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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    30 Day Challenge... get ready to kick some butt here!

    Sure!! I just put that so if anyone wants to bump up the carb intake, do it the healthy way with God's intentions. Oh and why I put maximum instead of minimum. You can do minimum zero so you're still on plan.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I'm rooting for you!!!!!!
  3. Absolutely yes this is very normal. Sometimes our new Sleeves find things that we could easily tolerate pre sleeve that its having a little trouble getting acclimated to after. That is why I mentioned having to take my time with all new foods. My suggestion to you would be to take it slow for a day or so and go back to liquids. Let your sleeve take a break until you're feeling better. I see that you already called your Dr, so that wouldve been my next suggestion, just to make sure. What was it that you ate before you became ill? You might want to keep that off the menu for about another month before trying it again. Sometimes it takes a long time before you can handle it again, and sometimes its just that you never will again (however that is rare). I can pretty much eat anything now that I did have some issues with for awhile. Nothing is off limits to me... except milk (lactose). I hope this helps.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Thanks!!!! I'm still very happy with where I am. I haven't lost any in a few weeks, but am approaching the time of month where I lose ok. I'll try for a few pounds. Though if I don't... oh well.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Spouse or Sig other

    I recently asked my husband "how come we never argue like those people?" pointing over to a couple we were nearby and they were really going at it big time. He replied "because neither of us ever do anything wrong to each other." So true. Moral of the story is, as long as your foundation is strong, your relationship will make it. Through thick or thin.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    60lbs down pic

    You have done a fabulous job so far!!! Looking great
  7. My sleeve recovery was much slower than the band. I felt healed after 3 days with my band and got this incredible hunger!!! Me and my band didn't get along from day one pretty much. I was in a lot of pain from my sternum upward, and the port pain was unreal... which never really went away ever. Anyway with the sleeve it just took me a lot longer to transition to real food, and I felt fatigue for at least the first 2 months. I didn't have the stamina for real workouts until about month 4 on. Regarding the sleepiness after eating, I get this too and still do. I just passed my 10th month post op. I feel like I have Narcolepsy! I've even fallen asleep at my desk at work if you can believe it. No big deal though it's always during my lunch hour so no one has caught me thank goodness... LOL The weight loss is usually very high for the first 3-4 months post op, and mostly depending on how much you have to lose. I needed to lose around 80-100 Lbs. I've just recently hit my goal (size) but I'm still pushing for more. I'm thinking around 20 ish. Note, the smaller you are the harder it is for the weight to come off. I'm losing around 5-6 Lbs per month right now and for me being smaller still isn't too bad. It is also highly likely you WILL experience a stall of some sort between week 3-5 post op. Do not panic! Just keep it moving and the weight will start dropping again. Most sleevers will stall from time to time, but for me it has not been anything like the band. You simply cannot eat as much and the restriction is from day one and is much more consistent. Good luck to you!!
  8. Okay let's face it, when I was 330 Lbs I'm sure the only time a man (besides my AWESOME and FAITHFUL Husband) ever looked at me was to think... Wow that girl is really big!!! Of course I didn't get any comments but I could feel it. I sure was treated a certain way by men too. They were never polite and really seemed like they didn't even want to talk to me unless they absolutely had too. However, I've notice in the past few weeks I've been getting the "look" ALL THE TIME!! Men trying to get my attention anywhere and everywhere. Spiking up stupid and meaningless conversations and going for the "kill". However, as I point to my ring finger and tell them I am oh so married they want to know why I went and did such a silly thing as that (get married). Yes I've gotten SEVERAL comments like that. Funny huh? Not only that, they literally go WAY out of their way to hold doors open for me and let me go first, etc... I'm not so sure I like the attention to be honest. I mean, it's nice to know that underneath all that fat I can still be found attractive at 37 years old by men of ALL AGES I'm not kidding you. I even catch young teenage boys looking at me!! OMG!! LMAO!!! Now THAT is entertainment. I didn't even know if I should post this here, it's very strange and I don't see this being discussed much at all, but I guess it goes with the territory. Anyway, I wonder if I got so large because I felt comfortable in my big cocoon. Anyone else feel this way too? I feel... "naked" now.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Well this is weird... and a little bit shocking!

    Perfectly stated!!!!
  10. Today I do the flush. I was so bad this weekend and now I have to pay for it. Being non-perfect does have its draw backs sometimes!!

  11. I just received the most awesome idea from my girl Marie!!! Any time you want to snack or fall off plan, shout out your goal!!! OMG, I'm sooo doing this... HAHAAA!!!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    One year anniversary

    Wow look at you!!!! You look SOOO AMAZING!!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Thoughts on Surgery Today

    It's good to hear from you! Get plenty of rest and fluids - and be sure to keep mobile by getting up to walk around too. Hugs, and you are WELL ON YOUR WAY!!!
  14. Can't stop... WON'T STOP!!!

