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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: Diva's journey to GOAL

    Today is day 4 and I have 95 days to reach goal. Wow!!! I haven't posted in here all weekend, sorry for that! I've been busy and I find that my weekends are usually that way. I did take some new photos for my 9th month post op (check my photo gallery). Yay!! 9 months out -- WOW!!!!!!! So I was 281 Lbs at the start of my pre op diet. I was 272 on surgery day. On my last weigh in I was 191 Lbs!! My largest sizes I wore was a VERY tight 28W and 3-4X tops. On surgery day I was wearing 24W and 1-2X tops. Today I can fit into sizes ranging from 8's and all the way up to 14's. 14's are my max though, anything larger is simply too big. I am almost out of 14's though and I have to wear them with belts. I just don't want to give them up! My largest bra size ever was a 44D and I was wearing 40D on surgery day. Today I wear a 34C. Panties, largest ever were 13's!!!! On surgery day (iirc) I was wearing 10's. Today I wear a 6. My ring size largest ever was a 9. On surgery day I was wearing 8.5. Today I wear a 5.5. All that said, I actually have not been feeling too good lately. Every time I eat I feel kinda nauseated and just... blahhh... So I read my post op instructions because it's been awhile. I guess I don't remember seeing it before but Dr. A suggests if you're feeling like that after every meal it's best to go back and do one day of clear liquids. So I put my dinner aside after feeling sick after about 5 bites. I pulled out my Unjury chicken soup and heated me up a mug. It was delicious and it made me feel so much better. So from the rest of today I'll just drink water. And I'll finish it off by doing clear liquids tomorrow. After that I'll do full liquids on Tuesday. Then hopefully by Wednesday my stomach will be feeling much better. Who knows, but something I must have eaten did upset my stomach. I've been eating more beef and pork actually the last few days and seeing I don't really eat those, that might be the reason. Ever since, every time I eat anything I can only eat a few bites and then I'm feeling yucky. :(So, it's back to square one! Not because I want to but because I HAVE to. That's the only way I'll do those liquids... LOL I didn't workout at all today, and I won't tomorrow, nor Tuesday really except maybe a little bit of something. Nothing too strenuous because it's hard to do any major training and do liquids for days. I'll get too hungry and I'll fall off the liquids and I really need to stick to it. Once I get back to solids I'll get back on to doing my morning runs. I might just do a 30 set on my spinner, kinda light - just to get the blood pumping a little bit. Gotta do that at least. I do still need to create a new workout schedule, but priority one right now is for me to feel better. Gawsh no more pork or beef!!! They just don't agree with me at all. My stomach is so sensitive anymore. Oh well it's what I signed up for and I am forced to follow the rules. It's working for me that's all I know!!! See you all tomorrow. Source: Diva's journey to GOAL
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Today is day 4 and I have 95 days to reach goal. Wow!!! I haven't posted in here all weekend, sorry for that! I've been busy and I find that my weekends are usually that way. I did take some new photos for my 9th month post op (check my photo gallery). Yay!! 9 months out -- WOW!!!!!!! So I was 281 Lbs at the start of my pre op diet. I was 272 on surgery day. On my last weigh in I was 191 Lbs!! My largest sizes I wore was a VERY tight 28W and 3-4X tops. On surgery day I was wearing 24W and 1-2X tops. Today I can fit into sizes ranging from 8's and all the way up to 14's. 14's are my max though, anything larger is simply too big. I am almost out of 14's though and I have to wear them with belts. I just don't want to give them up! My largest bra size ever was a 44D and I was wearing 40D on surgery day. Today I wear a 34C. Panties, largest ever were 13's!!!! On surgery day (iirc) I was wearing 10's. Today I wear a 6. My ring size largest ever was a 9. On surgery day I was wearing 8.5. Today I wear a 5.5. All that said, I actually have not been feeling too good lately. Every time I eat I feel kinda nauseated and just... blahhh... So I read my post op instructions because it's been awhile. I guess I don't remember seeing it before but Dr. A suggests if you're feeling like that after every meal it's best to go back and do one day of Clear Liquids. So I put my dinner aside after feeling sick after about 5 bites. I pulled out my unjury chicken Soup and heated me up a mug. It was delicious and it made me feel so much better. So from the rest of today I'll just drink Water. And I'll finish it off by doing clear liquids tomorrow. After that I'll do full liquids on Tuesday. Then hopefully by Wednesday my stomach will be feeling much better. Who knows, but something I must have eaten did upset my stomach. I've been eating more beef and pork actually the last few days and seeing I don't really eat those, that might be the reason. Ever since, every time I eat anything I can only eat a few bites and then I'm feeling yucky. :(So, it's back to square one! Not because I want to but because I HAVE to. That's the only way I'll do those liquids... LOL I didn't workout at all today, and I won't tomorrow, nor Tuesday really except maybe a little bit of something. Nothing too strenuous because it's hard to do any major training and do liquids for days. I'll get too hungry and I'll fall off the liquids and I really need to stick to it. Once I get back to solids I'll get back on to doing my morning runs. I might just do a 30 set on my spinner, kinda light - just to get the blood pumping a little bit. Gotta do that at least. I do still need to create a new workout schedule, but priority one right now is for me to feel better. Gawsh no more pork or beef!!! They just don't agree with me at all. My stomach is so sensitive anymore. Oh well it's what I signed up for and I am forced to follow the rules. It's working for me that's all I know!!! See you all tomorrow.
  3. Updates!! I'm nine months out and feeling great! Just trying to get the last bit off my thighs and I'm DONE!!! Whoohooo!!! I'm posting some before pics too, and the one in the pink jacket was me in March, just a few months ago. Wow those inches just FLY RIGHT OFF!! I love my sleeve!!!!! I will post more tomorrow Sorry the photos are so big, there seems to be an issue with posting pictures right now. Peak: March 2011 (3 months ago) Current (25 Lbs to goal)
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Me and my husband

