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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Deciding on a Goal Weight?

    I don't have a goal weight. Never really have. My goal was at first to fit into some Size 8 pants I had. Well I hadn't even reached Onederland yet so I knew I couldn't stop there. So I bought some Size 4 pants, same make/model. I just fitted into these a week or so ago now. I was 184 Lbs then. So, that said my weight goal was 184 Lbs, I just didn't know until I got there. Will I keep losing? Probably. I mean, I'm just going to continue with my healthy lifestyle. Working out 5x per week, eating Protein first, no drinking while eating... All that is for life!!! I'm not depriving myself anymore though. I mean if I want a taco for dinner, guess what I'm having? Good luck to all!! It's a crazy crazy world, this sleeve thing...
  2. Whoooott!!!! THATS' AWESOME!!! :youcandothis:
  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    Well, no you won't have to sip always, but for now I think you should continue with small sips. CONGRATS on your new SLEEVIE!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    !!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANKS FRIENDS!!!! You all are the best best BESTEST!!! You make this girl here feel so happy and accomplished. *hugs* and *smiles*
  5. Um... Size 4's. These were my new goal pants. I think at this point I'm not even going to worry about goals, tbh. I'm just going to keep living healthy and living my life. I'll probably end up a ZERO once I have my total body lift. Wow... anyway, in my signature line, that is a photo of me at my all time hight. That sweater was a 3X... I'll never forget it. I wore it all the time. My pants were 28W.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    30 Day Challenge... get ready to kick some butt here!

    Ohhh yayyy!!! I promise you are really going to love it!!! She will remind you a lot during your workouts the movements are to be slow and Fluid. Try not to go to fast or go herky Jerky. Elongate yourself and point your pelvis upward always and keep your back straight. And get your mind almost in a "yogish" type state. What did you think of her before / after section? Pretty neat huh?
  7. LilMissDiva Irene


    Oh yeah!!! Dahlin that's just a month away... I"m so happy for you! BTW I was crackin up over that pict with the random dude in it. I was wondering who the heck that was... And I had a drain after my surgery. Just be prepared when they pull it out. It's a very weeiirrrdddd feeling. Not painful just heeby jeeby weird. LOL
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Little black dress

    Fantastic!!!!! Jackie you're rockin your sleeve girly!!! Hey, I think this should be a Forum Requirement here that once you get into your dreamy favorite Lil Black Dress... you gotta post um up. BTW, I do that too, displaying my goal clothes on the wall so it's staring me straight in the face every day!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    10 months out, 100 lbs down, with pics!

    *Hugs* you are just as motivating! Don't think otherwise. You're rocking those jeans you got on there.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I pigging out alone???

    Lala, I went through this with my Lap-Band. I didn't have any type of pre-opt diet and I took full advantage, and even gained about 8 Lbs before my surgery. I mean we're talking 2 weeks here or a months worth of time tops!! I had lost 7 Lbs during the 6 Month Dietician appts so that was a wash... Well... imagine my surprise that come to find out I didn't need to do any kind of "last meal" eating at all because eventually you are still going to be able to eat all your favorite foods again. Maybe not for a few months or until you hit your goals, but reality is you ARE going to be able to enjoy all your favorite foods. Believe me when I tell you, IT WILL STILL BE THERE TOMORROW... no need to pig out like it's going to not be. It is only my opinion that it's always good to get a head start. Start off on the right foot, and take this very precious time you have left to practice and prepare yourself for what's to come. It's a heckuva ride, and believe me - I've been through this twice now. This time I was successful because I went in with the right mind set. In fact, I only needed to do one week of Low Carb/ Low Fat for 7 days. I did 14. I don't regret that one bit!! The life I'm living today was well worth it, and in fact I took off 9 Lbs before I even had surgery. That placed me at 9 Lbs closer to goal, as opposed to 8 Lbs MORE to lose like what happened with my Lap Band. Good luck with whatever you choose!! The decision is all your own, much like having this surgery.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    10 months out, 100 lbs down, with pics!

    Gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS!!!! You're smashing girlie!!! Congrats, you are doing amazing!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    30 Day Challenge... get ready to kick some butt here!

