fix* that mood. These are a few pics of me I took last night. This was my original size pants in the black (of course... lol) size 28W... I used to fit these at my heaviest, 330+ Lbs. They were even tight!! I refused to cross over into the 30's. My tops were a 3X, even sometimes a 4X (not as much) but still... They are matched up against my "goal" jeans, size 8M. How did I not realize how large I really was? I've never been able to really recognize the true me, I still don't now. I might never, though I hope to someday. Anyway I have redirected my new goal to a size 4M with those same style/cut jeans. After that I'm done... finish... even if I weigh 180 Lbs. In a few years when I have the excess skin removed, whatever doesn't fix itself in that time I'm sure that will be a few more pounds off anyway. This is for all those who are pre-op, on the fence, not sure, just searching, or even feeling low due to stalling or whatever reason... it can and will happen for you! I have endured many stalls in my journey. I have gone weeks with little or no losses. My weight is coming of slow... but you know what (I've lost 75 Lbs in 8 months)? Something about me, I NEVER GIVE UP AND I NEVER GIVE IN!!! I am very close to goal and I FEEL LIKE I'M THERE ALREADY!!! Just a little fine tuning away. Lotsa hugs and smiles, Irene. Before/The Beginning: Currently:
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Hey Lynda!! Way to go on the bike! I know how tough it is just post op, so you deserve big kudos for that. Take it easy too! I see you have quite the schedule mapped out for next week.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I was feeling down so I needed to do this...

    Awww *smiles* you all have made my day!!! Big hugs to all of you, and I also wanted to say that all of you inspire me every single day. Together we will make our goals and dreams reality! I have not made goal yet... LOL I do still have 30 Lbs to go. And boy am I having to earn those now!!! WOWWW!!! But, regardless I know I'll get there. xoxo
  7. So I stuck with m y routine today and did 30 on my elliptical. I really kicked butt and when I was done I was so out of breath I had to lean against my wall. Total NSV: I could feel my hip bones and ribcage against the wall and my waist did not touch!!!

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Whoohoooo thank you!!!! I'm really going to try these!! I'll let you know how they turn out. @Kelly, we'll see you next time. We're thinking something sometime next month. I guess we could start picking dates now! Any suggestions? I'll need to check my calendar but I believe I'm available June 25th. June 19th weekend is Father's Day.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I feel fat today

    Why am I feeling like this today? Just yesterday I felt great, noticed I'm losing some inches. For some reason today though I just feel.... ugghhh!! Why when I was 330 Lbs I never felt fat, yet here I am lighter than I have been in 20 years and I feel bloaty and huge!! I don't get it. And no, it's not my TOM. That was last week. Just not feeling it today. Sorry, rant over.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Heehee thanks! And to think, I have 2 bum knees. I never thought in a million years I'd be able to do what I do. I've always dreamed of being able to become a runner and every day that becomes more a reality. I think it's definitely one of the BEST NSV's I've had since having my surgery!! You are doing really great pre-op! Do you have a pre-op diet your surgeon recommends? Lots do, I did. Mine was pretty much all low carbs - no liquid stuff... TG!! It was very tolerable. I even lost 9 Lbs, which was excellent! That's 9 Lbs less to goal post-op *YEAH!!!* Take care, and try not to get too nervous, your big day is right around the corner.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Awwee!! I was wondering where you were. I don't know about any jazz bands playing so I'm not sure you were in the right area. There was four of us total - and it was really nice!! Being it was our first one I think we did pretty good. There's always next time, and maybe we can just choose a starbucks or something. Easier to find maybe and yes, the parking should be good. The parking at Arden Mall is always yucky. We missed you though! We'll make plans for next month. You better be there!! Thanks ladies for the nice chat!!! xoxo It was great!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Welcome mnb!!! Nice to see a new poster here! Wow it sounds like you really get the workouts on. It doesn't matter at all that you don't get most of your workouts in a paid gym. All that matters is that you move that body and burn those calories. All are welcome here!! Also, it sounds like you are in Northern California. You might want to join in the NorCal Sleevers group too. This morning started off right! I did my treadmill and I did a 5k in 36:09, 5Miles in 54:55 and my total plus my cool down was 5.5Miles and in 60:50 with 915.4 calories burned. WHOOOTTT!!! I still plan to do a 30 minute calisthenics session later this evening. Feeling good here!!! I plan to do the same on the treadmill tomorrow morning too. Now with this kind of routine, I BETTER see some movement on that scale next Friday!!! What has everyone else done today???
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Welcome Meggie, I didn't know you were out this way!! It would be great if you could make our next meeting!! As for today, I'll see you all in about an hour. If you get lost, my cell number is 916-529-1830. Gimme a ring and I'll get you there. Hugs!! xx
  14. For Rachel Cain - my AWESOME INSPIRING Lap Band GF: 5K - 36:09; 5Miles 54:55; Total X+ Cool Down - 5.5Miles 60:50 and 915.4 Calories burned!!

