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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Success by the dozens

    Hooorrayyyy!!! I'm 9 months post op!!! Life's better than ever, and I'm happier than ever too. What's to say - there's not one thing I can say that hasn't improved in my life. My health is scary fantastic and I can do things I haven't been able to do in 20 something years... I did take some new photos for my 9th month post op (check my photo gallery). Yay!! 9 months out -- WOW!!!!!!! So I was 281 Lbs at the start of my pre op diet. I was 272 on surgery day. On my last weigh in I was 191 Lbs!! My largest sizes I wore was a VERY tight 28W and 3-4X tops. On surgery day I was wearing 24W and 1-2X tops. Today I can fit into sizes ranging from 8's and all the way up to 14's. 14's are my max though, anything larger is simply too big. I am almost out of 14's though and I have to wear them with belts. I just don't want to give them up! My largest bra size ever was a 44D and I was wearing 40D on surgery day. Today I wear a 34C. Panties, largest ever were 13's!!!! On surgery day (iirc) I was wearing 10's. Today I wear a 6. My ring size largest ever was a 9. On surgery day I was wearing 8.5. Today I wear a 5.5. All that said, I actually have not been feeling too good lately. Every time I eat I feel kinda nauseated and just... blahhh... So I read my post op instructions because it's been awhile. I guess I don't remember seeing it before but Dr. A suggests if you're feeling like that after every meal it's best to go back and do one day of Clear liquids. So I put my dinner aside after feeling sick after about 5 bites. I pulled out my powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup and heated me up a mug. It was delicious and it made me feel so much better. So from the rest of today I'll just drink Water. And I'll finish it off by doing clear liquids tomorrow. After that I'll do full liquids on Tuesday. Then hopefully by Wednesday my stomach will be feeling much better. Who knows, but something I must have eaten did upset my stomach. I've been eating more beef and pork actually the last few days and seeing I don't really eat those, that might be the reason. Ever since, every time I eat anything I can only eat a few bites and then I'm feeling yucky. :(So, it's back to square one! Not because I want to but because I HAVE to. That's the only way I'll do those liquids... LOL Anyway here are the progress photos right now. Highest ever, 330 Lbs: Me barely 3 months ago, March 2011: And me today, with 26 Lbs until goal!!!! (Taking pics is a lot more fun now... LOL ):
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Yep my days are really busy so I have squeeze in an hour here.. an hour there.. it still adds up! I haven't tried the muscle milk sorry I can't give you an idea on how they taste. I haven't really heard much bad reviews though - is there any way you can buy or get a sample? Best to buy small than big and realize you hate them. The whole Protein Shake thing is really trial and error. To be honest there aren't many brands I don't like. There are some types I won't drink though due to calorie, sugar or carb content, but the truth is I really like them all. Even the old School Slim Fasts... LOL
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Wow great job Candace!! Keep up the good work. I love unjury shakes and add them to the EAS Carb Advantage shakes. I only use half scoops though. As for me and my new routine I'm sticking to it - though it's only day two now... LOL It's all good I have a great goal prize I'm after and I can tell you I'm gonna get there QUICK!!! Whoohooo!!! Anyhow, I'm doing 6X per week workouts - Mondays off. It's all mapped out so there's no wondering what I'm supposed to do. Here was my workouts from yesterday: AM: Treadmill 35 Mins – 469 Noon: Walk@Work 45 Mins – 327 PM: Elliptical 30 Mins – 531; Yoga 12 Mins – 86 Basal Metabolic Rate: 1622 Totals: 3035 Okay then, how's everyone else doing??? Keep up with your workouts! The more calories you burn the quicker it comes off. Also, one of my best reasons for my skin doing so well and my "flat" (as some call it) tummy is from all my workouts. I'll never stop!! I'm a CRAZY WOMAN!!! Heehee!!
  4. My daily totals for today 6/17/11:

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Much Conflicting info

    Hi june13, well I'll just have to disagree that I should only intake 500 calories per day. No way no how will I ever do this, it for me would be incredibly unhealthy. Not to say others shouldn't - but for me it's a no go.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: Diva's journey to GOAL