    Awww OMG I'm so happy for you !!! Please tell Shawn I said hi
  5. Yep I can see the difference! Whoohooo great job!!! Is that your SO with you? He looks like he's lost some weight too!!! You're a very good influence...
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hmmm yes my dear my neck looks like that too. I love mine!! You look absolutely beautiful S, don't stress. You're just not used to seeing the thinner you, it will catch up in time. Hugs!!!
  7. I'm pushing my morning runs to 6x per week now. Gotta keep those calories out and keep it moving!! I looovvveeee the way it feels when you push your body to the limits and know that you CAN DO IT!!! A fit healthy body and a strong mind - it's what I'm about! :)

  8. I'm pushing my morning runs to 6x per week now. Gotta keep those calories out and keep it moving!! I looovvveeee the way it feels when you push your body to the limits and know that you CAN DO IT!!! A fit healthy body and a strong mind - it's what I'm about! :)

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Still craving carbonation

    Hi Sassy, well some folks do still drink carbonated drinks. I don't myself and haven't for years now. Perhaps if its the taste you're missing try leaving it open and out overnight to flatten it? I've heard some do this. I don't recommend anyone drinking carbonated drinks at all as this seems to be a no-no from all Dr's that I've seen. I've yet to see any that say it's ok to do (and if I have I didn't pay any attention).
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will my multi be off limits?

    Yes I have crushed vitamin pills in the past. The taste is gawd awful but didn't hurt me at all. I found a pill crusher that doesn't turn it to dust, more like itty bitty crumbs. It will have a perforated inside, see if you might be able to find some like that. My advice if you'll do it like that is, down it fast!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pics of me 71 pounds lighter

    Congrats Shanny!!!!!!! You look really great!! I have my troubled spot myself and of course it's stubborn as I'll get out... LOL Can only keep it moving though!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will my multi be off limits?

