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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. What a lovely story Thanks for sharing!!!
  2. I am a little bit sad that with all my surgeries, especially the augementation I will be out of commission for a few months. I will not be able to run for minimum 6 weeks. That's gonna drive me nuts, I won't lie. I will be able to walk but its just not the same. :-(

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Seven Month Update

    Wow Becca you look amazing!!! Blue is your color! You've come a very long way *hugs*
  4. My pre-op went great! Just lucky I had my last panels in my purse so was able to submit that instead of taking them all over again. Also, I told him to change the 500's to 550's... so just jumpin in with both feet!!! :) Go BIG or go home!!!

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Thank you to my wife!

    Okay I nominate you Husband of the Week!! Very sweet!! Mrs. Lopez follows suit and gets Wife of the Week too! Wishing you the best on your upcoming surgery!! You're surrounded by great support, I have not doubt you will do excellent.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    How did I get here?

    Hi Mim welcome. I'm sorry you had to join us with such sad circumstances. However, do not despair. We are here to help!!! I am a revision from lap band to sleeve as well, and I also was revised by Dr. Aceves. My results with the lap band were pretty terrible, honestly. I lost a bit over 50 lbs with it, but not without great struggles. It just plain didn't work for me. Then, over the years gained that 50 Lbs right back. When I got back withing Lbs of my lap band surgery date weight, I decided enough was enough. I was creeping back up into the 300's and one thing I ever promised myself is I'd NEVER SEE 300 LBS AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVED!! I meant that. FF now to today. I am about 11 months out from my revision and I've hit all of my goals! I am happy, healthy, thin, and on top of the world. Wondering if it was worth it is not even on my radar. It was worth it, plain and simple!!! Was it super easy? No, not always - but it sure beats all the struggles I had with my band. It has worked for me in a far superior way!! I would only suggst that you don't do what I did. I think you should have your lap band removed by your insurance. You will save over $3,000.00 if you do it this way. Also, I think having the surgeries in two steps in much more safe. I was overly anxious to get it all done at once. I don't regret it per se, but now that I think of it, it would've been nice to have those thousands back right now, as I'm working on my reconstructive surgeries. Of course this is my opinion only! You should definitely do what works best for you. Good luck to you!!! Let me know if you need anything!
  7. Monday!! I have lots of work to do and updates to make. Preparing for my time off in a few weeks. :)

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    need to eat more??

    I do not eat anything before my workouts. I find they make me feel more tired before I even begin. My first thing in the morning workouts are always my best ones. I just stay hydrated during my sessions and I feel fine. Then, immediately after I make myself a very healthy Protein Shake with about 25g Protein and very low carb. I find this really helps a lot with keeping the hunger away. I'm sure my body wants to consume because I sometimes will have just burned nearly a thousand calories. It just makes sense. But an immediate replenishment of about 180 calories will keep it from even happening. HTH ETA: I just wanted to say that I don't usually even get hungry for hours later. It can even hold me as long as a real meal.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Weekly Work Out

    I'm constantly changing up my routine! I just find if it's not working for me my enthusiasm to do it just brings me down and gets me to not wanting to do anything at all. I do have a very strict regimen. I workout 5 days per week... I'd love to do more but really I fear losing too much more. I'm still losing even with what I'm doing now. I have to say, if you don't like it - don't do it! Find some things you do enjoy and bump those up to longer and harder. It is good to make sure you're doing a little of everything, but there's more choices than just "the treadmill" or just "the elliptical" etc. Read some books or do some searches online for ideas! You're sure to find something.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    This week....

    I have found that having everything I need at home has helped a great deal in ensuring I'm doing what I need to do. No excuses!! I always say, with it right there with me, I know I can squeeze in at least 30 minutes. Well, of course that 30 minutes turns into more - and that's a good thing.
  11. Thanks hon!! Let me know if you ever need anything. :)

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Does everyne lose their hair???

    I did lose quite a bit of hair. It's starting to calm down now that I'm not dieting to the extreme anymore (thank goodness!!!). I'm still losing some hair here and there though. I'm also quite convinced that if I didn't have such thick hair I would've went nearly bald... so I put an asterisk in front of my vote. BTW: I take tons of supplements from A to Z and then some. I also take Biotin 2500 mcg, but note - Biotin does NOT PREVENT HAIR LOSS... it only helps for regrowth. And that it really does. It even helps with finger and toe nails too. It's all a part of this process for the majority of us. I'll tell you what though, I'd rather lose some hair than still be super obese and barely fitting into Lane Bryant clothes!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    :lol: Well only if you post it!!! :lol:
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Awwweee thanks!!! I've always wanted to end up right around here where I am. I am totally and completely comfy here, I never really had my goal set on becoming really thin. I'm in absolute perfect health now, no more High Blood Pressure or any obesity related diseases. Also according the the health field my waist size is far below the maximum a woman should have to be in concern for diabetes. ...and I am in excellent physical condition. Haha!! It sounds like I'm trying to convince myself... That said, girl RUN do not walk to get yours and post your LBD!!! You're gonna rock yours I just know it! Enjoy your shopping, I know I do!
  15. 2.5 weeks til I get my pair... whooottt!!! :))

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Whoooottt!!!! Hawt dang!!! You're looking awesome Kim!!!
  17. It's Feel Good Friday oh Sleeve Talk world... so... tell us, when your surgery date is and how much you've lost to date! You are not allowed to say "ONLY" in pretext to your statement. Sorry, this is MY thread and I'm callin the shots here. BWAHAHAAA!!! Me: 9/15/10 so I'm just shy of 11 months and I've lost 90 Lbs!!!! :bananalama:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Thanks!! ... and nope I'm not really that tall. I'm 5'6.
  19. Up and at'em!! Time to get the workout on. Have a great weekend everybody!!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Heehee thanks y'all @mp8 - The one with the purple shirt and the black one with quarter sleeves I've had for over 20 years. They're still a little tight in the bottom regions but OMG I can't believe I can fit them!!! I used to rock that stuff as a teenager!!! For some reason those were my faves and couldn't ever bring myself to throw them out. I always knew I'd get back in em someday!! @coops - Xoxo!! Yes I am at my goal, however my body is still losing weight. I'm letting go of the diet mentality finally!!! Yayyy!!! But here's the tricky part, I *still* have learn how to settle in here. So, in the mean time I'm continuing to lose inches and pounds.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Quick pregnancy update- Pic included

    Wow I can't believe how fast time flies!!! Yeah 3 more months!!! You look totally adorable as always too.
  22. WOWOWOWWWW!!!! Congrats to all of you rockin' your sleeves!!!! :D
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    And here's the rest...
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Little black dress

    Hmmm... okay!!
  25. WHOOOOHOOOOO!!! WAY TO ROCK IT SLEEVERS!!! Sorry, but we cannot have an awesome thread like this without our infamous GIANT DANCING BANANA!!! :bananahuge:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
