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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    What Did Ya Name your Sleeve?

    I cannot say it here, as this is a G Rated Website.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    slim fast

    I think as long as you like it and can tolerate it, then drink it. Slim Fast is still one of my favorites. It does come in Low Carb version if you can find it. They usually have coupons and good deals on it too. Rule of thumb, don't buy tubs or crates of anything pre-surgery because chances are you won't like them post op. Just buy samples and once you have surgery figure out what you do like and what you don't. The liquids phase is only a few weeks anyway, your #1 concern at first will be getting all your fluids in. Whatever you can tolerate is what you should be drinking.
  3. I had a serving of cake last night and I just now spent the last 3 hours with dumping. OMG... I felt like total SH*T!!!!! I haven't had an episode like that in a really long time. I guess I'm just destined to get super duper skinny - I can't eat anything fattening or sugar. BTW... I'm not really complaining either it's what I signed up for!!! :-P

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    what a difference a year can make

    Aww!!! Now isn't this an awesome place to be? The scale doesn't have anything ON ME!! I'm glad it doesn't for you either. All I know is you look fabulous and fit - so keep smiling and the heck with that scale.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm in the teens..........

    Nikkey that is great!!! It's always so validating when breaking out of a stall!! Congrats, you are already very successful - and you will be in Onederland VERY SOON!!!
  6. I think what happens here is most people who are researching this surgery tend to overlook the bad side effects others post. Not saying it's what they should do at all (because they absolutely SHOULD NOT overlook the bad...), but I'm sure it happens more often than not. Also, when someone is relatively new here, they don't tend to navigate to many parts of the board. They will tend to stick to either the Pre-Op section where they read about others experiences on what they are going through at the time, or the success stories to validate they are making the right choice. I do think you did many people a great service by pointing out that EVERYONE Pre-Op really should read all threads in the Post-Op section. It is VITAL to know exactly what to expect in the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. The Wonders of Surgeries who post they had zero pain, are up and doing their construction jobs after a weekend of rest and can eat normally again without issue are maybe 1 in a million!! The rest of us didn't have an easy go of it. We struggled to get *anything* in for weeks after surgery, we had pain, we were badly fatigued, we dealt with nausea and vomiting, and some of us even went through much worse. However what you won't find much of here is anyone at least 6 months post op who doesn't wish they had this done! Yes, I'm sure they are out there but they sure aren't posting in this forum. I've been to other WLS websites and when they describe the Sleeve at least 6 months post op, you don't see much regret there either... so... is it THIS website or is it just that the Sleeve is a really great WLS? Hmmm... I suggest the OP pose this question to ALL WLS websites asking this question and get feedback from all corners of the WLS Sleeve World. Your answer will be similar to what we report here... if they are less than 2 months post op you will find several who are NOT happy, maybe more often than not. But those who are many months out you will be hard pressed to find ANY who regret their decision.
  7. Yay that would be great! I'll invite you to the conversations :) You're welcome and ALL Cali's are welcome anytime! I do keep them private tho in case we want to exchange personal info.

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    You really didn't recognize me?

    SunnyD LMAO!!! This exact thing (except not at a hospital) happened with me and my Mom too... a couple times. I think she's finally getting used to the new me, but wow that was kinda strange but awesome at the same time. Hugs!!!! You're doing it lady!!!
  9. Mammo got the AC... so now I call for boobie consult!!! Whooohooooo!!!!!

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh, so THAT's what dumping feels like

    It is exactly what USMC just described. It's really intense and with me it also came with rapid heartbeat, feverish, clammy, room spinning dizzy, nausea (no vomiting) and just overall bad feeling. It's not really something I EVER want to feel again. It's for that reason I've never drank another glass of real milk and don't even CONSIDER eating any ice cream. Sugar and Fat does give me these feelings but because I'm so scared of feeling it to that extent again, I usually only indulge a little bit. However there was one time that I messed up my stomach for days and had to do 24 hour Clear liquids just to feel better. HTH
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    As I near the end of my Weight Loss Journey...