    Hi everyone!!! I'm here to tell you that I have chosen an amazing GOAL PRIZE that is going to help me stay on track until I get there. I have ZERO doubt at all!!! It's all good folks, however - my goal prize will remain a secret until the time comes. In the mean time I'll just work my tail off until I get there. I'm back to full time logging and doing my workouts. Whooohooo!!! Oh I sooo needed this. I needed that carrot to keep chasing. Got it! And away I go!!! Here are my totals for today: Calories In: Breakfast: 179 AM Snack: 140 Lunch: 269 Dinner: 202 PM Snack: 170 Totals: 960 Calories Out: AM: Treadmill 35 Mins – 469 Noon: Walk@Work 45 Mins – 327 PM: Elliptical 30 Mins – 531; Yoga 12 Mins – 86 Basal Metabolic Rate: 1622 Totals: 3035 Difference: -2075 Calories Nutritional Breakdown: Protein: 36.74% Fat: 39.46% Carbohydrates: 23.8% Daily Intake Totals: Water: 138 oz. Protein: 88g Carbs: 57g Fiber: 9g Sugars: 22g Fat: 42g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only thing I can see that I messed up on is my fiber. Whooppss!! I'll need to do better tomorrow. I forgot to do my chews during the day and now the day's over and it's too late. Oh well... have a great day tomorrow all and I hope to see some check ins! Source: Diva's journey to GOAL
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Hi everyone!!! I'm here to tell you that I have chosen an amazing GOAL PRIZE that is going to help me stay on track until I get there. I have ZERO doubt at all!!! It's all good folks, however - my goal prize will remain a secret until the time comes. In the mean time I'll just work my tail off until I get there. I'm back to full time logging and doing my workouts. Whooohooo!!! Oh I sooo needed this. I needed that carrot to keep chasing. Got it! And away I go!!! Here are my totals for today: Calories In: Breakfast: 179 AM Snack: 140 Lunch: 269 Dinner: 202 PM Snack: 170 Totals: 960 Calories Out: AM: Treadmill 35 Mins – 469 Noon: Walk@Work 45 Mins – 327 PM: Elliptical 30 Mins – 531; Yoga 12 Mins – 86 Basal Metabolic Rate: 1622 Totals: 3035 Difference: -2075 Calories Nutritional Breakdown: Protein: 36.74% Fat: 39.46% Carbohydrates: 23.8% Daily Intake Totals: Water: 138 oz. Protein: 88g Carbs: 57g Fiber: 9g Sugars: 22g Fat: 42g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only thing I can see that I messed up on is my fiber. Whooppss!! I'll need to do better tomorrow. I forgot to do my chews during the day and now the day's over and it's too late. Oh well... have a great day tomorrow all and I hope to see some check ins!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    is stomach stretching possible??

    Speaking for my own personal experience, I'm nine months out and my sleeve is still very tight. I can usually only finish about 2-3 oz of meat, a little bit of veggie and *maybe* a few bites of another side dish. Not much at all really. I'm finding it difficult to get up to around 1200 calories per day. I have to mix in Protein shakes and soft foods to get there. If I had only 3 sqares solids per day I'd barely break 600 calories I'm sure. Good luck! I don't think you need worry too much.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow Congrats Ms Shanny!!! You're really doing fantastic! I haven't even walked 10 miles all at once. Wow, I need to get my big behind in hear here.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    100 Lbs gone forever!

    @MyJourneyBegins: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! 100 Lbs lost is a MAJOR DEAL!!! Enjoy it by celebrating with something nice for yourself!! @splashdancer: IMO, I'd rather have loose skin than carry around the weight of a whole extra person. You can always cover the loose skin if it bothers you enough, however - you cannot cover up all the extra pounds. Nope, you have to wear that and its out there for everyone to see. I have some loose skin, and I'm sure it will even get worse the smaller I get, but by golly I'm here and I'm happier than I've ever been!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ready or NOT here I am in SHORTS OMG lol

    Whooohooo look at you!!! You look AWESOME!! Hey, you don't look like you were ever big a day in your life - I don't see *any* hint of extra skin you mention. Enjoy your summer!! You deserve it
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Goodwill Industries

    Ooohhh yeah I LOVE Goodwill!!! I do a drop-off and pick-up kinda thing. On all Holidays at the Big G's in my neighborhood everything in the store goes 50% OFF!!! CanNOT beat that! I'm always buying clothes that are too small for me there (why not at $2 bucks a pair??? ...and some with tags still attached!!!) and I have an arsenal of pants folded up in our closet rafters waiting patiently for me. I started this back when I was still in 18's and 20's... I'm running out of options at the moment as the only sizes left with pants I can't fit into yet are in sizes 6 through 10. I usually do a pant fit bonanza once a month during which I know I'm the smallest. MMhhmmmm it's always good times and it sure makes my week! I can buy tons of pants for 20 bucks... and come to think of it I think it's time for a new run soon.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    This is what 50 pounds gone feels like...

