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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. This is incredibly true for me. I'm 182 Lbs and just got into a pair of 4's and I wear Size Small shirts... I got in my first 8's at just before hitting Onederland. I was wearing 14's and 12's at around 230 Lbs. I'm 5'6. Who knows why this is? I just accept it I guess. It's a reversal curse to me. I'll never weigh 135 Lbs. That would be me losing another 50 Lbs!! I don't think they even make clothes that small.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Support

    No, I had Dr. Aceves in Mexicali.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Oh yayayyy!!! I hope you will share your story too! I'd love to watch. I think I'm more excited about all this than before my sleeve!! Whatta sin, I know... LOL!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    OMG I totally forgot to mention this! I had an NSV too at the appointment. Ok so my Pt Consult is totally cute, perfect, tiny and very fit. So she tells me that she's assigning me the same surgeon who did Lipo for her and she had her knees done as well. Neat huh? LOL Well no, that's not the NSV... so I'm looking at her like, wow she's so cute, perfect, tiny and very fit... (yeah I know I already said that...LOL) and then she tells me she has gone down 2 clothing sizes by getting her Lipo done. She said she went from Size 10 to a Size 6. I had to like... totally take a time out then. She said she's a Size 6. I was like (excuse my french but) "are you totally Sh*ttin' me???" She laughed... and said yes. I don't think she got what was going on in my head because I do fit some Size 6's. THAT TOTALLY BLEW ME AWAY!!! It's so weird because I just felt so huge next to her. I have to get my brain on board with the new me. Totally. There's one more too... when she was showing me how my waist would look with a little lipo done there, she told me I really don't have a lot of fat there so my results will come out pretty dam* outstanding. So she shifts my waist a little bit to show my waist looks like a little smaller. She told me I'm going to be tiny.... WHAT??? Tiny huh? LOL. Just thought I'd share that little fun moment with y'all.
  5. My Appt at SonoBello went excellent today!! My Pt Consultant explained everything down to a science on how they do the lipo. They have to contour everything, they can't just do one section. So you have to take a little off here, and balance it by taking a little off there. The prices were great too! I even added in some extra removal on my waist area, so you think my waist is tiny now? Ohh yeahh. ;o) Can't wait!! She also assigned me to the very best Lipo Surgeon she has on staff. He is FACS (yeahh!! so is my boob surgeon) and tends to be more aggressive with the fat removal too. He has his work cut out for him for sure! <H5>Also, she set me up for 2 separate sessions. She said the results would come out much better. She was such a doll and never once acted grossed out or weirded about my situation. She was totally professional. She even said she can't wait to see all my befores and afters, and was sooo excited for me getting my boobies too!! Hahaa!! So, I guess I need to take some befores of my waist now too. OMG this is all going so fast... good!! So here's the lineup: August 25th is my Augmentation. September 25th is my first Lipo session which includes my inner thigh and entire knee area. October 12th is my second Lipo session which includes my outer thigh and waist. Whoohooo!!!! For reference, my breast Augmentation is costing $6,500 total and my Lipo for all included is costing $7150 Not really that bad I don't think. </H5> Source: My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    My Appt at SonoBello went excellent today!! My Pt Consultant explained everything down to a science on how they do the lipo. They have to contour everything, they can't just do one section. So you have to take a little off here, and balance it by taking a little off there. The prices were great too! I even added in some extra removal on my waist area, so you think my waist is tiny now? Ohh yeahh. ;o) Can't wait!! She also assigned me to the very best Lipo Surgeon she has on staff. He is FACS (yeahh!! so is my boob surgeon) and tends to be more aggressive with the fat removal too. He has his work cut out for him for sure! <H5>Also, she set me up for 2 separate sessions. She said the results would come out much better. She was such a doll and never once acted grossed out or weirded about my situation. She was totally professional. She even said she can't wait to see all my befores and afters, and was sooo excited for me getting my boobies too!! Hahaa!! So, I guess I need to take some befores of my waist now too. OMG this is all going so fast... good!! So here's the lineup: August 25th is my Augmentation. September 25th is my first Lipo session which includes my inner thigh and entire knee area. October 12th is my second Lipo session which includes my outer thigh and waist. Whoohooo!!!! For reference, my breast Augmentation is costing $6,500 total and my Lipo for all included is costing $7150 Not really that bad I don't think. </H5>
  7. My Appt at SonoBello went excellent today!! My Pt Consultant explained everything down to a science on how they do the lipo. They have to contour everything, they can't just do one section. So you have to take a little off here, and balance it by taking a little off there. The prices were great too! I even added in some extra removal on my waist area, so you think my waist is tiny now? Ohh yeahh. ;o) Can't wait!!