    I currently take a rather large horse pill Vitamin too. It doesn't bother me at all - however at first it did. In time you will once again be able to take your vitamin pills. For the first few months I took my Vitamins in chewable form. Don't NOT take them, find them in a more post op friendly form. GL!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    The reason you are asked to WEAN off the caffiene right away is because you will have bad headaches if you are addicted to it. I bought decaff coffe and gradually mixed more in as time went on. The last thing you want to go through during your surgery is caffiene withdrawal. Its a nasty bugger and you're already going to feel miserable from surgery. The reason they don't want you on caffiene immediately post surgery is because it will dehydrate you. Its really hard to get all your fluids in right away. It doesn't mean you can never have it again, unless you choose not to. I drink coffee now but I'm also 9 mos out and I can also drink 120 oz of Water per day too. That said, I stick with half caff now because the full stuff will really have me buzzing! Even if I don't have any for a day I don't get any headaches.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Welcome new Members!!!

    Whoohooo yayyy!!! BIG WELCOME!!! I was beginning to think I was talking to walls in here... LOL You ARE very close to goal - we can do this!!!! I hope more will join in because the closer we get the harder it is, that is been said a million times and it becomes more true every time it's said. Big hugs!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Of course, I'm always planning ahead! I was thinking Labor Day (of course). A little bit shorter to challenge goal but that's ok. I know I'm gonna set the bar a little lower this time... or maybe not!!!
  16. Good morning!! Did my blood panel this morn then Mom n I went2 breakfast @Denny's. I got the $4 bfast n was 2 scr eggs, 2 saus links n 2 pancakes. I haven't had pancakes in eons! n really wanted to try them. Did NOT like me at all!!! :-/ Only got a few bites of eggs n 1 sausage. Then those 2 bites of pancakes kicked my butt! I'm off to do my treadmill (5m) then I'll finish the rest of my eggs and saus. :)

