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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Hey Candace good luck on hitting the goal! Regardless though you look fabulous and you'll be the star there no matter what. Hugs and HAVE FUN!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Success by the dozens

    Thank you all so much It's so worth it because folks like you make it worth it. Big hugs!!!!
  3. Thank you, sincerely! That has to be one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. :)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey how long till PIZZA

    I was around 3 month post op when I had my first few bites of pizza. However, the greasiness of it made me feel sick so guess what - I haven't had any since. Good thing or bad? Well during my weight loss phase I guess its good. It was sad for me knowing this for awhile but I really don't even give pizza in particular a second thought anymore. That's not true for every comfort food though! Note: My case is NOT common. I really don't even ever hear of others going through this, most sleevers eventually are able to eat anything. I have issues with anything with a lot of fat content or anything high in sugar.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are you guys real people and patients?

    Someone else to consider and look into as well is Dr. Pompa with LIMARP. She would have been my second choice only she didn't have as much experience with revisions as Dr. Aceves did, which is why I chose him. All the best!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bookleen's Plateau

    Whhoottt!! Very nice! In my opinion, I think majority of sleevers should be able to reach the goal of their desire. Of course with anything nothing is 100%, but if it worked in the beginning it should work now. It's so easy to fall into a comfort zone, and I think that is probably enemy number one for any of us, ESPECIALLY me. Though I do have a hard time with any "bad" foods there are still some I can eat and it's usually anything corn based (that doesn't have a lot of fat my sleeve hates fat...) Anyway, we all know corn is a carb and higher on the sugar scale. If I eat a lot of this it can keep me from losing anymore weight. So that's why I created all this, because being so close I don't want to get too comfy as I'm actually very happy with me right now. However I could still get down some more and I need to keep it moving! You can do this bookleen!!! I'm very interested to watch your progress. Keep us updated!! :cheer2:
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Welcome new Members!!!

    I did suggest starting your own thread, but you can do this in any way that helps you to get to your finish line. I like to do it blogger style, it helps me to stay in line and if others are following my progress I'll work that much harder. Losing the last bits is tough! For me, it's all in my thighs and butt so I have to do target training. I DON'T want to lose anymore on the top, but I know that's just dreaming... LOL I like to read everyone's threads individual and I do give feedback, and it's nice for everyone to chime in but that's just me. I don't really own this, we all do collectively!! Big hugs and cheers on your journey!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Actually I think in comparison to most sleevers lots of foods do give me issues. I realize this is not the norm. I do have issues with Salmon as well and I think it's the high fat content. Pretty much anything that is high in fat or super carby, I have a hard time with. It makes me feel really nauseous and I have to stop eating immediately when I get that feeling or I feel like I'm going to pass out, sick to my stomach and feel clammy and sweaty. I also have a hard time with pork and beef. I can eat chicken or poultry fine and white meat fish or eggs. All veggies go down good too. I can eat up to one slice of my SaraLee Healthful bread or half a small tortilla. I'm also fine with my high Fiber oatmeal and all fresh fruits. I got really sick off a few bites of pancakes and I got nauseated after eating anything for days after eating this. So I did liquids for 24 hours and my stomach has seemed to calm down. I even feel sick after eating most candies or anything high in sugar. Maybe this is a good thing??? I cannot binge on bad foods at all!!! LOL
  9. Feeling so much better tonight. :) I will do liquids during the day again tomorrow for good measure, but now I know I need to do this if I put my sleeve in distress. :) 9 months out and still learning things. Every day is an experience!!

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Success by the dozens

    Thank you all sooo much! You are all like my online family and I really thoroughly enjoy coming here and telling my story and reading all of yours as well. I really struggled so much and for so long, and I received this INCREDIBLE AMAZING tool that has helped me to achieve the one thing I've worked for, literally for DECADES!!! It was my second time around as far as weight loss surgeries go, so you can imagine my trepidation in taking it on. I'm ever so glad I did, best thing I've EVER DONE for myself!! Thanks for checking in on me. The post op instructions said 48 hours of liquids. I've done a full 24 hours and wanted to see how my sleeve would react to a little bit of chicken noodles Soup an hour ago. It went down really well and I felt good. So, I prepared myself a little half sandwich and even though I only at about 2/3rds of it, it also settled down well. The meat and bread was really soft and I only added some mayo, no lettuce or anything like that. It was good and yummy and I don't feel sick at all! So... I guess when that happens to me I can just do a few days of fluids and I should be fine after. The nauseated feelings really began after having sausage and pancakes for Breakfast on Friday I noticed. I tried to trace it back exactly and that's where it started. However instead of taking it easy I still ate some steak the other night for dinner and I know my stomach doesn't like beef, never really has. I'm sure that was the reason for me feeling sick, but regardless I'm much better now. I still intend to really take it easy for a few days and not eat anything my stomach can't tolerate or anything with too much fat. My stomach really hates anything overly carby or with too much fat. Ohhh sweet sorrow huh??? LOL
  11. Aww you are too sweet!!! :) Anytime my dear friend!!!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yayyyyy Raine, you look so amazing!!! You rocked that sleeve lady!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cludgie's Confessional

