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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    We are all on the same road, but all of our journeys will be different. Some of us will get to goal in months flat with the greatest of ease, some of us will take years and endure many struggles (I'm in this group... )... BUT one thing is common. We have all had some successes, some huge some we are still working on. I'm looking for those of us who Celebrate EVERY SINGLE VICTORY. scale or Non Scale. What are the top three things in your journey so far PRE or POST op that you have found have given you the greatest satisfaction? Mine are: 3. Overcoming my fears and doubts and GETTING MY SLEEVE!!! 2. Running my first 5K... and yes RUNNING THE WHOLE DANGED THING!!! 1. Reaching Onederland. There are sooo many more, but wanted to keep this short but sweet. I'm looking forward to hearing about all your most cherished moments!!! xoxo
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    And THAT is what this whole thread is about!!! I'm so glad it helped to bring you out of your blues state. You're doing amazing and you deserve to feel so happy about it!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    IMPORTANT chit chat with Dr. Aceves

    Oh wow!! Thanks for the info... I'll definitely keep this in mind. I really hope the man who is in the hospital comes out okay!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    Of course you can add!! That one was worth it too, that's awesome!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Starting Out! Questions... :)

    Hi Crystal, welcome to VST and the beginning of the rest of your life!! What a great way to ring in your 40th year. Before I answer your questions, I've got to tell you how hilarious your screen name is! I love King of Queens and will never forget the "Fatty McButterpants" episode... so funny!!! Hi everyone! I turn 40 in 1 week and I have been over 200 lbs on a 5 ft 1 frame for over 15 years! I am currently 219 and my highest was 230. I have tried many diets and can never stick to them because they always leave me feeling hungry. I recently called my insurance company and asked them how they can help me since we pay them soo much money every year. My option: Weight loss surgery covered at 90%! I had never considered weight loss surgery but after 15 years of struggling, I think it is time. I told my husband that I never wanted to face my 40th (39th, 38th, 37th etc) birthday still fat! It would be nice to actually take a picture I did not want to burn (hah, or delete or photohop). 15 of my 40 years fat... And I have never been able to get pregnant. So, I thought if I can't have any biological children, then I might as well do something for me to help get thin and be HEALTHY for my stepsons and husband. So he gave me the ok to research it. At one point I thought "Maybe I can have a bypass of the mind and just eat small portions and fight the hunger." hahaha NOT. I did not have an issue in eating the small amounts, mentally, but physically I was a ravenous beast!!!! I can lose weight at 1200 calories per day, I just can't stand the ravenous hunger. I am hoping if I get sleeved then the ravenous will disappear. I kind of like the idea of slow weight loss. I do not plan on telling everyone what I am doing so slow loss won't be as obvious that I did something drastic. I also want to try dry brushing of the skin to help with elasticity. I have seen AMAZING photos of skin brushing success!! I have a consult with Dr Wade Barker in Dallas TX next week. I do have a few questions I would like to ask some experienced sleevers... * I like to make a "taco soup" in my blender.. It is tomatoes, carrots, cilanto, taco seasoning, sharp cheddar cheese, Water and chicken bouillon blended together. SCRUMPTIOUS... Is this the kind of stuff you can eat after the clear liquid broth stage? We love creamed soups and it is a great way to get flavor... I bet i could add some Protein powder int hat too.. a small amount (gag) Yes, anything you can blend up and suck through a straw you are good to go (once you graduate from clears). FYI, unjury makes a really great chicken soup flavor protein powder. I bet if you added some to this you wouldn't even know it's there. It tastes like real broth. Just don't add it if the soup is too hot, it will affect the texture of the protein powder. * Can you add protein powder to fruit smoothies? I have a fruit smoothie mix I like to buy from costco. It is perfect. And if i can add some protein powder (gag) to it I might just make it. It is fresh fruit with some frozen yogurt in it (Jamba juice Razmatazz in 8 oz servings with 4ozs of juice added) mmmm... You can pretty much add protein powder to anything, my suggestion is try not to add too much. The unflavored is tricky, if you add too much you will be left with a terrible yuck drink on your hand. Right after surgery your main concern will be getting all your water in. Getting in Proteins will be second, but a close second. If you can tolerate it, then do it. * The thought of staples, little metal titanium staples in my body kinda freaks me out. uhm, do you feel them in there??? I know, it is probly a laughable question but it is something I just need to ask!!! I have this vision of a poking sensation or rust.. (hahaha I know.. I just have to ask!!) No, I do not feel the titanium staples on my sleeve at all. I hope they don't rust either! LOL * I have watched a few youtube videos of the surgery and when they start pulling out the excess stomach I gasp and say OMG everytime. I wonder what size beast I have in my belly! Is anyone willing to share how much excess stomach they had excised??? I hope this is not too personal of a question. And if it is a sleeve "faux pas" please forgive me!!!! If I get this done I am going to ask the doctor to take pics for me.... And my insurance is through United Health Care plus choice. SO if anyone has any experience with this please let me know what I have to look forward to. Thank you so much for reading this and I appreciate your responses.. Hopefully I will become a part of the sleeved family! Ask anything here!! No holds barred, we are here to support and guide. My surgeon removed 85% of my stomach. I didn't need it!!! Good riddance!! Lastly, I was self pay so I can't help you with the UHC question, but I'm positive there will be some who can. Hugs and well wishes on your journey!!! You will be pleased! Keep asking all the questions you can think of and check out our photo galleries. They are a great source of inspiration. Crystal AKA Fatty Mcfatterson
  6. Yayyy CONGRATS!!! It's going to fly by, so GET READY!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    "Honeymoon" stage

