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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. If you think you can't, I'm here to tell you, YOU CAN!!!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    FYI to all here: I am withdrawing from this and all future Weight Loss Challenges. I do encourage all of you to continue after this goal though! It has really helped to motivate myself and many others. Whether goals were met or all of us who always seem to come close. It still is very motivating regardless. Whoever starts the Challenge, send me a PM with the link and I'll be sure to pin them for you. Hugs and well wishes!!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    OMG Girlie, you are SO CLOSE TO ONEDERLAND!!! Can't wait for the big announcement!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours

    I would definitely start with the book. Like Stacy mentioned, Callan Pinckney is a bit annoying sounding on the DVD. I mean not enough to where I won't use them (I just bought them after 20+ years but have had the book this whole time), but the book at least you can read all of her history and the before/after photos are really motivating. Good luck all!!! You will LOVE it!!! Especially the results.
  5. Stopped by to say - you are doing awesome!!! I think my next feat will be long distance biking. :) Hugs!!

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    !!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone thanks so much!! You all have been here for me since day one! From even long before I really and seriously considered the sleeve. I would secretly come over here from time to time and read all the success stories and just dream of being able to revise to this incredible Weight Loss Surgery. I thought I'd never be able to do it. Yet here I am... so reading all of the old time posts from when Alex first created this site, it kept me dreaming away of the time when the time would be exactly right to have my lap band removed and have someone cut out my stomach. Who needs it anyway??? It held way too much food and drink!!! In regards to the running, I can't say enough about it. It seems like when I'm really sticking to it, and ESPECIALLY when I'm circuit training with it and other workouts (especially before so I'm already warmed up and burning optimal calories) I simply and undoubtedly get results. Running and my Callanetics are the two physical activities are what have shaped my body. If you look at long time runners, you can see they are the epitome of physical fitness. They do get incredibly thin, some of them. For me however, I'm not interested in being that slender - but to each his/her own. Not knocking it either, but to be honest I kinda like my J-Lo booty and I think if I tried to it would be the next to go. My boobs are gone already!! So I guess long story short, if you really are interesting in starting a running routine, start slow. It's easy to get burnt out on it. I even have to take a little break sometimes, but its NEVER more than a whole week. It's also easy to get out of form too, just in case someone else ends up taking a break. Start with a walking routine. Work on your endurance, speed and distances. Once you can easily get a few miles under your belt, then go this website: http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/ and it will get you from walking to running a 5K (3.1 Miles) in about 10 full weeks. Don't feel daunted either, there are no rules and no need to compare yourself to others!!! If you need to do one of the weeks over again, do that. The main goal here is just to do it. I also HIGHLY ENCOURAGE all of you that want to start running to sign up for a 5K RUNNING event. It will really really motivate you to complete the task. Much Love!!! Xoxo
  7. Ok you all... with me fitting in my "new" goal pants, Size 4's... I'm elated and even scared at the same time. I have finally made the decision that I'm not going to bog myself down with goals anymore. I'm just gonna live my life as normal, do all the things to continue to live healthy and happy. I'm not going to change my workout or eating routines, just not going to really "push" for the next level. I'm there. Like I said, I'll probably end up in ZEROs once I get my total body lift...

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    !!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    None taken! Thanks
  9. That's so true Sen! OMG... think about it... how many people take pills or fluids or stuff themselves full of Water or whatever the case may be to feel fuller faster and stay satiated longer? Gimme a freakin break... that is ALL we are doing. Just a more permanent and proven solution to a problem that evolution bit us in the arse with. Really.
  10. The one person I can truly count on... that I want in the front of my cheering section... that I must love above all others... that I know is going to pick me up when I'm down... that is going to be with me until I die... is me.

  11. Great replies everyone!! Our lives have changed so much! And the further out we are, and the closer to goal we are, those positive changes start piling up. I love my sleeve!!! tree, I simply started out with walking. I would *always* push myself that extra mile. The second I noticed my body could handle it I would bump up the intensity and distance. I got over the hump by signing up for a real 5K event. That really spurned me to giving it my all and finally getting me to realize I CAN do it! I have arthritis in both my knees and I always doubted I could do it. I started really running at around 230ish Lbs. Once I got into this is when I started to see so many real and positive changes in my weight loss and physique. My legs are so much leaner than I ever remember, and I've been very VERY thin before, and my arms have lost back pretty great. I never feel self conscious about them, in fact I *like* showing them off!!! Good luck to you! Baby steps though, that's how I got started. Once you get used to a really good speed walking routine, try this website: http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/
  12. Have keen weekend everyone. :)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yes they sure do!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    What was the worst part after surgery ?

