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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. So... I wake up (early for my run as usual) and realize... I'm NOT fat. Wow... what a freakin great feeling. :-)) I've worked so hard for this moment and I will cherish it to the FULLEST!!!!!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Good luck Cheryl!!! I know you will do great!
  3. In all of my excitement yesterday I forgot to tell you all that I got my panel results yesterday too. All my levels were excellent even my B-12's and D-3!! Taking my supplements daily has really helped with this I'm sure, so I'll stay diligent with that. The only one that came out borderline low was my Iron (of course) even though I take that daily too. I might bump it up a little bit...

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    SIXES!!!!!!!!!! I GOT EM ON!!!!!!

    Thanks y'all!!! Well my scale hasn't caught up yet but I'm losing inches right now like crazy, so I'm expecting some good losses this month. That is just the most bizarre thing in the world I'm telling you - that scale thing... Whatever, I'm enjoying my my successes so far and I'm so close I'm staring down it's throat!!!! One more size... one more SIZE... ONE MORE SIZE TO GOAL!!!!!! Hahaa!! Well I can tell you this babygirl, mine did too! I looked at them and said, nahhh no way I'm gonna get those sixes on yet... maybe next month. Freak out, those darned things fitted and I nearly had a stroke!!! :-) Hugs!!!! Keep rocking your sleeve gurl, I know you will!!! I'm going to be honest here, I can't believe that's me, but if it is then - RIGHT ON!! All my working out and passing up my chips is working!!! Oh yeah... and my sleeve tool thingie!!! Hahaaa!! I do feel great, so full of energy, confidence and that sense of accomplishment - there's nothing like it in the world!!!!!! Thank you!! Hugs D, you've been there for me!!! Love you girl Hey lady!!! Missed you!!! Thanks so much, it means a lot I see you've done great too, CONGRATS!!! This sleeve was so worth it huh?? I've worked sooo hard for this and I feel so awesome - I'm just on cloud nine!! One size to goal, then I'll do my best to maintain. I do worry about that though because I actually really enjoy my workouts. I don't know how I'm going to stop it from losing, but that's my next goal (still need to concentrate on this one). LOL I can't even imagine having *that* problem... really! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blessings to all - AND KEEP ROCKING YOUR SLEEVES!!!!!!
  5. Ohhh myyy GOOODDDNNEESSSS!!!! I just got those 6's on today!!!! Whooohooooo!!!!

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    What do you wish...

    I really researched the sleeve for a long time before getting my revision band removal. However, I think it's normal for anyone to become a bit flummoxed by at least one or two things post op! I guess mine would be that I wish I would have known how truly hard it was to get all my Water in, and that it does get a lot better in time. Also, the fatigue I felt after surgery was a bit surprising to me. All I ever heard was everyone saying how awesome they felt and how much energy they had... LOL!! Well that's not the case for everyone so I found out. It did get much better though over time. I began to feel normal again at around week 4. Now, at 9 months out I feel absolutely incredible and can push my body to do things I have never ever been able to do!! I have more energy than I know what to do with !!! Good luck to you, in finding all your answers.
  7. Fun NSV: I usually walk against the crowd at the State Capitol for my walks... anyhow, I just noticed that no one gives me "extra" room when approaching me anymore - they just move over a tiny bit if they are coming directly at me. Nice!! Believe me they used to really move over a lot... LMAO!!

  8. First I'm very glad to hear your Mom is doing well! This is the first I've heard of this, so forgive me if I haven't sent my well wishes... Thank you also for posting this and putting it out there. I have never been more glad to have my band removed than I am right this second. And believe you me, I was pretty darned glad before!! I wish your Mom a complete recovery and FAST!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Melting Pot

    Here's what we do: Since I don't always feel like having what anyone else is having, I'll typically buy what I want a'la carte, then I'll pick stuff off everyone else's plates, mostly DH's... LOL Me and my family are very close like that and it's something we've always done - so it's no big deal. Caring is sharing! I'm not really big on bringing home any leftovers, I really prefer to cook the meals at home because I know exactly how it's being prepared (and I'm a really good cook *toot* *toot*). So once I leave the restaurant, I leave the food there too. I haven't really been to any type of buffet what so ever since being sleeved, I just have it in my head that paying $10 bucks for one piece of chicken and two bites of something else is just a big waste of money... not to mention that I have a weird phobia wondering who's dirty hands might have been touching the food...
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Sleeve Chat Room Is Always Open!

