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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LOL :-) I've already considered myself at my own personal goal since I fitted comfortably in Size 8. So really I'm already here, I just put it at .8 to goal - not sure why because my head still wants to lose more weight. TBH, I really don't have any idea where I'll end up. I'm just letting my body decide. ;o)

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    What is satisfied?

    When you head into semi solids or solid foods you will become familiar with what "satisfied" means. You WILL want to stop at satisfied, because likely you will reach "full" one or two times. Full has a whole new meaning now and it will beat you down until you get to your soft stop signals. Don't worry I'm sure majority of us have felt full once or twice. Chances are you will not want to feel Full again.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Band to Sleeve - 10 days post op

    Just a little tip with the aftertastes of protein shakes... I have the Listerine breath strips. Takes right care of that before it even hits.
  4. Don't EVER GIVE UP!! This is going to be a bumpy road, a very long journey and it only ends when you let it. If you fall down, you must ALWAYS get back up. Keep your chin up and move along - you are a winner if you do that no matter what!!!

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    No u are not, but YES I AM A SUCCESS!

    My darling friend!! Thanks for this awesome post.. I just "needed" this today. :-) Of course as always you are just lovely and continue to get more and more every day!!!! (((Hugs)))
  6. Hmmm... well - here it goes... I guess I'm just mentally drained where hard core weight loss is concerned quite frankly. Before I continue let me be clear I may still lose some weight... however as far as really working my butt off and continued food restraint... I think I really am done. Period. Yes I'll continue to do my early morning running, I'll still do my workouts (this will be always and forever) and I'm probably going to add in some muscle toning exercises. I bulk up really easily so this is actually going to slow down the losses a bit. However, I'm NOT going to actively push more workouts to post higher losses anymore. I'm also NOT going to do low carbs anymore, in fact I'm going to add in more per meal. Slowing down the routine will probably get me about 3-5 Lbs lost per month. I do believe I am very much ok with this. Physically I am very satisfied with how I look. I am wearing sizes 8-10 in pants right now and I just bought a bunch of size Small shirts and they are all fitting. I even bought size XS at Old Navy (my first time there ever!) and those even fit. Crazy huh? Well... this got me to thinking, how small do I really want to get??? I weigh 185 Lbs. So what??? This is how GOD made me, and I accept this. I've lost nearly 150 Lbs from my heaviest weight!!! Why am I torturing myself just because of a stupid made up BMI scale??? Its just insanity I tell you!!! I know we tend to continue losing with the sleeve even once we have decided we are at "goal". I imagine this will be true for me too. I have picked up really good habits so it's inevitable I will still continue to lose from here, I just don't want to try as hard anymore. If I want a tortilla with my dinner, guess what... I'm gonna have a freakin tortilla with my dinner. If I want a slice of bread, I'm going to have a slice of bread. If I want to some white rice one night, that's what I'll have. I can only eat one or two bites anyway!! If I want a few potato chips with my lunch... you get the idea. I just wanted to put it out there that *I* Irene am calling myself nearly done. If I lose a little more, great. If not... OH WELL!!! I'm HAPPY with ME right now and that is ALL THAT MATTERS!!! It is possible that at some point I may change my mind. Well, guess what I'm a woman so that's my right. LOL!! None the less, I just feel happy and very much ready to let go of the diet mentality. I'm ready to just live my life and enjoy the new me... get used to the new person I've become. I can seriously actually look at myself in the mirror now and be ok with how I look. I decided to put this in the Success threads because this is a huge success to me... saying goodbye to diets and hello to "maintenance"... whatever that entails (which usually for sleevers is still a little more losing but not breaking our necks for it). Well, I'm here!!! Say hello to the new and improved me. Again, if I continue to lose a few more here and there I'm ok with that. If I don't, well take me or leave me. I'm happy and content. Blessings!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene


    It has always been my understanding that pouch procedures (Lap Band and GB) cannot take Ibuprofen or NSAIDS. However, I was told I can take these at around a month out as a Sleeve patient. I was told this by Dr. Cirangle and he's a pretty darned good surgeon. He said it was Okay so I go with that. That said, ALWAYS seek the advice of your own personal surgeon. Do not take advice of this sort from a website, knowing no two answers will be the same. Chances are we will choose the answer that best suits our needs and go with it, and this can hurt you. Good luck!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Band to Sleeve - 10 days post op

    Hi Anne, I'm very glad to hear your revision went well! Welcome to Sleeveland! I love it here, and there's always room for more here because once we get here we all get skinny!!
  9. Hi Heather, I'm very sorry to hear of your complications with the band. Just know you are not alone in the least and you will find many of us here who have gone through all of this. Wishing you well on your new journey!!
  10. Ohhh my!! I've got the bubbly throat today... I'm starting on the Zegerid tomorrow and see how that does. If it works a little better then I'll do that in the AM and another dose of Prilosec in the PM. Hopefully that will deal with the acidy issues!