    Sorry to say but yes I did vomit after surgery. Also my nausea was pretty bad. I had a little rougher time than others because I was a revision from band to sleeve. However that is not a prerequisite for this type of reaction. Just remember, nothing worth doing is ever easy. My results are proof of that. I really went through it for the whole first 6 weeks, but I'll tell you what, I wouldn't trade in one second of that knowing how I'm living today. Your emotions will get the better of you leading up to your surgery. Just don't let your feet get so cold they get stuck to the ground. Stick to the plan and make your life better!!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    The terrible fatigue was something that got to me as well immediately post op. I didn't even put in any worthwhile workouts until around 4 months out. I just really didn't want to at all! I hated going to work becuase I was so miserably tired all day long. I would go into the E Stations and catch a nap sometimes during the day. It was miserable. I do love Protein shakes and will have one every other day or so. However, right on about having several per day for weeks. That's just more than any sane person should have to endure. Don't worry though, its not forever, even though right now I'm knowing it feels like it is. Getting your fluids in counts by all your fluids you drink throughout the day. Even your Protein Shakes. If you drink it, it counts... even your jello!! Another suggestion to try is the SF Hawaiian Punch. They come in the single serving tubes. I also would only add half a tube because the flavors were way over powering. Head hunger is another beast all together. I still get this way even nearly a year out. I'm not positive I'll ever get over this really. Oh well, it just makes me ever more thankful for my sleeve!!! It will stop me when my brain won't. You will enjoy clothes shopping again soon. In the mean time, I spent most of my clothes shopping at Goodwill. They have saved me thousands of dollars over the last year! Keep your chin up! You have a lot to look forward to. The first month is by far the toughest... then it's going to be all good times.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene


    And with that, I really don't need to say much more... Hahaa!! Anyway, I've said a million times that I'll never be in the healthy range according to my BMI. I really don't plan to lose more than 10 or 15 more Lbs at this point. If that keeps me in "overweight" ... oh well. I know I'm healthier today than I have ever been in my life and I can do more physically than folks 10 years younger than me!!! I'm totally ok with that.
  17. Hmmm well... this is always a very touchy and heartbreaking subject. I can offer up my *hugs* and tell you, if you truly feel 110% that this surgery is the answer for you, then you just have to do it. Only things I can suggest is to sit down one on one with your husband and go over all the reasons on why you feel this is your only option to cure your battle with your weight. If he is the type that doesn't listen to reason, maybe you can write out a long letter to him, so he really has no choice but to hear you out. Also, would he be willing to join you on a free seminar? Sometimes the biggest culprit in all this is simple ingnorance. Not knowing all the details and what to expect can be quite frightening. I hope all works out for you. Please let us know how it works out for you!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    One Year, 92 pounds

    Cheri, its so nice to hear from you! I see your sleeve has worked as well for you as anyone else! I think that's awesome you were able to live your life and still see such amazing results. You look like a completely different person and you certainly look very happy and healthy. Cheers!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Easy Way Out

    The only "easy way out" that I know of are the extremely lucky few who can get to goal on calorie counting and exercise alone and keep it off. Everything else is anything but...
  20. Something tells me that McDonald's eggs are anything but... won't do that again. O_o

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    9 Months Post-Op & Photo

    M2G CONGRATS!!! You look really great! You're smile tells a thousand words. You look so happy and vibrant but best of all you really look HEALTHY!! That's what it's really all about. So what if it's coming off slow? I always say, this is for life... so if you don't lose it all in a few months... so what??? What's really important is that you are making all the positive changes that will carry you through for all the years of your life (which you extended by many many many!!!) WHOOHOOOO!!!! ~~From the annoying chick way in the back.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    A 34 is on the smaller side. My Dr. uses a 34 and oversews to a 32. My sleeve is *very* small!! But... I'm glad because I could probably do some damage if it were any bigger. I needed this surgery for a reason!
  23. Oh my goodness... my Wedding Rings are close to falling off again...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