    Oh wow I haven't been in chat in ages... sorry I can't join you, I can't get in there from work. The firewall blocks it.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Newbie here :)

    WELCOME!! You will surely make many friends here, no doubt. We are a very friendly group, and we are very hard working too! Expect to be pushed to reach your dream goals and aspire to do that and then some. Chime in anywhere - glad to have you!
  12. Hi Kathy! All of you inspire me every single day to work this sleeve and give it my all. I did this to finish this thing off and offer support to those who are sleeved behind me. :) Doing your treadmill for whatever you can is all you need. You are still right out of surgery so pushing yourself too much isn't necessary. Good luck and let me know how you do!! :o)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: Diva's journey to GOAL

    Wow... well it appears I haven't checked in here in a few days... whoops!! It's not for any reason other than the fact I have been extremely busy at both work and at home. I haven't had a lot of time for posts at work which in all honesty is where I do most of this. At home I've been giving at least an hour a night to my workouts and that comes first! I need to be able to post here someday that I have made goal. Right now I am averaging a - (Neg) on my calories in and calories out. I burn about 400-500 more calories per day than what I'm consuming in food. Then there is also the lovely BMR... which I adore!!! Thank goodness for burning calories every second of the day huh?? LOL It seems I will end up with about -2,000 or -1,500 calories for the day. Awesome!!! That's about half a pound a day! Of course in my body it doesn't happen like that. I just stall until my body wants to *finally* release some pounds and then I'll lose like, 5-6 Lbs in one week. Crazy stuff... I don't know the science behind it, but it is what it is and I know as long as I'm doing the right things I'll see my big losses really soon. I realized just recently that I have been in the 190's for the last 2 months. This is NOT okay! In fact in the last 2 months I'd only been posting about 5-6 Lbs loss each. That just stinks to be honest... I know I'm capable of doing so much more. I guess that's why I started up the Journey to Goal forums. I needed some kind of motivation to get me back to my workout routines 100% and to eating as good as I can. I was slipping up way too much and it showed. I guess in my latter years I would have gained significantly otherwise. Now that I'm sleeved I'm still losing weight even when I'm not being ultra strict. Well I'm definitely back to that now! Pushing tons of water, eating proteins first then veggies... and the occasional carb. I'm averaging about 80-100g protein per day and 60g carbs. I'm fitting in all my fiber too, so yeah I'm really kicking butt. I'm also getting in about 2-3 hours of physical fitness per day. My running is the mainstay of what I do. I cannot give enough good word about this activity. It really raises the heart rate, gets you all crazy sweaty and out of breath but when you complete your task its the BEST FEELING!! Yes YOU CAN!! OMG I just love it. I'm doing this 6 days per week now. Ohhh yeahhh!!! Not only that the side benefits of this is I notice my skin is really snapping back great. My muscle tone underneath looks nice and best of all its burning off that stubborn FAT on my thighs!! That has always been my biggest foe in weight loss and I looked in the mirror yesterday and was actually pleased with what I saw! I can't remember ever feeling that way when looking at my thighs... So with that I will KEEP IT MOVING!! As I always say. I can't get the last two months back but I can look forward to the next two and say they will be much better. I hope everyone is reaching for that elusive goal -- we will get there!! Blessings!! Source: Diva's journey to GOAL
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    NSV...Stretchy Leggings in...Gasp PUBLIC

    LOL!! Congrats!! You're going to love all the NSV's along the way!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Here in Mexicali for revision

    It's your big day!! All the best today, though I have every confidence you will do fine and will be in the best hands. I love Dr. A and all his staff - hospital - they are amazing!! This was the best decision I'd ever made for my health and every day I'm reaping the rewards of it and the hard work I put in too. You're going to be so happy!!!
  16. *BAM*!!!! Up early and at em as usual ;o) 4 miles in already and burned 636 calories. Now it's time to get ready for work where I'll do another 2.5 miles. Oh myyyy I sooo love this!!!

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    A very nice NSV for me.