    Hey Cludgie! The first day is always the toughest because you have to reflect what could be changed in order to get to goal faster. I'm not perfect by any means so I know I did this too. I haven't really written down to a T but I seen some things I can NOT eat or drink or whatever. You're right, milk does a lot of carbs! Well here's to the rest of your journey! I know you can do it!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Hey lady welcome!!! Anyone is welcome here - we make our own rules to where we are in our journeys. It really is so hard when you get closer and closer. I know I'll be SO glad to finally be finish. I wish I were finish now! I would be if my scale didn't still say the 190's... *sigh* LOL I like the way I look right now but it is what it is... Anyway, at the end of the day we all have to do what will keep us moving forward. I'm looking forward to watching your progress to the final finish line!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Success by the dozens

    Hey Stacy, you're already doing amazing things!!! I have total faith you will be here and if not sooner. Whoohooo!!!! Thanks Kelly!!! I hope to meet you very soon... that will be so nice! Whoops one thing I forgot to mention is that I'm within pounds of being out of obese and moving into overweight. Yeahhh!!! What a great great thing this sleeve is!!!!
  16. Well... I have been getting nauseated every time I eat so I checked my post op directions and it said if I feel like this I should pretty much do the 5 day pouch test. Not in exact words but that's what the instructions entail. So as of dinner last night and throughout today I'm doing clears. Tomorrow is fulls, etc. I only do this if I HAVE to... and well, here I am. ;o) SFSG...

  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    Fantastic!!! You're so lovely!
  18. Because some sleevers can become severely lactose intolerant or can't otherwise use the powder mixes for one reason or another. So in that case, the protein shots are better than nothing.
  19. Yes I do drink these all the time. I actually will use that as a base and mix in a scoop of my unjury or Bariatric fusion which are also both no carbs. I will typically drink these right after my morning workout. I've been drinking these for many years and I'm healthy and strong - so I don't think these drinks are bad. HTH
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Done! You will do great, and please check in when you feel up to it. I like to know all went well. Hugs!
  21. Leslie, I've missed you so much!! xoxo I felt the same way too when I was looking into this, and it took me over a year to finally take that plunge. I was so scared of failure again and was really the number one reason I didn't tell everyone I was getting a revision. I mostly just said I was having my band removed. I was terrified of going through that feeling again of everyone saying... oh look at her... TWO weight loss surgeries and she still couldn't do it. Well that's not the case this time! The sleeve runs circles around the band and is everything we wanted out of it but never got. I finally realized that it wasn't ME after all - it was the band. You are going to be amazed my friend and PLEASE PLEASE keep me updated on how you're doing! I'm very interested to follow your progress. Whoohoooo!!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    WOW YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! Whohoohoooooooo!!!!! :Banane08::Banane06::Banane10::Banane13::Banane21:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Yep you are absolutely right, I haven't checked in here... shame on me!! Where is everyone??? Thanks Cheryl for holding us accountable. I have been doing my workouts except I didn't do any yesterday. I've been feeling nauseated every time I eat so I decided to let my stomach rest for a few days by doing liquids. I'm doing clears today and tomorrow I'll do fulls. Hopefully once that is completed I can get back to solids and feel comfortable. I think I was eating things my stomach really can't tolerate anymore (I'm 9 months out so I'm thinking it's a forever thing at this point). I checked my post op instructions to see if there was anything mentioned and there actually was. Dr. A suggests if you're feeling like I was after every meal then to do liquids for a few days (kind of like the 5 day pouch test but didn't say it directly) and all should be well afterward. So, with that I won't really be pushing any strenuous workouts in that time. My plan is to just do a 30 minute session per day on my spinner, and for me that is pretty lightweight. I will also do a 30 set of muscle toning in that time per day. I don't really want to burn too many calories and burnout, I really need to do my liquids. Cheryl GREAT JOB!!!! I really love to hear of anyone doing the C25K. Running (more jogging for me... LOL) has become my passion and is the single most reason I'm able to get my legs to cooperate by getting smaller. My butt and thighs have always been my biggest enemy and being able to run is really working them off. 26 Lbs to goal... whoohooooo!!!! Keep up the great work, and hey now everyone check in!! Once I'm done with my liquids I will post my new workout schedule because I have to work it to get to goal. I set myself a timetable on when I should reach it and I'm going to try with all my might to do it!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Welcome new Members!!!

    Hey lady, WELCOME!!!! You have made it to the final stretch!! Whoohoooo!!! Ahhh as I say all the time, we truly are our own worst critics. Could'a should'a would'a... we really have to be kinder to ourselves. If we are here in this group then we have done statistically well and should Celebrate it. Now, let me tell this to myself when I'm feeling down, right? LOL Next step start yourself up a new thread (if you haven't already) so we can follow your progress. You got this!! Hugs all around - and if you have signed up and haven't checked in... why not? We really all need the support - and well wishes. It's the most difficult thing I've ever had to do... that's for sure.
  25. My 9th Month post op progress photos are up. It's been fun!! My favorite is the side view from above... I can't believe my body isn't swelled so big anymore. All I know is that I love my sleeve and it has been an absolute dream and has given me my life back! So with that I keep on moving - and saying I'm so close!!!

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