    IMO, yes 1-2 Lbs per week later on down the line (not including the first month) is more common even in WLS than not. Of course there are always exceptions to every rule, some will lose more and some less. I was losing 2-3 Lbs per week for the first 7 months post op and now I'm dipping down into 1-2 Lbs per week. I think it's really important to appreciate any weight lost. Dwelling and feeling negative by comparing ourselves to others will only lead to feelings of failure and inadequacy. That's not a road I choose to travel anymore frankly. I've done that enough in my life and I think was a major contributor to my morbid obesity to begin with.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    That is AWESOME Cheryl!!! Keep it up! Today I did a 3.75 miles on my treadmill and later I'm going to do 30 minutes calisthenics. That's it for me today. Tomorrow I'll probably just enjoy a good walk at work but that will be it for then too. Friday I'm OFF!!! I will check in again to check those upcomings off the list tho. Keep at it everyone! It's proof it works, checkout Cheryl and her missing inches... heehee
  9. Today is going to be an extremely busy day for me. But - this is NOT an excuse to not do the right things! Keeping it moving...

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello from a Newbee!!!

    Hello!!! So glad you could join us! Less than a week to the new you, please check in and let us know how it goes. Big hugs!!! xoxo
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Before and current pictures

    Fabulous results!!! You seriously don't even look like the same person... Keep working that sleeve!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Almost 5 months out, Minus 50lb

    Yayyy CLUDGIE!!! Doing the happy dance for you!!! Rock on sister and keep up the excellent work!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    My "Ah-hah!" Moment...

    Awwweee what an excellent time you two had!! This is one of my dreams, to take my nephew to a big amusement park and be able to fit on the rides. I said it would be one of the things I did once I hit Onederland, and I did that - so I talked to him on the phone and told him we are going to Discovery Kingdom next time he stops by. He lives in Los Angeles and we are in Sacramento, so we only see him every few months. He seemed really excited and said "That sounds like a lot of fun!"... LOL I can't wait. You're an awesome Mom I can tell - and very composed. Kudos to you and congrats on your success so far! It was all well worth it.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I tried walking on the treadmill, but I'm so weak! Ideas?

    IMO, using the treadmill this early out is probably not the best form of activity you can do right now. Try just walking and pacing for awhile. You have plenty of time to get back on your treadmill. I didn't get back on mine for at least 6 weeks I believe and then didn't even push myself to my limits. I wanted to at least be on full solids first. If your exercise physician suggested this, then you might need to get some kind of clarification from him/her and let them know how it's affecting you. Feeling dizzy and light headed is not a good thing. Perhaps you can break up the 30 minutes straight into 5-10 minute sessions? Take good care of yourself and allow more time for healing. Hugs!!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    "Honeymoon" stage