    That is a great NSV - CONGRATS!!!!
  18. My victory for today: I started to feel a little hunger and I'm still over an hour out from dinner... I kept thinking I wanted to buy a small bag of Doritos. However, instead I opened my little fridge and pulled out half a string cheese and ate that instead. I feel satisfied, but BEST of all I feel VICTORIOUS!!!!!

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sacramento meetup

    You all pick out a time/place/date (weekend of course!) and I'll be there.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Wow... well it appears I haven't checked in here in a few days... whoops!! It's not for any reason other than the fact I have been extremely busy at both work and at home. I haven't had a lot of time for posts at work which in all honesty is where I do most of this. At home I've been giving at least an hour a night to my workouts and that comes first! I need to be able to post here someday that I have made goal. Right now I am averaging a - (Neg) on my calories in and calories out. I burn about 400-500 more calories per day than what I'm consuming in food. Then there is also the lovely BMR... which I adore!!! Thank goodness for burning calories every second of the day huh?? LOL It seems I will end up with about -2,000 or -1,500 calories for the day. Awesome!!! That's about half a pound a day! Of course in my body it doesn't happen like that. I just stall until my body wants to *finally* release some pounds and then I'll lose like, 5-6 Lbs in one week. Crazy stuff... I don't know the science behind it, but it is what it is and I know as long as I'm doing the right things I'll see my big losses really soon. I realized just recently that I have been in the 190's for the last 2 months. This is NOT okay! In fact in the last 2 months I'd only been posting about 5-6 Lbs loss each. That just stinks to be honest... I know I'm capable of doing so much more. I guess that's why I started up the Journey to Goal forums. I needed some kind of motivation to get me back to my workout routines 100% and to eating as good as I can. I was slipping up way too much and it showed. I guess in my latter years I would have gained significantly otherwise. Now that I'm sleeved I'm still losing weight even when I'm not being ultra strict. Well I'm definitely back to that now! Pushing tons of Water, eating Proteins first then veggies... and the occasional carb. I'm averaging about 80-100g Protein per day and 60g carbs. I'm fitting in all my fiber too, so yeah I'm really kicking butt. I'm also getting in about 2-3 hours of physical fitness per day. My running is the mainstay of what I do. I cannot give enough good word about this activity. It really raises the heart rate, gets you all crazy sweaty and out of breath but when you complete your task its the BEST FEELING!! You YOU CAN!! OMG I just love it. I'm doing this 6 days per week now. Ohhh yeahhh!!! Not only that the side benefits of this is I notice my skin is really snapping back great. My muscle tone underneath looks nice and best of all its burning off that stubborn FAT on my thighs!! That has always been my biggest foe in weight loss and I looked in the mirror yesterday and was actually pleased with what I saw! I can't remember ever feeling that way when looking at my thighs... So with that I will KEEP IT MOVING!! As I always say. I can't get the last two months back but I can look forward to the next two and say they will be much better. I hope everyone is reaching for that elusive goal -- we will get there!! Blessings!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Michelle's Accountability Thread

    Great job thus far!! Keep it up! OMG I know what you mean about the snacky time in bed while watching TV. You know I have some sleepy time tea too... thanks for the idea!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Foxbins in the homestretch

    Hi Foxbins, congrats on the pounds you've already lost! You're running pretty smooth. I'm looking forward to following your progress to goal!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    1 week out. Almost every sip hurts.

    I'm also one of the former painful swallowers post op. It was extremely painful for me for the first two weeks, but it continued to get better every week after. I think it lasted about 4-6 weeks before it was completely gone. I now have zero pain when swallowing (unless I take too big a bite or go over my full stop). It will continue to get better all the time, for now rest and work through the pain. You must do your very best to get all your fluids in! Hang in there, all this will be *so* worth it in time. ETA: if it gets too bad, I would urge you to seek medical advice. Good luck!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    When can we stop sipping?

    I know what you mean, I love my Water and for me this was the most distressful thing for me post op. It felt like I'd never get back to normal. Though I used to be able to down 16 oz without a breath (LOL) and I may never be able to do this again, I think I'm at a point where I don't feel like I can't be normal. It gets better folks!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    When can we stop sipping?

    I'm 9 months out and I can get in 140 oz of Water a day no problem now. In time it continues to get better and better. In fact I can do 16 oz in about 5-10 minutes easy. Just keep plugging away, and time passes and eating/drinking gets much easier!!

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