    Good morning!! I just wanted to buzz by and give my apologies for not checking in, in awhile. I'm just really been trying to give my mind some relief and slowly get out of the goal driven mind set. I've been a much better person for it honestly. In reality my size is fine, and very happy with it. I'm starting to move forward and am getting a few touch ups cosmetically over the next few months. I'm not sure who has been following me, or you may have been reading my status's over the past few weeks. I just wanted to say that even though I'm not really following this challenge to a T, I think I've gotten my mind to a place where I'm realizing that even though I don't have any definitive goals in mind or in any type of challenge mode I'm actually doing so much better now than ever. I'm just on TOM day three and I've already gotten all the Water gain off. I don't usually get that off till the week after. In the next three months to ensure safe procedures I will need to stay far away from anything high in sodium, which really has always been my #1 enemy. I have done great so far and I'm sure is the reason I've already gotten the TOM weight off. I feel really really good, and wow... I'm losing so many inches right now. It's almost like every time I wake up and look in the mirror I can see significant changes than just the day before!!! All that said, I want to hugely commend all of you who are following this plan!! This is the plan that got me to where I am right now. I still weigh 182 Lbs, but I really don't think there will ever come a day where I can use weight and the BMI as my guide to how I'm doing. I have to go by other things entirely. I'm knowing my body is still losing and that's ok too. I just want my body to settle in where ever it wants. I'm not fat anymore, I'm not obese anymore, I'm not unhealthy anymore, I'm not shopping in the Plus Sizes anymore, I'm not looked at and thought of as the fat girl in the room anymore... all those things mean more to me than the darn number on the scale. I don't have that number tattooed on my forehead and trust me, no one would ever guess how much I weighed if I didn't tell them (thank goodness!!! ) Keep up the good work all of you!!! I am watching and cheering you all on whether you know it or not. I am darned proud that starting up this challenge has gotten some of you back on track. *big hugs* Xoxo
  13. I don't think I've ever dropped my TOM weight this fast. It's gonna be a big loser month I can tell already. I'm curious to know, is it when you just give your body free will and set your mind free that the magic really happens? LOL :)

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Longterm Weight Loss Stories???

    If you can find any, Google Dr. Cirangle at LapSF. He has some very long term data. I sat in one of his seminars and was extremely informative. He said for his long term sleevers, about 10% of his patients will gain back about 10% of their excess weight. Those are some pretty impressive averages!! As for anyone here, I haven't seen anyone out that long.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Menstral cycle

    Thanks Actually yes, when my Pds are all crazy like - they are more on and off... and on... round and round. The last few months for me have been really good and back on track. I'm not sure why I had a little spell of crazy Pds, but I did. Of course I was full steam ahead in my weight loss then too. Right now I"m just coasting and though I'm still losing, I"m not really pushing it like I was. I think the only answer is just give it time. I would see a Dr. though if it lasts abnormally long, are overly heavy or anything strange like that. GL!!
  16. Are you seriously kidding me right now??? Wow... I don't even know what I would've responded to that. Sometimes if it's someone really close to me, I just straight out tell them that what they told me was outright hurtful. That will usually get them to immediately retract and apologize. I don't think there's any other way to address these, and honestly IMO it might be a good idea. You don't deserve to be treated that way at all!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ugh not another band is a "tool" person

    Just know that you are not alone. *hugs* My advice to you is to please speak to your surgeon to ask for a little bit of an unfill. You are entirely too tight. You are going to hurt yourself if you remain this way. If you need to talk to someone I am here for you. Send me a PM.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    What to take to the hospital

  19. I didn't even think that loomin PS would get me even more motivated!! I'm feeling so good I kicked ass on my TM this morning... whooottt!!! Makin me wanna eat super perfect too. Wow I gotta schedule one PS a month or something. LMAO!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    LOL no problem Lila. I know I'm hard to follow along right now... my excitement is preventing me from thinking and writing in any kind of sensible manner. Haaaa!!! Thanks everyone!!! I still need to take some photos of my waist area so you can get the before and afters on that too. I'm sooo excited about my waist!! I want it to be sooo tiny!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks Kristie!! This attachment is a sheet of paper given to me by my patient coordinator. Hi-lited pink are the areas I've chosen to have contouring.
  22. Are you ready to kick start the program here? EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! Pre Operative, Post Operative, Struggling, Doing Awesome and want some extra motivation, AGAIN everyone is invited to do this!!! This is NOT A weight loss challenge. However if you follow these simple rules, chances are very good it will show up on your scale. So... the rules are as follows: ( PS, if you have Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook...207363012649554 ) 30 Day Challenge RULES: Timeline: Begins Sunrise Sunday July 24th, 2011 Ends Sunrise Tuesday August 23rd, 2011 Eating: No Potatoes No Rice No Breads No Cereals No Candy No Pastries Maximum 5 Servings of Fruit per day Unlimited Servings of Veggies per day Minimum 60g of Protein per day Minimum 64oz Water per day Exercise: Minimum 30 Minutes, 5x per week OK, THAT'S IT!!! READY... SET... GO!!!!!!!
  23. OMG!!! You just made me spit all my water all over my screen just now!!! Haa!! It's ok it's only my work puter. ;o)

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    You guys were right, gallstones it is!

    Hey Lyndsey, I'm wishing you get well very soon!! Xoxo
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    10 pound gain at week 15???

    As asked above, how much time did it take you to gain 10 Lbs? By the sound of it, it was spurned on pretty quickly. If that is the case, it can only be Water retention. If you're doing the 5 day pouch test you're probably intaking a lot more sodium due to the broths or Soups. You're probably holding every ounce of water you consume right now. If you're trying to get back on track, I suggest just low carbing it for 5 days (protein only) rather than the pouch test. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
