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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. How are you doing??? :)

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    75 pounds!

    Hellooo there!!! I haven't seen you around in awhile. It looks like you are still doing excellently! I see that advice I gave you awhile back worked? Just a guess... LOL Keep up the excellent rock and rolling of that sleeve because it's sure working for you! If you do take pictures, I definitely want and DESERVE to see them. Thank you oh so much... heehee!! @Disney: Wow, you really got me thinking just now. What will I look like at Christmas?? Well, I will be at goal and maybe even more, so I know I'll be feeling mighty fine! Great job really to all of you, you are all doing your thing - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    No more band on the 4th!!

    Echoing Rev's sentiment. Wishing you well on your surgery and journey! If you are anything like me, you will absolulely LOVE your sleeve!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Revision Procedure By Dr. Aceves

    Ohhh you will ALL love your sleeves!! I had my revision on Sept 15 2010 and so far I'm down 80 Lbs since then. Nearly 90 from my pre op diet and working on 140 Lbs total. Best thing I've ever done for myself!!! For ME the sleeve has been a far better surgery. I'm rarely hungry (VERY RARELY), the weight comes off much faster, the restriction is superb and no more of the monthly surgeon visits... can't beat that at all. All the best to all of you getting sleeved or revised! Keep us updated.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Calling all Exercise Buddies!

    Hey all! Yes, it's best to leave the abdominals alone for a few months post op - however working up to a good pace and heart rate beginning at about a month out was very doable for me. If you all are interested we have a social group here for those of us who like to workout or need to stay motivated to keep doing it! Good luck to all!!! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/groups/show/1-vst-gym-rats/
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pre-op diet vs No Pre-op DIet

    Interesting question and I'm absolulely sure it will affect the weigh in outcomes post surgery. I'm going to do my best to remember here: I did a 2 week pre op diet, though not liquid only it did consist of amazingly low carbs. I lost 9 Lbs. Post op I lost 7 Lbs in the first week and 2 Lbs the next week and next to nothing for the next 2 weeks. So yeah I guess it did tailspin me to stalling a little early. But... knowing how my body loses on a month to month basis being 9 months out it could also just have been a normal reaction for me. Who knows? It's a very interesting thing, this whole weight loss issue. Over time all of you will get used to knowing your body and how it responds to everything. Main thing is to keep working it, STAY POSITIVE and keep believing in the program even when you're stalling! It's tough, but oh so doable. xoxo
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Well now, it sounds like you're doing mighty fine yourself!! Keep up the amazing progress!! For me, I was stalled for nearly three weeks and believe me it took every ounce of positivity in my heart mind and soul to stay sane! I was really working hard and the scale showed nada... it was just... yuck... Anyway, I know how my body loses so that also kept me from going nutso. I will wax for a few weeks and wane for a few weeks. It's paying off right now! Next weigh day should still show a good loss - but after that I have to start all over with my will power and patience... LOL
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Week 12 pics!!!

    Wow amazing!! You know I thought that all of those swim suits were different because the skirt has fallen where it should be on you now. It really shows a major difference for you!!! Congrats and keep up the excellent work!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm worried! Am I progressing too quickly?

    Hi there! Seems like so many surgeons post op guidelines range from super conservative to super liberal with our foods. It also sounds like you are doing quite well. However just want to throw this out there, it wouldn't hurt you at all if you decided to go back to liquids for awhile. I took my time with moving into new stages by days and weeks. However since you're following your given guidelines that would be completely up to you. Good wishes!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Wow Cheryl and lsereno! You ladies are really rocking it!! I'm gonna have a hard time trying to keep up with y'all!!! LOL!!! So, as I said I would I walked 2.5 miles yesterday at work - and also like I said I would I'm taking the entire day off from workouts. It's mentally tough doing this, but I've really been kicking butt and I know my body really appreciates when I do this. It usually even shows by a loss on the scales, which is just mind numbing... LOL Saturday when I wake up I'm going to pull an hour on the treadmill which usually gets me about 5.5 miles. That will be it for that day as we're going to San Francisco to watch the Giants play some baseball!!! Fun!!! Then Sunday I'll do my stationary bike for 30 and my elliptical for 30 first thing in the morning, then do 30 minutes of Calisthenics at night. See you all in a few days!!! Whoohooo!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    My advise, just keep it moving!!! You ARE LOSING, even though it is slow. Your body has a hard time letting go and in my world that's called loyal. Really though, coops if you throw in the towel I'm taking the first flight out to where you are and pick that towel up and hold it for you. Now, perhaps next time set a more doable goal for yourself. I know I made mine higher than I should have and chances are I won't make it. But so what!?!? I'm still going down, and that is the REAL challenge here. To keep losing weight. Hugs my friend, you got this!!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Progress - 5 Months

    Fabulous!!!! You're really slimming down! Keep working that sleeve - because it's working for you!!!
  13. GOOD MORNING WL WORLD!!! So passing up the sugar dungeon this week was SO WORTH IT!!! I'm down 4.6 Lbs from last weeks weigh-in! Im still shocked... LOL :o) 27 Lbs to hit my MAJOR GOAL... I just never thought I'd be this close. But I am!! WHOOTTT!!!