  11. Ohhh my!! I've got the bubbly throat today... I'm starting on the Zegerid tomorrow and see how that does. If it works a little better then I'll do that in the AM and another dose of Prilosec in the PM. Hopefully that will deal with the acidy issues!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    I don't use a whole lot of oils when cooking but I do use butter when scrambling my eggs. I use Land O Lakes Butter Spread w/ Olive Oil. I love it and its a lot lighter and fluffier than normal butter. Since I don't use this stuff a lot I just use the real deal. It tastes better and I've never once found a knock off that really tastes like real butter.
  13. Hey everyone! Since we have many of us from outer areas other than Sacramento it was discussed having a meeting in a possible more centralized location. I always say the more the merrier, and would LOVE to meet some of our Bay Area sleevers!!! Hayward was mentioned and it sounds like a good spot. What say you? Yay or Nay? Why or why not? Proposed new date has not been discussed yet but I was thinking Saturday June 25th or Saturday July 9th. Any other suggestions?
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Straw....

    I used straws with my lap band and I use straws now with my sleeve. It does not affect me one way or another. I was not given any advice either way from my surgeon, in fact I was given the use of straws while I was in the hospital.
  15. Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to watching your journey. :)

  16. Coops, the reason is because you have to re-size them before you download here. I just use MS Paint, resize to about 25%, save and voila!! Seems to come out a good size. :) HTH

  17. Oh my... I just don't think I can give up the running and cardio!!! I tell myself I'm only going to do so much then I end up doing twice that. This is a real head trip!!!

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    What did YOU eat today?

    Great idea Blessed... Today I'm NOT eating. Today I start the liquids Day 3: Mushies/pureed Day 4: Soft foods Day 5: Solids So it's a compacted post op regimen. I almost finished one a few months ago.. got through day two and fell off. I know I can do it, and now especially since I feel more determined. I won't exercise through today and tomorrow. My body needs rest right now, and I will likely feel a bit weak too. Okay so its on! Mmmm... Isopure :wink2:
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    As I near the end of my Weight Loss Journey...

    No I lost the first 50 pre op, but regardless I don't think I did too bad.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    As I near the end of my Weight Loss Journey...

    Thank you! And I'm just beginning... Yes, I'm already starting to get the comments. Sometimes I take it with a grain of salt, sometimes I think about them later and it does bother me. I've also been having the sensitive tailbone issue for a little while now. Oh yes and the peanut butter... OMG!! I do like it, but to actually HAVE TO EAT IT just so I don't lose weight?? Well that just takes all the fun out of it. I really don't care for Avo's so I'm good with that. I will add in some fruit juices, so thanks for the tip! I'm starting to find out I'm very limited on what I can and can't eat. So all suggestions are welcomed! Thanks so much that you are here to lend some!!! I also realize that yes, I'm seriously going to have to tone down the workouts. I'm down to 4X per week now and I can still see the inches are melting off A LOT!!! I just dumped all my 14's because they got ridiculously big on me and only 2 weeks later I'm going to have to do the same to my 12's. I was wearing a pair on the 4th and my cousin told me I really need smaller pants because the ones I had on were way too big... I guess my 10's will be out the door soon too, so I've held off on any shopping recently. The smaller sizes seem to last much less time than the bigger ones. You did have an excellent point though in your reply to S... no matter where I end up at least I'll have some wiggle room. That does make me feel somewhat better!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    As I near the end of my Weight Loss Journey...

    S, you know I'm already realizing I'm going to be one of the ones that will have a hard time stopping losing. I simply get very sick when eating any kind of junk food. I had some cake last night and have been nursing my sleeve ever since. I feel retchid! I absolutely cannot eat things that would likely help keep me from continuing to lose weight. I'm looking at myself every single day and seeing bones I never knew existed. I'm even starting to admit I look skinny... I never ever thought that would happen!! I at least wanted to try to slow it down but for some reason it seems like it's picking up steam. I've even slowed down on my workouts... that might be the only way to really stop the losses eventually. That actually breaks my heart!!! Most likely I'll have to give up the marathon cardio sessions and just start doing toning so I'm not looking too rail thin. It's ok, I'm sure we will all get used to the new us eventually. I know it's mentioned here a million times that our bodies are just going to stop losing (VSG especially) when it's good and ready. I did know this prior to surgery by some posts but it didn't seem all too common. Now as I've been reading up more and been around longer it seems much more common than I'd originally noticed. I mean in the overall I guess that's not a bad thing really. I'm just going to become who I've always was meant to be.
  22. Whoo! Unjury Chicken Soup to the rescue! Something about the warmth and protein just instantly gets me back to health!

  23. I had a serving of cake last night and I just now spent the last 3 hours with dumping. OMG... I felt like total SH*T!!!!! I haven't had an episode like that in a really long time. I guess I'm just destined to get super duper skinny - I can't eat anything fattening or sugar. BTW... I'm not really complaining either it's what I signed up for!!! :-P

  24. That is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! Big Hugs!!! Now... concentrate on your surgery and onward and downward.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    What Did Ya Name your Sleeve?


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