    That is Fab-U-LESS!! Congrats and enjoy all your hard work! I agree, treat yourself to something nice to celebrate!! New pair of shoes or maybe a Spa Day... nice!!
  14. Hey Becca, love your new avatar!!! xx

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Much Conflicting info

    Yep, like sarsar said - this is true for a great deal many of us here. I tend to not lose and fluctuate during my TOM week. So on a monthly basis for 2 weeks I'll not lose, then for the next 2-3 weeks I'll lose really good (depending on how diligent I'm being). In my opinion, as long as you're losing every single month then you are doing what you should be doing. We'll all get there! Just keep believing and keep it moving!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    One Month Surgiversary

    Hey Lynda, wow it really sounds like you're doing extremely well for a month out. Good job so far!! Cheers, and here's to this month!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Much Conflicting info

    Well, IMO carbs do play *some* role in weight loss. I mean I'm not as hardcore as some folks, but I do watch my carbs to an extent. I will allow healthy carbs in my diet if I can fit in a few more bites if I've eaten all my 3 oz of lean meat and nice serving of green veggie. Things like brown rice or my SaraLee Healthful bread (very high fiber!) or red potatoes... but I really like to keep my total carbs to about 50-60 per day. That's double what most here do, but I think my body still loses really well with this plan. I find a little more carbs keeps my brain more functional and I do get more out of my high intensity workouts when I allow more carbs too. That said, this simply isn't true for everyone. Some folks really do have to keep their carbs really low to get the most out of their weight loss. Some do well with more. It's just down to each individual and unfortunately that is something all of us have to learn on our roads to goal. Whatever works! Also, if we are eating healthy we will naturally keep our calories very low. Our sleeves can only hold so much food, and with us not feeling much hunger - we just won't eat that much. In my Quest to reach goal, I am going to count calories, however all this will be with eating healthy in mind. I mean... I'm not going to eat 1,000 calories in M&M's and expect to lose weight... LOL
  18. Okay folks!!! Here it is - I've set myself an ENORMOUS goal to reach so I'm really going to rock and roll it to reach my weight goal in the next few months - DEFINITELY by Halloween - no ifs and or butts!!! :-P Oh BTW... the goal prize remains a secret until I hit my goal. ;-)

  19. Make the best or your weekend! Set you'd goals and see if you can make them or break them! Only the best for giving it your best!!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Northern California Group WELCOME WAGON!!

  21. Raine I would just like to point out one thing... you described her as "thin". You weigh less than her. That can only be a good thing.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Okay well it's settled then, Labor Day will be our next Goal Date. But for now, we have to work on the current!! 18 Days to gooooo!!!
  23. So I was told that I have a flat tummy just now. Hmmm... I beg to differ. :-/

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    sugar free gum and sugar free candies

    LOL!! Well I do chew Extra gum and I do eat Sugar Free candies (I hate protein drink after taste). Just remember that these DO have carbohydrates attached in case you are watching these closely. However, this is just me - if you're being told no gum you shouldn't eat it.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: Diva's journey to GOAL

    Hello hello HELLO LOSERS!! And of course I mean that with the best of intentions... Well I can tell you this, I'm a loser and darned proud too!! Anyway today is Day 8 and I WILL reach my goal in 91 DAYS... *faint* Hahaa!! Well I'm going to give it one heckuva try anyway. So, the whole sick sleeve thing is now a past issue. I am days away and feeling back to normal. I've been eating solids regularly and drinking tons of water. Here is my menu from yesterday: Breakfast: Atkins Shake Snack: String Cheese Lunch: 2 oz chicken, mixed veggie & brown rice w/1 TBSP of red fat cheese Snack: 1/2 single serv container of Fage w/blueberries Dinner: 3 oz. Grilled chicken on green salad w/whole grain crouton, ranch dressing & 1 Tb of full fat grated cheese. Snack: Whole Grain Saltines Water: 120 Oz. Hmmm no workout either. Whoa!! Thank goodness I'm doing much better today... LOL I guess it could have been worlds worse, so I'm not too mad at myself. Pro's of yesterday: I felt good about my eating. I did pretty good. I know I can still do a little better but there's always tomorrow for that (or should I say today - lol). I finished my minimum ration of water. Whooohooo!!! That's super important. Con's of yesterday: Here's something I notice - I've forgotten to take my vitamins and iron supplements twice in a row now. This is NOT okay! I need this to function properly. Also, I didn't do any workouts yesterday, and it wouldn't of hurt to do a little something. Yeah, well - again there's always today and today is a success. One more, I didn't go to bed on time last night. A good night's sleep is super important for good health! Also, it ensures I'm going to get up for my early morning run. *sigh* What I can improve on: Definitely my eating. I ate a little too many carbs yesterday in my opinion. Mainly the crackers I guess. I know I don't want to eat meat for a snack. I need to make sure the night time snack isn't carb loaded... LOL I created my new workout schedule so that's already helping me get back to my schedule. Tomorrow is weigh day. I really don't want to because my TOM is just getting over and I know I retain water during this time. However, to keep myself on schedule I will. I'm already doing better so I know my next weigh in should be ok. See you all tomorrow for the check in!! Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
