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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    GOODBYE 300's!!!!!!!

    Congratulations!!!! Keep up the excellent work, you are really working that sleeve!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Vanity Sizing

    I personally hate vanity sizing too. It's great that I can fit a size 8 in some makers but ya know, I know in my heart and in my mind that it isn't real - so... why would that make me feel better? In reality sizing I'm about a 14. I don't care, if I'm a 14, I'm a 14... that actually makes me feel darned proud!!! I can live with that. I always thought I was cute as a size 14 where at one time I got down to a size 3 when I was 135 Lbs (I know I'll never be that tiny again! Besides Jr's pants have too thin legs too...lol) It's fun and nice to fit a smaller size per some clothing makers, but I'm smart enough to know it's not real. Also in reality sizing I want to get down to a size 8. I think I'll look great at that size. But in today's sizing that would put me at around a size 4, who knows maybe even some 2's... This subject was also discussed on Dr. Oz the other day. It had some of the worst culprits and some that are on the better side. Apparently the Gap allows a 38" waist on a size 12!!! What in the world!!!??? That would mean I could fit their size 6 pants... that's insane! The Kohl's brand is somewhere on the better side where the size 12 was a 34" waist. I'm a 32" waist and starting to break into their size 10's so yeah that's about right. They did mention the vanity sizing started as early as in the 70's. According to the analysts, Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 (considered a fuller figure gal back then, but now would be considered quite thin) and she had a 26" Waist. So the size 12 has gone from a 26" all the way up to a 38" now? That's a difference of 7 sizes for GAP!!! Amazing... LOL It's such a chore to do any type of shopping for clothes because I can fit anywhere from a size 8 all the way up to a 14 even sometimes (which is fine because that should be normal for me)! Anyway, that's my 2 cents. If someday the manufacturers decided to go back to regular real sizing I'd be fine with it.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Just wanted to make it clear -- today is Day 1 and I have 98 Days left to reach my goal!!! I will post later this evening and spell out what I consumed today, what I did for workout/activity. My weigh in day is Fridays and I don't intend to change this at all. Just sayin'!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: Diva's journey to GOAL

    Welcome to my personal thread. I will detail my journey here on my final countdown. I have 27 Lbs to my ultimate goal!! As I already mentioned in the other thread: So... here I go!! It's probably going to take me 4 more months to get to this goal, however I'd really REALLY love to reach it by my Sleeversary which will be on September 15th. Just at the tail end of Summer. *Sigh* Wish me luck!! To start off fresh I'm going to write myself up a new workout routine and ensure I'm eating as healthy as possible. I have 27 Lbs to lose in just a little over 3 months. Ugghh!!! That's 9 Lbs per month average!! Gonna be tough but I think I can do it. Source: Diva's journey to GOAL
  5. Hello! I have a four day weekend after this afternoon. Think I'll spend it all on the treadmill... lmao!

  6. I'm doing okay... weight is coming off much slower now. It's ok with me though, I'm already comfy with myself - I just want to lose more to get further away from the 200's and to lose more inches. I'm very close to being done!!! Super happy :) :) :)

  7. Hi Kelly! Nothing wrong with going back to liquids if you're not feeling well. I was not able to eat anything like what I eat now at a few months out. It surely would have made me feel yucky. Feel better soon!

  8. Thank you for the add! Keep me updated on your progress :)

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Win or lose

    Wow that's a huge deal!!! Congrats and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you! Knock their socks off lady!!
  10. Wow so sorry to hear that Wishing you well on your surgery though, please check in when you feel up to it!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Sleeeeeeeved!!!!

    Hi mnb, I already replied to your other one, I just wanted to make sure you got a proper CONGRATULATIONS here!! Yayyyy!!!
  12. I had insurance cover my lap band and for that I had to have 6 dietician visits and they were to occur on a monthly basis. They had to be consecutive too, if I missed one I'd have to start all over... TG I never missed one! Anyway I think 6 months is pretty common, at least that is the majority that I hear. Some do 3 months and some even do up to a year! Good luck!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    How long did your pain last after surgerY?

    Majority of my pain was in my esophagus every time I tried to swallow my fluids. The incisions to me really werent that bad, but at that time I'd already had 3 other abdominal sugeries and the WLS were two of the lessers by far!! The incisions only hurt for a few days, unles I tried to sleep on my stomach. That hurt for 2 weeks tops. The esophagus pain lasted for at least 6 weeks. HTH
  14. Burrito guts for lunch... yummers!!! As I sit here and freeze... sheesh!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    7wks- Down 30lbs w/pics!!