    2-3 Lbs per week is ideal and even considered on the higher end of optimal weight loss. 1-2 Lbs per week is considered normal.
  16. Hi Christie, what you are experiencing is a bit common. I've seen many come through here mentioning weight gains right out of surgery. It is from your IV fluids mixed with the trauma of your surgery. Right now let your main concern be getting all your fluids in, getting plenty of rest and being sure to get up and walking every so often. If possible, try to stay off the scales for about a week. I'm sure by then the weight will have gone and then some. No need to stress yourself more when logically the weight is not particularly fat related. Hugs!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Thought is starting to scare me

    The feelings you are having right now are very common. Take a deep breath and my suggestion to you would be to pull out a sheet of paper. Make two columns: Reasons TO DO it, and Reasons TO NOT do it. Start writing down everything you can think of in the corresponding columns. I am absolutely positive that you will come out way ahead in the "Reasons TO DO it" column. You're going to feel some rollercoaster of emotions all the way leading up to your surgery date. Read up here and try to find out as much as you can. If all else fails, look through the photo galleries. That personally always kept me moving forward with getting this done!!! Hugs!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    My First Post-Op Photo Share

    AMAZING DIFFERENCE!!! Congrats to you!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need MOTIVATION to go to the gym!

    Hi Curvy! I love to workout as well. I just wanted to tell you that I had a hard time with getting back into the swing post op too. I think it must have taken months! I just felt incredibly lazy, which I do attribute it to the 6 weeks of liquids and tiny portions. Now today I have much more energy to get them done! You should join our social group for those of us who enjoy working out or just need the daily motivation to keep doing them. I agree, you will look SMASHING in that dress if you keep your body toned up. It will be so worth it!!! Link to the social group (all are welcome): http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/groups/show/1-vst-gym-rats/
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    9 months AND....

    Wowww!!! Big Congrats on your amazing success so far!!!
  21. I agree with everyone else here, CONGRATS ON YOUR SUCCESS!! I've lost 75 lbs in 8 months, so in comparison you're doing quite well. It is true too the further out you get the slower it is to come off. I've having to earn every single pound lost now!! It's not just melting off anymore like it did in the first 4 months or so. That's ok!! It will make me appreciate every one all the more. Cheers to us "slow" losers!!! ETA: I think pretty much when we are on the outside looking in everything always seems far more superb. But in looking at our individual success we can be more on the critical side. When really, I'd say majority of us lose % of body weight on nearly the same scale.
  22. Hi N2B, thanks for the add! :)

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    WOWWWW!!!! Great job ladies!!! You are all really kicking boootay!! Welcome Cheryl, I can already tell you will be a great addition here, you've already motivated me today... LOL My plan for today is I did 20 minutes on my spinner and 25 minutes on my elliptical early this morning - I just did a 2 mile walk here at work and when I get home I think I'll play a little bit on my Wii. I want to do some yoga! Or I might try to find a little 30 minute set On Demand. Okay so, no one's picked numbers yet so I'm going my replies here. So far this is what we have: Gym Rat #1: LilMissDiva (Irene) Gym Rat #2: Alex Gym Rat #3: misspatrice Gym Rat #4: mnbsleeve Gym Rat #5: lsereno Gym Rat #6: Cheryl Gym Rat #7: ??? Gym Rat #8: ??? Gym Rat #9: ??? Gym Rat #10: ??? Thanks everyone for joining in! It's nice to know there are lots of us out there that enjoy a good workout. Hey patrice, I've got you down for that 4 days!! Heehee!! You all sound like you workout quite a bit and that is excellent! It keeps me wanting to bump up my workout routines too, and right now with the weight loss slowing down I really need to do that. THANK YOU!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    In Mexicali!

    I wanted to highlight this very important note from someone who's experiences reflect this very heavily. Everyone's experiences of this surgery with any Dr. from anywhere in the world will always be different. Renee I am very sorry to hear you struggled so much, that makes me very sad. You have every right to come here and express everything that happened to you, and I think you and others who have posted in your stead have done very well and very respectfully. I hope you continue to get better every single day, and I really hope that someday your results from your surgery will outweigh (no pun intended!) the negativity you went through to get it. XOXO
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Awesome!! You should join in the Gym Rats social group! You don't have to have a gym membership - just make a commitment to workout of some type. Congrats!!!

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