  15. Congrats!!! Whoohoooo!!! You're rocking your sleeve girl! Only suggestion from me would be that just live it and love it! Don't find reasons on why it shouldn't be thought of in a positive light. You fitted in 18's... nuff said. Also, I agree 100% with Patrice. I LOVE the thrift stores. It quite literally has saved me hundreds of dollars in the past year. I even find clothes with the tags still attached. Can't beat that!!!
  16. Just bought some Levi's true size 4's. WHOA NELLIE those things are skinny tiny!!! I just found my new goal jeans. ;o)

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Band to Sleeve - 10 days post op

    In reality waiting between procedures is the best option. I didn't have that option (OOP couldn't swing 2 surgeries) since my insurance didn't want to cover my revision. I didn't want to battle them either as I just kept piling on the weight, I think I'd waited too long as it is. Those weeks will go by fast. I know you will also love your sleeve too.
  18. Just bought some Levi's true size 4's. WHOA NELLIE those things are skinny tiny!!! I just found my new goal jeans. ;o)

  19. I didn't have time to post this yesterday, so here I am the very next day. Yesterday, I passed one of my most coveted goals I'd set for myself. Today I FINALLY weigh less than I ever did with my Lap Band. I guess I wanted to weigh this morning and see if it wasn't a fluke. Well guess what, it wasn't a fluke!!! My lowest weight ever with my band was 227. Today I weigh 226!!! I blew right past my goal!!! And ohhhh how I struggled with my Lap Band! I was starting to think maybe it *was* me. Why was it so hard, I would always think... Why wasn't I losing weight? WHY WAS I GAINING WEIGHT??? Why did I find myself back up to my starting weight?? It was such a miserable time. Don't even think for a second that the Lap Band really had anything to do with the weight I did lose with it. I struggled through terrible hunger, working out like crazy (which I still do but only because I really really do love it) and all sorts of awful things like chucking up my food, sliming, yucking - awful pain from the very first bite no matter how small, terrible port pain that became a daily thing with me... and the list goes on. I think after awhile I started to give up and started eating a lot of slider foods. Yes this is very bad. However, I guess it came down to eating what hurt with every bite, and what didn't. I won't go into details because I don't want to give away any cheat secrets to anyone banded. I then became addicted to sugar - which I never ever was pre-band. It was pretty much a crash and burn from that moment on. My problem was and always has been eating way too much of anything and everything - healthy and not healthy. I knew what I needed to eat to lose for I'd been doing this "diet" thing my whole life. I figured the band would be a good option, because the RNY would be better suited for those with sugar addiction, which I did not have. It was simple, eat less of healthy food, never be hungry and life would be awesome because I'd get skinny... right? Ha!! The only pounds I give credit to losing with the band is the weight I lost during my post op diet when all I could have were liquids. That was one of the worst 2 weeks of my life. I was starving my @$$ off, and all I could do was lay around and cry and wait until I could eat solid food again - praying it wouldn't be this bad!!! Little did I know that would be life from then on. Why didn't I revise sooner? Things just didn't work out that way and I didn't even find out about the sleeve until a lot of my friends at LBT started revising and Alex created this very website. I would come here from time to time, read around and just wish... oh wish that someday I'd get up the nerve to do something that I felt in my heart was far greater than what I had done. Feeling miserable and like a total failure because my band was offering me absolutely nothing that was promised to me. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't getting any benefits of it, but was sure suffering big time with all the side effects that the lap band gave. It just didn't work out between us, and like any bad relationship, I had to let go and move on to something better. Since I've been sleeved, it has been almost disgustingly easy. The first month was tough, don't get me wrong - especially the first few days. While I was vomitting my guts up in the hospital I did ask myself what had I done?? Why did I need to cut my stomach off just to get right with food?? I wasn't happy in those first few moments - but if at that moment I could reach into the future and see me where I am today and how I feel... I NEVER would have second guessed my decision. Today I am happier than I ever have been in my entire life. I have control over the one thing that has always had control of me since I can remember remembering. That is food. It does still win out sometimes, but believe me - not even a percentage of the way it used to run my life before!!! So from here it's all new terrain. All my goals from here will be feelings I haven't felt before or since I was so young I just don't even remember nor did I care where I was. I had some really bad habits when I was a young teenager to stay thin, and I thank the sleeve that I never have to feel like that is my only option anymore. I can do this in a healthy way, in a sane and safe manner and be what I've always wanted to be. Thin, healthy and ready to take on all the things that I've always dreamed of. If you are currently banded and you have been reading this website wondering if there is something better out there. There is. I did it, and I would NEVER go back. The best thing ever. Cheers!!!
  20. Congrats!!! You have done EXCELLENT!!! The smile says it all.
  21. What has been your favorite NSV so far?

  22. What has been your favorite NSV so far?

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Six months since surgery

    Congrats on your 6th Month!!! You are doing so great, and I'm sooo happy for you! I believe you can take it as far as you want, whatever makes you the most happy and comfortable with yourself. Big Hugs!!!
  24. I do total carbs (its just easier). I count all carbs I eat throughout the day on livestrong.com - I do stay under 60g of total carbs per day when I'm in weight loss mode. This is considerably higher than most others, however I'm very much ok with this. I do workout quite a bit and I just don't lose weight when I stay under 30g per day for any period of time. My carbs are usually Beans, brown rice, fruits (minimal), veggies (tons!), multi grain crackers or breads, etc. I always try to make high fiber choices too, sticking to around 20g fiber per day. So in net carbs that would put me at about 30-40g per day. I lose really good with this system. Good luck in finding your optimal zone! Everyone is different.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yayayyyy!!! Plastics!! Keep us updated! I won't do any type of stomach surgeries for a few years, but I am getting my tatas done... and yes I know I've said that a million times already. When I do though I'll get the Lower body Lift. Oh I'm not looking forward to the pain, but the results will be worth it!! Anyway, hey whatever makes you feel better, I'm backing you 100%. Go get it miss lady!!!

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