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: Diva's journey to GOAL

    Helloooo okay today is day 2 and I have 97 days to reach goal. So I'm down one pound from last weeks weigh in. I could've done better sure, but oh well. I'm not upset about that, especially since it's close to TOM and I've been snacking a bit too much in the last few days. That's why I've set this thing up so I can push myself and be motivated to reach my goal faster. 26 lbs now and I'm on my way! Anyway the snacking stops TODAY and I get on this ball. I will keep a log (minor log nothing fancy) on what I eat today. I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't. I don't care about the calories/fat/carbs - any of that. I lose weight when I eat healthy and I get my workouts in. Simple as that. I do keep my calories up anyway when I'm doing my runs, that stuff burns a lot of energy, so I'll usually drink an extra power and calorie packed protein shake. Yes, I still drink protein shakes, and no I'll never stop. I need them and I like them. My protein shake is usually the EAS Carb Advantage 11 oz in either vanilla or chocolate and half a scoop of Unjury any flavored - or Bariatric Fusion one scoop. Both are low carb and and very high in protein per scoop. I also add crushed ice and shake that up in one of my mixer cups. I got them from GNC, its a plastic cup with a whisker ball inside. It works great. I have to fast this morning so no coffee, no nothing. I'm having my panels taken this morning at 8 am and as soon as the results come back I'll be sure to post them. It will be interesting to see if I'm lacking anything. I mean if I'm low on anything I think it's my electrolytes - other than that I think I'm doing good. I need to keep up on those. I really don't like to skip breakfast so as soon as I'm done I'll come back home and make me some eggs and turkey bacon. Yum!!! I'm going to put some salsa and reduced fat cheese on my eggs. I can't wait. BTW my eggs are one whole real egg and one quarter cup of egg beaters (equiv to one egg). So I can have the real taste of eggs and cut the cholesterol by one half. Who says you can't have the best of both worlds?? My Dr. Appt yesterday went extremely well and my Dr. couldn't believe how much weight I've lost. She said... "You've lost One hundred anndddd... well you've lost a lot!!!" LOL That was pretty funny! So she left me with a panel request to check all my nutrients and a slip to have my yearly mammogram. Fun times I tell ya! I don't have much in the way of boobage anymore so that is not something I'm looking forward to. See you all tomorrow! I'll have my food log done and I'll share what I did for my workout. Yesterday I didn't do any workout so nothing to share. Oh I need to change up my routine. I have it down as Thursdays and Fridays off, but I'd rather have Mondays off. I hate Mondays... ugghhh... LOL Irene Source: Diva's journey to GOAL
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Helloooo okay today is day 2 and I have 97 days to reach goal. So I'm down one pound from last weeks weigh in. I could've done better sure, but oh well. I'm not upset about that, especially since it's close to TOM and I've been snacking a bit too much in the last few days. That's why I've set this thing up so I can push myself and be motivated to reach my goal faster. 26 lbs now and I'm on my way! Anyway the snacking stops TODAY and I get on this ball. I will keep a log (minor log nothing fancy) on what I eat today. I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't. I don't care about the calories/fat/carbs - any of that. I lose weight when I eat healthy and I get my workouts in. Simple as that. I do keep my calories up anyway when I'm doing my runs, that stuff burns a lot of energy, so I'll usually drink an extra power and calorie packed Protein Shake. Yes, I still drink Protein Shakes, and no I'll never stop. I need them and I like them. My Protein shake is usually the EAS Carb Advantage 11 oz in either vanilla or chocolate and half a scoop of unjury any flavored - or Bariatric Fusion one scoop. Both are low carb and and very high in protein per scoop. I also add crushed ice and shake that up in one of my mixer cups. I got them from GNC, its a plastic cup with a whisker ball inside. It works great. I have to fast this morning so no coffee, no nothing. I'm having my panels taken this morning at 8 am and as soon as the results come back I'll be sure to post them. It will be interesting to see if I'm lacking anything. I mean if I'm low on anything I think it's my electrolytes - other than that I think I'm doing good. I need to keep up on those. I really don't like to skip Breakfast so as soon as I'm done I'll come back home and make me some eggs and turkey bacon. Yum!!! I'm going to put some salsa and reduced fat cheese on my eggs. I can't wait. BTW my eggs are one whole real egg and one quarter cup of egg beaters (equiv to one egg). So I can have the real taste of eggs and cut the cholesterol by one half. Who says you can't have the best of both worlds?? My Dr. Appt yesterday went extremely well and my Dr. couldn't believe how much weight I've lost. She said... "You've lost One hundred anndddd... well you've lost a lot!!!" LOL That was pretty funny! So she left me with a panel request to check all my nutrients and a slip to have my yearly mammogram. Fun times I tell ya! I don't have much in the way of boobage anymore so that is not something I'm looking forward to. See you all tomorrow! I'll have my food log done and I'll share what I did for my workout. Yesterday I didn't do any workout so nothing to share. Oh I need to change up my routine. I have it down as Thursdays and Fridays off, but I'd rather have Mondays off. I hate Mondays... ugghhh... LOL Irene
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Whoohoooo I lost a Lb this week! I'm close to TOM so honestly was not expecting that. I'm all smilies today... :):):) ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....199.6..............191.............180............11
  20. Soooo... I reach behind my head and grab the back of my neck and feel this lump... then another and another. At this point I realize I can actually feel my spine!!! Its the little things I tell ya! :o)

