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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    So Anxious Today...

    NomersCat, well just thank goodness you made a good choice before going through a revision later! Hang in there and come here to vent anytime, trust me that's what this is all about. I hope you get your answers very soon!
  2. Of course :) Let me know how your journey progresses!!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    I totally agree!! If they standardize clothing (which I would LOVE) I hope they use the sizes in which I am smallest in.
  4. Ooohhhh tomorrow is weigh in... please oh master of the scales.. BE NICE THIS WEEK!!!

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    ZUMBA fans?

    Haha that is funny! Oh my do I hate being constipated... more than anything I think. Anyway, does anyone know of any great Zumba DVD's to share? I'd like to buy one and don't want to waste my money, thanks!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Great Workout

    Hi CammyD, do you do this at the gym? I'm just wondering because if you do it off a DVD I'd like to try it out. I"m always looking for new fun things to get my body moving! Thanks!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    excited to find this group

    Hi welcome xercisegirl! I have been one to workout pretty much my entire life. Even when I was well over 300 Lbs, so I knew it wasn't my "laziness" that was the culprit in my super obesity. It was my eating. At first after surgery for me I really didn't have the energy or stamina to do very much. In fact not until about 4 months out did I ever do more than 30 minutes. But now at going on 10 Months out I can do WAY MORE than I have in over 20 years!! I'm running and still having energy to do so much more. I think having this surgery helped me in so many ways, and the best one being helping me to get these pounds off me *finally*. HTH
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Peanutbutter balls

    Good call, thanks for the reminder! I was considering making these... would've been a bad time for me.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Cherice, that sounds wonderful! I see you wrote this a few months ago. How are you doing now? Congrats on reaching your goal!!! I have to agree with you. For me it is also more than just a number on the scale, but rather how I feel and look. This is just as OK, IMO!! I'm soooo happy for you!!! I am the same way, however I guess I am getting more used to this idea on how the scale works the closer I get to goal. I do get frustrated working so hard to not see a loss, however when it does it's usually a good amount. I'm averaging 1-2 Lbs per week right now so I guess that's not too bad. I guess I haven't written in here in quite some time. I'm doing really good. I don't really have a goal "weight" set in stone. Rather it's more a guesstimate on what I think I'll weigh when I get to my goal size, which is a size 4 in a particular pair of pants. Once I fit in them comfortably, I will be done. Right now I am but one size above and they are a bit tight at this time. That said, I guess I am VERY CLOSE TO GOAL!!! Yayyy!!! How is everyone else doing? I hope more will check in!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    I wish they would do this with Women's clothes too. It would make life *much* easier. Back in the Late 80's I was a size 3. I'm thinking that's probably a 0 today or less. Yes, sizes are all over the map depending on who makes them. It's kind of annoying to be honest. I've never been to Old Navy but I've heard they are the worst when it comes to this. Dr. Oz showed their size 12's being way outrageous big. Like a 38" waist or something...
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    oh no...!!! you didn't......!!!!!

    I think majority of us end up adopting this persona. When someone makes such a drastic change, many relationships will suffer because of it. Whether it be parent/child/spouse/other/friends. It would be nearly impossible to go scott free without some sort of metamorphosis with the self and with others. Make no mistake this will probably be the biggest change any of us will ever make in our lives. At first it will hurt when friends (usually the overweight ones, or the insecure ones that liked us because we were non threatening) toss us to the curb because we have decided to take the bull by the horns and get right with our bodies. However, that is thier problem, no ours. Once we embark on this journey our ONLY CONCERN should be us and how we will finish out. Anything more and it's just not fitting in the cup. So with that, they can either join in the journey, or move on. Also, no this surgery is NOT an abomination. It is a gift that is saving thousands of lives every single day. God bless and I wish you well on your surgery!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    How'd You Determine Your Goal Weight?

    According the the "BMI" scales I'm supposed to be around 135 ideally. I'm 5'6, so considered of average height. My heaviest should be no more than 154 Lbs. Right now I'm 191 Lbs and I'm wearing 8-10's (just got into 6's even...). So... that said for ME the BMI scales are baloney. I mean right now I can literally see my ribcage without even sucking in my breath and my breast plate shows. I wish I didn't even weigh as much as I do or seriously I would call this my goal and stop losing. However, fact is I *do* weigh this so I'm going to go a little bit further. I may even settle on 15 more Lbs and be done with it. I say, go for what you feel you look your best in - the BMI scales aren't the be all, end all to perfect weight. I think I'm living testament to that!! If I weighed 135 Lbs I'd look like a starving bag of bones!!
  13. If I died right now I'd die a happy woman. I'm only now one size away from goal. ***BAM!!!*** And, I can't believe those are my thighs...
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    SIXES!!!!!!!!!! I GOT EM ON!!!!!!