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Support

    Hi Shelly, well first of all - Congrats on your decision! It doesn't look like you really have much to lose, so that is an added bonus for you! That said, do not worry!! Easier said than done, I know. It takes a real toll on our nerves just right before surgery. You are completely normal in all your feelings... of excitement, apprehension, joy and of course fears. Just get through it, and hold on tight to your dreams. I spent a lot of time in the Success Stories areas and perused the Photo Galleries too. I would read and read and read here until my mind just dripped of information. It really helped to ease my mind that I was doing the right thing... and now I can truly truly say it was because I'm exactly where I wanted to end up - and then some. Hugs
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Good info! Muscle loss and weight loss

    This is why I don't really add a whole lot of strength training type workouts to my routines. Everything I do is more toning, for lean curvy type looks. If I lifted weights I'd be up there with the dudes. I remember at around 14 years old (and I can't believe I'm even telling y'all this) but my Auntie used to have a Gym at her old apartments. Well, me and all my cousins were playing in there one day and we were leg bench pressing or whatever its called and I beat out all my cousins. Even the boys... LMAO!!! I'm a strong girl...
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Good info! Muscle loss and weight loss

    I think I'm in the great minority here when I say I hope for muscle loss!! I'm wayyyy muscular for a chick... LOL I actually avoid foods or supplements that can help build muscles. That's just me though! Most everyone else should be concerned about this.
  11. My Dr. never really had a set guideline on what to do regarding this, or at least I never heard of any guidelines. I pretty much just stayed on chews/gummies/liquids until I got to the full food stage or ran out... I figured it should be ok at that point, considering everything else was too. I take pretty large pills and capsules or whatever and have never had any issues at all.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Over 200lbs to loose

    Hi there lml, and welcome to VST I am within pounds of totalling 150 Lbs lost, however I've likely already really surpassed that since I really honestly will never know exactly how much I topped out at. LOL!! When I was Super Obese, you best be darned sure I wasn't EVER weighing myself. Had I been though, I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten as heavy as I did. I got ill with HBP and scared of this decided to diet. I'd lost an entire clothing size before I had courage to weigh myself and it was 318 Lbs. So, I usually tack on an extra 15 Lbs for good measure, but really was probably more than that. I always put my highest weight as 330 Lbs. Today I'm 182 Lbs. As you can see by my profile pics and signature line pics I've lost quite a bit of weight. So, to answer your question... yes, this Sleeve surgery does make it VERY POSSIBLE to reach your goals. I personally have never really had any real set goals. My main goal was just to get healthy and HBP free. My others were just to fit into certain sizes and fitness goals. I have met all of them and surpassed most. Good luck to you, and please feel free to ask as many questions as possible! We are always very open to help out those seeking information.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Eating Slowly