  21. Hellooo!!! So this morning I decided it's time to do some measurements. I don't do this on any kind of regular basis and it turns out I do this about once a month. I don't usually see a whole lot of changes month to month but the grand totals are really incredible now! I've lost an ENTIRE HUMAN BEING in weight... I mean the inches came from somewhere right??? WOW!!!! I can't even believe it as I type this... I measure my entire body; my neck, bust, waist, hips, upper and fore arm, wrist, thigh, calf and ankle. I only started my measurement records when I was around 300 Lbs. I'd already lost a good 30 lbs at that point so I really don't know my exact inches lost and never will. Anyway in totals I've lost 58" off my entire body!! Wow!!! I'm down nearly 140 Lbs from my peak so I've lost the weight of an entire person!!! WOWOWWOWWWW!!! My female dimensions right now are 36-32-42!! That 42 inch hip is not the lenth, majority of that is booty. I'd like to still lose some of that to at least get it into the 30's. I'd love to be 36-28-38. I'd be super comfy there I'm sure. I'm sooo close!! Of course I know that will make my bust smaller (not a 36 but more a 34) but hey - we can't have it all right??? LOL And that can be fixed once I get the boobage puffed back up. My ribcage is a 34 and honestly my ribs stick out so I don't know how much more I can lose there... it's weird to be this close! My mind really is taking it's time getting used to my new reflection in the mirror. At 300 Lbs my measurements were 44-45-56. Anyway here's the very best part of all of this. The healthy waist measurement for a woman is 32" or less!!! My waist is IN THE HEALTHY RANGE FOR A WOMAN!!! Whhohooooo!!!! This is an AWESOME victory for me!! I knew I was close but wasn't keeping exact tabs, so I decided to look it up and come to find out - I AM THERE NOW!!!! Doing the happy dance!! Today is a happy day for me. I just keep working my sleeve, and it keeps working for me. I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!! It truly has saved my life, and every single day I get closer and closer to my goals. I sooo close and I can hardly stand it!!! I'm within inches of my final goal. Now if I get to 165 Lbs and haven't hit my inches goals I think I'll keep trying to lose more. But I'm thinking it would be pretty close, or if I hit my inches before my weight then I'll not try to lose anymore. Cheers to all on this most successful tool!!!! Newbies be warned... you have all this to look forward too.
  22. Hi Meggie, no I'm not going to repeat what everyone else here has already mentioned. Stalls suck and I hate them too. But guess what, I'm going on 9 months out and I've endured around 4 so far. Guess what else? I came right through them and I think I'm doing rather good. Does anyone disagree? Gawsh I hope not!!!! One last thing, I've lost about 80 Lbs in about 9 months now. That's less than 10 lbs per month at this point. I STILL think I'm doing good. Does anyone disagree with that too? Better not!!! I worked my butt off literally for that!!! My only advice: try to bump up your Water intake. 64 is the bare minimum. I get in about 120 oz per day. Now granted this might be impossible at 1 month out... it would have been for me, but slowly but surely try to bump it up a few more oz per day. Drinking tons of water will wash those fat cells right out. Also, when your scale is moving super slow, you are losing inches. Then you will see some good drops for a few more weeks. That is how the majority of us lose weight. Call it unlucky or whatever you want, but it is what it is. One last thing, it sounds like you are really on that workout bandwagon, and that's great! But your body is probably not real happy with the low calories you're feeding it. If you're doing a few hours per day like it sounds, you really need to up your calories by a few hundred. I usually do this by getting in an extra Protein shake. It helps and since it's Fluid its easy to get down. I personally think you're doing fantastic. Now get back out there and keep doing your thing!! xx
  23. Sittin in my PCPs office waiting to be see I have not seen her in 3 months. Wonder what her reaction will be. ;o)

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    How supportive is/was your spouse

    My husband has been incredibly stand up for me in my journey, even going back before my lap band. I've struggled a lot and for many many years. He does eat whatever I prepare and has begun to really enjoy the healthier foods. Not that he ate really bad before but it is hard to get used to eating all meat and veggies all the time. We really don't eat a lot of carbs anymore, except for brown rice, sweet potatoes and multi grain this or that and not even every meal. It's usually only a few times per week. It is really tough in the liquids stage so I understand your reasoning. I think if you asked your husband politely that during this most difficult time if he wouldn't mind being a little more sensitive to you. However you all have decide to compromise is up to you. And I do say compromise because for me it would seem unfair to force your habits on your husband or family. Perhaps he can at least give you a fair warning so that if you can't handle being around his preferred foods you can remove yourself from the torture zone and wrap yourself up in something else. It gets easier in time. My hubby will eat a bunch of junk in front of me and really it doesn't bother me much at all unless it's that time!! LOL Wishing you well!
  25. To be thin, I always tell anyone to do whatever works for you to keep you on the right path and weight loss. However the only thing I can see that I know is the Protein shots aren't really the best quality protein. You are better off getting your protein from isolate. If your surgeon does not prevent you from Protein shakes then by all means. I do drink them quite often, I just make sure they are the best quality. My body is worth it. I haven't had any issues what so ever and I'm losing at a good pace. I want to do more but I just need to put forth the effort to get that!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