  15. My word of the day: in·spired [in-spahyuhrd] 1. aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence. WHAT'S YOURS???

  16. Just a little nice suggestion, Land O Lakes makes a real butter spread with added Olive Oil. It's very light and spreads thin. I love it!!! Love those Omegas.. yum yummm!!! http://www.landolake...-with-olive-oil
  17. Hey check out my photos! The bra I bought was so awesome! I know you like Kohl's too. :)

  18. Oh happy fun day today! I bought a new pair of kickbutt Asics in bright orange. I also bought myself 4 new bras... Size 34C. The boobies are shrinkin... but the bras are CUTE!!!

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    I feel fat today

    Thank you Julia! Love you too girl! I'm feeling a bit better today. Yesterday was just one of those days where nothing seemed to work out. I don't mean I had a bad day really just my insides were crying some. I'm in better spirits today - which is strange because (as you already know Julia) my scale was being a booger... LOL Ahhh well, all it did was make me want to work even harder. Gawsh it seems like the smaller I get the much harder it is to shed these pounds!! I'm going to kick the carbs out completely for the next few weeks and see if that helps the scale move some. No breads, no nothing. All my carbs will come from what's in my Protein foods. I don't usually do this very often, but it might be what I need to do to get to my goal. I've always said I'll do one thing as long as it works, once it doesn't anymore it's time to change up the routine. Well, it's time for a change. I've already gotten back to my normal workout schedule, so I'm sure that's helping. I also know this is my slow time of the month where I just don't lose a whole lot. My fast time is approaching and I'm going to give it all I've got. I really wanna get out of the 90's... it's time now. THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH!!! My mental status is WAY better from yesterday and it's only because of all of you. :wub:
  20. Co-sign. If you are doing low carb you MUST intake more fat. Your body is burning fat for fuel, and if you don't intake more, your body is going to steal nutrients from your muscles and organs. It's really important, please intake more healthy fats. You can get this from many good things, Olive Oil, Avocados, Fish... Also, wow - your surgeon is not being really caring either. YOU ARE NOT FAILING!! Most people do endure stalls of some sort from time to time. We all just have to push through them. xoxo
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Reward for 50 lbs lost?

    I know right?? I was just looking at my face yesterday thinking I look old all of a sudden. Botox never sounded so enticing... LOL
  22. Hmmm... I'm really not sure why? We can try again. I'll remove it and resend. :)

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fast Losers

    Excellent thanks!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    7 Month Surgiversary!! :)

    Ohh no! We cherish and APPRECIATE hearing all the good stuff here! I hear you though on the wanting to keep certain things to ourselves IRL. I'm glad you decided to stick around for good now. If not, I'm gonna bug you till you respond. Heehee
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    In Mexicali!

    Wow... I'm sorry to hear she's having a rough time! But I'm very glad to hear she's doing much much better too. Sending healing prayers and well wishes her way!! She's in excellent hands, I'm positive everything will turn out fine. Hey ladies thanks for the update! Well wishes to you too!!!

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