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    WOW!!!! 4.6 Lbs down from my last weigh-in last Friday!!!! Patience pays off yet again!!! WHOOHOOOO!!! Gonna keep it movin because I know historically that this is the time of month for me where I lose big pounds.... yeah!!! Anyway I knew my body was shrinking like mad right now but I didn't expect nearly 5 Lbs down in a week. Feeling so awesome right now!! Not only that, I'm now in the TWENTIES TO FINAL GOAL!!! My 4th of July goal is STILL possible to get too. I still have another week of weight loss coming, and I will still have another round coming next month. I'm just gonna keep pushing it! Onward and downward. ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....199.6..............192.............180............12
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Have a Date (again)

    Thanks for the explanation. I myself am a revision from Lap Band and I also had the soft food syndrome too. It was a huge disaster, I lost 60 and gained 58 back... lol Oh well, that's all over and done with now and here I am 9 months out from my sleeve and I couldn't be happier!!! I know you will be too. Hang in there!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Have a Date (again)

    Hi former_VBG!! Congrats and I'm so glad you're getting your surgery very soon! Please keep us updated on how you're doing! Would you mind explaining exactly what the VBG is? I'm thinking the old stomach stapling surgery but not sure... Here is the link to the thread you asked about: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/10081-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-surgery-thread/page__p__87801__fromsearch__1#entry87801
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Running up caloric deficit, is it safe?

    Well, considering the folks on Biggest Loser do it for at least 6 month medically supervised and come out super healthy I can't imagine it's a bad thing. Congrats to you! That's pretty amazing. If you feel it's a big concern then maybe ask your nutritionist - however I suppose it's ok.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey NorCals! Where is everyone from?

    Well I guess most already know this but I live in Sacramento. Was born and raised here too! I'd like to mosey someday though, and I'm thinking either the Palm Desert area or even Arizona. Love that heat, and even more now that I get cold so easily!!!
  19. Today was a GREAT DAY!!! Cannot complain. I feel so good right now and my inches are flying off right now. Love Love Love it!!! I can't wait to find out what my scale says soon. :) Tomorrow is weigh day but even if I have to wait for the next one I know it's comin'... ;-)

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pizza recipe

    Wow that looks really delicious!!! I'm gonna have to try these eventually... Yumm!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    What about Hayward or Tracy? This would be totally doable for me. I do love San Francisco!! But it would be a heckuva place to meet up! It's so busy and parking would be a problem. We can find a Starbucks in either town via the Starbucks website and get directions from there.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Officially unbanded and sleeved

    Hi Glouc, congrats you're rockin !!! The answer is, yes your stall is VERY normal. Most folks will experience a stall of sorts at or around the 3rd week out from surgery. Sometimes this stall will last a few weeks. My only advice is to bite the bullet and wait it out. Keep doing your Water and getting your nutrients in. You're doing fine! Other than that once your weight starts coming off again you will see how fast it does. Hang in there my friend!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Our new Forum!!

    Hi Meggie, glad to see you! Well we can always make a meet and greet in a more centralized location, I don't mind traveling a bit! I love to drive. I'm also open to carpooling with anyone to help with gas costs or whatever. It would just be for a few hours meeting so I don't think we'd need overnight stays or anything. Any location suggestions?
  24. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Pauline (((hugs!!!))) Here's my advice, first of all - forgive yourself!! Second, like many others have suggested here, start logging your food for awhile to get a good guage on exactly what you're supplying your body with for fuel. Next, go back to the eating of 1. Solid Protein, 2. Veggies (mostly greens), 3. Complex or Whole Grain Carbohydrates (with whatever room is left). Dust yourself off and pick yourself up. You didn't do anything most of us probably won't go through a few times and when that happens we'll need you to write us a little something on here, reminding us what we need to do. That's what this place is all about, support! You got this, no worries. There's going to be many bumps in the road - but the only way to get through them is to ride them out. All the best!!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    "Honeymoon" stage

    I know, it's so easy to do that. But really when you do that and you don't measure up you're left feeling like a failure, and that is really the last thing you need right now. I'm sure you've felt those feelings enough in your past. It is so important to remain confident and positive in this journey - because it is not an easy one and you have just begun. Keep your chin up and keep fighting for your dream of freedom from fat. You deserve to feel good about every single pound you have lost!!! We ALL deserve that!!! I just don't care if someone else is far ahead of me in weight loss, because for me this isn't a competition. I'm doing this for ME, my health and to live a better life - no one's living my life but me. If anyone disagrees, so let it be on them. I know my head and my heart is in this and I WILL make my goal *someday* and I will NEVER gain my weight back again. Also, when you're looking at these stats it's impossible to know the story behind them. My last ticker says I've lost 133 Lbs - but you see I lost the first 50 before I had surgery and most of it was LONG before surgery. I'm saying this with the greatest of intentions. I see these types of posts here far too often, and people are not being realistic, IMO. You can be doing everything right in the book, but sometimes the scale won't budge... it happens. But in time it will!!! Don't go down that negative road, stay on the sunny bright path and one day when it's meant to be so you will cross your finish line. I will be there to Celebrate with you!!!

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