    Yay Stacy!!! I can tell a lot! Looking great! As for your Hubby -- WRONG ANSWER!! Even if you couldn't tell... LOL But, you can big time!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Sleeeeeeeved!!!!

    Hi mnb I'm so glad to hear you made it through flying colors!!! Welcome to Sleeveland, you WILL enjoy your stay here! Sip, Walk, Rest... Sip, Walk, Rest... Sip, Walk, Rest...
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    When do you feel/begin a new normal?

    I'm wondering at what point do you feel normal? I understand you feel different in the sense of eating, but when do you feel you have enough energy? I didn't start feeling normal with energy levels at least for the first two months. I didn't even gain back enough stamina for my workouts until around 4-5 months post op. Don't worry though, it does happen. It is really really worth it. I feel completely 100% normal today. The only time I am reminded I have a sleeve is when I post here or if I eat too much or too fast. When do you stop worrying about hurting your stomach? Never! You never want to fill your stomach too much, but you can generally expect that you should be completely healed around 2 months out. When do you simply eat and drink without thinking it through so much? At almost 9 months out I can really drink much faster than I did at only about 1 month out. But I still can't guzzle like I did pre surgery. I still need to keep close attention to my full signal because pushing even one bite too much can leave me feeling miserable. Is there a day where you dont' think about the surgery and what you've done and just live and enjoy the day? Why can't you do both? I think about my surgery daily because I have to every time I eat or drink - yet I do still live and enjoy my day! For those of you who had the surgery done 1 or more years ago, why do you still come to the forum? Is it because you still need support or is it because you simply want to help others? If you still need the support, why? What is it? Well I'm close to one year out, but I'll tell you why I still come here. Simply because the awesome folks here were there for me when I needed answers and now it's my turn. I owe it to this great community. I still get amazing advice to this day! There will always be someone here who is further out than me and can help me out with questions. I don't think I'm having many issues per se, but this is a lifetime decision. Our sleeves will be wtih us until we pass away, so it's nice to have a place like this to come back to whenever. I guess I'm hoping after surgery I could just move onto my new normal life. You will!!!!!!! Thanks so much!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Whoohooo an unexpected NSV today!!!

    I feel this way myself. I'm just a lot heavier than others who are wearing my size so the scale just isn't going to be kind to me ever. I just have to enjoy the tape measure, and how my clothes fit. It's still just as great though!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Whoohooo an unexpected NSV today!!!

    Thanks my fellow sleevers!!! @Raine: I'm telling you! I will have it all, I will just have to pay for them. @thin, what that guy tells you is the absolute truth. Trust me, that wasn't any type of complaint from me! I don't wanna lose much more of that booty... LOL @Nichelle - congrats on your inches lost!!! Yayyy!!!
  20. Hola, just did 30 minutes on my treadmill. Better than nothing! I didn't feel it today but still did something. That's ok its gonna be a gorgeous day so I can still go out at work and put in a few miles. :)

  21. Oh wow... that is too much. Mine came up automatically at 149 Lbs, which for me was only about 5 Lbs lighter than my maximum BMI chart weight. I don't even plan to get to 154 but to 165 - so if I'm counting by that I should be beyond the 65% which is even more excellent! It's all in the eyes of the beholder, and IMO the BMI charts really don't apply to me. I would have to go by another set of rules. Probably that big boned calculator you mentioned... LOL
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    First experience with caffeine since surgery!

    LOL!!! Candace that is funny! Yes, those Starbucks are super charged...
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Beloved Coffee...

    This is not something I gathered a distaste for. I've always loved black coffee and I still do. I drink it half-caff and it wakes me up enough so I haven't strengthened it at all. I still love my teas as well - and enjoy some Stash Black Tea when my morning coffee isn't quite enough. The Starbucks skinny vanilla coffee is good too but I get the Tall because I can't even finish that. It gets me buzzing!!!
  24. Awesome Congrats!! This got me wondering how close I was so I looked up the tool at OH.com - you put in your weight at surgery day, your height and percentage you expect to lose. I put 65% since that is the common expected successful surgery WL goal. I'm only 5 Lbs away from mine!!! Another reason to smile today. Here's the link: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/information/post+op+planner.php
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    1 month surgeriversary (yesterday)

    You go girl!!! You're doing fantastic! Big Hugs and Cheers on the rest of the months that will come and go as quickly as this one did!!

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