    Thank you all so much You all "get it". I mean, I know what I need to do - however if I want a 1" square of cake... why can't I have it? That's pretty much all I can eat anyway, or I'll get that yucky sick feeling. I was so strict on myself and when I would trail off course I'd beat myself up about it. Well... that's just NOT healthy and I'm NOT going to do that anymore. In fact, we are going to my favorite Mexican restaurant tonight for my SIL's BD. Yay!! Can't wait... heehee Am I going to feel like a failure if I eat an enchilada and 2 bites of Beans and rice? Mmmm nope. Let's face it, I do workout a lot. I'm even having to tone it down a little bit because every single day I burn of way more than I'm eating. Yes, I will more than doubly likely continue to lose weight. But, I'm pretty much okay with 3-4 Lbs per month instead of the 10. I worked so hard for last month's 10 and I began to wonder why? I'm fitting in normal clothes... my health is above par... I've reversed my HBP and Hypoglycemia (couldve turned into Diabetes as it runs in my family), I can run long lengths without even sweating or breathing hard, I can walk faster than most people around me (get outta my way!!! ) I can just plain do SO MUCH MORE than I really imagined I could even from a year ago. In fact it was exactly one year ago right now I was being scheduled for the first in my knee surgeries. I'd messed them up something terrible being so heavy for so long. Now? Nope, no pain at all (even with all my exercise activities) and I'm so glad I decided to cancel the knee surgery and schedule the VSG!!!! I do fully plan to have one of those tests, but its with some lovely ladies on this board. We're going to do the Bod Pod test. I'll let you all know how it turns out. If I still feel like its off (which it shouldn't) then I'll try the underwater test. Or maybe I'll just do both and compare!!! Lots of hugs!!! ALL OF YOU will be here if you aren't already someday. The sleeve couldn't have been a better sidekick for ultimate and permanent weight loss!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Well this is weird... and a little bit shocking!

    In all of this I suppose we can feel confidence without feeling doubt or what others might deem as being vain. We did work very hard for what we have now, or what we are becoming! It's certainly a lot different that what I remember. Men or ANYONE for that matter treated me different. Plain and simple. Maybe I feel a little bitter because as feedyoureye did say, I'm the same exact person on the inside as I ever was. But yet, now that I'm not fat I'm all of a sudden not invisible? I'm treated MUCH differently by everyone. I still did a really good job at work, made mistakes here and there but was always a hard worker. The results of my mistakes are kind of blown off now. Sure... I've noticed this. Not complaining!! Just sayin' is all. Consistency folks, that's all I'm really after here.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Proposed Meeting Place, Hayward, CA

    Good deal!! Looking forward to it!:-)
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    As I near the end of my Weight Loss Journey...

    Amen Sister! !
  15. It's TOM Week and I'm losing inches right now like crazy... so much for coasting to a stop huh? LOL Oh well like I said if my body keeps going, who am I to judge?? ;o)

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Proposed Meeting Place, Hayward, CA

    Yep there sure is an Ive been wanting to go for awhile now. I really want to go to Great America in Santa Clara. Soon!!
  17. Hellooooo sleevers!! Place your bets, the engines start running on Monday April 25th!! ____________________________________________ SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....???.................???............180............???
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh, so THAT's what dumping feels like

    Mmmm buttercream frosting...
  19. It's TOM Week and I'm losing inches right now like crazy... so much for coasting to a stop huh? LOL Oh well like I said if my body keeps going, who am I to judge?? ;o)

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    9 month sleevaversary!!!

    Hey Sarah CONGRATS ON NINE MONTHS!! You're doing great, keep your chin up and celebrate all your victories!! This is a tough journey, and I think you're handling it very well. :-) BTW I'm only able to view one photo... ???
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    LADIES PLZ HELP!! (No Guys Plz)

    Yep like everyone else said, no big deal. Just let the prep nurses know and they will take right good care of ya! Best wishes on your surgery!! Check in to let us know how it goes.
  22. I was off work for 3 weeks but only because I could. I think you'd be fine to go back to work when you said. However, just to be safe you should definitely ask your surgeon.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Attention Scale Addicts!

    I seen that elsewhere earlier... and I really want to push the point that there are some of us that really cannot let the scale rule our lives! I let it for far too long... and I'm not sure who's seen my posts out there or not but I weigh freakin 185 Lbs... yet I'm fitting Some 6's, mostly 8-10's in pants and Small or XSmall tops. I'm only 5'6 by the way. How can this be? Well, like I said, this is how GOD made me and I accept it. As I sit here and type wearing my way too baggy size 12's... which only last week they were only a little bit baggy. They are ready to hit the donation bucket, or rather my Mom's closet... LOL Anyway, when we allow the scale to define us, I find we can get way to enraptured in every little thing it says. I'm way beyond this and I won't let it do this to me anymore. The fact is it will NEVER match up to how I look. It will ALWAYS be AT LEAST 20-30 Lbs above what others weigh that wear my size and are my height. Oh well... I'm SUPER HAPPY with me and how I look and how far I've come. I will probably still lose more inches and fat along the way... my body will stop losing when it's good and ready. I'll never fully change my good habits. They are far too ingrained in me now, the only thing I needed to change recently is my acceptance of who I am now as opposed to this time last year. Anyway, yes I will continue to check the scale. Not for validation but mostly for prevention. Celebrate every success!!! If you don't you will find this rollercoaster can be no fun at all. :-) Hugs!!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    what a difference a year can make

    (((((((((COOOPS!!))))))))) Looking good there lady!!! I sooo happy for you!!!
  25. That is excellent! :-) Eggs were my first semi solid proteins and they made me feel sooo good!! Just take your time with them, tiny bites and chew really well. Wait a little between each bite too, to see how the sleeve reacts. :-) Big Hugs!!!

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