    Haaa!! Thanks! I'm telling you right now, if I notice my booty starts leaving, I'm stopping this weight loss dead in its tracks. That is NOT going to happen, NO WAY!!! I've lost my boobs already in the last 15 Lbs. but that's fixable. I'll just have to say I'm at goal at that point... but for me, the booty stays!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Charlie Horses

    Yep this is usually from lack of our electrolytes and/or Water. Are you getting 64 oz. or more?? Pre sleeve we would have gotten lots of water from our food. Now we simply don't even eat enough to make up for lack of it, and now 64 oz should be our bare minimum. Also, my calcium citrate also has an added Magnesium Citrate. I also take Potassium (the bananas you're eating are excellent). You may also just want to add a tiny bit more salt to your food if you are avoiding it too much. I still get cramps from time to time even with all this. It's tough... but I'm hopeful I can get back to 100% normal once I'm able to get off the "diet" train and eat more well balanced. However for me I do believe my main culprit is the calcium. I have to maintain my supplements 3X per day. I notice when I'm even only doing 2X per day I'll get the cramps. Good luck!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    OVERLY sensative to WLS information out there?

    Well, I always say - what I don't know won't hurt me. I won't read things like that, all it will do is upset me. I don't like being upset and like to stay in my little bubble. I don't want anyone/anything in my vacinity that could rupture my pretty little bubble.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am failing!!!!!!

    I would definitely take a look a the food diary. Are you consuming anything especially high in sodium? Chinese food will blow me up by Lbs the very next day, I'm not kidding! Of course it's all Water, it would be *impossible* for me to consumer over 7,000 calories in one day! I work at just getting in 1,000... Anyway that was the end of Chinese food for me. It was a tough break up after but it had to happen. All those bad carbs and MSG did a number on my scale... it was pretty frightening. Then there is our friend TOM (if you're a woman), that can puff me up for a few days too.. That's totally normal and I just have to wait that one out. Sucks though... LOL Get back on the saddle... lower good carbs, fresh fruits & veggies, lean meats... and lots of exercise and plenty of water. You will be getting back to your goals very soon. Good luck!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Operation New Leaf

    That is wonderful Bryn!!! Congratulations! I look forward to hearing all your milestones
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Peanutbutter balls

    Oh yeah you all keep these Peanut Butter recipes coming! I don't know what the heck it is but I've grown some kind of bizarre obsession with it. I wonder how these would taste with the Super Chunky type. Ohhh Myyy Goodnesssss!!!! Re: Rice Krispies... I think the rice might be the wrong kind of carb - I think RK is made with puffed "white" rice. Maybe some kind of Kashi type or multi grain Cereal might work. Nothing wrong with experimenting!!! Re: the Oats being too rough... has anyone tried to actually cook them before adding them to the PBBalls? Just a thought that it might cush them up even more...
  20. I just had the most *excellent* conversation with my co-worker friend right now. Her jaw almost dropped today as I'm actually wearing clothes that fit (LOL) and she said "OMG YOU ARE SOOOO TINY!!!!" I replied and laughed, thank you. Then she said "Sheesh girl!!! Who here is smaller than you around here.... NO ONE!!!" I was kinda shocked by that. I never imagined I'd be pooled into the "Smallest Club" here... HAHAAA!!! :-D

  21. Wow I just had to dump more than half the pants in my closet. I tried them all on to be sure but they were just much too big. I *really* need to go get some more pants!!

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    These food dreams are torture

    Oh wow you are taking me way back here!! Yes, I used to have those vivid dreams where I'd be eating things I darned well shouldn't be. It's ok, these dreams will go away in time. I believe a lot has to do with coming down off anesthesia and pain medications. It stopped for me within a few weeks to a month.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Frozen shrimp?

    We use the frozen shrimp bags too, Jumbo sized shrimp. They are good, and very convenient. I will typically stir fry them with tons of mixed green veggies and whatnot. Yum!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    the phone rang today...i said : hello?

    That will go down in your history of worlds best phone calls. Hugs and CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are but weeks away from the losers bench... ohhh yeahhh we need to make more room!!
  25. I'm not cooking the dinner tonight, so while I'm waiting for my Salmon Steaks and Broccoli I'll put in 30 on my elliptical. Now THAT'S time spent wisely. :-P

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