    These are all excellent suggestions. Most specifically, putting your food and utensils down while you take the time out to chew your food. As a matter of fact, I'm eating lunch right now and doing exactly that. I'm not sure if it gets better in longer time but I'm nearly 11 months out. Also, try to focus solely on your food and not your surroundings. I've noticed I happen to eat a little faster while eating and watching TV or conversating with others. However, eating while working this website is perfect because every so often I have to set my bowl down to type out a few things, so it does get me to consume much more slowly. Good luck!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    !!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you all soooo much!!! All your support means the world to me!!! Xoxo
  15. My consult today went very well!! This surgeon is one of the top PS in my area. He is reasonably priced too, and I've seen his work in person. My cousin had her augmentation there. He told me that doing lipo on my knees would not have a good outcome. The only thing that will help me is a lift of some kind. I was afraid of that, and very impressed he didn't just go ahead and take my money and do it. He knew I didn't have the funds for any additional surgeries, so he won my confidence right away. So, that said it looks like I look best in the 500cc implants, silicone's. That put me up to a very full D or DD according to him. Ohhh Yeahhh Babyyy!!! :lol: I also want to say that dang those are some rockin' boobs... OMG!!! And here's a little NSV. I even fitted in the Size Small shirt he gave me, even with the implants in!!! YEAHHHHH!!!! I'm still going to get a second opinion on the knees though. I have another consult at Sono Bello who does strictly liposuction. That is their specialty, on Wednesday morning. I'll see what they have to say. Source: My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    My consult today went very well!! This surgeon is one of the top PS in my area. He is reasonably priced too, and I've seen his work in person. My cousin had her augmentation there. He told me that doing lipo on my knees would not have a good outcome. The only thing that will help me is a lift of some kind. I was afraid of that, and very impressed he didn't just go ahead and take my money and do it. He knew I didn't have the funds for any additional surgeries, so he won my confidence right away. So, that said it looks like I look best in the 500cc implants, silicone's. That put me up to a very full D or DD according to him. Ohhh Yeahhh Babyyy!!! :lol: I also want to say that dang those are some rockin' boobs... OMG!!! And here's a little NSV. I even fitted in the Size Small shirt he gave me, even with the implants in!!! YEAHHHHH!!!! I'm still going to get a second opinion on the knees though. I have another consult at Sono Bello who does strictly liposuction. That is their specialty, on Wednesday morning. I'll see what they have to say.
  17. My consult today went very well!! This surgeon is one of the top PS in my area. He is resonably priced too, and I've seen his work in person. My cousin had her augmentation there. He told me that doing lipo on my knees would not have a good outcome. The only thing that will help me is a lift of some kind. I was afraid of that, and very impressed he didn't just go ahead and take my money and do it. He knew I didn't have the funds for any additional surgeries, so he w...

  18. Thanks so much!! xoxo

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    11 months post op. 3lb to goal! New dress :D

    Fantastic!!!! You look lovely and wear the dress perfect!!
  20. Nope my ticker is exactly updated. Everyone is different and I guess for me to fit in those pants I needed to be 182 Lbs. I am 5'6. I have no idea why I'm so heavy and so small at the same time. I've accepted it though and I'm the type that cannot go by BMI scales at all. For me it is pretty much worthless... so I plan to have my Body Fat% checked soon :)

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hmmm Who is the Cats Meow?

    LOL Raine!! Those are awesome!! Enjoy your oogling, you deserve it... you're beautiful!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours

    I never have any doubt any of us can get to where we feel good with our outcomes! Where ever that is. Stay diligent and head strong, you WILL get here. *hugs*
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    !!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Again, thank you all so much, for your kind words, and just for being there to follow my journey with me. Most of all though for sharing all your wonderful journey's with us too. Amanda, sure the BMI scale is a good base for I think most normal folks who've never really had issues with obesity for years or for those who are not otherwise classified as the athletic or fit types. This is why I more need to be evaluated by having my body fat % checked. I clearly do not match what my BMI scales say I should weigh. Sure, I probably could and very well may even get into the very highest for my ideal weight. But I will be very frank here, I will absolutely feel I'm way too thin. According to the BMI charts I should NEVER be more than 154 Lbs. Where am I supposed to give up another 30 Lbs without looking emaciated? That to me is not healthy either. Thanks for your idea about the running clubs!! We have one in my area and was asked to join, though I have not yet signed up. Not sure if I will, but it's nice to know they are out there if one day I decided to. All the best to you!!!
  24. It's Feel Good Friday: Tell me... What is the single more prolific thing in your life that you can now do, that you could not at your heaviest weight? For me it is plain and simply running. I found it even so difficult to trot for more than a few steps and I'd be out of breath and having an asthma attack. Now I can run/jog for an hour straight with no issues.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    !!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yay Amanda!! Well, I started my running program around 230ish pounds. Sorry I don't remember the exact weight. However, I've seen folks of all weights doing some type of running. Just do the best you can! That is all that matters.

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